The Star Spangled Banner

Approval Rate: 96%

96%Approval ratio

Reviews 13

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    Fri Jul 24 2009

    Like it or not, we are stuck with it. It only has been the national anthem since the 1930's and it is not a very good song.It is in 3/4 time and nobody can march to it.The melody is from an old 18th Century drinking song, "To Anacreon in Heaven."It runs up and down the musical scales, twelve steps, I think, and only a trained voice can do it well.It refers to a skirmish in the War of 1812 and says nothing about the nation's founding or beliefs.It is played too much at sporting events and other such non-patriotic events where it is routinely butchered and disparaged.

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    Fri Jul 24 2009

    As anthems go, it's nothing special. (This should not be taken as a political comment, but rather a musical one.) It is, as others have observed, hard to sing and with fond respect to my American friends, it lacks the pomp and circumstance, stirring martial awe, or patriotic fervor of Belgium's "La Brabanconne," China's "March of the Volunteers," France's "La Marseillaise," Germany's "Deutschland Uber Alles," Ireland's "Soldier's Song," the UK's "God Save the Queen" or the old USSR standby "The Internationale" And while I don't object to it being played at ball games (as is the Canadian anthem) I think it has led some people to believe that the final words of the song are "Play Ball."

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    Fri Jul 24 2009

    Indifferent to it, but at least the lyrics aren't as violent as Vietnams anthem.

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    Fri Jul 24 2009

    I love the anthem. It is perfect. The flag was still there and our country has survived. It is a little difficult to sing. I love hearing people sing it well. There is a joke that goes on about the song. I can't write it here or not a good idea. The punch line is just that someone thinks everyone is standing up to ask them if he can "see" at Yankee Stadium. I myself like it better than 'God Bless America.'

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    Tue Oct 02 2007

    Randyman is right. Sometimes it loses what it really stands for when somebody gets up, well meaning I'm sure, and screeches the song out. Patriotic songs are difficult, but very inspirational. And I have heard them done very well.

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    Mon Oct 01 2007

    When done right, and with respect, it can be awe inspiring.

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    Wed Mar 15 2006

    Have you ever imagined being on the ship, where this song was written, the morning after the bloody sea battle, not knowing which side won? Have you ever read the final verse to this which gives homage to the true giver of freedom? It's not men, nor their lives, which give freedom but the God of heaven. Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war's desolation! Blessed with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust." And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

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    Thu Dec 15 2005

    Honestly, I think we have better songs. As much as I respect the experience and sacrifice, the country is about more than war.

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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    The words of the first verse (read them again) are just a question about the survival of the union, the great experiment of mankind. They remind us of our responsibility as Americans to make sure that it continues, even after all of us are gone and forgotten. Lincoln understood the importance (re-read the Gettysburg Address) as did FDR, Reagan and many others. It is a call to action and, for some, a call to arms.

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    Tue Jul 06 2004

    A fitting battle hymn for a nation who believed it's tradition and culture were superior to all others and worth fighting for. Though secularism and its perfidious sidewalk panhandlers try to crack the foundation of our nation from within- there at every game, at every event, the Stars and Stripes of American Glory are being paid homage- the symbolism that we all are just a part of something greater than ourselves and that this nation was built upon principles that defend that ordered liberty and personal freedom. May God Bless the Greatest Country this planet has ever scene.

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    Sat Jul 03 2004

    Overrated national anthem. America the Beautiful is a better song. I like it best when Olympic athletes win the gold and you get to hear it. . .but I am weary of people being cute on the national stage and butchering the song.

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    Fri Jul 02 2004

    The ultimate sign of respect for all of the great men and women who have sacrificed throughout our nation's great and storied history.To me it is a tribute to everyone from George Washington to the brave men at Normandy and Iwo Jima!This song and our glorious flag go hand in hand.

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    Thu Jul 01 2004

    No comment here could express what this song means to me. One of the few that can raise the hair on the back of your neck and give you chill bumps on your arms.