
Travelocity is one of the largest online travel reservation and resource sites. Travelocity allows users ...

Approval Rate: 23%

23%Approval ratio

Reviews 39

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    Wed Feb 01 2012

    I booked airfare with Travelocity online, selected my seats and paid the listed price and the $50 service fee. 3 weeks later I go to check the status of my reservation with the airline and find I have no seats reserved. Looking at the seating chart I see that 2 of the 3 flights (i have a connection in PHX) there is only a singe seat available for the flight, and I need 2. I call Travelocity customer service explain the situation, they call the airline and proceed to tell me that there is nothing they can do, very sorry, and that the airline suggests I go to the terminal the day of the flight and get my seat assignment. Right that work out so well. I call the airline and they inform me that the only seats available are premium seats and total cost to me will be $150. Well given the choices I paid for the premium seats. I call Travelocity back, reviewing the issue asking for compensation and they say it is the airlines fault and to contact them for a refund. Well the only problem with th... Read more

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    Fri Oct 21 2011

    I booked a Christmas vacation on Travelocity. Two weeks later I received an email stating the airline changed my flight times. I reviewed the updated schedule and noticed one of my connecting flights would depart before my flight arrived, meaning I would be stuck in Atlanta without a flight to my destination. I called Travelocity and they blamed the airline. All flights for my travel dates increased in price by $200. In the end they only gave me the following options: 1. I could travel a day earlier and extend my travel time by 6hrs (making it a 13 hour trip) 2. I could lose a day of travel and extend my travel time by 5 hrs 3. I could pick a different airline and pay an additional $600-$800 to fly on a 10 hour flight. Travelocity explained it would be difficult to find a flight for the same price and flight time because prices increased over the past two weeks. They insisted on giving me my money back, leaving me without Christmas vacation and ultimately blamed me for not being... Read more

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    Tue Sep 20 2011

    I booked a ticket for a flight with Frontier Airlines through Travelocity to make a very important meeting that afternoon. Frontier had to change my flight to an earlier time and notified Travelocity, but Travelocity neglected to notify me, causing me to arrive at my flight late and miss it. I called Travelocity multiple times to get them to help me fix this but they kept blaming it on Frontier. It wasn't until I had gotten a same-day flight worked out on my own that Travelocity admitted they were wrong in neglecting to notify me of my changed flight, but since I figured out a way to get to my destination on the same day (even though I missed my meeting), they refused to give me any compensation for THEIR mistake. Absolutely unreliable and useless. Will never book through Travelocity again.

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    Fri Aug 19 2011

    Booked the hotel for a week using the online services of Travelocity. According to the process that they follow I received the confirmation sheet via email in which they have mentioned all the facilities being provided at their end. Found really impressive. Checked in the hotel and found their services really awesome. They serve so well that dint faced any problems. Though was little bothered while spotting the exact location, else was great experience.

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    Wed Jul 13 2011

    I'll try to make this as brief and informative as possible. I am a longtime Travelocity customer (as long as I can remember/as long as they have been in business). I have always been pleased with their efforts to create useful tools for me to find affordable flights/hotels. As a result they have been an ongoing staple both in my personal, and my extended family/friends, travel planning. I very much liked Travelocity before this latest debaucle. After my experience I am no longer going to use Travelocity or their partner services as they have clearly demostrated (there is zero drama in this statement) they are not in fact committed to: 1. Hassle-Free Travel Deals, 2. Looking out for you before and during your trip. Everything about your booking will be right, or they'll work with their partners to make it right. Here's what happened... I typically use Hotwire (and other similar services) to book hotels as they typically are cheaper than other services out their. Certainly you can't pic... Read more

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    Tue May 24 2011

    I will NEVER book a flight with travelocity ever again. They are such a scam. Tried to charge me 1,900 dollars to change my flight!!! They try to charge you 180 to change your flight and then they want you to pay a 30 dollar 'travelocity' fee on top of that plus what the difference is for your other flight. Are these people out of their minds??? I called in 3 times in one night trying to change my reservation and EVERY time they told me something different. How does it make sense to take two 170 dollar one way flights and make them into a total of 1,900 dollars to change, Beyond ridiculous. They should not be in business. They make me sick.

