Terry Brooks

Approval Rate: 73%

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    Great read.

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    Thu Sep 13 2007

    Read a couple of his works, but nothing recent. Not bad, but not totally memorable.

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    Sun Jul 29 2007

    Reminds me of the Eddings style of writing because both rely on well known formulas (which is not always bad - there is a reason why people like these type of formulatic storytelling). The story is usually straightforward and the charachters stereotypical. Yet the tale is entertaining (which is the main point in my reading experience ) and worth the time if you go for this particular brand of fantasy novels.

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    Tue Jan 30 2007

    Plot lines that are so simple it hurts. Characters that sound like a bad d&d; role play.

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    Fri Dec 22 2006

    Okay, I couldn't sit through this book. This is the only author I have ever found who's book I couldn't stand reading all the way through. Maybe I was sick or just not in a reading mood, i don't know but that one time has turned me off from this author for all time.

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    Fri Nov 17 2006

    Terry Brooks Sword of Shannara and Elfstones were needed at the time to bring readers back to the fantasy genre and paved the way for Tolkienesque Worlds eg Dragonlance, Salvatore, Feist. His Magic Kingdom series are solidly written. He is howver tiresome, his novels intrigue but fail to deiver ending without any zip. He also writes by 'infodumping' rather than true craftsmanship. Brooks can not be compared to Martin, Donaldson, Bujold, or McKillip - he's simply not in the same league.

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    Thu Oct 12 2006

    Though his series are an awesome read, at times the books can become tedious and slow. If you are willing to bear through the hesitant times, there is a drawing force that tugs you gently into the spinning stories. The characters are well developed, though the scenarios can be said to be taken from previously published books. However, after Tolkien's contribution to the writing pool, most can be said to be a spin-off. Do not let this get you down. Terry Brooks has provided a story that anyone can delve into, and his Shannara series are a wonderful read.

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    Thu Dec 22 2005

    One of the best authors. Wonderful style, terrific battles, likable characters.

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    Sun Nov 13 2005

    I have nothing new to say, but will repeat the opinions of others in that his Shannara books are fourth rate aping of the master of the genre, Tolkien.

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    Fri Oct 28 2005

    Fantastic, all books are a great read. I have recommended this series to many friends and they all agree.

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    Fri Sep 30 2005

    Come on guys how can you give such a rip-off a rating of 4-5? Please get real. Read Tolkien's LOTR first and then read sword of Shannara. If you still think they are just "vaguely" similiar you got to have your head examined. I really pitied this miserable excuse for an author when I read about the magician having a fight with a being of terrible power on top of a bridge and both of them falling off. He didn't just copy the characters or story-line but whole scenes as well. He is a thief, it doesn't change if shannara was the first book you read at the age of 10 and loved it. You don't have to copy Tolkien to write good fantasy. Just read "The Bartimaeus Triology" books if u want an example of original witty fantasy.

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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    Terrible writing. im talking about shannara here. Plots shallow, speed is agonizingly slow, prose written to drag the whole thing out. i particularly didnt like his explanation for the appearance of magical creatures. So there was a nuclear war and then suddenly from some underground caves pop out dwarves, gnomes and elves, all mutants, and then some pure, unaffected humans. Total filler. this bk could hav been made twice as good simply by finishing it in less than 400 pgs. my advice: dont start at all.

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    Mon Apr 04 2005

    Simplistic drivel. Anyone who thinks this guy is a great writer probably thinks the jingles inside HallMark cards are great poetry. To top it off, the Shannara series is a transparent plagiarism of Tolkein.

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    Sat Mar 19 2005

    Shannara has expanded into a universe with so many good reads.

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    Sun Jun 27 2004

    Gee, I am a little disappointed to see so many poor comments for Brooks. I normally do not write books reviews but such appalling reviews do his work no justice. Now, yes Brooks' stories contain elves, dwarves and the like, as they are in Tolkien's excellent series LOTR BUT the parallels end there. The Shannara series is original, the characters are lovable and the plots are deep and well thought out. They are not cheap ripoffs of Tolkien, as anyone who has seriously read the Shannara series can tell you. The Four Lands are in danger of being overrun by the forces of evil. The Order of Druids, Protectors of the Four Lands, call upon the Ohmsford, Leah and Elessedil family lines to undergo quests to thwart their enemies and protect the peoples. The Legendary Shannara, The Heritage of Shannara and the Voyage of Jerle Shannara sagas are all an excellent read and are highly recommended.

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    Thu Jun 17 2004

    Wonderful author. I remember reading his books when I was very young and since then, I loved them.

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    This guy is great, his books fantastic. The Shannara series is absolutely MAJESTIC !!!!!!! One of the best writers of this kind.

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    Wed Feb 25 2004

    I haven't read the Shannara series. I guess that I might someday decide to tackle all of those books, but not yet. However, I have read the Word & Void and the Landover series. I really enjoyed both series in spite of their obvious contrast. The Word & Void series is dark and weighty; it is comparable to Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. The Landover series were more simple. I really enjoy switching up styles of fantasy I read, and Terry Brooks provides excellence in all styles.

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    Thu Apr 03 2003

    The "Shannara" series are the absolute classic of the genre. Brooks writes really well, his style is wonderful, also his characters, his battle-scenes, his magic-system. His other series are also cool.

