Threat Matrix
Approval Rate: 66%
Reviews 0
by novelidea
Sun Apr 10 2005American xenophobic propaganda dressed up as entertainment for those same ignorant Americans utterly disgusting, offensive, and repulsive to any non Americans and to anyone with an ounce of common sense.
by bor003
Tue Apr 27 2004Hope this program makes it!
by hlokty
Thu Apr 22 2004I can't believe this show was cancelled! Why wouldn't American want to know about Homeland Security???? I am sick about the cancelling of this brilliant, well written show. I can't think of the actor's name, but the middle eastern character, just floats my boat. He is so sexy! He needs future work. And how wonderful that they created a challenged chacter - I believe she was deaf, and used sign language. I will have to go on the abc websit to find my favorite episode. What is the likely hood of the two lead characters being formerly married? Please.
by speight_chick
Sat Apr 03 2004How can someone rate a show that ABC refuses to air? Jamie Denton is right on. He rocks. He sizzles. He's the sexiest man alive. But where is Threat Matrix?
by wdechent
Sat Mar 06 2004I watched the show for Jamie Denton, I liked Kelly Rutherford, and I was starting to like the other cast members. It's an action show with a story that doesn't have a lot of latitude for comedy or romance, so I can understand some of the comments that we don't get to see the full scale of what the actors can do. Some have criticized Threat Matrix for episodes so elaborate that if you left the room for two minutes and then came back, you couldn't keep up with the story. I thought that was necessary for the show--so it's also a compliment. I liked Threat Matrix and was willing to give it some leeway--supposedly a computer could see the correct colors from a black and white camera recording--in exchange for the stories that made me ask How are they going to catch them? every week. My favorite episode was In Plane Site. Threat Matrix is an intriguing show with cutting edge (for television) special effects. I would buy the Season One DVD collection.
by threat
Fri Feb 20 2004the best show, better then 24
by propensity
Sun Feb 01 2004What was ABC thinking? This isn't a show about Homeland Security. It's a cartoon show with some comic book characters who are flat and undeveloped. It had some promise in the concept stage, but when transferred to the small screen, Threat Matrix was a total flop!
by whoareyou
Sun Feb 01 2004Not even President Bush can save this one.
by aliasalways
Thu Jan 15 2004I think this show is really good, but I think that they should have Frankie and Kilmer maybe get back together, but I know if they did that it would be cool but then they would have to end it someway and not make it so they hate each other. I still really like the show, I hope it stays on for a while.
by gordocooper
Wed Dec 17 2003Very Cool. Kilmer is damn cool.
by zorque
Wed Dec 17 2003Hmmm... it's a bald-faced propaganda piece about an organization that routinely flouts the American constitution, and was created & funded through emotional tblackmail and intimidation. Never mind that it's badly written and cliched as all heck. Just as a work that extols the *virtues* of such an organization it is utterly repellant.
by infinitelvs
Fri Dec 12 2003Fantastic show. Jaimie Denton is a great actor. Network not thinking clearly when they cancelled this one!
by roxanne
Fri Dec 12 2003ABC finally found a winner! A great change in scheduling from those brainless sitcoms and reality shows..... Forget Line of Fire, Threat Matrix is the BEST new show of the season.
by joecool5
Sun Dec 07 2003Good action/drama show not to miss.
by jamies_pretender
Sat Dec 06 2003The best program on ABC.
by anjelika
Wed Nov 26 2003Five stars for you, JD!
by kolby1973
Sun Nov 23 2003I finally had the unpleasure of watching this show. Just another show that is dragging down the respectability of television....
by gambit4185
Fri Nov 21 2003This show is sick! I saw an episode where a man at Guantanamo Bay was tortured and interigated to death without trial and they justified it by asking the jury of the woman tried with his murder how far they would go to prevent something like September 11. I don't think anyone who died on September 11 would have wanted people tortured and interigated to death in their name. Then, instead of punishing the defendant, she is aquitted and applauded as a hero at the end of the show. This series unwittingly shows just how unaccountable and above the law the Department of Defense really is and how corrupt and murderous it could become, and makes the United States, a nation I am proud to be a part of, look comparable to some of the worst dictatorships in history. This show is straight propoganda, probably thought up by the most rabid of conservitive supporters of Bush, Ashcroft, and Rumsfeld's regime. After this episode, the show made me to ill to my stomache to watch anymore. I truly ho... Read more
by cjnunnally
Thu Nov 20 2003very disappointed it is not on --nov. 20 or nov. 27
by slapfish
Wed Nov 19 2003Terrible acting and stupid story lines.
