Tom Leykis Show

Approval Rate: 51%

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    Wed Nov 12 2008


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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    Anyone remember that woman who called Tom's show while he was doing a live on location broadcast and confessed to shooting her husband in the chest back like a year and a half ago? Well if you want to get on the air and ask about it don't bother, his screener Dino hangs up on you. Obviously "The Professor" is sick and tired of hearing questions about this subject so he's going to stick to breaking new ground like telling guys not to get married,that if they don't earn a six figure income they're losers, how he's a self made multi-millionare and all the other fresh new stuff he talks about each day. Funny thing is that murder call is such a fraud along with the reward leading to that woman's capture that I can't believe even his Fruity LA frosty haired fans don't see it's a hoax. A well planned hoax but a hoax nonetheless. I like how Leykis said it was all over the news right after the call took place...when only Geraldo Rivera covered it. Also worth note is that the call came from a Ph... Read more

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    Sun Jun 22 2008

    The best Radio show of our time. If you like money, this is the show for you.

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    Thu Sep 13 2007

    It is one of the best radio shows on he always is truthful and tells it like it is

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    Wed Aug 01 2007

    If you listened to this guy and never saw his picture, you would think he was Gods gift to women, but that is far from the case. He definitely has the face for radio.  He's arrogant, a sexist, and annoyin'. I dont promote violence, but I laughed hard when some guy kicked him. And he really does like braggin' about the amount of women he's been with.

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    Fri Mar 30 2007

    I just thought it was funny when I read that he got beat down by a group of flamers who were also atheists.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    You hear ten minutes of this show you've heard it all. Tiresome, boring and not even raunchy enough to be mildly salacious.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    I listen in once in a while and I'll have to admit, I am entertained from time to time.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    This show is soo bad. His long pauses, predictible music choice, and clear stealing of successful show's ideas reminds me of some of the people I worked with on a college station. It is simply a poorly done show.

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    Tue Jul 11 2006

    He's been doing it right a long time. The show was better when he covered news items but it is still good.

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    Thu May 25 2006

    toms the best he's out there saying to men, be that a man and stop allowing woman to dictate our emotions and our thoughts. if you don't know the listen and find out for yourself. he's the man!!!

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    Sun Mar 12 2006

    Wow this guy does not know how to do a radio show his callers are boring his ideas of women are sometimes accurate but most times degrading. His delivery is terrible, he pretends to care about news stories that have no relevence to his life!! Phil Hendrie does an awesome mock of this guy if you've ever heard The Phil Hendrie Show, if not look him up and Comb-Over Boy is the name of Tom Leykis' character! -steve

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    Tom Leykis is an honest, intelligent, sincere and good man. I wish I could have listened to him when I was younger. The stuff he says about women is true. That's why they dislike him. Tom Leykis's show should be on 24/7 and be forced to listened to at least 7 days before any man gets married.

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    Thu Nov 03 2005

    Tom Leykis stinks! and thats putting it nicely!

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    Thu Feb 17 2005

    the father i never had, #1

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    Wed Dec 15 2004

    listened to this show once...turned it off about 15 minutes the american public really this fing stunned?.........taking advice from this opinionated fwad??? where does he find these morrons that call in?

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    Sun Nov 28 2004

    On a more substantive note... you're all poopy-head fart-faces. Oh... and Phil Hendrie rocks.

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    Tue Nov 23 2004

    Phil Hendrie does Tom Leykis(Combover boy) better than Leykis himself. Once in a while, Leykis has made me laugh though. The time he made fun of redneck baby names: where the parents create a name by combining 2 family names-Redlea, Kolbyn or Shearea. Or using Y in a name where a I,E or A should go-Mychael, Flynn or Robyrt. The redneck chicks called in a rage.

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    Wed Nov 17 2004

    Simply execrable.