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    Mon Feb 28 2011

    Like so many other horror stories, mine involves a hotel reservation that -- when I arrived at the hotel -- simply DID NOT EXIST! I'd traveled three hours to this hotel, only to find the desk had absolutely no record of my online reservation through Travelocity. This was after making the reservation, paying by credit card, and receiving an online confirmation of the reservation. IF you do book hotels, etc. through online services such as Travelocity, be sure to CALL AND CONFIRM with your hotel/airline/etc that they do indeed have you in their "system"!

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    Sun Jan 30 2011

    Never use Travelocity for your travel plans. They couldn't have messed up a simple flight reservation worse if they tried. Booked a round trip flight from St. Louis to San Juan in July 2010 for a February, 2011 flight. Decided to change my return date in September and was charged a high fee even though flights were cheaper at that time than when I originally booked. Was sent a confirmation that everything was in order but when I went into "my stuff" on travelocity, I couldn't find my reservation. Because of that, I went to U.S. Airways (the airline I was flying on) to print a confirmation of my flight and they only showed one leg of the two leg flight. So, I called travelocity in early January and they told me everything was confirmed and sent me another confirmation. However, when I went back to the U.S. airways site a few weeks later to print my flight information (travelocity still didn't show my flights) U.S. Airways still didn't show the second leg of my flight. I called U... Read more

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    Tue Dec 21 2010

    My family of 4 booked a trip to Costa Rica after our trip to the UK was cancelled due to weather. We spent a large sum of money on the trip package and packed for the trip. When we arrived at the airport, there was no record of our family on the manifestation or based on the confirmation code. The US Airways agent was wonderful but looked at us apologetically when we told her we booked through Travelocity. We immediately called Travelocity, who claimed there was no problem and that the problem was with US Airways. We finally received confirmation numbers that US Airways recognized 30 minutes before our international flight, after an hour and a half oh hold and going back and forth with the woman from Travelocity. At that point it was far to late to get on the flight as customs information had already been sent. We were then told that we would need to rebook through another department. Another 45 minutes and he told us that he would not be able to do anything about it without other cha... Read more

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    Mon Dec 20 2010

    I cannot understand how this company has remained in business after all these years with bad review after bad review. Well, here's another. This is the first time I have used them and I will NEVER use them again. They booked a hotel for me and the room was booked twice. I called customer support and could hardly understand the person but through the broken english was able to determine that they have two accounts set up in my name with the same email address, thus the reason for the double booking. I informed them that I don't have, nor have I ever had two accounts with them and though she said that she understood this, she said that nothing could be done to reverse the second room charge. The hotel was unwilling to reverse the charge and therefore their hands were tied. After numerous phone calls to Travelocity and the hotel I have given up. I'm sure I'm not the first person that this has happened to but you can bet I'm never using Travelocity again. If you're going to book a... Read more

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    Wed Dec 15 2010

    Never ever work with them! They are the worst! Customer service in India is terrible. I tried to book a flight on their website. They sent an email that they need more details. When I called, they said they proce was up 50$. I agreed. after half an hour, another email. I call India again. Guess what, the price was up again. I screamed. The person said they will keep the price as it was. Guess again, they charged the higher price. I got a confirnation email with one additional flight that i didn't reserve, and a price 3000$ more than the original price (yes you see the correct number). I call India again. They say it was a mistake and they will send a corrected confirmation. They indeed send another email. Guess again. The same mistakes. I call the airline to confirm they have the flight and to ask they email me confirmation themselves. The airline said they cannot because of the extra flight they mistakenly put on the reservation. I call India again,..... well this went on and on and... Read more

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    Sun Dec 05 2010

    I booked a ticket through Travelocity's website on Friday. I received an email confirming my reservation. Then I received an email the next day stating "the revenue protection department" needs to verify more information. Which by the way, the email looked like a Nigerian email scam and didn't look like it was an official email from Travelocity in any way. No one from that department ever called to verify this information with me at the numbers I provided, instead they somehow called my family (which I was surprising by flying over for Christmas) and questioned them about my flight. I have no idea how they got their phone number and why I was not called at the numbers I provided. I then received another email a few hours later that my reservation was canceled. So now flying over to "surprise" my family is ruined all for nothing since I don't even have a ticket anymore. I've booked countless airline tickets through various websites and have never encountered this. After reading that thi... Read more

