Three's Company

Approval Rate: 80%

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    Fri Mar 18 2011

    Predictable and unfunny.

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    Sun Feb 14 2010

    I 've watched on reruns for 22 years. It's classic comedy!!

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    Funny "double entendre" moments. Show went downhill IMO when Sommers and Norman Fell left...

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    Sat Sep 05 2009

    I first watched this show in 1981 when my mom bought me a black and white TV. Back then I loved this show. It was about a man who lived with two women. That man was Jack Tripper who was played by the Late John Ritter. The two women were Janet and Chrissy. Janet was played by Joyce Dewitt and Chrissy was played by Suzanne Somers. The landlord forbade them from living together until Janet lied to him. She told him that Jack was gay. I noticed a mistake that was made. Jack's uncle paid him a visit. He told Jack that he came to see his favorite nephew. Jack then said "I'm your only nephew." This clearly stated that Jack is an only child. But a couple of years later Jack's brother visited him. Greed can be a persons downfall and Suzanne Somers demonstrated this. She was earning $30,000 per episode. She went to the producer and demanded that her pay be raised from $30,000 to $150,000 per episode. John Ritter was making $50,000 per show. If she had asked them to give her the same salary that ... Read more

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    Wed Jul 30 2008

    This Is my Favorite Show Ever. This is The Best Show Ever. This Is The Funniest Show Ever. John Ritter and Joyce Dewitt Are The Best and they are who i watch For..

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    Two stars for the production values. The adult equivalent of Gilligans' Island. About the same level of humor.

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    Wed Mar 26 2008

    how the hell can some of these people say this show wasnt funny??? are you kidding me? this show was almost banned because of how raw and funny it was!  john ritter was like a 70's version of jim carey. he was such a wonderfull guy and made this show so successfull... this show had so much chemistry with the entire cast. the ropers and mr furley also made you laugh your *** off...... we have teenagers coming in here trying to say this show was poor! no way in hell...threes company was the grandfather of true had several seasons for a reason! because it was awesome

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    Thu May 03 2007

    5 stars are not enough. 25 years ago I would have said it's excellent. But the way it holds up, it's... sublime. The best American show ever made. But don't even try watching it if you can't get over the idea that the world must be deadly earnest.

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    Sun Apr 08 2007

    this is one of my top 10 shows of all time, these stars worked so good with each other. a classic show.

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    Sat Mar 10 2007

    Funny show but a little "slap-happy" at times.

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    Wed Nov 08 2006

    Very predictable, but still made me laugh...I still watch it once in a while on TV Land.

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    Wed Oct 25 2006

    They all deserve applause for their brilliant acting abilities, but, it was Tripper that pulled the whole atmosphere together and made it appealing to the majority. I give credit to all of them though. Terrific work.

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    Sun Oct 15 2006

    always watched it fancied joyce dewitt, wonder what she does now

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    Wed Oct 04 2006


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    Mon Oct 02 2006

    Great show, lots of laughs, and who couldn't laugh at John & his pratfalls? He made it look so easy. Maybe hokey at times, but it was funnier than anything out there now. A show ahead of its time!

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    Sun Sep 24 2006

    Not a popular rating, but now that I see it through more mature eyes, "Three's Company" gets rounded down to a single star in my book. The acting was clumsy, the humor common, and the plots predictable. I can't remember a storyline that didn't revolve around some kind of misunderstanding embedded with sophomoric sexual innuendo. Nevertheless, "Three's Company" has certainly become an institution, so there's a market for this type of series; however, it pains me each time I see Don Knotts on this show.

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    Fri Sep 22 2006

    I just don't find this show very funny. And it has one of the most annoying TV theme songs ever written.

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    Wed Jul 26 2006

    Three's Company is one of the funniest shows of all time. Who cares if it was "well written" or whatever. If you don't laugh when you watch this show (especially the earlier ones) you must be dead.

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    Sat Jul 01 2006

    When did this show come to be considered classic TV? It sucked in 1978 and it sucks today.

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    Thu Jun 15 2006

    Great Show Visit My Three's Company Website

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    Fri Jun 09 2006

    TVs version of a hostess twinkie. a 13 year old, I loved Suzanne for obvious reasons...

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    Sat Jun 03 2006

    Very funny at times--but still basically trash T.V.

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    Mon May 15 2006

    This show was the king of double entendres. The first few seasons with the Ropers and the early Furley seasons were the best. Then the unfunny Larry got a credit at the beginning of the show, Chrissy left, and the show went down hill in a big way.

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    Wed Mar 22 2006

    Favorite years of the show were from 77-81. Hated the Cindy episodes, Teri was just o.k. The Ropers were a riot--was sad to see them go.

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    Fri Mar 17 2006

    My favorite episode is when Mr. Roper was eavesdropping from the pipes.

