Tonight Show With Jay Leno
Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 0
by ke4jcd
Wed Jan 13 2010The only thing I can say about Jay Leno and the Tonight Show should go off the air, and quit while he's ahead for he is a complete embarrassment to Johnny Carson memory. Why they've never selected David Letterman I'll never understand for David Letterman show is excellent entertainment. Now don't get me wrong I love the Johnny Carson show and it was excellent but his replacement is the pits. I never watch it for I'm to busy enjoying David Letterman Show.
by lincolnsandcad_illacs
Sun Mar 22 2009I agree with the previous poster. Jay's jokes are getting pretty old and tiring. I used to enjoy watching him but now I've almost completely stopped watching. Many of his jokes are offensive. His favorite jokes seem to be the sexual ones such as the teachers having sex with students and getting the pandas pregnant by showing them porn videos. How can you consider that funny? There are some good things every now and then. I like the headlines and some of the extras he does right after the monologue. I now watch Ferguson's Late Show - online that is.
by k8luver
Sat Oct 18 2008Jay tells the same jokes every night - the senator in the bathroom, all female teachers have sex with their students, airline pilots are drunks and boosts Obama and slams McCain and Sarah. All the talk shows have the same format - 15 minute monologue, 15 minutes of inane crap, then have 1 good guest and some minor guest, then a band. And the purpose of every talk show is to PROMOTE SOMEBODY'S MOVIE OR TV SHOW!!!!! It's been the same thing for years. I miss Johnny - he had people on who he enjoyed talking to, like Jimmy Stewart, Bob Hope, Lee Marvin, Eddie Adams, guys who would walk in and take over the show with mass hysteria. Those were the great shows! Leno is a good interviewer - let him do more of that. Eliminate the 15 minutes of crap and have another quest on - that's what we stay up late to see! Replacing with Conan O'Brien? I'll be getting a lot more sleep! I just can't stand him!
by critic4cynic
Fri Aug 22 2008Lame jokes, still better than the other idiots which is not saying much, same old same old, tired of the comedian act, where's Johnny, and how did we get stuck with this one? Who watches this crap anyways? I can see he rates his work to feel better, how stupid.
by spike65
Thu Jul 17 2008A once brilliant stand-up comic who kissed Johnnies back-side long enough to get the Tonight Show. Does a fine job overall. I just wish he could do a better interview with his guests. He sucks-up too often and tries desperately to be funny all the time. Relax Jay, watch how Johnny did it. I have to add that I enjoy the "Jay Walking" and the quiz show for morons!
by ildic514
Thu May 15 2008Jay, you are the funniest and the best interviewer. You really get to the heart of your guests. Or a fun story like how Treat Williams got crabs. Here is a plea please don't leave. It would definitely ruin my evenings.
by alltimelenofan
Mon Apr 14 2008NBC is making a huge mistake in replacing Leno with O'Brien. We don't like Conan's humor, or style of interviewing guest. Jay's jokes are a little old at times, but he is so great with guests, probrably much better than Johnny Carson. NBC needs to retract their push to get Jay to retire, because if they go through with this move, the Tonight Show will fall to last place in it's time slot. Sorry Conan, but, you are not that great. I say, "bolt to another network" and see that no one would really miss you....
by bclaw9a8
Mon Mar 24 2008he is the best out there
by marciakay
Tue May 15 2007Jokes about fat people and aliens have been used MUCH to often. Find something else to make jokes about.
by sharonparry
Tue Dec 12 2006Yes GobTheHotCop, I have watched it a few times and I thought I caught some plagerism there on those very very few ocassions but I'd never be able to prove it. Even if I could remember what exactly was said I would then have the problem of remembering who said it before him. It's similar to spin the mik. You repeat the same old stuff too often and you're done for. I never liked him much anyway. For some reason, I just can't find much humor there.