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    Thu Sep 23 2004

    He is a sad and bitter excuse for a man. His sick attitude is poisoning his uneducated listeners. What he does has no benefit of any kind. It embarrasses me to think that any business would pay money to advertise and be associated with such a moron.

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    Wed Sep 22 2004

    It's a shame that one of the few non-conservative radio talk shows has devolved into an aging boorish college frat party for 30 somethings. Leykis was the first nationally syndicated talk show I heard that wasn't hosted by a right wing wacko or convicted felon. It was part of the mid-1990's AM hot talk formats which appeared on lower powered AM stations across the county. Brash shows, loud mouthed hosts, and crazy party antics were part of format targeting mostly male listeners. Unfortunately, Leykis show has moved further and further from politics into incredibly shallow and pointless social commentary. Frequent live remotes hosted at liquor-soaked bars are frankly embarrassing - a sort of attempt to re-live one's youth. Leykis also heavily screens his calls. If you're not part of his target demographic 20-45ish, you are not going to get on the air, unless he elects to taunt an older caller with suggestive phrases. The local affiliate dropped Leykis several years ago - its pro... Read more

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    Mon Sep 13 2004

    I've met Tom Leykis several times in and out of on-air character and I do enjoy his show. If you are voting it down you are most likely either an outraged feminist, a spited caller or well let's face it you've got no funny bone.

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    Thu Sep 09 2004

    Hmmmm.... Let's see... He releases the name of Kobe Bryant's accuser to try and get ratings. And then of course, his ratings continue to be almost unable to be measured. He's just a sad old radio host trying to hang on. Nothing more... Nothing less.. Insignificant in the medium...

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    Thu Sep 09 2004

    I called his show a couple times, had to wait on hold for very long time and only got few seconds of air time. His show can be ok but is often extreme.

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    Thu Sep 09 2004

    blah blah flash friday.. blah blah racks.. what else ya got?

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    Fri Aug 27 2004

    He used to work in Boston until he got charged with beating his wife. I think she dropped the charges. His show was okay then, but I hear he has positioned himself as a Stern wannabe

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    Thu Aug 26 2004

    These comments are typical of people that havent listned through the burn in period. If you listen long enough you will notice he only jumps on stupid people and you have to get used to the idea that truth hurts. Sure he aims for 18 to 45, thats his target demographic. He Readily admits we all do what we do for the money. Don't jump to conclusions so fast. A 15 Year listener.

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    Wed Jun 02 2004

    This hack puts anybody on the spot for calling him a misogynist. Put this headcase's name in the smoking gun website and then look up misogynist on like he advises any retarted person who listens to this wife beater.I guess she was smart enough to not listen.

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    Wed May 19 2004

    Unfortunately, my husband likes this show. Ugh. Blah, blah, blah, women suck, blah, blah, blah . . . , . . . alright, I get it. Some points are valid, but its as if he forgets that men also are capable of doing !@#$ed up things, too. Don't particularly care much for this show, but to each his own, I suppose.

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    Tue May 04 2004

    this guy is dangerous.......has obviously watched one to many episodes of happy day's...refering to women as chick's? duh.......what woman in her right mind would have sex with this blowfish??? he smell's of rotten cheese acording to adam corrolla of loveline....corrolla came in to do the show and asked what the smell was oh ya...tom leykis was just in here horrible show

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    Wed Apr 28 2004

    I think that what he say's sometimes is horrible. Why should a man disrespect a woman? that's why there is so many abusive men out there that hit women. That's how it all starts. They act mean and then it turns into violence.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    The same old thing everyday. Rarely anything new. Leykis easily wins his arguments because the bulk of his audience have room temperature IQs and are, for the most part, functionally illiterate. He also wins his argument by consistently barking down his ignorant callers. I would love to hear Leykis have an open debate with, say, Michael Medved or Bill O'Reiley, or even the convicted felon G.Gordon Liddy.

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    Sat Apr 03 2004

    Raunchy, fun, entertainment. Don't expect brane sergeri.