The Dark Knight
2008 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan from a screenplay he co-wrote with his brother Jonathan Website
Approval Rate: 84%
Reviews 0
by maRIA1
Mon Jul 24 2023When there is no villains left, we need to invent some. And then pump more $$$ into a budget that will smack 'em.
by eltacolibre
Mon Sep 05 2011The dark knight is a great movie but has his little flaws. Mostly not a big fan of Christian Bale changing his voice and some points here and there but overall this movie grants a good experience by showing us one of the best Joker ever adapted in the movie. It is the kind of Joker that would find in the Killing Joke, yet still kept the funny of the Adan West's Joker. The main love interest is pretty boring in my opinion but don't let it stop you from checking out this great movie.
by edwardnygma
Thu Aug 26 2010This is the best super hero movie ever. Completely better than the first batman movie franchise. Chistian Bale is an awesome Batman, and awesome Bruce Wayne (yes there were moments as Batman where his voice was a bit over exagerated, but all-in-all, he is a perfect Batman). Aaron Eckhart played Two-Face exactly how you're supposed to, I just wish that we could have saw more Two-Face, and not so much Harvey Dent, but it was still awesome. Last, but definetely not least, Heath Ledger as the Joker, by far the best live-action version of the character, way better than Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero combined. Ledger put himself completely into the character to the point where you forgot you were watching Heath Ledger and you actually felt like you were watching the Joker, as opposed to Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero where you could easily tell it was them. The only part of this movie I didn't like was Rachel Dawes, but even that didn't last long because they killed her off.
by abovemoon
Thu Feb 11 2010asfdsafdsaf
by roastingmallow_s
Thu Feb 11 2010I can say without a doubt that this is the best movie I've ever seen. It's an ordeal to watch it after you've seen it seven or eight times and you're thouroughly familiar with all the twists, but DAMN was this a good movie. I personally loved Christian Bale as Batman and even moreso as Bruce Wayne. This movie had a fresh, modern approach to the Joker and I was very impressed. Heath Ledger was great. I was very happy that Morgan Freeman was in this. But most of all, I was impressed with Aaron Eckert's performance....His character wasn't too likeable, but he sure played it well! Even when he kissed Maggie Gyllenhall, I was totally fooled into thinking he acutally wanted to. XD Christian Bale was way less convincing. The only one I didn't like in this movie was her. Her acting was terribly bland and uninspired, or maybe that is just part of her character. But ew. No good. Still! Best Batman movie, no contest. Full of action and suspense, some funny parts and great cast over... Read more
by sk4u2009
Thu Oct 29 2009Great movie..... one of the best as far as the whole batman idea. Good graphics, and yet so sad because of heath.....
by bird808
Fri Sep 25 2009One thing I'm not attuned to is hype. When this movie was released and the surrounding events after this movie (notably Heath Ledger's death) I refused to watch it. I wasn't going to let critics, press or even peoples adulation cloud my view on a film that I wanted to decide on for myself. It came on Sky Premier recently and I thoroughly enjoyed it. For me personally this was what a superhero film should be like. it's not all glossy and loaded with special effects to the point it chokes the viewers. They need to go back to script and most importantly for this genre character. I loved Christopher Nolan's direction in this. Heath Ledger completely stole this movie. Morgan Freeman, Sir Michael Caine, Aaron Eckhart(sp) and even Maggie Gyllenhaal were excellent. This was a terrific ensemble cast with not one single weak link in this movie. I for one will be purchasing the DVD.
by bobgenius
Wed Sep 23 2009It was a good movie they played the Joker well and did a great job with Batman and Two Face's computer animation face. THe overall film was not quite as dark as I was told it was. All in all it was an awesome movie with really great storyline and even has a moral or two.