by 1skeeter
Mon Apr 10 2006Jay Leno is a likeable guy, he has this kind of guy everybody likes personna. He just is not a talk show host. His joke telling is not good. If not for the fact whoever writes his monologue is a genius, the monologue would suck. He is just not a commedian. He tries to hard with his jokes, as if he thinks he has to somehow include a comment that give the audience a hint as to an explanation of a joke. If you gotta explain it.................. On the other hand, he is a good inteviewer and interacts good with the guests. The show itself is well designed and written. The interaction with the band is good and entertaining. And, the musical entertainment. Where do they find the bands for this show? It is almost as if they have someone hang out at music stores and wait for guitar lessons to be over and assemble bands on the spot. I listen to TV in headphones a lot and I am also a musician, and DAMN do some of the musical guests on this show suck. T... Read more
by mommatweety
Fri Mar 10 2006Tonight's show March 10, 2006 was the best show I have ever seen. With Terry Bradshaw and the lady with the chicken she gave CPR too along with Jay was so funny. It is the first time I have laughed so hard since before my husband had his accident a year ago. It has been a tough year for us both with him trying to get better. Anyway I would like to know if it is at all possible to get a video of this show and how would I go about getting a copy of it. Thanks Lola Faye Cox [email protected]
by kathy_brooks_thompso
Wed Dec 21 2005It was hard for me to see Johnny go, but to read that Jay is leaving my bedroom........gosh............Golly, what ya all put us thru.........I hope Cohen can do it..... I met Jay back in the 80's, I worked next to where he stored his cars by the airport in Burbank............I would get the treats from the night b4 and also you, Jay, gave me good tickets to your show once:) We can probably only adore you more while your working, but pls. know that you were the only replacement for Johnny even my hubby w/be sad to not see you in 4 yrs.........After your show everynight we turn the channel over to Nick! Anyway, I was emailing you for humor originally......can ya'll check out's a column in the Woodinville Weekly that is quite funny, actually there's 2 articles that are blame silly:)........ Sorry, but have a great, safe, and politically correct holiday:) Take care Mr. Leno & staff.........and thanks for the memories............................, Kathy Brook... Read more
by megatherium
Wed Nov 02 2005Jay Leno is the GREATEST host of a comedy talk show EVER!! His show is INFINITELY BETTER THAN LETTERMAN OR CONAN!! How could Conan possibly take over for Leno??? Leno IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN CONAN that Conan should not even be considered to replace Leno!! That is practically an insult to Leno the Tonight show!! PLEASE JAY, RECONSIDER LEAVING AND STAY!! HOW CAN JAY LEAVE WHEN LETTERMAN WILL STILL BE THERE AND HE'LL BE IN HIS 60S EVEN OLDER THAN LENO!! I can't believe all the negative comments about Leno!! ALL comedians make fun of people in the news so lighten up!! Be open minded and realize it's just comedy that thousands of other comedians do and it is never meant as a personal insult to anyone!!
by gobthehotcop
Wed Oct 26 2005Jay Leno is neither funny, nor entertaining. He's thieves other comedians ideas & ruins them. I Never watch this show, give me Letterman anyday!
by jp_maymag24
Thu Sep 08 2005the Tonight Show with Jay Leno is a great show. I am ( and I feel as if he is, although he DID NOT SHOW IT) miffed at the Jay Leno show on app. a week ago ( today is Sept.8th, 2005) with guest RALPH Finnes. The ENTIRE evening, Jay addresssed Ralph, a fine (albeit very humble) British actor with an excellent resume', think THE ENGLISH PATIENT, etc., as RAY. Ray Finnes, is himself a great actor (Shakespear in Love, etc), but he IS NOT RALPH. One could see the almost shocked look on RALPH'S face, the entire evening. Though, he never spoke a word to Jay to correct the mistake. I understand the staff is responsible for correctly labeling stars, but Jay, this guy is (or should be) very well known, having done movies with Jennifer Lopez (Maid in Manhatten) and the 3rd seial killer movie Red Dragon with none other than Sir Anthony Hopkins, whom I'm sure knows Ralph personally. It almost hurt as I watched Ralph Finnes take this misidentity ordeal, he was there to support his new movie (... Read more
by alpepper
Fri Jun 24 2005I watched his first episode back in 1992 and never seen another one since. There are 2 reasons for this: 1) I never found his schtick particularly funny; 2) Letterman's better.
by kattwoman
Fri Jun 24 2005i only watch this once in a while but my grandmother watches him. we both think he is very funny.
by jnsosodef
Wed Mar 23 2005I find him a lot more funny than David Letterman and Kimmell...and slightly more funny than Conan. They are totally different in ways though. I love his jokes about Jacko.
by tocwelsh
Sat Feb 05 2005Jay is up there with the worst of em..absolutely awful...........
by mooselover
Thu Feb 03 2005JAy Leno is the funniest!!!
by bonnie_leighton
Mon Jan 17 2005Hope Jay reconsiders leaving the Tonight Show! He's wonderful, entertaining and so much more enjoyable to watch than Carson ever was, and Letterman will ever be!! Please Jay, reconsider. Thanks, Bonnie
by jaywilton
Wed Dec 29 2004Hopefully,he reconsiders his plans to retire..Much better than Johnny Carson..and Letterman put together..
