That '70s Show
Approval Rate: 80%
Reviews 0
by irishgit
Wed Jan 20 2010Basic, run of the mill sit-com. About as funny as a rubber crutch, and about as much like the '70s as people who came of age after the decade imagine it to be.
by jake_armitage
Wed Jan 20 2010That 70's Show in the tradition of Happy Days, depicted a past decade to an almost unerring degree and was a huge reason why it was so successful. It produced the star Ashton Kutcher, and several others who still have a chance to make it big. I didn't give it five stars because the last season and half were just hard to watch, they should of ended it when Kutcher and Topher Grace left the show.
by amileinmyshoes
Tue May 05 2009This is my favorite show. It is funny and entertaining/anyone who doesn't like it as no sense of humor and takes everything too seriously.
by edboogie2004
Thu Nov 13 2008I hate that this show is canceled. Personally it's my favorite sitcom of all time. I loved the whole gang and whenever I watch the show, I wish I was a part of it. The acting is good, a majority of the scenarios are realistic (with exception to a few), and on top of that Jackie (Mila Kunis) is extremely hot so what's not to like about the show! And I agree with the poster before me that the show did decline some after Eric and Kelso left, but I still enjoyed and still do enjoy the show. I even have all the seasons on dvd!
by spike65
Sun Jul 13 2008A very fine sitcom about the 70's. The kids had too much weed to be realistic (costs money!) other than that it was great. It did decline after Eric went to Africa, but still watchable.
by ungodlyugly
Wed Jun 21 2006Completely overrated and unfunny.
by big_lew
Sun May 21 2006What the hell? The show's finale really sucked! Bringing Eric back in the last five minutes of the show did nothing to make it better. I can't believe Ashton's character got more airtime than Topher's. The show was based around Eric and his friends. Like Red would say, whoever wrote the finale, was a major dumbass!
by crazylilheisty
Wed May 17 2006this show kicks ass and its funny as anything
by joecollins6920_02
Fri Mar 10 2006I am dreaming of being.. but through the I's im seeing. The show is great for its well being.
by rhapsody22
Sun Jan 22 2006I'm giving a three based on the fact that during the first few seasons, it rated a four and these last few seasons its deserved a two. It all went downhill withe departure of Topher Grace who played Eric Foreman, the core character. I'm sad to say I didn't even care when Fox announced it was being cancelled recently. When they wrote out Eric by sending him to Africa, it became a horrific thing to watch. They couldn't even muster plot lines, let alone a couple funny one-liners. Its too bad that such a unique and terrific show had such a dismal demise. You should definitely check out the first few seasons on dvd though.
by juniper
Fri Jan 06 2006One of my favorites, this show keeps me laughing. Bring back Eric!!!
by dodo8310
Thu Dec 08 2005That '70s show, was really good and hilarious!! But, now? I don't know what to say. Without Eric and Kelso, how's this show going on... But I believe Kitty and Fez, especially HYDE!!
by bimdan
Fri Nov 25 2005i would've rated this 4 or 5 stars had the writers/producers kept to their originality as when this show first came on the air. but for the last two seasons they've resorted to just making it about sex, sex, sex. so sophomoric, not original.
by gobthehotcop
Wed Oct 26 2005Ashton Kutcher is unwatchable in everything he does, he's damn annoying!
by fitzpatrick
Tue Aug 16 2005No matter how much I don't want to say it, That 70's Show is extremely funny and definitely 5-star worthy. Earlier episodes really weren't great, so reviewers basing their reviews on those should watch the last couple seasons, as they are truly amazing. Major props to this show for incorporating awkward moments, dysfunctional parenting, insanely good writing, and friends that truly need one another into one mega-show that will be sorely missed without Grace and Kutcher. That 70s Show truly was one of the greatest things ever to be witnessed.
by kattwoman
Fri May 13 2005i liked it at first. i have just lost interest in it.
by texasyankee
Sun Apr 24 2005I enjoy this show, it reminds me a lot of when I was in high school and the characters remind me of the people I hung out with. Even tho I was from the 80's, it was still basically the same stuff.
by blarfo
Wed Apr 20 2005You've got to be pretty sad to watch this.
by jdamon
Mon Apr 11 2005Hyde is the sexiest thing. I love when they sit in a circle
by perfectsona
Sat Apr 09 2005it's a great show. it's cute, funny and interesting. the actors are really funny and talented. i watch it regularly - and so should you
by guitar_chick49_3
by chickenlover
Fri Mar 25 2005that 70's show is so in the 70's it was so funny
by dmsdbo
Sun Feb 20 2005Whatever was once there, is now gone. Since its renewed, lets make the last season a last, and give it a good solid wrapup for the fans out there.
by djahuti
Fri Jan 28 2005This show is nothing like the 70s- I know- I was there!
by 1johndoefan
Tue Dec 28 2004This rating and comment is actually more than a year old, but I decided to update it. I have watched every single episode since the pilot in 1998... and have laughed my butt off in every single one. Fox... stick with more comedies like this and Malcolm in the Middle and get rid of those crappy Reality shows you have.
by joe_schraufnagel
Tue Dec 14 2004The problem with this show is that the set-ups show promise but the punch-lines always fall flat. I particularly like Debra Jo Rupp as Topher Grace's mom. Top-notch soundtrack choices.