by dumontaaron55
Thu Aug 27 2009"I have a magic trick to show you," says the Joker in The Dark Knight, right before he takes out a pencil and drives it in to a bodyguard's face. This scene sums up the looming sense of terror in the movie or, more precisely, the attempt of a looming sense of terror. After the hype, as rigid as The Dark Knight's surface is, the movie doesn't quite pass for much more than a two-and-a-half hour-long series of poses and charades. As incredibly beautiful and wild as they are it's difficult to make a magic trick when you're being too obvious, and it's difficult to make a joke when you're being too obscure. In my view, it's too easy to label The Dark Knight a masterpiece. A masterpiece of what? Of action? Of suspense? It's more responsible to call it a work of new-found maturity and sophistication, but I'm still not getting the whole picture. Maybe I'm an idiot. Or maybe it's just a children's comic-book movie that wishes to be more. So, while it is honorable that this movie is taking a ki... Read more
by fortyniner8123
Thu Aug 27 2009It was better than I expected it to be. And was definitely better than "Batman Begins." Ledger was great as the Joker - it'll be interesting to see what direction the next Batman film will take. Obviously Two-face will be a character that continues to develop, but I wonder if the Joker will be in it??? Dark Knight was very dark (in a good way) and had a pretty solid plot. I didn't like the beginning where the Scarecrow was attempting to deal his drugs....etc. - felt like that could've been written differently or left out. Christian Bale was okay -- I still think that he overdoes with his scruffy Batman voice -- it gets annoying after a while. But overall, it was worth seeing and probably eventually purchasing on DVD.
by genevaw
Mon Aug 24 2009Yeah! I totally agree with you, one of the best movie there is.
by mazeeeka
Mon Aug 24 2009This movie was, I'm sorry, NOT a masterpiece, NOR did it deserve an Oscar nomination for BP. That's my opinion- it doesn't necessarily mean I'm right. Here are some good things about the film. Heath Ledger does give a brilliant performance, and that's one reason that it's worth watching. The film balances comedy and drama very well, and Aaron Eckhart also stands out as Harvey Dent. But sadly, even though this is better then almost every other comic-book film, that just means that it is not horrible. The screenplay is a very average one, and all of the other performances are nothing special. The story is stifled by all of the action sequences, and the plot isn't allowed to be as deep as it should. In conclusion, this movie is only above average because of Heath Ledger's spectacular performance and the visual effects that will undoubtedly deliver the thrills consistently. Undoubtedly, nearly all of you will disagree with this comment; that's fine. It's my opinion, and a less-then-solid b... Read more
by biscuithead
Mon Aug 24 2009I have to say when I went to go see it I was expecting something good but this one blew me away. Heath Ledger had an amazing last performance in this movie, but Christian /bale didn't quite have the same performance Heath did. The movie was exciting and easy to get into to. It's probably not a sit the entire family down including a 2-yr old and watch kind of movie. When Dent Harvey turned to Two-Face, it actually suprised me at first. This was a great movie, and probably the best I've seen in a long time.
by ninjacobra
Tue Aug 18 2009This is one of the Greatest Films of All Time.
by index6a9
Wed Aug 12 2009It is fantastic movie to watch. All did good acting. Every character suits that person. Especially Heath Ledger played joker was really awesome. Story moves with suspense and curiosity. Actions were thrilling. Background music was fantastic. Christian Bale did well job as batman. Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent (Two-Face) and Maggie Gyllenhaal gave their best. Movie surly deserve Oscars.Watch it many times.
by suzza_nuzza
Wed Jul 29 2009Ba na na na na na na na Batman! Very cool movie, but i hate Christian Bale since that freakout on the set of Terminator. He is not a nice man! They should have replaced him with Adam West, even though he is old. Besides that a very good film. Great acting (but not by the big meany mr. Bale), and a very dark an interesting story. I wasnt able to watch it more than once though because it was too boring the second time. Oh and Morgan Freeman is in the movie. But then again, what movie isnt he in? HA!
by susieingreenba_y
Tue Jul 21 2009This was an amazing action packed movie, with some great performances all around. He direction was superb!
by nwilliams8511
Thu Jul 02 2009This to me by far is the best Batman movie ever made. Most of the actors did a remarkable job with their roles, most notably(and obviously) the late Heath Ledger's role as Joker. I say most because I wasn't feeling Christian Bale as Batman, more as Bruce Wayne. In his suit, he sounded like he had a mixture of a head cold and asthma. It was a terrible sound that made you want to go find him a glass of water to drink or something. That's my only complaint though. Awesome stuff!