by ariadne52
Sun Nov 16 2003Mine and my husbands favorite show...never miss it.
by shannon_castle
Sun Nov 02 2003Nope, it's definitely NOT The Agency, but Threat Matrix is on ABC, and it's a good start in the annual Battle of the Networks. Threat Matrix has much promise if the writers can come up with storylines that don't look like clones of The Agency. After seeing five episodes, this viewer can see that the writers are succeeding. Congratulations, Threat Matrix, for being picked up for a full season!
by blaster666
Thu Oct 30 2003Pure propoganda disguised as a drama. At the last episode (10/30) torture was justified cleverly as a means to gather intelligence to prevent terrorism.
by aadams00
Wed Oct 29 2003I love the whole premise. Defenders of freedom!!! I think the chemistry of the cast is a big plus too. I'll keep watching as long as it's running!
by ciara217
Tue Oct 28 2003I love this show. Jamie Denton is just wonderful. Keep up the good work!
by rtestpilot
Sat Oct 25 2003I have read what many of you think of this program on here. All I have to say is some of you may find some of the ideas far fetched, but you must ask yourselves is it really that far fetched. A lot of the things they show on Threat Matrix can happen if someone put their mind to it. I do not look at these ideas as far fetched, rather I look at them as creative. Most of what you see on TV today is repeats of the same storyline from an old TV series or movie with little or no variation. At least this is a program that tries to come up with truly creative ideas. I must say that from a professional standpoint - which I can comment on being a professional writer - is that this program is truly a great show of writing talents. The writers aren't afraid to show current events while at the same time they come up with ideas and storylines you normally wouldn't see. But yet they manage to focus mainly on the characters, something you rarely see; and they manage to tie up all the loose threads by ... Read more
by heartbeat04
Thu Oct 23 2003Its a great way to create more hate and ingorance in peoples minds
by cubbie567
Thu Oct 23 2003I Love Threat Matrix!!! It is a totally exciting ride every week and Frankie is totally hot!
by allthatjazzer9_81
Thu Oct 23 2003Good show. Kind of the same story lines of "Agency", but it's ok. Needs more character development.
by josephm
Sat Oct 18 2003This show is awful. The writing is devoid of logic, and the show's grasp of terrorism and foreign policy is juvenile. The episode I watched revolved around a man operating a meth lab in Utah, whose drug dealing apparently helped fund a "Canadian Al-Qaeda cell," which would use the money to set off a car bomb in a Veteran's Day parade. To deal drugs he would sit in a diner all day (I guess no one ever noticed). Throughout the show, references were constantly made to the terrorist threat of "The Canadians". A plot revolving around setting off a bomb in a Veteran's Day parade is just hokey. The dialogue in this show is a barrage of meaningless cliche phrases and technical jargon. I suspect this is to confuse the viewer into thinking that perhaps what the characters are saying makes sense. Threat Matrix reminded me of The X-Files in terms of the way it was filmed, but it has more of a similarity to shows like JAG or any second rate cop/elite-task-force sort of show. The cheesy graphi... Read more
by creamy_goodness
Sat Oct 18 2003Canadian Al-Quaeda cell? Wow. Sounds like a great way to get people to hate and fear my country.
by duffer43
Thu Oct 16 2003I love this show. It's one of the very few that I watch without channel surfing. I love the pace of the show and Jamie Denton is great. Loved him on The Pretender too. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels cheated by CBS and the cancellation of The Agency. They blew that. Let's hope ABC doesn't pull a boner with Threat Matrix.
by grumfe
Thu Oct 16 2003This is a very well written and acted show. The characters are well developed, the action is excellent, the stories are well-conceived and thought-provoking. The special effect of zooming out into space and back and of travelling through the communication grid are quite cool. It's one of only a few shows we won't miss each week. Glad it's here since The Agency was cancelled.
