Trojan Supra
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by trumpetman319
Sun Nov 15 2009Out of a box of three two broke. The First one we used worked fine then the other two broke requiring my girlfriend to have to get plan-b. So unless you want to pay for plan-b buy a better condom
by tow1250
Mon Sep 28 2009For all the people who said this condom was almost like wearing nothing at all, YOU HAVE NEVER GON WITHOUT A CONDOM! My fiance and I used this condom when we couldnt rely on the pill for a few days. Absolutely the worst sex we have ever experienced. It doesn't feel good on my penis, nor did my fiance like the feel of it inside her vagina. Also, the sound it makes resembles saran wrap...atleast we had a good laugh about that! So if you need a little humor in the bedroom, by all means try this condom. If you want good sex, use the pill!
by suprarules
Thu Nov 27 2008I'm newly single after 16 years of nailing the same old cracker. I tried Lifestyles Skyn and they are pretty good, but make my skin burn if I don't wash right afterwards. Latex seems more slippery and they have so many options in size, texture, etc. I had purchased the Supra's because you can use them with oil based products like massage or baby oil... just in case. I grabbed one by mistake the other night (even though there wasn't any oils used) and WOW. It really and truly was the closest thing to wearing nothing. I used two more tonight and again WOW. My new, and much better, woman doesn't feel the difference, but I sure do. I have to say though. the ring at the base is a little tight. I think that is on purpose, because as someone said, there's isn't any "give". They aren't stretchy like latex. So once your willy loses it's steam, make sure you really do hold the base as you pull out. Otherwise, there could be some spillage or it could stay inside of her.
by christophino
Thu Oct 30 2008I am a bi guy and feel the need for two different types of condoms. One as thin as possible for my wife as we are not planning on kids at the moment but I love to feel her when I am inside and also an extra thick one which I use on guys who are fucking me as I dont care about the sensation they feel but I just do not want breakages. I have had trojeans snap on me inside my wife which does not matter but thank god they were not being used in the other side of my sex life
by rsm48567
Tue Oct 07 2008I think the polyurethane is great, almost feels like you are wearing nothing compared to say the standard Trojan Magnums. Having said that I've had a few break and as per usual they cut off the circulation, so it's a little uncomfortable. I'm thinking of changing from Trojans really, does anyone know of another quality condom brand that make large size condoms?
by bar1976
Wed Feb 27 2008I've used Trojan Supras and they are very tight. Almost like a cockring, which could be a good thing. I've had a few to break. If your girlfriend is not latex sensitive try LifeStyles Ultra Thin. They never break and it feels like you are wearing nothing. Also not as hard to get on. Has anyone priced lambskin condoms? $62 bucks a pack. What's the point?
by peternorth
Sun Dec 30 2007Best condoms you can buy for the money period, once you go to these polyurethane condoms you'll never want to go back to latex. Feels almost like wearing nothing, worth the extra money.
by fb653962404
Wed Nov 07 2007never tryed
by supracondomman
Wed Aug 15 2007Best condom ive had ive had over 50 of these condoms and none have broke yet.
by dincali
Sat Jun 02 2007Nice thin feeling. Way too tight. They break easily. They should make bigger sizes.
by crashergirl76
Tue Feb 20 2007I wanted my boyfriend to cum inside of me so bad, but he won't, so I have been having him use these. They break all the time! I love it because I wanted to get pregnant. Dang, that felt good, Thanks Supra!
by renegade
Wed Jan 24 2007Amazing condom. I only wish they made them in larger sizes. as Jralston says they dont stretch at all, but its actually worth the 10 minutes of shoehorning your penis into it, it's that good. After a while you forget you're wearing a condom.
by omgemily
Fri Jun 30 2006IT BREAKS. Do NOT use it.
by thageneral
Mon Jun 19 2006This condom does for a penis what a phone booth does for Clark Kent. If you're like every other guy in the world (including me) and feel like wearing a rubber takes all the joy out of sex... this is the way to go. It takes condom-sex to new heights. I've been using them heavily for almost two years and only had one break, and even that was due to outside circumstances I won't get into ;) My only minor complaint is that it's caused a slight burning sensation on the tip, but only after heavily-repeated use. It's SO worth it. I recently saw a health website that had the SUPRA as the #1 condom in the world on it's Top 10 list. Couldn't agree more.