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    Tue Nov 30 2010

    My wife and I booked a non-smoking 2 bed room for a child's soccer tournament 6 weeks in advance. Upon arriving at hotel they only had smoking rooms available. My wife has asthma and can't stay in a smoking room. We were forced to go to another hotel. Other guests were in lobby with same situation. Hotel manager was apologetic but useless. She did say they hated dealing with Travelocity as it hurt their customer satisfaction rating. Travelocity refused to help; also useless. I spoke to 4 different Travelocity foreign dignitaries and bottom line was $100 wasted. One of the Travelocity foreign diplomats called again 2 weeks later just to enrage me and confirm they would not refund the money. Would not recommend this hotel or Travelocity again. 1 stars

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    Fri Aug 06 2010

    a group of us booked with travelocity to go 2 vegas for our friends 40th birthday. we were supposed 2 fly on 20th of april but due 2 d volcanic eruptions our flight was cancelled from dublin.We were told our money would b refunded and are still waitin 16 weeks later. they told us this week it will be another 45 days. customer service has been terrible tryin to deal with them.we can't book another trip till our money is refunded and they couldn't care less.i would never book with them again

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    Sat Jul 31 2010

    Tried to book a vacation package on the Travelocity website. "unknown error" wouldn't allow the reservation to go through. Called customer service to book reservations. They forgot to add our car rental. Wouldn't honor original price on website. Cancelled order and added car at the same time. Had the entire customer service department trying to figure out what they did. Entire booking/canceling/rebooking process took over three hours. Was on hold for most of that time. Wish I had used one of the other vacation websites. I certainly won't be using Travelocity again.

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    Thu Jul 29 2010

    I'm writing because I've had such a frustrating experience with Travelocity I feel I must share it to warn others about this company. I booked a flight with them and never got any type of confirmation email. I waited several days and up until a few days before my flight, and finally had to call their customer service department to get it. I couldn't use the online option because the only search criteria was trip ID, which I did not have. I call customer service and am directed to someone in India who I finally get to understand that I don't have a trip ID and never got a confirmation email. He is finally able to understand and send me my trip information. He also tells me I should receive trip updates from now on, even though there's a banner on the email that says travelocity doesn't have my email address so wont' send any further updates. No worries he says; I'll get them. A day before the flight, where I normally expect to receive advance check-in notices from the airline... Read more

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    Tue Jul 20 2010

    I went onto to book a package deal for my vacation. After giving in all my information and my credit card # a message comes up that the hotel i selected is no longer available. So i waited another day and made the search again and again the same hotel came up so i tried again to book it and the same error message came up. So i decided to call them which was so frustrating - they are located in India so everyone you try to talk to has this heavy english accent!! The comunication was so difficult!! then when i told them where Im going... they quoted me a price $300 more expensive! they transffered me to supervisors and manager... nothing helped i told them to check their website and they told me they dont see what i see! All in all it was a frusterating 2 1/2 hour conversation with them and didnt help a thing!! Do not use their website and believe all bad reviews!!

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    Thu Jul 08 2010

    Avoid this company like the plague, their customer service is absolutely atrocious. I wanted to change or cancel a hotel reservation on my last trip, and when I called Travelocity's customer service number, I waited on hold for more than half an hour. When somebody finally picked up, the man's accent was so thick I could barely understand him. I had to ask him over and over to repeat himself, and after a while he just refused to repeat what he was saying anymore, and I had no idea what my options were. I ended up losing all my money. Their agent had no concept of customer service, it was obvious he had no interest in helping me solve my problem, he was just reading off a script. I shared my experience with Travelocity and have received no response in 3 weeks.

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    Sun Jul 04 2010

    I had my first and last experience with Travelocity. I booked a hotel for two nights in the Washington D.C. area. When I received my confirmation I found that they did not book me at the hotel I asked for. The hotel they booked me at has a very bad reputation with cockroaches, bad food, poor service, etc. Eveyone said "Do not stay at this hotel', "Never again", and so on. I called Travelocity back and they said the hotel had a "no cancelation policy". This is for a hotel that I never stayed at and they booked me three days ahead of the proposed arrival time. It is interesting to note what happened when I went out on my own to find a hotel. I found a great hotel but unfortunately they had no vacancies. They offered to find something somewhere else and guess what hotel they recommended???!!! There must be racket going with that hotel. I am still working this out with my credit card company. It was supposed to be credited but they did not do it yet. I am fuming mad with my credit card... Read more