by brighteyez74
Thu Oct 16 2003I think Threat Matrix is ABC's best Drama ( Behind Alias). I think the whole cast is very interesting and compelling. Same with the story lines. I hope ABC doesn't cancel the show, Its a great show and is very different then your regular cop dramas most tv stations have on. I do also disagree with alot of you about the relationship aspect of the show. I think it gives it a twist and that way it can relate to a wide variety of people. It can relate to the people who like the "CNN" aspect to it and also the drama and the tension between the characters. Overall I think it is a great show and Nothing needs to be changed!
by woody_johnson
Thu Oct 16 2003In an era where the common practice is to bash the President and the actions of our country, it is refreshing to see a show like Threat Matrix. It is highly enjoyable with good plot twists and a fair amount of realism. The U.S. is portrayed in a different light than in most Hollywood offerings. The first episode is definatley classic TV and will rate in my top ten of 2003. The other entries are very enjoyable as well. My only contructive critisism of the show is that I think there should be a secondary plot line to each episode that contiues throughout, somewhat like a serial. This could possible follow the terrorist(s) who brought the first attacker over in the first episode. Also, how in the world do these agents travel so quickly. Just a shot of how they hop and jump all over the world in hours would help. I mean, US - Iraq - US in one day? Anyway, great show!
by oppeade2
Thu Oct 16 2003I just saw an episode of Threat Matrix that revolved around this terrorist bomber. For some reason, before each bomb attempt he sends an e-mail to a newspaper with a cryptic clue on what the next target is. What, is this show using Batman villlians now? The Riddler is on the loose again and only the Department of Homeland Security can stop him? Maybe it would've been mildly entertaining if I could've stopped thinking about how improbable every plot development was. At the end of the episode, they track The Riddler down to a football stadium during the season opener. How? Well, his clue was that he was going to "Blow up the church", and he had once said that football was America's new religion. Nevermind how they figured out which stadium. He gets spotted, and runs into a mens bathroom, which is completely empty for some reason. When the three agents chasing him catch up, the two women agents wait outside while the guy goes in alone to get him. I would've laughed if it wasn't... Read more
by blaiss
Thu Oct 09 2003This show was the hottest this season. I was watching religiously. This last episode tonight was very disappointing and only in the last scene, how boring! Please get back to the original path the show was taking.
by g_cooper
Wed Oct 08 2003This show is cool. And it's the best drama on ABC next to Alias. Easily the best new show on ABC. And it gets better every week. Once we get to know more about the characters and it hits a groove, it'll be even better. Kilmer really seems like a real guy and not some skinny actor punk. But the blonde girl Frankie makes no sense. Maybe she could be an interviewer back at the home station... but every time she's in the field it just seems stupid. She should never have to do anything tough becuase it's a joke. They need to forget about her and show us how Kilmer leads the team because that would be real and the people on the team make sense and it seems like they do what he says. Frankie makes no sense... she's not even hot. The deaf girl and the scientist chick are both hotter.. ABC thinks Frankie is Scully but she's not. When this show becomes like Mission Impossible it'll great. I set my Tivo to record Threat Matrix. Only new show I'm Tivo-ing. Karen Cisco and Brotherhood of Polan... Read more
by lbrinin
Fri Oct 03 2003I saw this show for the first time last night and I was very impressed with the characters, the pacing, the technology, the story line. It was interesting to see Marina Sirtis doing something other than playing a touchy feely therapist I was sorry that the advertised role for Sean Hannity was about 3 seconds long on that he was only seen on a tv monitor,,too bad. I was REALLY looking forward to seeing him in a bigger role than that!
by gershwin
Fri Oct 03 2003This show was developed and written by presidential political hacks, led or instigated by Karl Rove no doubt. It is STRAIGHT PROPAGANDA for the Bush administration, slyly mixing into the current war situation the same fictions, a.k.a. lies, used to get us into Iraq when we should've finished the real war on terrorism first. The manipulation of emotion (death of so-lovable young soldier; planting of more fear, a Bush specialty, re: rogue scientist coming here via Mexico) for political purposes is disgusting in the extreme. When our citizenry has already been deceived so much that 70% erroneously believe Saddam was involved in 9/11 two years after the tragedy, this is an outrageous use of entertainment TV, and ABC should be ashamed. Boycott it or you'll be encouraging this administration to lie to us even more.