
Approval Rate: 58%

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    Sun Jul 24 2011

    ('Cause) God Damned Texas With his own hand Brought inbred rednecks from the promised land Gave em' a place where they could make you dance If you wanna see killin', brother, here's your chance I've been sent to spread the message... http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpp/news/072311-gunman-kills-five-at-roller-rink God Damn Texas Son of UPDATE: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42931496/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/ UPDATE: Home of crazy inbred hillbillies. http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-twins-live-with-moms-corpse,0,7895898.story Home of inbred gun-nuts. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=7557222&page= 1

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    Mon May 30 2011

    A place I have thoroughly enjoyed.The cities of Houston & Austin have a GREAT music scene.There's amazing restaraunts,especially if you savor BBQ and "Tex Mex". San Antonio is really nice.You can romance your lady at the picturesque River Walk.There's plenty of urban areas,suberbs that remind me of life in the 70s (think "King of the Hill"),and LOTS of wide open places to get away from the hustle & bustle.(which are also a primo place to really open up your Harley & dig the massive sky). Nice hiking,camping & the like,too.

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    Mon Oct 18 2010

    I like it here in Texas I was born in the country but I live near Dallas now. Pros: 1. Aside from the heart of major cities Texans are very friendly. Before you say everyone in Texas is mean and fat try getting out of the big cities sometime. 2. Aside from the heart of major cities Texans are conservative. While DFW and Houston are growing more and more liberal, Texas still has a strong conservative base. This means that unlike California the other state with a larger population, Texas is less regulated less expensive and less bankrupt. 3. Economic opportunities, Texas is still growing and even with an influx of immigrants there are still many opportunities for employment. 4. There are many other things I like about Texas that I can't remember right now. Cons: 1. It is ridiculously hot in the middle of the summer. You'll find the temperature over a 100 much of the summer. 2. There a lot of @$$es on the road in large cities. There are a lot of aggressive drivers in these cities ming... Read more

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    Fri May 21 2010

    On the plus side, Willie Nelson and Kinky Friedman live there. However, there's a DOWNSIDE.

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    Fri May 29 2009

    I lived in Houston for two years. I never thought I would like Texas that much as a born and bred Northeasterner. Even made fun of the Texas Stereotypes in my years prior. But I have to say I really had a good time there and met a lot of great people that I had some excellent times with. I miss it but will probably be re-transferred there in a couple years. It's definitely a state of contrasts, and diversity is the key! Yes it has its conservative element which you can find if you look for it. I never looked, so I never found it! But my experience was clicking with a lot of down to earth people that love to have a good time no matter what. I mean, Texans are surely not dull and love to be out and partying. I would rank it in the top 5 for party states!! In Houston the oil and gas industry brings transients from all over the world so since all of us are in the same boat, people are more open minded and cool. The women are the best!! Most friendliest I've ever encountered, and if you... Read more

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    texas is the best state in the world. no fucking doubt about it. california=pussies florida=pussies new york=major fucking pussies

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    that's a minimum of a $1000 fee ur gonna have 2 pay little boy

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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    I love this state but on the other hand it is TOO DAMN BIG!!!

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    Fri Aug 10 2007

    Im from Texas and its great.  Everone from Califronia is moving here so it must be great. anyway eventhough some of the major cities look a little rundown, its a great State to live and to raise a family

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    Thu Aug 09 2007

    I been in TX for over 24 years.  My family moved here from ILL.   I must say I would never wanna go back.  Although no state/city is perfect, I have grown to LOVE TX!  It's almost like its own coutry.  It has almost ever georgaphic climate to offer (desert/mountains in the west,  arid in the north, and sub tropical in the south east).   Plenty of lakes and small towns everywhere.  Also has alot of big city life and culture (Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio etc).  It's a very diverse and ethnic state.  Being large in area and population,  theirs always something to do or somewhere to go in TX.

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    Mon Mar 26 2007

    This is a great state, and I have been there often. I wouldn't mind living there in my old age, to tell you the truth.

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    Mon Mar 26 2007

    Texas is probably the most often stereotyped state in the U.S., even more so than California.  Like California it is incredibly diverse:  Beaumont has little in common with El Paso, and Abilene and Austin may begin with the same letter, but that's about it.  There's rednecks, intellectuals, wide-open spaces and swamps with alligators.  It is a big place--that stereotype's true.

