Truth Commercials (anti-tobacco commercials)

Approval Rate: 53%

53%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Wed Dec 22 2010

    Ignorance. There's ignorance on the part of a lot of you out there, and just because you're self-righteouss, or depressed over your own personal losses doesn't make you any less ignorant than the people you despise who defend smoking. Why? Whether you like it or not, people smoke. Hell, people drink, they eat themselves into obesity, and pride themselves on their indulgenace these days. You might not be a smoker, but chances are you have your demons so give it a rest and look at this 'truth'. Do you grasp how much money goes into commercials, and advertising? Do you understand the cost of 'animation' as they have done before? This is a ton of money getting thrown away to tell people something that is common sense. I do not smoke, and I have never smoked. I've never consumed alcohal, I've never done any of your run of the mill bad drugs, and I have no desire to do any of the three. However, I don't bother pointing out that people shouldnt when they do it because -why- does it matter? Ar... Read more

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    Wed Oct 13 2010

    i think they should be targeting the additives in cigarettes rather than cigarettes in general... they will never win! this country was founded on tobacco and the government (no matter what is said) will never kill our founding "crop"! get your heads out of your butts because people chose to smoke, i did, i dont have a disease or a "condition" because i smoke! all i have to say to "anti-smoking" adds is KISS MY CUTE GAY ASS!!! I WILL SMOKE ALL I WANT!!!

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    Sun Sep 05 2010

    The commercials (like the one posted above) used to be relevant, but I think they've run out of ideas. The "Real World: Zombie" shit is seriously stupid, and that commercial with the "scards of glass" popcicles seriously makes no sense. Hey people, here's the deal: cigarettes could kill you, or make you seriously sick, so use your own discretion. There. Word's out.

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    The anti-tobacco lobby is a pretty impressive story, given that it is not driven by sales or funded on a return on investment basis. It's pretty much entirely grass roots driven and it has struck pretty impressive blows against a agressive foe with very deep pockets. In my adult lifetime (and in my ome country of Canada) the rate of smoking has gone from well over 50% of the population to well under 20%. That as pretty significant cultural shift in 30 years or so. It's not all the result of advertising, there is public information and education, advances in the medical understanding of the impacts of smoking and general improvements in public health awareness among the general population. But advertisng has certainly been at the forefront. I'll grant you that restrictions that have been placed on the tobacco producers have been pretty effective at hampering their own promotional efforts.

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    As a former smoker, I understand how addicting this habit takes hold of you and wont let go. I like the commercials because people (kids and adults) need to know their actions have consequences. Besides, big tobacco isn't going to tell you the truth about cancer or show you the video of the "Marlboro Man" gasping for his last breath in a hosiptal ward.

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    Wed Apr 01 2009

    Smoking should be up to the individual. Everybody knows that smoking may be hazardous to their health. It's on the packs for god's sake. Being dramatic like this just makes the people that pay for these commercials and the actors look like complete jackasses. Remove this filth from TV and campaign against something like crack or methamphetamine.

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    Sun Dec 28 2008

    It's gotten to the point that I question these so-called "truths". Obviously the basic message is clear, and we've been aware of them for years...but...some of those seem so outlandish that I wonder if they just made up this crap to make a new commercial.

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    Sun Dec 28 2008

    we all gotta die of something do u have to always point it out....

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    Solid campaign, well designed and well run.  I`m not sure about how effective it is since I haven`t seen polling on the campaign.

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    I agree with rydftye plus most of the people were old anyway and tobacco didn't kill them they knew what they were doing to themself they weren't jsut some "victim" of the tobaccco industry I also wish that I had enough money to run my own truth commercials with the real truth and I am very young so I may get a chance to do that before I die a slow painful death from smoking. HA

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    Wed Dec 03 2008

    its the truth

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    to visually see what 1,200 looks like makes more of an impact.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Very bone chilling. This series keeps getting better also

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    Love these Commercials

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    I don't remember that one...but you can't have it both can't say people have the right to have to choose whether they carry a baby to term BUT WAIT don't smoke cause it's bad for your health if only you had more information to make the right choice...please how hypocritical is that? Guilt is guilt, and you can't use that to push people into decisions that you think are right for them...