by jedi58
Sun Jun 21 2009Please note that there may be spoilers ahead! The Dark Knight, well what can I say about it overall? I'd say it's a stunning film. I remember walking out the cinema after Batman Begins and being totally blown away by how cool a job Christopher Nolan had done, and it's no different with The Dark Knight. There are so many great scenes it's nigh on impossible to pick any single one as being the best. Almost everyone has been raving about the amazing of performance of Heath Ledger as the villainous Joker, and I have to agree with them. You've probably seen the Tim Burton Batman movie - if so you'll remember the performance of Jack Nicholson as being a believable one of a madmen. Heath Ledger's performance I believe puts his to shame. One of the best moments for the Joker is his "magic trick" where he says he can make the pencil disappear and then proceeds to slam it into one of the mobsters eye. It's a sadistic, crazy thing for the Joker to do - but it's great, and the delivery of it jus... Read more
by twansalem
Fri Apr 10 2009The Dark Knight was a solid Batman movie, but not the best. Christian Bale was a decent Batman, but as others have mentioned, the weird voice he goes into every time he is Batman does get annoying. Heath Ledger played a an excellent psychotic villain, but to me it wasn't the Joker. For me, the Joker is a combination of Jack Nicholson's Joker, as well as the Joker from the animated series. Another criticism is that they introduced and killed off two face in a big hurry. If they wanted to do another sequel, they should have made this movie primarily about the Joker, while introducing Two Face in this one. Then they would have had a developed Two Face to deal with in a sequel, but instead they just killed him off. My final criticism is the Batmobile. It was a cool vehicle, but it wasn't the Batmobile. The Batmobile isn't supposed to look like an SUV on steroids, it should be a much sleeker vehicle. So while this movie entertained me, I probably wouldn't watch it again.
by shawn_mcguire
Sun Apr 05 2009Not my favorite Batman but it's alright.
by teresag
Sun Mar 22 2009I think this was the best ever of the Batman Series (not to mention my friend was in it).
by redoedo
Thu Mar 19 2009Immediately before and after I saw this film all I could think about was how it would compare to Tim Burton's 1989 film, but I soon came to the realization that it would be foolish to attempt to compare apples and oranges. Christopher Nolan has his own style and it was clear from Batman Begins that he wanted a clean break from the previous franchise, and although I was unimpressed with the 2005 film, I anxiously anticipated seeing this one and -- save for a few flaws -- it did not disappoint. This is not your typical action/super hero flick, and I don't see how anyone can objectively make the case that it is. It was almost disturbing at points, avoiding any detectable degree of campiness (which has victimized many a superhero film). Adults and children alike were entertained by the film because it was layered that way -- kids could enjoy the cool fight scenes, explosions and fancy gadgets and adults could get something out of the experience too: a film that explored serious issues, a... Read more
by pivic57c
Thu Jan 22 2009Once again, Batman faces The Joker while he delves into himself; the police veer between stamping Batman a criminal and a hero, adding to Batman’s list of raging conflicts. A very strong 8/10 makes this the best Batman-film I’ve seen this far; direction is very good, as Batman is transformed – much like James Bond in that franchise – from super-being to human being, going from Bruce Wayne to hero with friction to follow. Of course, Christian Bale is stale as Batman acting out an untouchable vigilante archetype; the real antihero in this film is The Joker; Heath Ledger betters Jack Nicholson’s previous performance as The Joker indefinitely by presenting a meticulously researched, damaged individual who attracts and revolts, psychopathically killing and lying to suit his insane genius at will. While this film presents twists and turns that excite and surprise the plot is on par, being better than most action films, not to mention that of those based on comics. Even though the film loses... Read more
by ilikepie
Fri Jan 02 2009Very good, but let down by various things which were easily avoidable. I was entirely impressed with the unpredictable and entirely mad character of the Joker. Heath Ledger put in the performance of a lifetime, which just happened to be his last... Two-Face is also very capably played, and with some pretty good CGI to help hammer in the significance of his disfigurement. However, the rest of the film was just about your standard brainless action film with an over-preachy message about good over evil. The first half an hour (save the bank robbery) was dull, and could have been done in about a sixth of that time. Christian Bale is also irritating as Batman, who is nothing but a poor man's Solid Snake in this film (and with a far less cool voice). He couldn't have been more hackneyed if they'd cast a scotch-slugging, vest-sporting Bruce Willis as a washed-up, middle-aged Batman. Michael Caine (playing the part of Michael Caine) was the same as ever, and Oldman was competent but no more. ... Read more
by jrichardma
Fri Dec 12 2008Really enjoyed this movie because of the Joker. Possibly one of the best villians I've seen in a movie. Too bad they're not going to recast the character for Batman 3, and instead are completely going to drop him from the story with no closure.
