Tim Hortons Coffee
Approval Rate: 79%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Tue Mar 20 2012Criticism of the coffee, its doughnuts and food or the brand in general is considered ground to have your citizenship revoked in Canada. I believe I'm outside of jurisdiction for prosecution by posting on this web site. It's an average cup of coffee. It does not justify the line up that one must endure in order to procure a cup. To their credit, they refrain from offering the pretentious faux European concoctions priced at over $5 that you find at places like Starbucks and other joints. They sell coffee, hot and fresh brewed. If you don't want a cup of coffee they'll make you a cup of hot chocolate. In Canada you get a discount if you come into the store wrapped in a flag. Just kidding, but they play the Oh! Canada angle up pretty significantly in their marketing. The soup and sandwiches they sell are far preferable to the franchise burger chain fare if you are on a long road trip. And by national act of Parliament each city of 5,000 or more in population is required to hav... Read more
by chalky
Mon Mar 19 2012There really isn't anything special about Tim Hortons coffee. It's about the same as Dunkin Donuts.....and like Dunkin Donuts, nothing in their store.....excuse me....bakeshop is made fresh. I remember an article about how franchisees sued Tim Hortons for shipping them frozen donuts. Anyway, Tim Hortons is becoming dominant in the US Rustbelt and is really a Canadian Dunkin Donuts.
by ayn9b559
Mon Mar 19 2012Haven't had this in a while, but if memory serves they make a decent cup.
by firemoth
Sun Dec 26 2010I may be immune to whatever they put in their coffee that makes people jam the Tim Horton's drive thru and line up in the street. I find it to be an ok coffee and I'll drink one once in a while but I don't plan my day around having one.
by irishgit
Sun Dec 26 2010Middle of the road diner coffee. Not horrible, but certainly nothing special, and certainly not worth the raptures that central Canadians go into about it.
by thehissingofsu_mmerlawns
Tue Nov 23 2010Terrible weak coffee. I can make better coffee at home that I bought at a supermarket or go into any convenience store and get better coffee than Tim Hortons' coffee. It's the Canadian version of Dunkin Donuts! It is just as watery, highly overrated, and weak as Dunkin Donuts' coffee is.
by scumbaglovein
Mon Apr 12 2010Tim hortons is always an amazing choice for my coffee in the mornig. I personally look at my self as a coffee coneseur. I personally am a huge fan of local coffee shops as oppsed to the big chains but If it were to come down to starbucks and tim hortons, it is tim hortons untill I am dead. I refer to starbucks as farmer sweat. Over priced, over credited, and it tastes like dirt. Tim hortons has a nice smooth flavour and gives me the caffine boost I need for the day. Not to mention cheap :D at starbucks, a large coffee is like 4 dollars, where opposed to a tim hortons it is 1.56 and an X-Large coffee is 1.79. even there fancy coffee is cheap. A venti drink at starbucks can come to like 5-6 dollars for what enjoyment and cavaties after a half hour, not fun. I got to admit Starbucks is great, WHEN I WAS COMING OFF HEROIN BECAUSE OF THE SUGAR. Other wise it just gives me an overgrown stomach ache and a large hole in my Wallet. So, Tim hortons is the choice of everyone, and should always S... Read more
by angie135
Tue Oct 14 2008This coffee is the best in my book ! I'm a Canadian Tim fan like many lol We will be having Starbucks soon, haven't tasted it yet but my mother swears by it so I will. Anyways, I find that their is a big difference when it's made at home or made by the restaurant itself. I prefer going directly to Tim's and I always save on gas because their is always one on almost every main road up here so I just drive through and get it.
by oceansoul
Wed May 21 2008I lack extensive experience with Tim Horton's, but I have enjoyed it any time I have consumed it. The coffee is always fresh and smooth, and actually not as ridiculously hot as at most places.
by bobmartin
Thu Apr 26 2007I am not sure what is in there coffee, but i frequently get a bad case of nausia after drinking there coffee. There coffee is definately up to same quality standards of Starbucks. I would rather pay a bit more for Starbucks and not feel sick.
by supercooldude
Mon Feb 05 2007this is by the best coffee ever. Never over priced and always great tasting.
by shelley38
Sun Aug 13 2006love it!!!!!
by happyjay34
Wed Feb 01 2006The stuff is ok when you are wakin' up from a bad trip and have to face reality!!
by javaman68
Fri Dec 30 2005I prefer Victor Allen's Tazza Rican and Caribou columbian over this coffee. Not bad, but only average
by speedymaczoom
Sat Jun 04 2005Exceptional ! Absolutely and without question the very best cup of coffee that I have ever tasted ! It's #1 as far as I'm concerned !
by ratmandu
Fri Mar 18 2005I have never tasted better !
by miamiredhawkgr_ad
Sun Mar 06 2005Fantastic cup of joe.One of the best I've ever bought.
by lorne413
Sat Mar 05 2005good coffee, i used to work at a tim hortons so was able to drink lots of it for free while working.
by cincinnatikid
Thu Mar 03 2005Excellent coffee.
by louiethe20th
Wed Mar 02 2005Very smooth and has an excellent taste.It can be a little strong at times.
by typeoneg
Wed Mar 02 2005rrrrrrrrrrroll up the rrrrrim to win!
by jepob2ec
Mon Aug 30 2004wonderous coffee - better than starbucks or other specialty shops and costs less
by doctor_of_madness
Tue Jul 27 2004Not a gourmetcoffee, just absolutely great coffee.
by reaverto
Thu Jul 15 2004The best coffee, period. I've tried them all. I have worked at Starbucks and Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons rules.