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    Sat Jan 25 2003

    Excellent writer, Shannara and void series are great. The void series i think is one of the best ever

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    Sat Jan 12 2002

    Brooks creates worlds and character that a reader can really love and care about. He tops himself with each subsequent book (Shannara books anyway) that he publishes. His latest 'Voyage of Jerle Shannara' is promising to be his best one yet.

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    Wed Nov 21 2001

    A pioneer in the genre, Brooks has created a comical subdivision for the mature reader.

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    Sat Jul 07 2001

    Terry Brooks is like the best author to ever live! Anyone who says otherwise hasn't read his books!!!

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    Sat May 12 2001

    Terry Brooks belongs in the top 5, not only because he is a master storyteller, but because he is also easy to read. (Kind of hard to believe since he was trained as a lawyer!) The "Shannara" series ranks with Jordan's "Wheel of Time" & Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" as the 3 greatest fantasy series of all time.

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    Sat May 12 2001

    A bit repetitive with Shannara...I had to stop reading after so many. I do think he took some ideas from Tolkien, but a lot of fantasy authors do. Tolkien laid down the tracks for so many, but this author just happened to be a bit more blatant in using his ideas than many others. I think that after the Sword of Shannara you should stop because it becomes very very stupid. I will sum it up by saying "Look, I have 1/64th elf blood in me, does that mean I can use the sword? or use the other neat elf powers?" Give me a break, Elves are the gayest fantasy race ever.

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    Mon Dec 11 2000

    Not a huge fan of his more recent series. The SHANNARA ones were superb, and that's got to be hard to beat. I was utterly unimpressed with the LANDOVER novels though. For anyone who's just starting out here's my advice: Start with THE SWORD OF SHANNARA and keep with the SHANNARA series. Forget about the MAGIC KINGDOM OF LANDOVER ones - in my opinion they're not his best work.

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    Fri Dec 08 2000

    Shanara really was a complete and utter waste of time. I rarely pick of a Fantasy/sci-fi series without finishing. Shanara changed all of that, it was just too ungodly painful to read. Atypical characters, paperthin characterizations and plotlines, along with the most predictable and childlike storylines you can expect...anywhere. And with all this, it still tended to drag. His stories are for 5 year olds and his writing ability is questionable. At least RJ, arguably almost as childish in his charactarizations, characters, plots (though not quite that bad), can write an intense, inspiring story. It may be dumbed down for the usual teenage readers, but he can still grip you. Always wondered what RJ could do with some better plot material and an older target audience. Guess we'll have to wait til WoT finishes to see that. You see!!!! Shanara and Brooks are so ungodly boring, I came here to bash them, and I couldn't even remain interested enough in that for too long!!!...He's a terrible... Read more

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    Sat Nov 04 2000

    Fantastic author anyone who rated Brooks poorly has not really read his books. His ability to interweave the real with the unexplainable is fantastic.

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    Thu Aug 10 2000

    How can an author (and in his case, I use the term loosely) who plagerized Tolkien even be on this list. He should be beaten repeatedly with a very long stick.

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    Thu Aug 10 2000

    All he does is rip off Tolkien. I wish I could give him no stars the unimaginative bastard.

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    Mon Aug 07 2000

    brooks is almost as bad an author as jordan

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    Sat Aug 05 2000

    Very good! Even if some might thing otherwise!

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    Sat Jul 29 2000

    Shannara...that's all I have to say.

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    Tue Jun 27 2000

    Very good, but more for a teen audience

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    Tue Jun 27 2000

    One of the all time greatest fantasy writers

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    Thu Jun 22 2000

    I haven't read very much of Terry Brooks, but he is surely one of the better fantasy writers that I have read. His novels are rather formulaic, but he does a fabulous job with them. . .It's nice to read something that isn't quite as intense as Robert Jordan once in a while.

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    Thu Jun 22 2000

    Brooks is a good writer, though he doesn't match up to authors such as Jordan, Martin, or Tolkien. He is a master storyteller, however, and his novels are fast paced and very enjoyable to read.

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    Tue Jun 20 2000

    not realy my kind of book

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    Tue Jun 06 2000

    All you Jordon fans need to grow up and read some real fantasy

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    Sat Jun 03 2000

    Too many cliches, characters typical, not a very good writer.

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    Sun May 21 2000

    He is one of my favorit authors.

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    Thu May 18 2000

    His writing is ok but he tries to hard to weeve morals through the story which is stupid.

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    Wed May 10 2000

    The most in-depth, prolific fantasy writer of all time. What Tolkien started, Brooks has finished.

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    Wed May 10 2000

    Not only are Terry's stories interesting, fun, and captivating, they are diverse with strong and deep themes. He poses questions without answering them himself. He provides description while leaving room for the imagination. His characters are varrying, with depth and are in constant states of development.

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    Tue May 09 2000

    RJ is much better!!!!!!!

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    Tue May 09 2000

    Terry Brooks is the best!!!!

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    Mon May 08 2000

    Terry Brooks is the best author I have ever read.

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    Sun May 07 2000

    An author with a wide range of talent and good character development. I am looking forward to his new Shanarra series.

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    Sun May 07 2000

    Terry Brooks is one of the best fantasy authors out there!