by arbeaner
Wed Jun 14 2006As far as condoms go this is the best feeling one that I have found so far. My wife and I usually don't use condoms and nothing feels like no condom sex, but we just went off birth control and are using condoms per her doctors advice until the "time is right". We tried normal latex condoms, but the feel that we got spoiled with just isn't there, and then we found Trojan Supra. It is as close as you can get to the real feel.
by cantthinkofaus_ername
Wed Apr 19 2006This is absolutely the WORST condom I have ever wasted my money on. It is like using a thick garbage bag. The Nonoxynol-9 lubricant is obsolete and not recommended by most experts. It's thickness is supposedly 0.04mm which is about the same or thicker than some of the better latex condoms, so I don't know where the 'ultra thin' claim comes from (probably the marketing firm). Terrible for "goin' down" if you get my drift. Terrible for anything.
by lh2b9645
Wed Dec 14 2005My husband and I recently (experienced condom users) tried Trojan Supra. Out of a box of six, four broke under "normal" use. We will never, every buy them again.
by jralston78
Sun Nov 13 2005My fiance is allergic to latex which leaves you with very limited options we have tryed a couple brands and this one by far is the best. The only problem I have with it is it is has no give and its a little tight on me.
by greatbuy
Sat Nov 12 2005These are the best by far. Thin and warm, almost like wearing nothing at all!
by ivytwine
Wed May 04 2005This has been the best for me because it's much less irritating than latex and it transmits body heat & sensations much better. It's also the only polyurethane condom that comes with spermicide. Definitely worth the higher price.
by femmejen
Sat Feb 05 2005I must admit that I haven't had the pleasure of trying this one but I've heard that it's great! Does anybody have the tools to measure whether the thickness is really .0015? Unlike OrwellAn, for me it conjours up images of the USC marching band.
by marky_5150
Sun Nov 28 2004these gave me a rash on my nutsack and were also very uncomfortable.
by j_blast
Thu Apr 01 2004trojan feels like chainsaw on my rod
by ashbebd3
Wed Mar 10 2004Ok, the feel is great, the heat transfer and the spermicidal... but the lubrication is lame, and IT BREAKS!!! it broke right in the tip, and I had to recurr to ECP (emergency contraceptive pills). I do not recommend them, for safety purposes
by orangecharlie
Thu Jan 15 2004This is probably the best condom I have ever used. It is the closest thing to wearing nothing at all.
by haysc077
Mon Jan 12 2004I like the feel
by scarlet_273
Fri Dec 05 2003This is the best condom I have tried so far. It tranfers heat and doesn't feel strange.
by orwellan
Thu Dec 04 2003A brand of condoms called Trojan Supra! Ooo err! Only in America! As if there's a prophylactic based on the story of the Iliad. I wonder if Hector used them, I wonder what Helen thought? Don't think it'ld work in Europe, conjours up too many bizarre metaphors.
by adclark
Sun Nov 09 2003My girlfriend loves these!!! My wife, however, likes the store brands.
by roblinb
Sat Nov 08 2003It's funny reading reviews from 13 year-olds who are pretending like they've had sex. Okay, I have used these and they are good. But them and rock your woman's world. Or you could tell her to go on the pill and enjoy it even m.... oops I'm not supposed to say that. You kids probably think the pill is aspirin or something.
by bsfanlucky55
Mon Aug 04 2003i love these, they are so thin yet strong if you use enough lubercation. Its like hes not wearing anything at all you can feel his head and his shaft and the heat. My b.f says he feels my heat and its not like anything at all. Just make sure you use lubercation becuse they broke on me without it. one problems is they ARE EXPENSIVE!!!! 3 pack is 7$ and pack of 6 is 12$
by sum41freak
Sat Jun 21 2003I love them cause you got my sister prego
by kelliebell
Wed May 21 2003They take a little getting used to.