Approval Rate: 80%
Reviews 0
by scrist78
Mon Aug 10 2009Don't be a WUSSY!!! This show was awesome! If you don't agree; you'll get smacked in the back of the head like Dave always did...
by jllrue
Sat Feb 02 2008I miss it
by kissofangel2
Sat Jan 27 2007I wish they had brought this one back!!! Christopher Titus was insanely funny.
by crispee74
Tue Jul 11 2006titus was a funny ass show....
by kattwoman
Sun Oct 02 2005i liked titus but the storylines just ran out. stacy keach was funny. it wasgreat to see him make a comeback.
by xarias
Tue Sep 20 2005One of the funniest shows I've ever seen! Stacy Keach is Hilarious.
by lisajrfan
Sun Jul 24 2005I laugh so hard watching this sitcom because I have lived thru alot of the things they deal with. It's much more fun to have fun with it than to sink in it.
by groggnicole
Thu May 05 2005I am not sure why i liked this show but I did and well thats about it
by jdamon
Mon Apr 11 2005I have never seen a show that I found so annoying
by ellenemerson
Thu Feb 03 2005This was an awesome show - more than 50% of us come from disfunctional familes now - there was always something I could relate to and Titus made it easier to deal with by putting a comedy spin on things. Put the show back on you WUSSIES!
by kevlo2
Tue Jan 04 2005great tv close to reality something everyone can relate too
by ahhhh82d
Tue Dec 07 2004titus was cancelled, bcuz chris titus, didnt get along with the head lady of fox.
by perchedeagle
Sun Sep 19 2004i love the show but it had that same thing over and over thing going. I liked it anyway, but I think it would have stayed on the air if Titus had started growing and standing up to his father instead of always letting dad win. THe problem was Titus never stood oup to his Dad, and I mean show after after show after show. Which started out funny, but in the end resulted ina pushover who was weak and didnt grow as a person. Just an opinion. I loved the show for the most part though! ON the few times that he TRIED to stand up to his dad he always ended up being ultimately wrong. This is best shown in the hear attack episode where by standing up to Dad he almost kills him.
by tazf2311
Thu Sep 16 2004Titus- All I can say Great Show. Maybe one Day it will be on DvD sooner or later. Hopefully 20th century fox will release it before We all forget about it. I wont How can I. In alot of ways I can Relate. It needs to come to Dvd Its been off the air for acouple years. Will all see what happens sooner or later. Byee Walter Suchara
by kristenx81
Fri Aug 13 2004Titus was such a funny show. It's a shame so many people ignored this show, instead choosing to watch all that reality show garbage.
by basics11
Fri Mar 26 2004I have Greg The Bunny on VCD(plays like a DVD on DVD player) All 13 episodes plus bonus bloopers and Greg's Mad TV SKit. Very funny stuff. email [email protected]
by forgotten_hero
Wed Aug 20 2003This was a great show. It was much better than those shows with the fake looking families that can do no evil. Like most people on this site I am tired of certain trends. The trend that I speak of is Fox's trend of cancelling the good shows.
by obsessive
Sun Jun 29 2003We always watched it - why was it cancelled?
by medusa1861
Mon Apr 14 2003This show was one i liked to watch.. They always seem to cancel the good shows
by joe23665
Mon Apr 14 2003Only good thing to come out of Fox since Married with Children
by al_coholic_44
Fri Apr 04 2003awesome show laughs from start to finnish dont know why it was cancelled it shouldnt have been it would be one of the best shows on right now with the crap they have on now like come on OLIVER BEAN?????? WHY??????
by heidleehope
Sun Feb 09 2003Loved this show...the jerk father...perfect!!!!
by jason1972
Thu Jan 30 2003I'm surprised it lasted longer than it did. I think we've seen the tired old formula of bad mouthing your spouse and insulting your parents from Roseanne and Married With Children. Titus is funny as a stand up comedian but that's it.
by snoopy
Tue Jan 28 2003Titus was funny! I don't know why FOX cancelled it.
