Toll booth collector

Approval Rate: 58%

58%Approval ratio

Reviews 8

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    I really don't think a toll booth collector is that bad of a job. They get paid really well while not doing much of anything.

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    Wed Aug 01 2007

    I would love to see proof that, as one reviewer asserted, toll booth collectors can earn $120,000 a year. Because then I need to change jobs right away! Even then it's got to be mind-numbingly dull. And since it's one of the few places left where all the money is transacted in cash rather than credit card, toll booths are getting robbed by incredibly stupid thieves all the time...a collector was shot to death on the Bay Bridge last year, if I remember correctly...

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    Eh, I personally wouldn't do it. They make GREAT money, at least on Alligator Alley (I-75 between Naples and Miami Fla), from what I hear anyway.

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    Tue Mar 27 2007

    Not really a hard job...

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    Thu Jul 14 2005

    I could not do this. For one, breathing in all of that exhaust, for another standing or sitting in one little booth you're whole shift, no change in environment, other than the weather.. when it can be freezing cold up north in the winter and broiling hot in the south. No thanks.EDIT: Lance, sounds closer to legal panhandling than paying for our roads lol.

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    Thu Jul 14 2005

    This could be another thing that depends on exactly where it is. It's probably boring, and your stuck in a small area for a long period of time. Can't think of much good to say about this job.

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    Thu Jul 14 2005

    Due to the extremely powerful unions- its more aptly called organized extortion- in New Jersey there are a few toll booth collectors that make over $120,000 per year, plus benefits, pensions... the whole deal! And then we wonder why our taxes and tolls are so high.

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    Wed Jul 13 2005

    I don't know about this one. . .I see the same toll-booth guy 4-5 times a week and he's normally a cheerful fellow. . .