by halloweengal81
Sun Oct 12 2008best batman movie
by hinata
Wed Oct 08 2008My favorite movie of 2008, no doubt~ I mean, the style, the was everything i hoped for scared me, but excited me, too....I can't wait for it to come out on dvd....
by mcchido
Mon Sep 29 2008BEST BATMAN EVER...
by marilynmonroeb_ot
Tue Sep 09 2008awesome...i want to see it again and again and again and again.....
by irishgit
Tue Aug 05 2008You can count me among the truly unimpressed. Having read reviews and heard lots of good things about this, I saw it the other day with considerable anticipation.Heath Ledger is very good, but the rest of the cast.....Gary Oldman turns in the worst performance I've ever seen him do in a generally fine career.Morgan Freeman is just the same character he's played in twenty other movies, only more sanctimonious.Christian Bale is competent, but generally uncompelling.Michael Caine acts like he's needing a downpayment for the nursing home.The movie starts strong, with a great action sequence bank robbery, but quickly bogs down in a pretentious, overly preachy examination of the psyche of Batman. Which is all well and good, except it didn't need to be done at least five separate times, with no discernable advance of the theme or plot.The action sequences pick up in intensity, but devolve into ever increasing use of CGI which made me feel like I was watching a video game and not a movie.The ... Read more
by louiethe20th
Mon Aug 04 2008This movie made me feel like a kid again in the sense that it left me with the same anticipation from scene to scene as did Saturday morning cartoons as a 7 year old. This movie packed a major wallop of action and threw in just enough comedy. Heath Ledger was masterful as the Joker. I enjoyed this film imensely. Definitely 2 thumbs up."I am like a dog chasing a fire engine, but when I catch it I don't know what to do with it." -- The Joker
by itz_me_gayle62
Sun Aug 03 2008Worth the look.
by hunterschapelu_nlimited
Sat Aug 02 2008It took me about 48 hrs to come down from all the suspense and action. It gave me the same emotions and feelings when I saw The Fugitive for the first time, my number 1 movie of all time. I'm still trying to understand where it ranks for me, but I know this superhero movie was so much more than that. Absolutely the best film of 2008.
by ms_387473945
Sat Aug 02 2008theeeee besttt evuurrr
by kamylienne
Fri Aug 01 2008Good enough that I saw it twice, once on the day after release and again this week at a super-fancy theater where they served food and drink at luxury seats. Twenty bucks a seat. That oughta tell you how much I liked the film to pay for it twice. SYNOPSIS: Bruce Wayne is still running around Gotham beating up bad guys and trying to win the heart of the girl he can't get (Rachel Dawes, played this time by Maggie Gyllenhaal.) But, things have to balance out: here comes a very demented interpretation of the Joker (Heath Ledger) to try to throw in a little chaos. Gotham has a new hero, though (one that doesn't run around in a cape); District Attorney Harvey Dent (even passive Batman fans will recognize that name, but I'll save it for those who aren't familiar). PROS:You're pretty much promised great action scenes, and you'll get some pretty good ones. I'm a big fan of the Dark Knight route (as opposed to the campy version of Batman), though some might prefer the lighter, goofier... Read more
by bradycouch
Wed Jul 30 2008Best movie this year
by k_a_y_l_a
Sun Jul 27 2008kindaah stoopid.
by lena7358
Thu Jul 24 2008This film was nothing short of amazing. I've never been so surprised by a story I already knew. I felt the complexity of every character and the overwhelming darkness that colors Nolan's treatment of the franchise. Even the city of Gotham comes alive in a complex way that most other comic/superhero movies don't accomplish. No suspension of disbelief necessary at really any moment. Nolan has really translated his ability to tell a highly complex and intentionally obfuscated story (see Memento) into developing robust and intricately woven plots, settings, and characters that appeal more broadly.
by erica_brooke
by ivymonster943
Tue Jul 22 2008it was the best yet
by the_arohs_playground
Tue Jul 22 2008Not great. Beautiful. Perfect.
by sarah_spice
Tue Jul 22 2008as a whole i didnt really like it.
by kristyn718
Tue Jul 22 2008Probably the number one movie of this year...they are going to have a hard time topping this movie with the next batman movie!
by bbjcnf_52807
Tue Jul 22 2008seen it twice in 3 days :]
by penny307
Mon Jul 21 2008It was awesome. I really enjoyed it.