The Thin Red Line
Approval Rate: 43%
Reviews 13
by stanuzbeck
Mon Dec 13 2010OK, whoever made this list is a vapid individual without a mind of his/her own. Have you even watched these movies, oh listmaker individual? Or are you just going about copying lists from other, equally insipid sources? The Thin Red Line is a brilliant movie that most people are unable to get through because it moves rather slowly and ponderously. This film has no place on this stupid list. Transformers does!
by canadasucks
Thu Jul 16 2009Is there a more talented yet irritating director than Terence Malik? There is some terrific work in this film. . .moments of brilliance. . .undone by plenty of sins of a director who doesn't know when to "CUT!" Overblown, pompous, haughty. . .but it's not nearly as bad as some turkeys on this list.
by sagedarkhorse
Wed Jun 10 2009Im impartial about this movie honestly. I watched it when it first came out .. I literally fell asleep during it. I watched it again recently and it isnt a masterpiece like some people see it to be but its not utter garbage. I dunno about most people but its worth taking a 2nd look at.
by doobiesnhof
Wed Mar 11 2009Not one of the best or worst WW II movies I have seen. However,it definitely deserves a look...
by james76255
Sun Feb 06 2005A flower child from the 60's makes a war movie. That's enough to make you raise an eyebrow before you even see it. It's one of those movies that isn't really going to please anyone. It's to artsy for the action fan, to violent for the art house crowd. It did have it's moments, but for the most part I found it to be hard to follow and all to obvious that there were no technical advisors on hand to help out. Added: Yes, it's a World War 2 movie. I was thinking of the director that grew up during the Vietnam era. I'll leave snotty remarks aside.
by jamie_mcbain
Sun Feb 06 2005Long, boring and dull, watch Saving Private Ryan instead.
by biondi
Sun Feb 06 2005This is an absolutely AMAZING MOVIE. If you hated it that's probably because you were looking for a shoot-em-up action film with clearly delineated good and bad guys. God forbid you might actually have to think and reconsider your ready for prime time thought processes. America GOOD! Japan BAD! Try something with Schwarzenegger- it'll be easy for you to understand. Leave the masterpieces like Thin Red Line to the rest of us who are actually capable of appreciating something brilliant.
by irishgit
Sat Feb 05 2005Overblown, overlong, pretentious hog manure. By the way Jameslotsanumbers, its not a Vietnam war movie, its a second world war movie. Nice to see you were paying attention. And I'm sorry, PzKpfw, it may have been more accurate in terms of showing emotion, but it was still a damn bad film.
by pzkpfw_vi_e
Sat Feb 05 2005People expected a lot from this film as it came out so near to SPR. The two movies are polar opposites. While SPR was a overblown action flick with numerous amatuer inaccuracies the TRL is much different. If you want a movie with over the top action scenes, full of American heroes, German devils and a few laughs, go see SPR. But if you want a more accurate portrayal of the common American soldier, a movie that doesn't try to make heroes or evil sides, go see The Thin Red Line. I am sure most would enjoy SPR more because of the blind action. The way that the TRL indulged into the psychological side of war was genious. SPR has more gunfire, explosions, better weapons, better heroes, a stupid enemy that runs around just wishing to be killed by brave American GIs. The Thin Red Line showed scared American GIs, incompitent commanders, and they actually showed Japanese soldiers with emotion, crying and being ashamed that they were captured. This is just a good film that most well fin... Read more
by sfalconer
Wed Dec 22 2004This was the most boring war movie I have ever tried to watch. The acting was dull and uncaring. It drags on and on with little or no point.
by redoedo
Mon Apr 19 2004Worked a hell of a lot better than most sleep aids. Cured my insomnia right up.
by lukskywlkr
Fri Apr 09 2004Incredibly boring movie and we gave up about 40 minutes into it. We were hoping it would eventually get better, but it just never happened. The actors looked like they were just as bored as we were.
by aurielle
Mon Oct 20 2003I have to admit that this movie was pretty long, but it's still one of my favorites because it was so raw and brutal. The nature scenes mixed in were at times unecessary, but they showed the difference between the agony and the beauty.