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    Sun Jun 27 2010

    I caught their supervisor cheating. On June 23, evening I tried to book an airline ticket online. 3 times I received a message that there's a technical error and the request cannot be processed. 24 hours later (June 24, 2010, 6 pm) I tried to book it one more time from other laptop. Got the same mistake. I called and tried to book over the phone and was told that there's a problem with my card. Called my bank and was told that my card was charged 4 times for the same ticket and my balance is over the limit! I called one of the Travelocity supervisors and we spent another half an hour speaking with my bank and cancelling the charges. Then I asked any compensation for this terrible experience and several hours I spent with He refused to provide anything. Then he said that the price of these tickets went up to around $950 (from $833 before) but he would be able to keep it at the same level. After this conversation I checked the price again from another computer and the w... Read more

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    Fri Jun 18 2010

    Sadly, the lowest rating possible for this site is a one star. If there were no stars, I would definitely click on that. While doing college tours, I had to book a flight to return to New York. Everything seemed to go just fine. I received my confirmation that the flight has been booked. After receiving the confirmation, I went to sleep. I got up in the morning and was no where near a computer. Luckily I checked my email the afternoon prior to my trip and was notified that my flight was cancelled. It was canceled because I needed to confirm that I was the credit card holder. They "called" me but the call did not go through and they did not talk. I automatically assumed that the call was a prank. It was a hassle to find another site that still had tickets that weren't overpriced. Luckily Orbitz did the job. MY ADVICE? DON'T USE THIS SITE TO BOOK YOUR TICKETS. IT'S REDICULOUS. MY ORIGINAL TICKET PRICE WAS 175 WITHOUT TAX. IT WOULD COST 275 TO REBOOK THE TICKET. I UNDERSTAND THAT IT WOUL... Read more

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    Wed Jun 16 2010

    I would not recommend this site to anyone....I had a reserve for a B&B in Savannah, Ga for a date in May. When I arrived at the hotel, they told us that they had overbooked and we were going to another hotel. We asked why we were not notified, the front desk person said. They tried calling Travelocity, but they would not furnish them with any information on us. They asked them to connect us, the Travelocity rep. said no. I will not ses them again.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    I have a one night booking for a trip in a few weeks in Hampton Inn Baltimore/White Marsh through Travelocity. I had to make the booking early to process my VISA but it seems I still won't get it in time. Travelocity cancellation policy is clear: "We know sometimes you have to change your plans, which is why we do not charge any cancel or change fees. We do, however, have to pass along any change or cancel fees that come directly from the hotels or airlines." So it's the hotel policy then that when I wanted to cancel, they said the cancellation penalty is 100% right? Wrong. I checked other sites like and the same hotel there have this policy: "If cancelled up to 18:00 on the date of arrival, no fee will be charged. If cancelled later or in case of no-show, the first night will be charged." I can even cancel after check-in time on same arrival day and get it free of charge! While with Travelocity, I am trying to cancel two weeks in advance with zero refund. So it's obvio... Read more

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    Tue May 18 2010

    Absolutely Awful. My fiance and I booked our honeymoon to Maui in March but recently found out the Kea Lani is undergoing major renovations while we are scheduled to be there. We called travelocity to find out what we could do and they said for 173$ we could change hotels. So we did our research and called back. I waited on hold for an hour for a manager after speaking with someone who barely spoke English-alex- and couldnt understand my situation. Once I got on the line with a manager, he said he was working with the marketing manager to make the changes but would have to call me back later that day. NEVER LET THEM HANG UP TO CALL YOU BACK!!!!!!! Because they wont. We called back later that night and said we had not heard from him and Dorothy let us know he would call the next day. So here we are two days later, I have now been working with Alex that i spoke to two days ago, who now says he does not know who allen, the mgr we spoke with, is. transferred to a manager after 30 minutes, ... Read more

