Terrell Owens
Approval Rate: 53%
Reviews 0
by mikelz
Tue Mar 06 2007This list has not received much attention it seems. This guy is not a jerk. He is an a$$h0|e.
by decalod85
Mon Mar 05 2007Nobody likes a showoff in a team sport. TO is like a cancer on a team, just like Randy Moss.
by bigwilly
Fri Jan 27 2006f*ck all you guys who rips on TO. the man has a loud ass mouth. evidently you bitches do too. i am 20 years old and have been a TO fan for a long time. TO and Chad Johnson are the best wr in football. TO may need to watch his mouth but the boy has mad skill.you wanna rip on him now why don't you pussies go face to face with the man and tell him.
by terrel
Tue Jan 03 2006he is an all around great person that does not always just look popularity
by historyfan
Fri Dec 16 2005Does he have someone that helps him choreograph his dance moves after his touchdowns? I agree with NYCBro: I think that the NFL is better off without T.0.
by nycbro
Mon Dec 12 2005Saw someone mention earlier that "ALL pro athletes are jerks." With all due respect, let me give you a couple of NFL names that put the lie to that misconception: - Curtis Martin - Warrick Dunn - Jerome Bettis - Peyton Manning Don't take my word for it; look them up for yourself. And they're not the only ones - and that's only one sport. There are legions of good guys in every major sport; they just don't get any press, because their "boring" lives of integrity, family commitment, and selflessness in and out of the locker room don't sell papers. Now then: In my opinion, Terrell Owens' actions represent most of what's bad in professional sports today. He is arrogant, petulant, and completely self-involved. His presence in any locker room has been proven to be a cancer - witness the trail of resentment he has left in his wake, as time after time after time, his own teammates finally tire of his antics and turn against him. One man's point of view: as talented as he obviously is, the NFL ... Read more
by doodle158
Fri Nov 25 2005The comment I made earlier was not meant to be racist. All I was saying is that for many years people have stero-typed african american quaterbacks as incaple of winning the big one. Besides Doug Williams, There has not been another African Amercian quarter back to win the superbowl. In fact I was realy hoping Mcnabb would prove the critics wrong. Personally, I think Mcnabb in extremely talented and a very intelligent quarter back but he lacks one major factor that all the great quarter backs have. And that is accuracy. Since his rookie season he has had a hard time keeping the ball from hitting the ground in front of the reciever and throwing the ball 2 miles over their head. I hope he proves me wrong, but I just do not think it gonna happen. And there is a differce between Mcnabb and Farve. Farve has won a superbowl and mcnabb has not. No one remembers 2nd place. By the way bendog, I do agree with you that Andy Reid's play calling is most suspect to the Superbowl loss and ... Read more
by heavenzsoldier_1824
Fri Nov 25 2005First off TO is the best WR in the game today... yeah he might have a additude problem but oh well who doesnt? It seems everyone thinks that TO is the eagles problem then how come after he got suspened they lost they WITHOUT TO lost 4 straight games and i think one of the ESPN brodcasters said it was the first time philly has done that in a decade... if a team goes 4-2 to 4-6 when a so called snobby and a player with horrible additude gets suspended i think the one who suspended him needs to be let go. By the way the person who upheld his suspention got "let go" less than 24 hours afterwards i geuss im not the only one with any sense.