by dragix
Sun Aug 15 2004Every character has their good and their bad moments. I think most people can agree that Hyde is the all-time favorite character (he's cool in our era AND the 70s) and I suppose maybe Lorie is the least favorite. Their content may be a little brutal (according to a reviewer) but that's one of the things that makes it funny. I laughed out loud during a lot of these episodes. Eric's sarcasm, always there and hopefully always will be there (Eric, what did I say about comparing your sister to the devil? ... It's offensive to the devil?)... I dunno, maybe it's because I'm 1 of the people who hate change, but I'd like to hear their jokes 1000 more times if you please. I'd like to see Fez say his name again while something is interupting him and Hyde goes Ok. I'm not goint to remember that. And we all know Fez acts gay- that's supposed to be funny. And Kelso is stupid, what would a group be without a stupid person? It's the Oldies, you've got to like the old stuff.
by darkness302
Wed Aug 04 2004I think they need to get rid of all that Donna and Eric having Pre-marriagal sex and shet but other than that its a good show.
by rategirl88
Wed Aug 04 2004I LOVE THAT SHOW! I make sure I watch it every night! I can't beleive I thought the show was corny at first back when 1998 when I was just in the fifth grade. I am recording every episode I can watch.Hyde is one of my favortie characters, and so is Kelso Eric, and Fez. The girls and the parents are funny too. I hope they NEVER cancel it! The show is cute.
by ladyvenom_619
Wed Jul 21 2004best thing since friends it hilarious! donna's a b1t@h tho. i cant stand her. jackie is so superficial but i love it.
by fanofthebest
Tue Jul 20 2004i really like the show, but they would have nothing if hyde wasn't on it. he is really the only funny character on the show. i love his attitude!
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Tue Jul 13 2004Graet show I watch thgis show when ever possible.
by classictvfan47
Sat Jun 26 2004It's amazing how many bad sitcoms there are these days. Since the departure of Frasier, it seems like there just can't be any intelligent sitcoms. That 70s Show is an extreme example of this. The show seems to take delighted glee in the fact that it wallows in extremely objectionable content--content that airs in the family hour. Drug use seems to be a constant on this show, which is highly disturbing. The sexual content, as one would imagine, is also very high--as is the profanity. There is no real concept here--it doesn't really take advantage of its temporal setting. Also, all of the main male characters are either obssessed with sex or just plain dumb. Speaking of dumb, Ashton Kutcher can't act his way out of a paper box.
by cooljda
Wed Jun 16 2004This show is funny. That's all I can say.
by icanrate
Thu Jun 03 2004this show is a household name over here
by curlycue2842
Tue May 11 2004It's hilarious. I love Fez. This is one of my all time favorite shows. It's a little raunchy though.
by jglscd35
Tue May 04 2004one of the reasons i enjoy this show is because i grew up in the 70's so i can easily relate. red forman alone is worth at least a star and a half.
by sk8er1272
Thu Apr 29 2004cool funny great all words describing it
by crichton
Sun Apr 25 2004That 70s Show was never a GREAT show, but it was extremely enjoyable. Just the interaction of the cast was a pleasure. Even the Foreman parents were grounded characters and not pushed to the back like other teen shows, like Family Ties. I give the first couple years, allowing for the occasional mediocre episode, a solid four stars. My current rating for the show is 2 stars. Like a previous reviewer, the characters and dialogue are beginning to grate. Ever since Mrs. Foreman went into menopause and began drinking, her character has become a cartoon, much the way Tanya Robert's Midge was a caricature. Red's character has also been spouting some uncharacteristic line as if the writers have forgotten the roots of the show. I'm also sorry to say that since Eric and Donna's engagement, Eric's character is becoming annoying. Fez's you son of a b**** has well worn out its welcome, if there ever was one. I can go down the list with every character but I'll spare you all; no doubt you ... Read more
by killself_if_70s_gone
by aliasrulesmywo_rld
Wed Mar 31 2004There is no denying that the show does have some funny moments, but it is very cliched...and I find myself seeing multiple versions of the same joke....they are definately milking it for all its worth. One positive aspect is that I like the format of the ensemble cast, although everyone seems to pay more attention to Ashton Kutcher's character, since he's the heartthrob. Unfortunate because his character is very typical of Ashton, and I think there are better characters on the show.
by runswithwhitew_olves
Tue Mar 23 2004This show is so funny.The 70s suck but this show makes it better.
by alpepper
Sat Feb 28 2004What can you say about a show without enough originality to even give itself a good name. I got one; how about Crappy Days! We tried the pilot and were flicking the channel after the first 15 minutes. Not only is the show totally unfunny in all regards, the show has no clue about what the '70s were lik. The only people I can think of who had less funny teenage years than these dorks were maybe the cast from Friends.
by ladyshark4534
Wed Feb 18 2004Would be a better show if they killed off the character Red.
by rjwells
Wed Jan 14 2004grew up in the 70s heck of a lot better than Happy Days
by xx_alexa_xx
Mon Jan 05 2004I love this show and so does my family.
by kolby1973
Wed Nov 26 2003This show is cute, but it is slowly starting to get annoying to me. It needs a facelift or something.
by india_ink21
Tue Nov 25 2003I just started watching it a few months ago. I didn't realize what I was missing. I hate Kelso, he's such an idiot. But I love the other characters. It really makes my night when I watch it.