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    Fri Mar 17 2006

    Probably the most popular extremely badly written sit-com of all times next to maybe Laverne and Shirley.

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    This show was funny until Suzanne Sommers left. Then Barney arrivec doing his usual schtick that did not help. They never could replace Sommers so the show went on painfully for a few more year. John Ritter was the anchor on that show, he will be missed.

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    Wed Jan 18 2006

    From a serious standpoint, John Ritter & Don Knots WERE the show... Period! Joyce DeWitt was adequate, and Suzanne Sommers was ALMOST as obnoxious as she is in real life. So why did I watch? For Prescilla Barnes as Terri and her great legs in skimpy outfits.

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    Wed Jan 11 2006

    This is the funniest show ever! I never get tired of it.

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    Sat Jan 07 2006

    Suzanne Sommers had a great butt!!!

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    Fri Dec 09 2005

    A trash wallow if there evers was one.The same type of cast in its era.The card board cutouts Joyce Dewit and Jack Trippers equally cardboard friend Larry.Originally the mother of all jiggles Suzanne Somers painfully hard to watch acting bad even for this low rent vehicle comedy.The only interesting people were Normal Fell and Don Knots and John Ritter.Then there was another parade of dumb blondes while jigglewoman was on her star trip.I goota say i thought Somers was hot in those days but now I just think what a skank.I'd rather be in prison with Don Rickles as my cellmate and watch webster reruns 24/7 than this shows non plots.

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    Tue Oct 04 2005

    Thats why this show is so good, it makes you forget about all your troubles and makes you laugh, John Ritter is hillarious and all the characters are always funny. I never miss a show, Don Knottts is great too....All the cast is wonderful 5 stars

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    Sun Oct 02 2005

    john ritter was the star of this show hands down. suzanne somers character was more dumb than funny and joyce dewitt had no talent.the ropers were funny and don knotts was a perfect replacement for them. it never slowed the show down once when they left cuz knotts was a funny addition.

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    Thu Sep 08 2005

    A good show to watch!

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    i loved this show from the begging to the very last episode

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    Tue Jul 26 2005

    Verry funny show kind of got old with its eighth season but the rest was hillarious

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    Wed Jul 13 2005

    Great family comedy!! Not many good, clean, shows on!!

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    Ritter made this show great. The women were eye candy. Also, who can forget Ferley, and Larry, and Roper. Hilarious.

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    Agreed that this show was full of stupid humor, jiggling bodies, unrealistic story lines but that is the beauty of it. Simple mindless humor that you didn't have to think about. And hey who doesn't mind looking at Joyce Dewitt or Suzanne Sommers?

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    Foul. Hideous. Awful. I don't have enough negative adjectives. . .

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    Wed Jun 01 2005

    Just another example of the dumbing down of America. God-awful!

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    Mon Mar 28 2005

    This show was OK until they started switching the blonde characters.

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    Fri Mar 25 2005

    Wretched. John Ritter should have had his heart attack thirty years ago and spared us all this misery. I love the comments that there was too much jiggle What other purpose did this show have?

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    Thu Jan 20 2005

    Who can't like this show? It's so funny! Love Three's Company; it's a great program.

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    Thu Jan 20 2005

    Outstanding before Suzanne Sommers left and pretty good after she left. John Ritter was a gem. Suzanne played Chrissy perfectly. Joyce DeWitt was extremely talented and a bit underrated as Janet. The Ropers were a classic and Don Knotts did a good job as Mr. Furley. I can watch these reruns over and over and never get tired of them.

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    Wed Jan 19 2005

    threes compay is one of the best shows you could watch. I find if im sad i'll feel much better if i watch it. i have all the seasons on dvd. larry jacks friend is always getting them into trouble and its reallllly funny!if u want to laugh watch threes company! we dont want to make people just laugh we want to make them laugh so hard they fall of there couch laughing. -john ritter

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    Fri Oct 08 2004

    funny really got good when mr.furley became the out ladies

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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    it is realy better then a 5 but ok thats all you got kid

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    Thu Aug 05 2004

    This is one of the funniest shows ever. Don Knotts was hilarious as Mr. Furley and Priscilla Barnes was one of the hottest actresses on a TV series ever! I love the one where Jack goes on a TV show as a chef for Angelino's and picks Terri and Janet as his assistants. Larry tells him he should use note cards and hide them in peculiar spots(like in the food or in his chef's hat), but before the show starts, the TV crew rearranges everything. Then, at the beginning of the segment, Jack has no idea what he is doing, Terri is smiling and staring into the camera, and Janet is nervous and leaning on Jack. When Jack doesn't know what to say, he says Terri has a nice smile, and as he says that Terri turns around and they zoom in on her behind. After the segment, everyone laughs and Larry comes by the apartment and says, Terri, nice smile! There were many other hilarious episodes. This was a very good show; one of the best ever.