
Approval Rate: 27%

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    Fri Jan 15 2010

    After having migraines for decades and not finding any relief, I wanted desperately for Topamax to work. The headaches had increased in pain and had become so frequent that I only had betwen 5 and 7 pain free days -- I was ready to try anything. I had every side effect listed and then some. The weight came off quickly simply because I just could not eat. Food tasted bad and I wanted no part of it. I could not force myself to eat, and that is scary. I lost 25 pounds in less than a month's time and it just kept coming off. I am not a heavy person to begin with. All the physical reasons aside, the part that scared me most was the inability to think straight and the loss for words and complete confusion. On top of that, I could not sleep without horrific panic attacks in the middle of the night and then just sheer terror afterwards. Suicidal thoughts, depression, and scary thoughts would just pop into my head after the panic attacks in the wee hours and I am just a very happy, perk... Read more

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    Fri Oct 23 2009

    TOPAMAX - DOPAMAX This medication DID eventually help with the miagrains, and I lost about 20lbs. BUT I started loosing congnitive skills. I lost my ability to process thoughts, complete sentences, spell simple words and was even being lost in the place I lived for 35 years. These conditions continued to worsen. It was very scarey. My mind was so cloudy all the time. The Dr. thought I was possibilily having a break down due to stress. I was put in a crisis hospital for mental evaluation. At this same time I had been battling continual Uninary Tract Infections. The Dr. there immediately took me off of this drug and almost immediately the symptoms started going awayl! I was told this is a VERY common side effect and eventually I would probably have had kidney stones also. It was a HORRIBLE experience! Yes, I have a fear of what's going to happen if and when the mairgrains re-appear, I hope there's another drug that can help because I was non-functioning on this one!

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    Sun Jul 19 2009

    I have taken Topamax since I was 12, I am now 20. I have been through panic attacks, seizures, and etc, but my seizures were never under control until I had brain surgery for it. My stomach had always given me trouble, I could always feel a seizure coming on before I had one. It seemed that my food would never digest no matter what, every time I would eat I would get pains and right after feel like a seizure was coming on. It would always come from my stomach, I thought since I had been on medication since I was 8 years old that there could of been something wrong with my liver or gall bladder. Your liver is what helps your gall bladder and your gall bladder is what produces bile that helps you break down food so that was the first thing I thought of. But when I went to get an ultrasound done there was nothing wrong with either one of them, there was just something irritating my stomach. So it had to of been something I was eating that was causing problems. So I got on the internet and... Read more

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    Thu Apr 09 2009

    I have been getting severe migraines since I was 8 most days of the week. Yes, 4 or 5 days a week. With topamax the frequency and severity has reduced to 1 or 2 managable headaches per week. This is life altering for me. Now, I have been on Topamax for nearly 2 years and you don't get something for nothing. It took me nearly 4 months to adjust to the side effects(very difficult adjustment!)-weight loss, stomach pain, insomnia, stuttering, hypoglycemia, tingling, the list goes on. I am on 75mg per day (50mg-morning and 25 at night). I was taking only 50mg with a small piece of amitryptyline but I developed an irregular heart beat so I stopped (not sure if it was the meds). Nearly two years in and most of the side effects have gone away except one and that is memory retention and word finding. I sometimes have difficulty remembering some of the most vivid memories that happened in my recent past. I also have difficulty putting new words together and articulating myself. This sucks bec... Read more

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    Sat Aug 16 2008

    I was prescribed Topamax as a Preventive Migraine Control. 100 Mg per day, twice daily. After taking this for a month, I became confused (mentally), couldn't find the words to say in my mind, panic attacks were increased by ten fold, unable to write sentences correctly, i.e Numbers were all backwards. Irritable, Weight Loss, Mental Confusion, Depressed. Although the Migraines did diminish, I was left a shell of my former self. I will not take Topamax ever again. The side effects to Liver and Kidneys are also very significant.

