The government controls the weather

Approval Rate: 55%

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    Tue Oct 20 2009

    I'm sure they've TRIED.Think of the tactical military possibilities,and the agricultural advantages.However,I don't think they succeeded.There are too many factors science is only dimly aware of at this point.Besides,beings unable to control even THEMSELVES will never dominate Mother Nature.

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    Tue Oct 20 2009

    The government has a hard enough time scheduling clerical staff to provide phone coverage for public inquiries. Do you really think they are capable of deciding where to send a little rainfall to help the Nebraska corn crop and when to schedule a fog bank to provide cover for a squadron of bi-planes to swoop down over Columbia?

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    Tue Oct 20 2009

    I've known this since those zonked out kids in Woodstock were claiming that the fascist pigs were seeding the clouds.

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    Mon Oct 19 2009

    I think someone's been watching too much "Twilight Zone".

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    Tue Apr 07 2009

    ......what kinda crap is that? I know there a buttload of atheist jackwads here,but God controls the weather. I dont care what you believe

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    Fri Sep 26 2008

    HEu sentit a parlar del clorur de plata?

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    I just dont think so.

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    Tue Sep 09 2008

    study HAARP. then post your opinions.

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    Tue Sep 09 2008

    you can't control mother nature

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    Sun Aug 31 2008

    Unless you look at it in a more indirect way... the government controls the oil industry and the lack of use with clean burning fuel resulting in changes to our envirment and to the weather... so inadvertently yes.

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    Mon Aug 18 2008

    It might be true, but they would be very limited on what they could do

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    Thu Aug 14 2008


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    Wed Aug 13 2008

    How would this even be possible? I suppose they pull the sun out from a cupboard some days...

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    Tue Aug 12 2008

    Maybe not in this country, but China has a Weather Modification agency.

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    Tue Aug 12 2008

    HA if only, how fucking stupid

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    Tue Aug 12 2008

    God controls that I believe.

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    Fri Aug 08 2008

    Nope. That's God.

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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    in part they do, if you don't think this is so... research contrails-vs-chemtrails online.

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    Tue Aug 05 2008

    ok i dont know about this one

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    Tue Aug 05 2008

    We could use some global warming up here in New Hampshire this year.

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    i dont beleve we are that smart...but who knows??

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    Sun Aug 03 2008

    Wow, if that were true that would be wonderful... no more droughts, hurricanes, cyclones (for those in the southern hemisphere), floods, fires.... If only!

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    Sun Aug 03 2008

    no god does lol

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    Sat Aug 02 2008

    I believe they're attempting to. See "Chem Trails/Com Trails" theories and then go outside and watch the little white planes flying over and their little smoke lines that they leave and then you figure it out for yourself.

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    Thu Jul 31 2008


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    Mon Jun 23 2008

    This one is plausible given some the technology with which they have been experimenting. I haven't seen any proof yet.

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    Tue Feb 20 2007

    Funny, they can't even control the government.

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    Tue Feb 20 2007

    So I presume they ordered up the rain for the last Superbowl game?

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    They would need super powers to do this, wouldn't they?

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    Well, judging by the accuracy of most television weathermen, THEY sure as hell don't control the weather, but I doubt the goverment does, either. If they did, we'd all be !@#$ed (they can't even control their spending, how the hell are they supposed to control the weather?)

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    Fri Dec 15 2006

    If that is true, the members of the government have a lot of explaining to do before: "Make ready, aim, FIRE!"

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    Thu Dec 14 2006

    What a load of crap! You gotta be a God to control the weather, no government in the world comes close to that!

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    Thu Dec 14 2006

    Like Drummond says, there are quite a few people who believe this far-out claim. In fact, Fidel Castro claims that the United States government is responsible for diverting hurricanes towards Cuba as a means to punish the country. Never mind that many of those same hurricanes which hit Cuba many times drift towards Florida, before heading up the East Coast! No, this is not conspiracy: this is superstition! And a rather stupid one at that. The Government has tried to manipulate the weather in the past. During the 1960's, efforts were made to "seed" hurricanes in an attempt to reduce their strength. At the end of the day, it is difficult indeed to master nature. Cloud seeding didn't really work, so those efforts ended. But no matter what, Fidel will still blaim the US government for the hurricanes which hit his country, like he does just about everything else that goes wrong in Cuba!!

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    Thu Dec 14 2006

    I spoke to a grown semi-educated woman a few years back who asked me whether I noticed that sometimes airliners have vapor trails and sometimes they don't. She brushed off my explanation about the moisture content of the air differing from one day to the next and accounting for the difference and insisted that the vapor trail is a substance designed to control the weather. She doesn't know how. You know, probably the biggest reason I don't believe the 911 conspiracy theories is that I just don't believe the government is competent enough to pull it off. They can't control their own red tape, let alone the weather.