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    Sun Mar 25 2007

    I once witnesses a man get several of his front teeth knocked-out in a Texas truck stop just for saying that the words "flammable" and "inflammable" meant the same thing - that they weren't opposites. I overheard the policeman who responded to emergency call tell the ambulance driver "Well, that's whut he gits fer spreadin' lies lack dat."In Texas, the right-wingers aren't happy just being defiantly, ignorantly and aggressively wrong, they want to beat-up anyone who seems like they might be right.Of course, this fact has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the severely down-graded state of our once-great nation as it is right now. I mean, how could it?Want to stop a Texas Republican from doing something "ignert"? Hand him a bag of pretzels as he's on the way out the door to go hunting with Dick Cheney.I'm just SAYIN' that all I'm sayin' is that's all I'm saying  ...if ya' know what I'm sayin'. (Know what I'm sayin'?)

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    Sat Jun 17 2006

    Know why everyone makes fun of Texas? Because Texans get their panties in a wad whenever you do!

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    Wed May 24 2006

    A state full of hics and Republicans. The home to the Bush family.

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    Wed May 17 2006

    i dont know why yall are giving texas such a bad rep. im from mississippi and i went there to vist, and it is a hell of a lot better then mississipi beyond words. i just dont think yall know how good yall really do have it over there.

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    Sat Apr 15 2006

    I find just about all of your comments utterly ridiculous. Of course the ratings will be lower than average if you're comparing the biggest cities in the state. You complain about crime rates, bad education, pollution---not ALL cities in this state house a million people FYI (which is the main cause for all three of your listed bad symptoms of the state). I grew up in the country, and aside from the hot climates, I'd move back there ANY day. Hills and countryside are amazing, especially at sunrise and set, privacy from your neighbors gives you good quiet time to yourself, close enough drive to any major city gives you the amenities that you might like in the city without having to actually deal with it 24/7 (esecially in regards to shopping, dining, and nightlife). On top of that, you still maintain close-knit communities, so when privacy isn't needed, you are given the opportunity to have get-togethers with your friends, family, and neighbors. You all act as if the big cities set ... Read more

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    Sat Apr 08 2006

    70% of the women in Texas are evil cold blooded sociopathic homicidal rats who murder innocent men and children ie. Darlie Routier, Brittany Holberg, Susan Wright etc.. Plus, preisdent Bush's home state. However, Texas deserves 2 stars for doing a great job of putting most of its evil killer b*tches on death row! Still, a close Biblical analogy for Texas would be the Sodom and Gommorah State!

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    Wed Apr 05 2006

    Texas is the most awesome state in the US!! The others who commented negatively are obviously jealous. We have had the sitting President for 12 out of the last 20 years and are proud of it!! Texas is awesome and the people are awesome!! The only state in the US to be a republic! Take that you jerks!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Mon Mar 20 2006

    I lived in good 'ol Texas all my life. We got Southern hospitality and are said to be the friendliest people on earth. I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else. Plus, we're the only state that was it's own country. Ya'll come visit sometime and see what my favorite state and home has to offer.

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    Sat Mar 18 2006

    A boring, boring place. Absolutely nothing to do and disgusting weather. The people wore stupid cowboy boots and had idiot accents. Yee-haw! Hey ya'll! I didn't expect anything from Texas anyway, after all they produced the biggest idiots in this country: George Bush and Jessica Simpson. I've always hated Texas, from when I lived in Cali and now in Michigan

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Texas is for the proud and the arrogant. I would have to say Texas would be the richest state in this country after California. However, you couldn't pa y me to live in this unliberal place. Houston is a smoggy sprawl of hell. Galveston is a toxic waste land. Austin is pretty but is still part of the south. San Antonio is all ghetto except for the riverwalk which is ok for lunch. El Paso was almost like being in Mexico. I couldn't wait to finish my stay in this state and leave this uninspring place.

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Born/raised in Honolulu, Hawaii so I'd have to give Texas two thumbs down in an instant. "Temporarily" living in Dallas. Integration here is very poor in comparrison to my hometown. Not many Asians and not much to offer in terms of Asian/Pacific cuisine. Houston has more Asians and mixed folks but is more polluted than Dallas and has far more crazy ass drivers. Lived in Amarillo for a while- one of the worst hellholes I've ever layed eyes on. By and far the worst years of my life. The whole region of West Texas (Amarillo, Lubbock, Odessa, Midland, El Paso, and even Wichita Falls) might as well be given back to Mexico considering how horrid it is there. I'd take Florida over TexSUCK anyday!