by semisonique
Mon Dec 30 2002Fox has had a long history of abusing the hands that feed it. They axed Married with Children(which was with them from the beginning before the Simpsons) with little notice or even a real final episode. They canned Family Guy, the most hilarious prime time cartoon on TV since the simpsons, buried Futurama (much to the chagrin of Groening), and yet pimp out King of the Hill, which is about as out of date as Belinda Carlisle's hairdo from the Go-Go's. Now Titus, a well written and executed show, may have been a bit too "on-edge" for the numb-nut lowest-common-denominator target audience Fox tries to lure. But for the rest of us, it was a hilarious show with some excellent dialogue, even more funny visual gags, and some good messages when the "serious moments" arrived. Another promising sit-com canned by the meatheads at Fox(apologies to Rob Reiner).
by lcarlborg
Tue Dec 10 2002kinda different...in a bad way.
by theskylitup
Tue Dec 03 2002This show was very funny, very good when it was good, but bad when it was bad (not too often). It sometimes went *a little* over the top.
by voodo_dol
Fri Nov 29 2002HILARIOUS! Why did this get cancelled?
by marsobig
Tue Jul 16 2002Why did they cancel this? Was just starting to warm up to it. Chris Titus was funny. I liked his weasely little buddy. The dad from Up in Smoke is cool too. His girlfriend was nice to look at if the jokes didn't work.
by swoopy1950
by kittcatt
Tue Jun 25 2002Hilarious! Good laughs!
by shudcf86
Fri Jun 14 2002Once a promising show, then slipped a bit in quality....but still a good show! Tell FOX to return it for mid-season!!!!!
by dman687
Sat May 18 2002Good old Fox. They get a good show, underpromote it, move it around, and then axe it! Titus was one of the craziest shows around and I will definitely miss it.
by karensanders
Fri May 17 2002Very boring show!!!
by loneusfullhous_efan
Wed Apr 10 2002More trash from Fox.
by ellajedlicka21
Sun Feb 03 2002Titus is a great show. The father is by far the funniest character and Christopher is not too bad himself.
by runfast
Sun Jan 20 2002Titus is now in its thrid season and badly underpromoted by Fox. I don't understand this because it is the best comedy on the network and on network television. You have to give it two or three views to realize there is a message behind it. It is an exaggeration of what disfunctional families are like and is hilarious to watch. I highly recommend this show. It currently follows Bernie Mac at 8:30 CST on Wednesdays.
by steve989
Sun Jan 13 2002This is the funniest show on T/V.
by classictvfan47
Wed Dec 26 2001What's this insanity? Beating up your own father beacuse he DOESNT drink? Slapping your wife? Oh yea...that's funny (SARCASM ALERT!) Another big stupid piece of garbage that somehow convinces people its a comedy...please...get it off, while I go watch a good comedy like Hogan's Heroes, Beverly Hillbillies, Laverne and Shirley or Welcome Back Kotter...
by sooner
Mon Aug 20 2001Worst show ever. You are an idiot if you like this show.
by missynotprissy
Mon Jul 23 2001This is one of the funniest shows on television. The acting is great and every single episode has a point to make. You have to watch it a few times to really understand it, but once you do, you are hooked for life. It is now on Wednesday nights. Fox stated that they had so much confidence in it, they want Titus to anchor that night.
by skyhawk115
Thu Jul 05 2001This is my favorite show on television, It explores the frailites we all have. It is moving to Wednesday nights and is renewed for next season. About the only thing I still watch regularly on tv.
by olsaintnic
Fri Jun 29 2001So far I've only seen it 3-5 times, but those were the funniest episodes I've seen in a long time. It's up there with newsraio, seinfeld, simpsons, and frasier. Oh yeah, just shoot me is up there too.
by granfalloon
Tue Jun 26 2001I have to admit that I found it very funny at first, but I just can't stand it anymore! It's just plain mean-spirited rather than irreverent. The manipulative personalities of the characters are obnoxious and devoid of charisma.
by michwolv5
Mon Jun 25 2001PLease!!!!!
by talena
Sun Jun 24 2001I love the show...it is so funny! It is cool because Chris Titus bases this all around his real-life experiences, so a lot of people can kind of connect with him and his problems. It's not raunchy like alot of shows you see on t.v. nowadays, and the acting is great....and that guy that plays Dave is really hot :)
by travolta_lover
Fri Jun 15 2001Although the acting is very good and it can be pretty funny this show is very sacreligious.
by tracruss
Sun May 20 2001LOVE THE SHOW!!