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    Sun May 16 2010

    First Experience, BAD. After searching other sites for airline and hotel from Az to Chicago, Travelocity seamed to have the best deals. WRONG. After picking my flights and hotel, then giving them my card info, I was then informed it was all booked up. Why would a site even list the options if not available. "Would you like cheese with that" "yes, please" "Sorry, not available". New search and several new attempts at hotels brought up a new issue, 1 room = 1 bed. I needed 1 room with 2 beds. That is an extra. "What, you want elevator service to the 30th floor? that is extra" I do not know if this a normal hotel scam or part of Travelocity, several hotel were that way, but suddenly the hotel part was getting more expensive. Not to mention in my many attempt also gave way to many website errors. Web page no longer available, can not find web page, or web page not responding after pressing the confirm button. Still not sure if I have been charged more then once on the card. Have ... Read more

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    Yesterday I decided to use Travelocity Top secret booking. I booked a "3 star" hotel. After getting it assigned I went to do research. It was a 2 star hotel or 1 star at every other site and it had horrible ratings. I called to inform Travelocity. After 2 hours of hold time over the past 2 days and false promises of callbacks, I basically was told - We have it rated as 3 stars so therefore it is a 3 star hotel. They even had the audacity to tell me to go to this sleazy hotel and then they will accomodate me elsewhere. The said thing is that the Top Secret only saved a few dollars over booking normally - Although no one that did research would ever book this hotel. I am going to see if Visa will stop payment on this hotel. What they are doing is probably an illegal tactic.. If not illegal, it is certainly unethical.

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    Thu Mar 11 2010

    Just a fair warning about using Travelocity. We booked 8 tickets to Florida for a wedding. We thought we had done so well with a great price on Travelocity and non-stop trips from Chicago to Fort Myers. Lo and behold, we received an email 2 days after we booked the flights, that the non-stop flights were no longer available and they had rebooked us on 1-stop flights, one of which would have gotten us to Fort Myers too late to attend the wedding festivities, which is the primary purpose of the trip!! We then spent many, many hours on the phone trying to get a refund, since the travel times were no longer working for us. This was all to no avail - it appeared that they had no intention of refunding our trip, despite the fact that they made the change to our tickets! We are still spending hours on the phone with them trying to get flights that will get us to Florida in time for the festivities. It has been a NIGHTMARE, and we will never use Travelocity again. Believe the bad review... Read more

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    Wed Feb 24 2010

    I booked a hotel for three nights online through Travelocity and got the best deal. I got the confirmation through email and I checked in to the hotel with my family in a breeze. I checked out the reviews first for this company and got scared with the bad reviews and changed my mind when I was trying to book for the first time. I finally decided to try again and give them a chance and I'm so glad I did! We had a great vacation, thank you

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    Fri Feb 19 2010

    I booked a flight/hotel package with Travelocity to Tampa/St. Petersburg FL for my family of three before coming across this site. After finding this site and seeing these reviews, I was terrified that I had made a bad decision in booking through Travelocity. However, I have to say that the trip was flawless. I had absolutely no problems with the flights or the hotel and I feel confident using Travelocity again in the future.

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    Thu Feb 18 2010

    I was not able to change my flight and was advised by a Travelocity customer representative to buy a new ticket. I was told that I could redeem credit for my previous flight up to 12 months. When I decided to redeem my credit I was told that I had to pay $180 penalty fee to be able to redeem $150 credit. NObody ever explained that to me when I tried to change my flight. They just told me that I had $150 in credit. DON"T use Travelocity

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    Mon Feb 15 2010

    I would NEVER, NEVER make a reservation with Travelocity again. I will not even provide you the details of my four phone calls over three days with their customer service department that ended up lasting over 3 hours. You would think I was crazy to keep pursuing a refund of one nights hotel stay. We were initially refused a refund because we did not provide 24 hrs notice even though our flight was cancelled due to weather LESS THAN 24 hrs prior to our reservation date. Travelocity said they could not refund the money without authorization from the hotel and the hotel said that only Travelocity could refund the charges. I had one conference call with both Travelocity and the hotel manager in which the Travelocity rep and the manager argued back and forth about the charges and confirmation/cancellation numbers. Still didn't get any satisfaction although the hotel said they were only going to charge a penalty amount and not the full nights stay charge. They argued about who had spoken to... Read more

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    Tue Feb 02 2010

    I will never use Travelocity to book a flight again. The flight change and cancellation policy is outrageous. I expected to have to pay a penalty when I changed my flight plans, but to have to pay almost the price of another ticket is outrageous! If I could I would give them 0 stars!!!

