Texas Justice
Approval Rate: 61%
Reviews 0
by claudioptown
Tue Aug 07 2007The best judge on tv...
by aronld
Tue Dec 27 2005It appears that Judge Larry joe not only has his law down pat, but he also know how to take an edge off the mere fact that court rooms are intimidating by it self. I have seen times when he has tried to sooth the defendants before he makes the ruleing. he is not a scremer as the idiot Judge Judy. She neds to take a few Mydol tablets before she goes on the air.
by newcleus
Fri Aug 19 2005They need to change this show's title to Texas animal court because everytime I tune in there is always an old broke down horse on the show that looks like it's got one horseshoe in the grave and the other on a banana peel.
by kattwoman
Sat May 14 2005i only watch this every so often but i like it. the judge is so nice and funny and fair
by texasyankee
Tue Mar 29 2005I think this show is a comedy??
by p_depoy
Wed Feb 23 2005Today's show... regarding pit bull and cat. That was a totally stupid judgement for the Plaintiff. The cat should have been on a leash. What if a car had hit it? Would the driver of the car have been at fault? If they truly care for their animals, they keep them safe. The dog was in a fenced yard with a locked gate. I don't believe in cats running loose anyway. I feed the birds and when they come into my yard and stalk the birds, I spray them with the garden hose. I have a right to my yard. Another thing, when I dig up my gardens to plant flowers, I don't want the neighbor's cat using my flower bed as it's bathroom. Keep your cats home.
by frank_ray
Fri Sep 24 2004In case of Georgia Automobile Registration Law, the judge wouldn't hear Georgia law from defendant. .................................... Registration | Titles | Dealer | Plate Samples | Insurance Is a Georgia Title Required for My Vehicle? Vehicle Title Required 1986 & newer year model motor vehicles 1986 & newer travel trailers 1986 & newer motorcycles 1986 & newer campers 1963 & newer mobile homes 1963 & newer manufactured homes (Frank Ray) (Savannah, Ga)
by barbara_slovak
Tue Aug 31 2004Today is August 31, 2004. Today's show was a disappointment in as much a woman defendant was allowed into court with hardly her upper body covered. Her breasts were hanging out on both sides of her sundress and a very revealing neckline especially when she leaned over. This was totally disrespectful of the court and most judges would have dismissed her or brought her a sweater or jacket. You are leaving the wrong impression with the general public that the courtroom is showtime. As a paralegal, I was offended.
by limpnjen
Mon Nov 17 2003The Judge's accent alone makes the show worth watching.
by hotei578
Thu Sep 11 2003I'm embarrassed to live in the same city as Larry Joe Doherty, Esq. As a native Houstonian, I get tired of the stereotypes really quickly. There may be a niche in court TV for a "Wild West" judge, but I'm not looking for it. I can tolerate his accent, but I sure as hell hope he's only slinging those stupid "Western" phrases around for the benefit of the show. I'd be more interested in seeing the difference in his behavior while litigating in a real court.
by kolby1973
Tue Sep 02 2003Judge Joe is so much better than the rest of his annoying ilk. He isn't rude, but more fair than the rest of them. With the exception of the lovely Judge from People's Court. She is awesome, too.
by pemur19
Sun Aug 31 2003While I have read reports that indicates that some of the public find Larry Joe annoying, here in Canada I enjoy his show and prefer it over Judge Judy, Judge Joe and others. I find his thoughtfulness, compassion and the respect he shows to all individuals extremely refreshing. Unlike other court shows, he judges a case without judging the individual, which is the way it should be. Other court show judges are much too quick in labelling person as a loser, lowlife or with other demeaning labels.
by lawandasan
Wed Aug 20 2003love texas justice. judge joe is cool and william's facial expressions are classic.
by lindablevins11
Sun Aug 17 2003Love Judge Larry Joe- he is the most fair judge on tv.
by kman1582
Thu Jul 17 2003Fun knee.
by jdwright
Mon Jun 23 2003I love Larry Joe and his brand of justice!