by bendog
Wed Nov 23 2005As far as what doodle302 said about McNabb giving truth to the stereotype of "certain" quarterbacks, I have to say you, or more appropiately, your thoughts are what is wrong with the world today! What did you say when Doug Williams won the Superbowl? Shouldn't the old racist view be done with now? What do you say when a white quarterback screws up a season for their team? Joey Harrington, Brett Favre, etc. Heck, there should be a sterotype about white quarterbacks! The Eagles only lost the Superbowl by 3 points. Most of the problems they are having this season have been a matter of play calling not play by the team. The lost to Dallas was a matter of play calling. The Eagles should have never passed on that drive! This is not only my opinion but the opinion of three former NFL players I happen to know! Rasicsm clouds your thoughts! Think clearer and you will see that Andy Reids play calling is the problem not McNabbs color of skin! Hell I will lose on xbox if I just pass... Read more
by doodle302
Wed Nov 23 2005The funny thing about the situation on TO is that all pro athetes are jerks. This one was just out spoken about it and all the sudden people are surprised on his actions. I have been a fan all my life since the days of reggie white clyde simmons, seth joyner, eric allen, mark mcmillian, and who could forget jerome brown. As much as I love this team, I now the realty of athetes personalitys. There all jerks including mccnab. But its not there job to be nice or politically correct. There job is too win and only to win. If there job was to be liked we would have kept buddy ryan. He created one of the greatest defenses of all time. He didnt take nothing from nobody, but he didnt get us past the first round of the play offs. We brought TO in here because we could not get it done with out a big play reciever, and we new his temperment, now we want to complain about a guy who proved he was the difference. For god sakes , he was the only one who showed up to the superbowl. I am not ... Read more
by twitchin_monkey
Wed Nov 16 2005look at your friggin paycheck. shut up and play the game, T.O., and you'll find that you might quit getting suspended.
by ghjueg
Wed Nov 16 2005Best Wide Receiver in the NFL. Forget about Randy who?
by twips246
Sun Nov 13 2005Boy do I wish I can email TO and tell him what im thinking as a football fan. Im not a TO fan, nor a TO hater, so realize what I say is based on the football fan. Last year, in the Super Bowl TO became a hero. Not because he won the game or lost it, but because he showed what its all about, and that is the love of the game and the will to play no matter what. And I started to like him for it. Going into the new season, he would have had the world at his feet. The king of football, the toast of Philly, the best overal player in the game with more NEW fans then ever before. But he threw that all away when he tossed out his agent and let the worst thing ever happen go down. Another Agent, one who cares not for TO but for money. An agent that saw an opportunity to use TO and make millions. This is where TO failed, and lost the fans, the media, the team the world. If I could talk to TO, all this I would let him know, and have him sit back, and think for a good long time, at just what he ... Read more
by cdwalker
Fri Nov 11 2005What the hell is wrong with T.O.!! The guy is insane for crying about the amount of money he's earning. If he feels that the contract is not what he wanted he shouldn't have signed it. I freaked out when I heard about the amount of money he was getting, and freaked out again the following week when he started crying about the terms of the contract. It' ALL BAD on his part. He knew he was an free agent and knew about how many years he had left in him, he should've been thinking about what kind of contract he wanted to sign during the off season and when presented with that opportunity or something close to it THAT'S when he should've signed. Enclosing, T.O. you signed the contract so live up to it, you make your bed you lie in it!!!
by jfullerland
Wed Nov 09 2005They guy led the league in Receptions last year and is third this year because he is awesome, if you don't watch football you have no say in this arguement! You here what the press preaches and listen to local commentary. The fact of the matter is he is pissed off because they had a shot at winning the superbowl and Mediocre Mcnabb decided he wasn't going to show up and that is why they lost everyone played their hearts out, but Mcnabb was worried about the Campbell Soup commercial he the day before and he blew it. Mcnabb is overrated! I agree with Owens he has a reason to be pissed off and if the eagles are too stupid the figure out that he is a great addition to their team then fine release him, I'm sure the Bears don't mind in picking him up. We've had Ditka, Butkis, Payton, and Mcmahon they all were dicks outside of the game but their was no problem with attitude on our team! We sucked it up and played football the problem these days is nobody can say anything about anybody without... Read more
by interested58
Wed Nov 09 2005About Terrel Owens. Where do I start? I don't really keep up with pro sports all that much, but it is interesting to here about it on the news. I am a former outstanding athlete (high school All American and College standout). Who I am is not important but I think I probably have a better idea than most regarding the "mind-set" of talented athletes. Great confidence in yourself is an attribute of all personalities that achieve consistent greatness, but great confidence is impossible to maintain one hundred percent of the time for any well adjusted and well balanced personality. If you want to see a textbook example of a great athlete, learn about the life of Lance Armstrong on AND off a bicycle. If you want to see greatness, learn about the life and times of Jackie Robinson. Now that's class and dignity. Another example would be Muhammad Ali. Don't be confused by his big mouth, his was NOT a team sport. He "knew" better than anyone the importance of the human psyche.... Read more
by sfalconer
Tue Nov 08 2005Well, well Eagles fans are experiencing what Niner's fans had to put up with. He is good at what he does but he is not that good, he's just not worth all the drama and trouble.