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    Mon Jan 02 2006

    I wish there was a rating between one and two stars. One star seems too harsh because I like Austin and some of the northwest rural sections. But I have to give this state low marks because of the political corruption that is stemming from this place....right up to the President of the United States. I recently heard that hybrid cars like Honda Hybrids are being charged a special TAX to use the roads in Texas because they are relatively independent of oil because of their technology. This line of thinking is completely backwards but does seem to answer the basic question of why we are at war in Iraq. But we'll leave that for another topic on this website.

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    Sun Jul 31 2005

    Poor Texas - it's been getting a bump rap these days due to Bush. I can't stand Texas' politics, but it's one of the most colorful, folsky, and charming places in America. The people are super-friendly, and it is very unique in its own culture. It is always a pleasure visiting the state, and I wouldn't mind living there someday. I love you Texas!

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    Mon Jul 18 2005

    I lived in Texas for 9 years. As I look back, I really wonder why I stayed so long. The state is really below par in just about everything. Housing is cheap, but that is because there is just so much land. It does have a goodly number of tourist attractions in the major cities and out west, but as a whole, the state just pretty much sucks. Polluted, high crime, far out right wing politicians, bad schools, traffic congestion, long hot summers, illegal immigrants all over, yuk. This is what produced our current president, which explains a lot I am afraid. The Hill Country is beautiful, though, as are the chicks in Austin:-)

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    Fri Jul 15 2005

    The Lone Star State- home of the Alamo, and so much more rated this low? But why? Must be some good reasons. Poor quality of life, poor educational system, poor enviornment, high crime rate, poor health for its citizens, low quality of life for children- oh well Bush did something as Governor, as he did as Prez- NOTHING.

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    Tue Jul 12 2005

    A state for the most past that still has the 'wild catter' oil digging mentality of the past. Perhaps ITS 'the culture'-if you want to call it that. I never enjoyed much about this state when I had visits and business in the early 1990's. Sprawling cities of numerous exurbs, traffic that was tedious, and pollution worse then California.

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    Thu Jul 07 2005

    Texas has a great history, and we're proud of it. Beautiful countryside in the north central, and particularly the eastern part of the state. Great beaches down south around Corpus Christi and Galveston. Austin and Dallas are both great party towns, and San Antonio is wonderful for the history buffs. Yeah, it gets a little hot in the summer, but all the better for hitting the lake. Winter time? It never really gets that cold, though we do have about 2 weeks a year where things ice up. Usually, great weather for whatever you want to do. You can judge the state based on whatever poll you dug up, or listen to people whose entire Lone Star experience consists of catchign Dallas reruns, or you can see for yourself. If we're the fattest in the country, it's only because we have the best food.

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    Wed Jun 15 2005

    Austin is the only place that holds any kind of credibility in Texas. I am sure Houston and Dallas have a faint beat of civility-and San Antonio has a strong Latino influence. But most of this state is horrible. Crime, poor schools, envirionmental degredation, poor local services that add up to a state that cares nothing for people but nearly everything for profit and gross materialism.

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    Wed Jun 15 2005

    The fattest state in the country, literaly. I believe I read somewhere that about 1 in 5 of all obese Americans live in Texas. Houston and San Antonio are the 1st and 3rd fattest cities respectively. I wonder, if we gave it back to Mexico (which ia already essentialy reclaiming about 90% of it), would America be the fattest country in the history of the world anymore?

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    Wed Jun 15 2005

    A big state with a lot of different personalities. Austin is a great city. I'd like to go there again. San Antonio is also a fine city. Dallas and Houston are kind of big and spread out with their share of problems. The Deep Western part of the state is pretty interesting and enjoyable. I love the open desert land. And of course as a wrestling fan Texas is where the Von Erichs ruled. Terry Funk still lives in Amarillo and Dusty Rhodes was born in Austin. Dig it baby!

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    Tue Jun 14 2005

    Too much pollution- crime is high, poor educational system. Plastic backstabbing people. Religious fanatics abound. Overall quality of life rates near the bottom of all states.

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    Tue May 24 2005

    Texas isnt too bad of place. Theres lots to do in the city and lakes in the country. Dallas/Fort Worth offers Six Flags, 3 pro sports, huge malls, and not to bad of nightlife just to name a few. Galveston and some of the southern coastal cities are fun and beautiful, but I had to rate Texas a 2 because for every single decent person theres got to be 10 trashy, drug dealing, theiven, close minded low lives here. Its hard to go a day without someone saying hey nigga. Lots of wannabe gangs and thugs in the cities. The country doesnt get much better, wow there are some rednecks! I found it hard to find that comfortable middle between the thugs and rednecks, normal, just decent people are rare in Texas. So if you are going to Texas you can expect things to do, but dont expect friendliness and decent people. ( Dallas has nations number one crime rate )

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    Sun May 15 2005

    those texans are tough, but i can take them.