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    Sun Nov 04 2007

    topamax is great for head aches and weight loss i started out 50 mg for one week then 100 mg for one month then 150 mg for 2 months ive lost 35 lbs greeeeat !!!!i needed it i am 5"6 and was @ 164 lbs now 5"6 @ 130 i feel great eating rite feel better

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    Thu Feb 16 2006

    I was on Topamax for 5 months to lose weight.I did lose weight of 30# and also had a heart attack,got severe anemia,blurred vision,severe migranes when I never had them before Topamax.

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    Mon Feb 13 2006

    CHECK OUT THE BAD SIDE EFFECTS! I was given Topamax for migraines. I took it gradually as it is prescribed from late August 2004 til the first of November 2004. I have to say October 2004 was the worst month of my life! migraines never appeared speech was impaired like my tongue was swollen at times, my cognitive functions impaired, my reaction time was slowed (I couldn't stop quick enough in my car twice!), My arms feel asleep all the time and I was miserable. My symptoms were so severe that I was suspected of having Multiple Sclerosis and sent to Sheperd Spinal Hospital in Atlanta to see an MS specialist. It scared the hell out of my husband and me. The specialist their, Dr Ben Thrower,(God Bless Him!) immediately started weening me off Topamax. Within three days I was getting much better. I don't have MS. He suggested taking Naproxen the week before your period to ease the migraines and it worked for me! I know there are those who swear by Topamax and I'm not... Read more

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    Sat Dec 31 2005

    At first this drug did help me greatly with migraines and vertigo. I didn't lose weight but developed terrible side effects over the two years I was on the drug which almost killed me. First, my mental functions became impaired: short term memory loss, word finding difficulties, stuttering. Second, I developed tremors. With an increase in Topamax the more my tremors increased. Finally, recurrent pnemonias. 4 pnemonias in 2 years. The last pnemonia put me in the hospital for 10 days and I almost died. Two local doctors and all the doctors at Mayo Clinic & Hospital told me these symptoms were a result of Topamax. It can be a good drug, but better as a short term drug. Beware!

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    Fri Nov 18 2005

    I have been taking Topamax for about 10 months. It was intended for my headaches and seizures. Since I started it, I have lost 26 lbs, I had alot of tingling in my feet and hands, memory loss, and was unable to "get the right words out." My Neurologist said that Topamax was also known as "Dopamax" because these side effects are common. My dosages have gone from as little as 75 mgs to 200 mgs. I'm currently at 150mgs. I think that once you hit the right mg, you'll be fine.

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    Fri Jul 08 2005

    You might think I'm crazy for not rating this a 5, since I just started taking it 6 days ago and I've already lost 8 pounds. Considering that I started out at 139 anyway, that's pretty good. However, the reason I've lost so much is the thought of food grosses me out. I'm nauseated all the time. I can't read, which I used to love doing, because I can't focus on the words on the page. It's hard for me to hold a conversation. I'm always tired. I find myself wondering, How did I get here? Where am I? What am I doing? Why are my windshield wipers on? Stuff like that. I feel like a stupid zombie, and I move slower than molasses. I would rather be fat, I think.

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    Sat Jul 17 2004

    I take topamax as a mood stabilizer, for bipolar disorder, and it's doing a great job. While it helped me with weight loss at first, that side effect tapered off after a bit. I take 400 mgs a day. Also at first, a major side effect was short term memory loss, which thankfully also went away.

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    Wed Sep 10 2003

    Topamax is exactly what I needed. October of 2002, I started at 50mg/day now I'm up to 400mg/day and I've lost 99lbs. and still counting.I have a thyroid disease that was very hard to get under control. once I found the right doctor I found a "miracle". Topamax has been an answer to my prayers!

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    Mon Aug 18 2003

    Topamax really isn't all that it's cracked up to least not for me. I am up to 600mg/day now and haven't lost a pound. I am kind of depressed about this, but isn't this medication supposed to keep me from feeling this way? I have done some reasearch about this medication and have read about the results of other people and they were amazing....rapid weight loss and immediate mood alteration. This sounds like the miracle drug that all depressed people are waiting for (including myself). Maybe it has something to do with my metabolism or my body chemistry, who knows...all I know is that I have wasted a lot of time and spent a lot of money on a drug that hasn't done a cotten picken thing for me. <sniff> The only thing it hasn't done is killed me.