Thank You Soldiers (Anheuser Busch)

Approval Rate: 68%

68%Approval ratio

Reviews 19

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    Fri Feb 02 2007

    How can it not be great

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    Sun Jan 07 2007

    I sent the following in an email to Anheuser Busch, "My wife and I were very touched by the commercial your company produced with persons clapping for soldiers at the airport. We have family members and friends who are currently in Iraq. Setting an example like this, showing the type of respect and admiration those sacrificing should receive, tells us a great deal about the ethics and values of your company. We will not ever forget that commercial or the company who produced it."

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    Mon Feb 06 2006

    Lee Greenwood says it best,"I'm proud to be an American!" America has always come to the aid of others. Why should now be any different. What if the same anti war views were held during World War II? Great Britian, France, Russia, Sicily, Sardinia, North Africa amd others would all be speaking German. Let all of the Hanoi Jane's sit down and be quiet for a change. Let's not be so quick to forget 9/11!

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    Tue Jan 31 2006

    Reguardless of whether or not you agree with the war in Iraq, you should bend over backwards to kiss the asses of the men and women who go over there and fight. Because, you know what... if those sorry pieces of crap come over here and try to attack us, AGAIN, then these are going to be the same men and women who are protecting YOUR BUTT. You don't think that they should be over there? Well, I can promise you that most of the soldiers over there are proud of what they are doing and it's a shame that so many people back home are so blinded by their own ignorance that they can't stop and think about the fact that by even giving a commercial like this NO STARS, you are spitting in the face of every single American over there... and the ones who have died, too. And, if anything, the war in Iraq has pretty much told every single one of those terrorist bastards that they better think long and hard before they come back over here and pull another 9/11. At least, if anything, that's wha... Read more

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    Mon Jan 16 2006

    OK.... lemme see if i can get this straight.... There are people saying "this war is about oil" and stuff. They think we shouldn't be there. They think that in the great scheme of things that because some "opinions" say this war is "illegal" or was "lied" about, thier opinion is more important than all else. Well, by that reasoning, we should be speakin Brit. Because 9/10 of the soon to be Americans thought the war was "illegal".... Seems those of us wishing to protect Americans and the American way of life are always in the minority. That's sorta scary.... A soldier gives up family time, good jobs and the ability to come and go as they please. They are at the beck and call of our ELECTED government.... Even if you thought Clinton was a dope smoking, draft dodging left wing yes boy for PACs, he was STILL president. Who by the way bombed Iraq several times for EXCATLY the same reason Bush sent in troops *Note... Bush got it done.... Clinton didn't*. These soldiers go out and protect... Read more

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Thank you. Chaplain Paul Gunn, USAF

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    Tue Sep 27 2005

    wow, some people, this was not about the war, not about freedom, not about anything, but to show that we as american people appriciate what these young and older men and woman do everyday to make our country is today and the sacrafices they are willingly taking. It doesnt matter if you believe in the war or not, what matters is everday american soldiers are giving their own lives, and which to an american soldier they are dieing for a cuase, and all people can do is say this commerical that says we thank our troops is cheesy stupid whatever else i had read. Watch it again and think twice this time, forget the war forget everythign else, but just think about what these men and woman are doing for one second and tell me you do not thank them for that? you do not appriciate it?

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    Fri Sep 16 2005

    Outstanding and moving. Too bad there are so many who commented who don't get it about why we fight. Having had the priviledge of knowing men and women who have been in Iraq, it is clear that they get it, no matter what you think, and they deserve our thanks for what they are doing to insure our safety at home.

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    Sun Feb 20 2005

    Commercials model behavior, and this was the best. Who cares who sponsored it, and kudos to A-B for paying for America to see it. We should applaud these kids who have seen such unspeakable horror. Whether or not you agree with the politicians, thank the kids. Then vote the politicians out.

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    Shameless emotional ploy. . .the war is bullsh$t and about money not freedom. The commercial is brilliant because if you are against it, you are thus labelled unpatriotic. Guess what, folks, all the yellow ribbons, flags, and bumper stickers in the world cannot change the fact that this war was based on false pretenses. There are no weapons. There are no terrorists. Soldiers are dying for a rich man's war. Don't you know when you're being emotinally manipulated?

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    Tue Feb 08 2005

    Terrific. I figured it was Bud (altho I'm always confused by their alternately trashy-sex-crazed-party, or classy commercials). I agree w/the other poster, at least as far as sentimental commercials, that the 2002 Clydesdales bowing on the frozen river was best. This 1's just below it.

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    Tue Feb 08 2005

    The way things should be! Don't be negative if you see a soldier just say thanks no matter where or when you owe it to them no matter what you think about the war sack up and thank them for your freedom because they deserve it. They have provided it for you

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    Tue Feb 08 2005

    Anytime anybody can do something to let the troops know we are thinking about them it's a good thing.

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    Heh, it was a good commercial, it is a good fantasy to believe that American troops can come home from Iraq and that people would actually cheer apon their arrival.

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    You really can't go wrong when you thank the troops.

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    Awesome! It really took a ton of creativity and innovation to put this one together. The premise? Genius!! Who would have thought that this idea would have any resonance or relevance with the American people? Thanking the troops is our new sex substitute. It doesn't matter what the product is, sex/thanking the troops will sell it. Sort of like the words Now, more than ever... can be used to inflate the importance of anything from life insurance to banana pudding. I used to work in market research, so I know exactly how consumers are manipulated. I'm making a list of products that use patriotism or terrorism or any hint of 9/11 in their advertising, and I'm never buying any of their stuff ever again. Thank you, Anheuser Busch, for making my decision to eschew your shoddy products that much easier.

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    Simple and direct. I thought it was great. I agree with Goneaway. They were honoring the men and women serving our country. It didn't seem cheap or manipulative to me.

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    This was a great tribute to the men and women in uniform.

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    Blatantly manipulative and formulaic, but I'm not prepared to say that the commercial sucked, as I agree with the sentiment. At least they didn't show a Clydesdale casting a vote in the Iraqi elections, or carrying some injured Iraqi 80 year old lady to the ballot box.