This Is Spinal Tap
1984 American mockumentary film co-written and directed by Rob Reiner (in his feature directorial debut) Website
Approval Rate: 69%
Reviews 0
by medgarevers
Tue Nov 10 2009Many stretches of boringness. Then again, Harry Shearer rocks. Christopher Guest can master any role. And they poked great fun at heavy metal, theatrical arena rock, 60's garage rock ("Gimme Some Money"), and 60's psychedelia ("Listen to the Flower People"). "Spinal Tap" had some amusing scenes.
by susanyschoono_ver
Sun Jun 07 2009THIS IS SPINAL TAP has to be one of if not the funniest parody movies ever made. Heavy metal music (especially when its performers and fans take it too seriously) is inherent with ridiculous elements that seem made to be spoofed. Director Rob Reiner (who appears in the film as documentary maker Marty) and actors Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer playing the three lead musicians in Spinal Tap capitalize on the silliness and take it to outrageous and hilarious lengths with their pitch perfect deadpan deliveries. Packed with funny one liners this film can be watched multiple times without losing enjoyment.
by astromike
Tue May 12 2009Has a cult following. Not my cup of tea.
by gris2575
Tue May 12 2009Cult Classic.
by robertthompson_657
Mon May 04 2009I was pretty hyped about this movie before I rented it. While it's nowhere near the comedy masterpiece some people make it out to be I did really enjoy it. Some people say it's metal but the music is really just glam rock, a bad Kiss ripoff at it's peak. I know the music is all just a joke, but if you're going to make us listen to it please make it at least passable. Luckily the music isn't the center of the movie. The acting is pretty solid all around, and very convincing. The real highlight of the movie for me was the band discussions, it's completely hilarious. The dialogue is just priceless, who cannot forget the now famous line, "None more blacker". I also love the scene where the band is playing and they come out of there pods but the bassist is stuck in there for the entire song. It's also pretty faithful to how things actually happen in the music industry, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth stated in an interview that Spinal Tap was sadly very close to how real band life was. If the mus... Read more
by alansmithee707_9
Sat Apr 25 2009I've been a fan of Spinal Tap since they went under the name of The (New) Originals. After the tragic gardening death of their first drummer, John "Stumpy" Pepys, Tap tapped Eric "Stumpy Joe" Childs to fill the fills and thus began their journey of reputation as England's loudest band. I remember when they opened for Deep Purple in 1972, Ritchie Blackmore, watching backstage, was so intimidated by them that he locked himself in a bathroom for the rest of the night and his band had to soldier on playing a two hour show without him. Spinal Tap were kicked off the bill after one gig. While I thought Brainhammer and Nerve Damage provided Spinal Tap adequate "practice" to become a full-fledged heavy metal outfit, they really came into their own with the release of Blood To Let. I remember my buddy bringing his new Master Of Reality LP over to my house one day and I laughed at Sabbath's feeble attempt at heaviness. I took his silly record off the turntable, broke it in half, plunked Bloo... Read more
by lcopas
Fri Apr 10 2009A look on how it might be to be a big rock star on a funny side.
by brandon4334
Sun Mar 22 2009David, Nigel and Derek - the holy trinity of rock, the founding members of England's loudest band, the poets behind "Big Bottom" and "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight" - are the subjects of the first and still the best mock/rockumentary "This Is Spinal Tap" (a film by Marty Dibergi/Rob Reiner). Following the band on their first U.S. tour in over five years, Dibergi goes where no other filmmaker has gone before - deep inside Tap's history, exploring the lean years ("Gimmie Some Money"), the innocent years ("Cups and Cakes"), the psychedelic years ("(Listen to the) Flower People"), the monolith years ("Stonehenge") and the then-present years ("Hell Hole") - while paying respect to all the fallen drummers (R.I.P.) in-between. It's a cross-country roller coaster ride you will never forget. So sit back, relax, turn the volume up to 11, and experience all "the sights, the sounds [and] the smells of a hard-working rock band on the road." While you're at it, mark you calendars for July 14... Read more
by jedi58
Wed Jan 14 2009This one goes to 11.