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    Thu May 12 2005


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    Mon Mar 28 2005

    If anyone who thinks Texas thinks of Bush only, then they are a redneck fool, not the people who actually live and have lived here, that know that it's only Bush's homeland and Texas is MUCH MUCH more than BUSH.I am sorry but if you are going to start pointing at crime rate and what politician comes from here and pollution, then it's pretty much evened out with every other state in the union. I have a hard time getting used to restaurants that stop serving food at 7 and stores that are only open 9-5 but if you go into cities it's not so bad and I like living out in the texas country side where me and my dog and my kids can do whatever we like without worrying about disturbing the neighbors with my loud rock n roll or what have you.

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    Wed Jan 26 2005

    A state with an interesting history in the 'Americana' of this nation. TOO bad that rich hisory has produced such a hell hole of greed, phonies, wholesale destruction of the environment, and mass murderers. Seems like the state has never become civilized. Sam Houston is turning over in his grave at this botched up mess.

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    Wed Jan 12 2005

    Austin is awesome. Laid back and lots of fun. Pretty much whatever you want to do except for extremely fine dining. Don't bring your tux Houston is great. Vibrant downtown area with a ton of clubs. If you watched any of the superbowl festivities before and after the Bowl, you know what I mean. I have not talked to a single out of towner who had a bad visit. Restaurant selection, quality and service is outstanding. Dallas - not my favorite but a nice town to have fun in. You need to have friends that are local to know the good spots it seems. The only thing that gets me is that people from Dallas seem to think that Dallas is a cosmopolitan city compared to the rest of the state. I am not sure what they are smoking. San Antonio - Riverwalk is fun once, but you really need to check out the surrounding area. To get good food - stay away from the Riverwalk. Hit El Mercado instead. South Padre is a ton of fun. Galveston - can be fun but not really my cup of tea. Kind of a c... Read more

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    Tue Jan 11 2005

    Texas is nothing if not a state of ridiculous excess, for good as well as--too often--for the bad. This is a surprisingly diverse place regardless of what many say, though the main ethnic division of white Anglos and Hispanics seems to dominate. The state is excessively conservative and Republican--Austin is the most liberal pocket around--which has engendered a cavalier indifference and outright disrepect towards human welfare and the environment,and it shows. East Texas is the least interesting section of the state,and might as well pass for Arkansas or Louisiana. Houston's suburban sprawl is legendary, but the core area is supposedly becoming more interesting and liveable. Beaumont is another story, but you have to drive through this pit when coming into the city from the east. Dallas is generally the more respected 'big' city, though it's not as freewheeling and a bit more staid and puritanical. Austin is in the process of being 'loved' to death, as boomers, Gen-Xers, and mo... Read more

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    Sat Jan 08 2005

    One island of humanity in Austin- and as the previous poster said- the 'riverwalk' is nice in San Antonio-However in my travels here I have seen nothing but a polluting, overly loud, bombastic mass of people lost in a shallow and empty culture of crass SUV materialism.

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    Wed Jan 05 2005

    San Antonio is a nice city with much to do (like the Riverwalk). Outside of that, didn't see much of intrest while I was in Texas.

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    Wed Dec 29 2004

    yay texas i love this state sooooo much ..bonnie & clyde where born in texas that shows that texan ppl know the true meaning of love ..& austin has the most 18-24 yrs old in the states san antonio rocks its simply the best !!!

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    Fri Dec 17 2004

    One vast shi*hole. Polluted, and filled with nuts who kill their children or our Presidents. A total lack of civility and culture. Poor schools, high crime, and dirty cities that choke with smog and oil debris. If Texas elects a birdbrain like Bush, it says something about this horrible state.

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    I once got raped in Midland. All the women in Texas are lesbianic apes, and the men are all sac-wrangling douches. Don't even get me started on the ugly, ugly children. Every night I pray to God Texas bursts into a ball of fire. Bush sucks too.

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    Tue Dec 07 2004

    I think Texas sucks balls and the best thing in Texas in the Water barels. i mean shes just a fat Barstead