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    Thu Jan 14 2010

    I booked a cruise Travelocity for a cruise around Hawaii. I had booked our cruise about 3 weeks prior when I started to look for shore excursions. I went on NCL's web site to compare there prices versus doing it on my own when I discovered that the itinerary on travelocities web site was different than what NCL had. Travelocity had the ship leaving the embarkation port an hour later than NCL. They also showed that we would be the port Maui overnight when NCL showed that we be at sea for a day that we had planned on being on the island. Upon calling travelocity there only comment was that it was all NCL's fault and there was nothing they would do about it. I realize they can't change NCL's schedule but I think I was due some compensation for being in port for one less day than we had planned on and for not providing the incorrect information on there web site. Had I known this we would have chosen a different week. I know I will not use travelocity ever again.

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    Fri Jan 08 2010

    Expedia is cheaper than Travelocity.

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    Fri Jan 08 2010

    Is there a rating for really terrible? I should have googled Travelocity's service rating before booking with them as I had hesitated dealing with an online agent as I found that dealing with the airline directly is so much easier... however, much to my better judgement, I went ahead and searched expedia and travelocity (as I keep on hearing their name advertised on Amazing Race) and booked a ticket to go to South America from Canada. I've flown many times before and have made many bookings and know that airlines have different fare levels and usually, the cheaper ones are the ones that go fast, thinking that I was ahead of the game, booking a month in advance, I would get the best priced tickets... so I shopped online and found that travelocity had the lower ticket and they were advertising how there was only 1 seat left... so I went ahead and booked it, under the belief that i was getting a better priced ticket. That was january 5. 3 days later, I went online to check out prices... Read more

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    Mon Nov 30 2009

    Costumer service is great when you want to book a flight, but God forbid life happens and you need to cancel! They will outsource your call to India to a person who can only say the word "no" in English. My mom was dying in a hospital in Minnesota and I had to book a last minute deal with Travelocity. Unfortunately, my mom died before I even reached the airport. I called immediately to cancel my reservation and the Indian man on the phone told me I had two choices, 1. Fax a copy of the death certificate or 2. Book another vacation package. The last thing I felt like doing was going on vacation so I opted for the first choice. He said I had to fax the death certificate with in 24 hours to get a refund, but death certificates take 1-2 months to process! After staying up all night pleading with the supervisor over in India to call the hospital or funeral home to prove my mother had died hours before. All he said was, "No, rules are rules." Losing my mother was the most tra... Read more

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    Sun Nov 22 2009

    Travelocity sucks big time. They had issues on there end booking the trip online. After still no confirmation after the 3rd time we gave up. We still have no confirmation however we have now 3 charges on our credit card and can't even book somewhere else because our credit limit is exceeded now. Thank you f***ing travelocity. Avoid Travelocity!!!

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    Wed Nov 04 2009

    So Yesterday I bought a ticket for my sister. I paid with my Debit card and I recieved a confirmation email from them. I printed out her "E" Ticket and I logged off so I could help her pack for her 6:30pm flight. About an hour later I received a phone call from an unavailable number. I didn't answer it in time so I waited to see if they left a message.... No message was left so I didn't think anything of it. I dropped my sister off at the airport and sad goodbye. She went inside to go check in. I got a call from my sister who was hysterical saying that travelocity canceled her ticket!! This was after they had already taken the money out of my account!!! I ran to my computer and I found an email there saying that the ticket was inactive until i called to comfirm addtional info. So I called and asked why they canceled the ticket. They said because I didn't answer my phone when they called to make sure it was indeed me who purchased the ticket! I freaked because they dont indicate it o... Read more

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    BEWARE!!! of travelocity Travelocity 24hr price guarantee is the biggest scam. I purchased a cruise through and found a cheaper price not more then an hour after I purchased (Monday). I sent in the forms as stated on the website. I waited 48 and heard no response. I tried to call the customer service and got tired of waiting. Emailed the customer service Wednesday and received an email back Thursday stating they had checked the price from and it was the same. Which was true in the fact that on Wednesday or Thursday the price changed and match Travelocity price ( ran the same deal the following weekend). In the email I was told to call the customer service to see if they could do anything for me. I called Thursday waited 15-20 min on hold and then was told their was nothing that she could do for me I would have to call back Friday between 7am-5pm. I called Friday as was told waited on hold for 15-20min and was told to wait on hold again for her to ... Read more