by chalky
Tue Nov 09 2004Jay Leno is one billion times better than Letterman and a trillion times more funny
by eyeonmedia
Wed Jul 28 2004I have always enjoyed Leno's standup and there is a good helping of it on the program. I feel that he has made a good contribution to society by championing people of all races, and by supplanting Ellen's effort to come out during that time. I have one or two peeves which are #1, there is a lot of 20 year old jibing about women body sizes, i.e. Monica Lewinsky being the cow or Anna Nicole being huge. I think this is male sophomoric humor, hurtful to women, but furthermore it is hypocritical. If Jay Leno was a woman he would most likely be too fat to have a show in today's looksist environment. Second, he claims to not be partisan but has warmongering ra-ra Dennis Miller on five times in 3 months, and has other guests like James Woods and McCain and other Right Wing type of guests. With all the celebrities like Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand or Madonna against the war, you never get those type of guests. He is finally having Michael Moore, after his movie has already had its run. Not O... Read more
by wiley1827
Sat Jul 17 2004Worse than Carson - not interested and not real. To think that Jack PArr and Steve Allen preceded this ! American viewers are accepting dog food instead of wit and brilliance. If you're over 45, turn off the set!
by ubiquitous
Tue Jul 13 2004Jay Leno is rude, hateful, inconsiderate, and a negative influence on viewers. I have yet to see him say anything positive about ANYONE and his jokes are, well, not funny at all (unless, of course, you are the type of person that takes joy in making fun of other people for completely irrelevant matters). How he got his own show and how he manages to keep up the ratings is beyond me. No integrity, no respect, and no restraint has landed him a place in the hearts of many viewers nationwide, and this, quite frankly, is saddening.
by brygidab
Sun Jul 11 2004It is OK but could be better!
by asdff277
Tue Jun 29 2004The funniest thing about Leno, is that he's the host of a late night comedy show and he's not even funny. He's so unfunny, he doesn't even do the comedy bits himself. It's always Ross the intern, or that annoying woman with the nasal voice, or Howie Mandel, or some washed up star like Gary Coleman, or Headlines or some lame audience participation skit where someone else is making/writing the jokes. How did this guy get a show???
by jglscd35
Mon May 24 2004unfunny, juvenile humor delivered by a troll with a whiny voice. it is insulting to johnny carson that this talentless moron replaced him and was able to keep the name of his show.
by evenchaya
Fri May 21 2004I HATE THIS SHOW AND LENO SO MUCH.... I'll even miss BRAD PITT if he's on the show!!!!! THAT should say it all!
by pianoplayer
Thu Apr 22 2004When Jay first took over The Tonight Show, he was VERY funny! My husband and I loved watching him - his humor was fresh, reasonably clean, and just funny! As the years have gone by, the show's quality has done a steady nosedive. From O.J., to President Clinton, to George Bush, he is like a cat with a piece of string - he just doesn't know when to leave it alone. Now, he has added constant references to drugs and pornography (and other issues that are demeaning to women and children), and the same old comedy bits - either JayWalking or Ross or some other person walking around interviewing people. {{yawn}}. We suffer through the Monday night monologue as we still enjoy Headlines, but that's about it. The monologues are getting worse and worse. One would think that the dwindling laughter from the audience would clue Jay and/or the producers in? Another thing that really irritates me is the way that Jay made ridiculous jokes about the O.J. Simpson trial (including the dancing It... Read more
by bea_al
Wed Apr 21 2004Ny husband and I were at the April 20th taping of the show. We could have stayed home and enjoyed it more. We are in our 80's and took a long expensive bus trip in from Palm Springs, stood in line for two hours, then got potentially good seats and didn't see or hear a thing. The two cameras were right in front of us the whole time. The voices did not carry at all. I get better reception at home. You had a huge screen very close to us but you did not put it into use until the closing act - the only thing we could enjoy. Rodney and the female were a complete blank to us. We could not hear or see a thing. By the way, my husband was the old man with a cane, who your man picked to get up and act silly. He got a kick out of that. Bea & Al Cohen
by m_jaic
Tue Mar 23 2004Trying to contact, I have a 1946 Harley Davidson classic, how can I contact Jay leno
by cosmo_renfro
Fri Mar 12 2004Leno is so humiliating to this country. I'm a shamed to even watch him. His comedy is so predictable and common placed. He has no originality and no character, spunk or attitude, and this is the guy who got the Tonight Show. What is the matter with Americans. Those who watch Leno, wake up! The real talent is in Letterman and Conan.
by mikrsmith
Mon Dec 22 2003Jay Leno is not the funniest thing on television, he spends too much time on comedy bits and his chin often knocks guests out of their chairs. But he does have a pleasant voice and the more self-important the interviewer the more interesting interview.