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    Some people have to see it to believe

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    these are good, but sometimes I feel like they go over the top with the one about a typo...

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    Wed Sep 24 2008


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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    There is such a feeling of overstatement with these, I don't know if these "purported facts" are real or fabrications to exaggerate their importance!

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    HATE these commercials!

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    Not Funny

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    This were pretty gripping. It must be tough to work for a tobacco company sometimes.

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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    these people in the new truth commercials that dance and sing songs are so stupid. it does actually make me want to go out and buy cigarettes and start smoking. why do they think that dancing around like dumbasses and saying underweight babies are the way to go in a sing song voice will make people want to stop smoking all of a sudden. if u really want to connect wit someone spout off some shocking facts or show somethin with lung cancer who breaths out of his neck or somethin like this dont sing fuckin songs. also as long as cigarettes arent being smoked anywhere near you what is the problem with it...i mean if people want to kill themselves then let them do it. almost every hotel or restaurant or public building that you walk in to has a rule about smoking inside of it so that people who dont smoke arent affected. these people who sing in these commercials all need to be shot either that or die of second hand smoke or something

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    i quit smoking over a year ago but, these truth commercials about quiting smoking, makes me want to start again, just so i wont be like the fags in the dumbest commercials i have ever seen

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    I hate these commercials, and all you people who agree with it. Everybody who smokes knows that its not the best thing for you,but you know what we all like it. Its a freedom we should be able to have. I agree with not smoking in a resturant or around kids, but other then that if i want a damn cigarette i should be able to smoke it. what else are people like these morons going to attack next car companies since car accidents kill so many people a year and day, we all know its not going to be alcohol because almost everybody has some sort of alcohol consumption, so we can't do that ummmmmmmmmmm lets see i think we should outlaw sunshine since people everyday get sunburned and it becomes an inconvenience and even though those people know that they should have used sunscreen and they didn't so what we need to do is block on sun so these people won't suffer.

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    Tue Jun 24 2008

    i think these commercials are very true and have a meaning to each one. Everybody should listen to the beginning and end of these commercials they can save your life.

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    the person below me is an IDIOT. tobacco kills hundreds of thousands of people each year. GREAT JOB mtv for standing up for youths rights. not only do tobacco workers direct commercials at youths because they know they are vulnerable, but all they care about is making money. what is wrong with america today!?!? if tobacco didnt exist in this country maybe we would all be more healthy and live longer and not have to breathe out of holes in our necks! SEE THE TRUTH!!!

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    Tue Feb 19 2008

    you know what i would really like to understand these idiots who make these pathetic commercials abit better why only single out smoking? and tobacco companies let me tell something if tobacco didn't exit this country our way of life our independence in general would not exist lets be honest tobacco helped to build this country im tired of morons voting away our rights as citizens of this country and the propaganda machines like TRUTH im sorry but people have died to protect these simple rights why not target the F.D.A. for allowing the marketing a sales of drugs food additives etc. that are far more addictive and far more destructive than tobacco could ever possibly be there are thousand of prescription and over the counter drugs passed bye the fda that are proven to cause cancer lets talk about the pharmaceutical companies that give private grants to hospitals around the world to in exchange for prescribing their products that are incredibly addictive that once a patient sta... Read more

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    Thu Dec 20 2007

    i love the TRUTH commercials. and anyone who cares about themselves and people you love should stop. get some sence flowing in your brain and stop smoking you dumbass people!

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    Thu Nov 08 2007

    They don't really grab my attention enough for me to actually watch them.

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    Thu Nov 08 2007

    These commercials are a mockery of common sense and knowledge. People need to realize that the causes of cancer are useually related to some other factor in the health of an individual. It is not proven that smoking alone causes cancer. If someone who smokes develops cancer there is always some other factor in the development of that cancer, and smoking alone isn't the cause. I personally feel that these commercials make those of us who do smoke look bad. I have several family members who have smoked all their lives and still have no sign of ANY cancer related to it. I find these accusations appalling and uterly redickuless. I think that these people need to be shown the TRUTH about cancer and the relation to smoking so that they can realize that they are making more people angry than they are making people see any harmful relation to smoking. Again this is utter bull, and should be takin' off the air.