by caroline112
Mon Dec 29 2008am i the only one who never wants to see that again
by the_masked_cracka
Tue Aug 19 2008BEST MOVIE EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by tiredofevry1
Mon Jul 14 2008Not on the list.
by kuiana
Mon Jul 14 2008never seen
by jennifer845
Tue Jul 08 2008It gets funnier every time I see it. "You can't dust for vomit."
by jmshockey021
Fri Jul 04 2008Shitty Just like Chris Gaines
by caleb983
Wed Jun 25 2008Some of the coolest movie quotes ever come from this one! I loved it!
by oo_michelle_oo
Wed Jun 18 2008LOVE this movie!
by jack_azz
Tue Jun 17 2008Sounds Gay
by amy919
Sat Jun 14 2008never heard of it
by myspace_162525219
Fri Jun 13 2008Never saw the movie I did hear that this was a good movie though But I had to pick a rating.....stupid
by desiderium_in_carmen
Sun Jun 08 2008Our stonehenge was in danger of being toppled by a DWARF!
by wkuk69
Sat Jun 07 2008a classic, so many quotable lines
by dave407
Fri Jun 06 2008Crank it to 11!!!
by myspace_7773557
Sun Jun 01 2008mine goes to 11
by myspace_20780446
Sun Jun 01 2008Havent seen this one either
by cheyenne
Sat May 31 2008huh?
by genghisthehun
Sat May 31 2008I always liked McKean and ratchet this up a star for his performance.
by myspace_325979967
Sat May 31 2008But these go to 11. haha great movie.
by g8rhoo
Thu May 29 2008I've seen this movie but didn't find it to be as epic as everyone else seems to.
by spike65
Sun Apr 27 2008The best movie this ensemble cast has done so far. Christopher Guest is really great in this film.
by angryjed
Sat Dec 01 2007what more can be said - the original dig at heavy metal stereotypes is the best. what is more, I actually like some of their rockin' tunes.
by xagent
Wed Aug 01 2007"It was more of a stain....."
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Aug 01 2007"These go to 11..."
by yogurt
Sun Jun 17 2007I found this movie out right hilarious. I had to rewind the volume to 11 part several times.
by disgust4pcness
Thu May 03 2007Absolutely brilliant movie that most people just don't get (and I don't mean to sound like some elitist, but it is true)...ranks on top with Office Space in my list of "Movies that Most People Don't Completely Get." Fortunately, it looks like a lot of people on RateItAll do get it! Lots of funny lines from the movie have been posted here, but here's another: "This pretentious ponderous collection of religious rock psalms is enough to prompt the question, 'What day did the Lord create Spinal Tap, and couldn't he have rested on that day too?'"
by bassman44113
Thu May 03 2007One of my favorite movies of all time. I loved it when they got lost from the dressing room to the stage and the janitor had to help them find it. All I have to say is ..... Smell the Glove!
by canadasucks
Sat May 13 2006Even funnier if you are a musician or know someone who is. . .the "11" speech is still hilarious after all these years.
by sjchaos
Fri May 12 2006way over-rated (and i'm not a youngin either)
by ericmk
Sun Jul 31 2005Second best movie of all time (tied for 2nd with A Fish Called Wanda), after Waiting for Guffman.
by blanconino
Sun Jan 30 2005These go to eleven!
by sfalconer
Thu Dec 02 2004The Stone Henge scene alone is worth watching this movie, it is hysterical. It shows Christopher Guest at his best a very funny movie with lots of cameos.
by jjm1965
Wed Dec 01 2004This is a great movie, absolutely hilarious, and if you are a musician (like me), you can relate to at least 1 of the mishaps this band encounters. Everyone involved did their homework in making this mockumentary. After this, I also recommend All You Need Is Cash, which profiles The Rutles (Beatles parody).
by mad_hatter
Mon Oct 04 2004It goes to 11!
by frogger20190
Thu Jul 22 2004Still makes me laugh 'til I cry. Christopher Guest is a comic genius. All of his movies are comedy classics.
by sld31879
Fri Jul 02 2004Just plain great. Makes fun of every mistep made by every rock band from the Clash Mark II to Linda McCartney, and the songs really aren't that bad. Guest's mocumentaries have all been good but none of them ever quite matched this one.