by greenlis
Wed Dec 17 2003I've only started watching recently, but I've never heard Leno do anything any more horrible than the other late night hosts. You say he can dish it out but not take it? He addressed this very topic recently (Nov or Dec 2003) while interviewing Madonna. He said he's made fun of Britney Spears countless times. But it's done with love, it's never malicious. He went on to say that he's seen people make fun of him as well, and that's no problem. He seemed very easygoing about it. Leno's monologues are my favorite. He tells a lot of jokes and doesn't falter if a few of them tank. I'm surprised at the amount of anti-Leno stuff on the internet. I feel like people who get offended at anything and everything have targeted him unfairly.
by forgotten_hero
Mon Nov 17 2003Believe it or not but this is masterpiece theatre compared to Letterman.
by badunsgirl
Sun Nov 09 2003The show is sort intresting but, only if your in a hotel with nothing else to watch I mean I don't lose beauty sleep over this show and beside Jay Leno a rude guy, I hate him as a person.
by lmn230
Sat Nov 01 2003I go to bed on a weeknight usually around 1130 but stay awake in bed to watch Conan O'Brian (a show which by the way deserves every award it has earned and more so). My problem is that as of late I know not where my TV clicker is and I have been forced to leave my tv stationed to NBC so that I do not have to get up in my drowsy state and change stations. CLicker or no clicker that is changing tonight. Jay Leno is an embarassment to talk show hosts and comedians alike. His jokes rival that of say, no one. When left to make chitchat with an unfamiliar guest (without the use of cue cards) he picks the most uncomfortable topics and to the guests' obvious chagrin, he'll continue to repeat himself until he stops laughing at his own jokes (note the fact that he can not get himself out of an awkward moment to save his life). His incessant comments about "marijuana" and "white people" do not make him look cool, as he would think, but rather appear inappropriate and void of humor. Perhap... Read more
by jagman28782
Thu Oct 23 2003There was only one person better than Leno and it was Carson. Leno is alot better than the horrible Late Show and the ratings reflect it.
by stanuzbeck
Sat Sep 20 2003I hate this show, but it gets two stars instead of one because it always attracts high-quality guests and musical acts, and because Jay seems to be a pretty nice guy. Of course, just being a nice guy doesn't count for much when you're also ignorant and sexist and unfunny. I keep expecting some starlet to slap him across his smug face every time he makes a breathtakingly inappropriate lewd comment. It doesn't border on sexual harassment, it blitzkriegs right across the line. His jokes are also not very funny, especially when they're political, as he's a very ignorant man. I suppose I shouldn't hold it against him, since he'd probably be a pretty fun guy to hang out with, and he'd probably do anything for his friends. I just don't like his show and never watch it.
by spazc7bc
Sat Aug 23 2003He is soooo not funny and just plain annoying.
by hardwire
Sat Aug 02 2003He is generally a naturally funny guy with his sarcastic style. He really isn't wacky like O'Brien or Letterman, and kisses up to the celebrities badly, but Headlines is a good skit and Kevin is pretty cool. He never tries anything new, and his show is pretty routine.
by moosekarloff
Wed Jun 25 2003Not even worth commenting about. It's about time NBC retired this antique franchise and started running high quality films in this time slot instead.
by help_me
Sat Jun 21 2003i used to watch him but now he is just boring and unfunny
by redoedo
Mon Jun 09 2003Hey, do you remember that joke that Jay Leno made last night? Of course you don't! Because he is not funny at all. I think I might've chuckled at one of his jokes a few years ago, but I find him to be seriously overbearing. I think that he'd be better suited as the camera man for Letterman's show rather than the host of his own. I have to give his show 2 stars, however, because they do tend to have some cool guests- unfortunately Jay's bland style always makes for a boring interview.
by sjsuaa36
Wed Jun 04 2003What happened to Jay? He used to be funny. Of course that was in the 80's. Hasn't made me laugh since.
by donalejandro
Thu Mar 27 2003Jay only has about twelve jokes in his big bag of stink, and none of them are very funny. To save you the anguish and tedium of actually viewing this show, I have provided as a free-of-charge service a list of all the material you might experience on any given Tonight Show: 1) The members of the Tonight Show Band, band leader Kevin Eubanks in particular, smoke marijuana (hilarious) and 2) many of the musicians in the band are African-American (also hilarious). Sometimes both of these facts are hilarious simultaneously. 3) Correspondents with weird voices and/or foreign accents do not need humorous material to be given agonizingly long segments. 4) Bill Clinton (or other celebrity reported as having a sex life) is known to have had sex on numerous occasions. 5) The following topics are inherently funny: boobs, sex, women who reportedly enjoy sex, the word "oral," foreigners and minorities (i.e. not WASPs), and anything else that involves a celebrity and/or might make pubescent kids s... Read more