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    Tue Nov 06 2007

    These commercials are just awful, they say things that belittle any person with an iota of sense, they must honestly think people are idiots and will believe any nonsense, even if geared towards teens. My biggest problem is they make claims but don't give accurate information only what helps them and make preposterous analogies that don't match up to get their point across, how can you call yourself truth and then use half truths to support your position, I'm sure they could get their point across somehow by REALLY being truthful, they are not. Is it a good cause? absolutely, are these commercial good for that cause or otherwise? absolutely not. I don't smoke and have NEVER smoked but these commercials actually push me towards smoking instead of away. Utter trash.

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    Thu Oct 11 2007

    0 rating. I stopped somking in 1994. I'm thinking of starting again. The idiot with the bullet commercial being the primary reason. They are less truthful than the tobacco companies. Actually there ARE .38 light bullets, they're rubber. By the way 0 is a rating, but you can't set it. Please allow me to demonstrate on the "star" of the the show...

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    Wed Sep 05 2007

    Have you seen the Truth commercial where they make fun of the claim that SECONDHAND cigarette smoke is safer than 2 glasses of whole milk per day - well, hey "Truth" -- it IS true. More than twice as many people die from heart disease every year, maybe you should be telling the TRUTH about the milk industry. I don't even smoke, myself. I'm just totally fed up and sick of "truth" lying like crazy, misleading, and spinning everything. Now they have the one with the Bullets "there are no light bullets" - well, there ARE light cigarettes because they contain less than normal of specific substances, if you found a bullet with less gunpowder, maybe that could be a light bullet... your comparisons are apples and oranges, totally misleading.

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    Fri Aug 10 2007

    If you consider nicotine a drug, then when are you going to get the truth out about the DRUG Alcohol? Don't think it is? It gets you high, you can over-dose on it ("they" call it alcohol-poisoning). And it is addictive. I don't care what your drug of choice is, I don't think it's anyone's business but your own. And I'm cool with not smoking in PUBLIC buildings (this doesn't include PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESSES). But stop bashing my drug of choice unless you're prepared to tell the whole story. One more thing, how many people die either directly or indirectly from alcohol use every day? Why aren't you getting the "Truth" out on that?

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    Tue May 22 2007

    As a working professional in advertising I know that with any kind of marketing campaign a company tries their best to advertise their product so that that people will buy it. I mean, tobacco companies have done it for years! So isn't it fair that people who advocate health will also try and "sell" the idea that smoking is harmful? The attack on the tobacco company is simply an angle aimed at selling that idea and I support it. Of course it's true that each individual chooses whether or not to smoke but advertising makes a difference and helps to influence people. Tobacco ads have been around for years and finally this campaign is making the whole truth available!

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    Tue May 15 2007

    I hate these commercials with a passion. I turn them off when they come on. It is my right and my choice to smoke. I have done so for many years. All of my family are smokers, and it's not their fault either. There was always someone preaching about how bad it was and never to do it. But once again my choice. The people that sued the tobacco companies were in the wrong. It's not their fault people smoke. No one twisted my arm or the many people out there. Those that say it is everyone else's fault, then they are very weak and have no mind of their own. So many people just want to blame whoever they can because they decided to pick up that first cigarette. What about all the drugs and alcohol, they kill people in so many ways and on a daily basis. And some of those deaths were of no fault of their own. So I say stop these stupid commercials and let everyone live their own life. If you want to get rid of something start with the drugs.