by noroomforpunks
Tue Nov 08 2005T.O. is one load his momma should have swallowed! how can so much talent be wasted on one of the biggest P.O.S.s in the NFL?!?! Rosenhuas is an ass too. These two 'All-Americans' sure know how to continue to give the NFL a black eye. A public apology?!?! How about an apology in person to those you offened, T.O. Maybe that will start you down the road to a bit of class. What a loser. I feel sorry for Eagle fans just as I did the 49ner fans. This ass needs to be bounced out of the NFL. Between T.O., Rosenhaus and the Vikings I've had just about enough of the BS going on in the NFL this year. Those damn diamod earrings of his are the only thing that looks pathetic on him... any NFL jersey is undeserving of his stank too.
by scarletfeather
Tue Nov 08 2005I am not a sports fan, but after reading a few articles about this guy, to me the obvious solution is to make him a coach and give him his own team. If he does not like the way a player is performing, he can bench him and play the postion himself. Only problem is knowing this guy he might end up benching all the players and becoming a one-man team.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Tue Nov 08 2005UPDATE: Gosh, I was wrong about the Eagles being unwilling to abide this talented but disruptive loudmouth-egomaniac, and he DID play again in an Eagles' uniform. Great decision, guys, now what have you got? A disruptive loudmouth egomaniac, with zero market-value, and the beginning of the questioning of Andy Reid's ability to make GM-level decisions. Was it that hard to read that this guy is a cancer on the team-concept so necessary to a football team. Has the talent to receive a huge, long-term contract but brings way too much baggage with him. Speaking of which, how's Keyshawn doing? ORIGINAL COMMENT 8/19/05: Signed a $50 million contract last year, and tries to force his team to re-negotiate this year, without being Super Bowl MVP, without his team winning the Super Bowl, without playing in the NFC Playoffs. I doubt you'll see him in an Eagles jersey again, unless he gets a big humble pie ground into his face. Getting suspended by your head coach (during preseason!) is pr... Read more
by richieboo
Mon Nov 07 2005Terrel is an absolute malcontent and a publicity hungry media whore!!!!!
by mrmiles68
Mon Nov 07 2005The problem with T.O. is the problem with the NFL. What used to happen, was if a player was acting like an idiot, players from other teams would provide that player with an attitude adjustment, up to and including ending a guy's career. Now, with all the rules against hitting a "Helpless reciever" and the like, guys like T.O. can sign autographs in the end zone, or pose on the opposing team's logo or other disrespectful behavior without fear of retribution. In the days of guys liek Jack Tatum, ROnnie Lott, Joey Browner, or even guys like Jack Tatum or Ray Nitschke or Dick Butkus, no player acted thsi way, because it was suicide, plain and simple.
by aliciarbush_at_ya_hooco
Mon Nov 07 2005Terrell Owens is a big JERK. He has ruined the Eagles. He has made himself and my city the laughing stock of the NFL. Having him play for the Eagles has caused my city so much embarrassment. Way more drama than we needed. I am anticipating his dismissal from the team. His head is way too big. The reason he wasn’t acknowledged for his 100th catch is because no one respects him or likes him. He is a bitter, angry little boy and his mother obviously didn’t teach him how to play with others. He should take his attidude back to elementary school. The EAGLES is a team of men, it’s time to get rid of that immature little boy.
by murph68
Mon Nov 07 2005Terrel Owens represents all that is wrong with pro athletes today.they think they are bigger than the team.there is no team philosphy with this man.his team could lose the Superbowl,but as long as he has a good day thatis all he and his agent need to demand more money.I say screw you T.O. take your attitude out of the N.F.L.You dont care about the history of the great game that puts food on your table.Your agent has made you more than you think you are.Its time for a reality check T.O.No team in the N.F.L. should sign you after this season. any team that does should stock up on preparation H.