by erik_hendriksen
Tue May 27 2003One of the greatest court t.v shows on television. I love how he isn't sensitive to the guests. I watch this show while grinning ear to ear.
by futurern
Tue Apr 29 2003Judge Larry Joe is really annoying. He often ignores the facts and tries to rule with his heart instead instead of by the law. When family members sue each other,he spends to much time trying to mend their relationships rather than ruling fairly on the case.What sensible judge would allow singers to perform in the courtroom? Come on how tacky is that stunt? Also that court officer,William,does not represent well either.He talks to the litigants like he is in a street fight. I say the show is just trash and serves only to make fools of those who appear on it.
by twinmom101
Fri Apr 25 2003His comments at the beginning are so dumb! "I hear you're hotter than horny toad hoppin across the desert over your new hairdo." Please. Yet another waste of space on the bench.
by gotjipped
Mon Apr 07 2003I went on this show, and the girl that I was suing changed her story throughout the show and he decided in her favor! After talking to some lawyers, I would have been better off just going to small claims court! The show sucks! I can now clearly see other people getting screwed because the network doesn't want to pay the reward money that they promise!
by terreri31
Sat Mar 29 2003This show is better than sex
by sunfloweryaya
Sat Mar 22 2003I love his show! He gets down to the nitty-gritty with a true Texas-style flair. No, he is not for the faint of 'Yankee' heart; he delivers his justice by means only a true Southerner can understand and appreciate. No offense to the upper states, but there's too much 'Bronx' and not enough 'Broncs' on TV! He is an amusing breath of fresh air, but he can be as tough as the hide on his boots!
by bonnieblue
Thu Feb 20 2003His phony accent is annoying. And he has no control over his courtroom -- just another freak show profiting on the trauma of trailer trash.
by bigbaby
Thu Feb 20 2003Joe has no control over his own court room and is annoying.
by delenta
Tue Jan 28 2003Too much confusion.
by nyatat
Fri Jan 24 2003This judge appears to be either losing his touch as a judge, or is very lazy. I've seen too many cases that I believe were ruled unfairly, only due to the fact that the judge didn't concern himself with other valid facts. He seems too lazy like he would rather just get a little bit of a story and a shred or two of questionable evidence and call it an end, instead of thoroughly examining the evidence, or pointing out very obvious faults in it. Not recommended if you expect justice to be done.
by marypat
Sat Jan 18 2003I love Judge Larry Joe's accent - about time we have a true Southern accent on TV - however, the audience is not respectful of the court a lot of the time. They act as if they are attending a circus. Also, the litigants seem to scream (it's not talking) simultaneously more than on any other court show.
by tapnb1ee
Fri Jan 17 2003He can't control the people and it's just too confusing.
by rahkblue
Wed Nov 27 2002I watched this last night and it was terrible he allows on going battles between the plaintiff and defendant and his jokes werent funny.
by jonita_bowden
Mon Nov 11 2002I went on the show to get the money people owed me. The show was very honest with me. The judge made comments to try to keep the case interesting for the viewing audience. I can assure you it was all real and very legal. I won my case. The other couple I am sure were not so happy. If they had paid their debt and told the truth we wouldn't have been in court in the first place. I will add that I didn't call them, they called me. They got the case info from my county court house where I filed my case. Both parties have to agree to do it.
by classictvfan47
Wed Jul 10 2002One of the more amusing court shows, this one typically features very crazy (and amusing) clients and a judge that won't take anything bad in his courtroom. Justice is served on this typically-funny show.
by thefreak
Sat Dec 29 2001Larry Joe tries to be funny, but isn't, tries to make everyone feel welcome, but doesn't, tries to make fair rulings, but doesn't, and tries to be a good judge, but doesn't. But unlkied Judge Judy, I have to give it to him that he TRIES. His thick accent gets on my nerves, and the people who are on the show are always idiots who are complaining beccause the other party is complaining because the other party is complaining about some silly little matter that could be solved in a second. But everybody tries, so I have to add points for that. Take care, everyone!