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    Wed Feb 21 2007

    Kids know smoing is bad for them. I knew it when I started at 15. I remember the look on my mom's face when she found out. I remember wishing she would talk me out of it so I could blame her for why I couldn't smoke. You don't smoke to support free will. If an ad on TV makes you keep smoking where is your free will? I have a partially collapsed lung and emphysema because my mother supported my right to decide for myself and I was too afraid of not fitting in with my friends. You smoke because you don't know how to quit gracefully. And to the person who says the tobacco companies are not to blame, I use to get ciggarettes for free. In Pittsburgh in the mid 70's people would walk around the downtown area handing out 5 packs to advertise. I was 14, 15, at the time.Way back then it was known that ciggarettes were addictive. Everyone knew how hard it was to quit. The ciggarette companies knew that if they could get someone hooked they had a lifelong customer.It was also known that ciggarett... Read more

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    Tue Feb 13 2007

    I smoke everytime I see a truth commercial. Every time I think I should quit, I see these commercials and decide I will support free will and keep smoking. It's not that kids don't know that smoking is bad for them, they just don't care about the future like adults do (ask anybody that works in a Juvie). These commercials do nothing but annoy, and if they do inform, than the people that didn't know should be dead due to survival of the fittest.

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    Sat Jan 27 2007

    Tobacco prohibitionist propaganda that is terribly misleading and should be banned for their slanderous lies.

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    Tue Jan 09 2007

    i had been smoking for a year, and promised to quit on New Years this year, and i did. i saw a commercial on MTV. it was a cowboy with a hole in his throat and a raspy voice singing this song saying "you don't always die from tobbacco sometimes they snip out your tounge." it scared me so much. i haven't touched a cigg since then. i just don't wanna end up like that cowboy:]

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    Tue Jan 09 2007

    These commercials may serve a great purpose but they're annoying, self-righteous, and creepy as hell.

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    Sat Oct 28 2006

    they are worse than the tobacco companies.whoever is in charge of these commercials should be put in jail.shocking little kids like this is sick!!

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    Fri Apr 14 2006

    Do u really think that ur 10 yr old son daughtger Ect actually knows the effect of what they r doin 2 themselves when a classmate peer pressures them into trying a ciagarette??? These commercials are not intended for older ppl hopfully they kno how 2 make their own informed decisions but you cant assume every child knows the effect of smoking.These commercials show the Brutal reality of what smoking can do 2 u!!!not all parents talk 2 their kids and some dont even kno y they started in he 1st place but there was no 1 there 2 b a constant reinforcement of why they shouldn't smoke. I mean we are obviously stupid we supposedly kno that smoking can kill us but we still have ppl dieing from smoking. And if we kno the affect of smoking then y do kids start in the 1st place unless u mean 2 tell me they choose 2 kill themselves knowingly or is it because they were some how influenced by another uninformed person???

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    Mon Apr 10 2006

    These commercials are awful, they go off the premise that people don't have a brain, I don't smoke but I don't believe ANYONE who does was tricked into it. Adults are not that stupid and children are not factoring in what the tobacco company does when they start smoking. The ads basically try to pass the blame to the tobacco company; the smoker has to bare the responsibility and that is where the focus should lie, getting smokers to stop or not to start, not trying to make a company out to be the bogeyman. Tobacco companies don't sell cigarettes for fun, they wouldn't be in business of selling cigarettes if people didn't buy and smoke them no matter what they say.

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    Tue Apr 04 2006

    I'm glad to see the world is still full of dumbasses. I was starting to worry they had all disappeared. But low and behold, I have found some and what a relief-- "Yeah, the truth commercials make me want to smoke too, just because they are on sooo much!" I just want to congratulate everyone on coming up with their own original opinions that make no sense. It's pretty sad that you have to attack and mock a good cause. You are also pretty sad if you are so spiteful and easily influenced to start smoking specifically because ads and commmercials that are campaigning against smoking are on too frequently for your fragile brains to handle. Really I have just one question--do you actually think what you are writing makes any sense whatsoever??

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    Mon Mar 06 2006

    A perfect waste of money and time. As another poster said, these commercials made me want to START smoking.

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    Sun Jul 17 2005

    Preachy but effective. . .

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    Sun Jul 17 2005

    So obnoxious and frequently aired, they make me want to START smoking.

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    Wed Feb 23 2005

    They truly do help in makking our society better, i have seen it with my own eyes. The impression they make is strong, and memrable.