by shaunman73
Mon Nov 07 2005T.O. is the biggest ass-hole in the entire world. This man has more money than most of us can even dream about; be thankful for what you have. I understand that he is an amazing athlete, but there is no excuse for the way he acts. It never surprises me as to how very little dignity and respect the guy has for others. Terrel Owens is a man in the spot-light, and what does he do? He acts like a total jerk! Little kids look up to men in his position, what kind of an example is he setting? to: T.O. GO TO HELL!
by tcon515
Mon Nov 07 2005let me tell you something he is a little bitch,he might have money,but money cant buy class.. something he will never have loooser
by bayrat
Mon Nov 07 2005If there was any justice in this world, TO would be working the glory hole at the local Hess Gas Station! He sucks the best!!!
by mesd2db8
Mon Nov 07 2005The only thing more embarassing to pro football than Owens is the Minnesota Vikings! I can't wait for baseball!!
by abichara
Sun Nov 06 2005T.O. is a dominant wide receiver, but unfortunately he's one of the most difficult people to work with in the NFL. His feuds, particularly with Quarterbacks, and most recently and specifically with Donovan McNabb, border on the absurd. Most of his antics are rooted in arrogance and contempt, both for his teammates and his fans. If you want to have it out with your team, do it in private. Owens recently called a press conference and slammed Donovan McNabb along with the rest of the Eagles organization, claiming among other things that had Brett Favre been the Eagles QB rather than McNabb, they would have won last years Super Bowl. Now never mind for a second the concept that games are many times team efforts, going to the press with these things was highly unprofessional of him. Now today it was revealed that T.O. got into a fist-fight with various team-members. With such dynamics, I highly doubt that he will ever play for the Eagles again. Also today it was announced that Owens wa... Read more
by bigdaddydon
Sun Nov 06 2005Terrell Owens - there is no ”I“ in team. On all of those 100 touchdowns you caught, some lineman got up from the turf with a face full of dirt while you did some silly dance in the end-zone. You are selffish and self-centered. I have an 8 year old son who admires you. I now make him stand in the corner anytime he speaks your name and we no longer watch Eagle games so you can have no impression on him. I want him to be nothing like you no matter how many touchdowns you catch. If Paul Tagliabue had any balls, he would ban you from the league. Just as David Stern enforced the dress code in the NBA, Paul Tagliabue should enforce a code of conduct for the NFL so malcontents such as yourself cannot become a detrement to the entire league. The NFL was here before you were born and will be here after you pass from this earth and are nothing but a stat-line. Plus your behavior will forever keep you from being inducted into the Hall of Fame. You will forever be the poster-child for what's wron... Read more
by cowboy_nation
Sun Nov 06 2005this is most likely the one time in my life that i can agree with a person of such low character and a highly touted member of the most hated eagles. this is also the best thing that could happen to the COWBOYS as we now have the most productive and explosive weapon the eagles have off the field. to is of course a spoiled brat but what can we expect, he is a product of the system that we the fans promagate and support. to will unfortunetly not see the error of his ways for some time. but we the COWBOY nation will reap the rewards of this folly. all of you cheesesteak idiots can BITE ME!!!!!!!!!
by bastonrollins
Sun Nov 06 2005I don't think anyone can understand the type of behavior coming from T.O., He's not greedy, he is upset that no one recognizes that he is talented, the best of all, WR... He knows who he is, what he is worth! The eagles are too entrenched in paying for the new stadium. Without T.O. there will be no superbowl for the Eagles. He should be paid well for his talent. He works for money, not for popularity! The Eagles need to pay him and get over it and move on...He's a celebrity in Philadelphia!
by jbrophyjr
Sun Nov 06 2005T Owens should be released. It could mean a loseing season. I can live with that. EAGLES will RISE again
by to_sucks
Sat Nov 05 2005TO is a classless, arrogant, greedy idiot. Players like him are the reason I don't watch professional football anymore. Professional sports in general has turned into a bunch of money hungry, greedy, cesspool of morons. Don't get me wrong, he's got some of the best hands in the game, I can't argue that, but I will never endorse the likes of his behavior, or allow my children to be witness to such a selfish, self glorifying idiot. Take some notes from THE greatest receiver to ever play the game - Jerry Rice. I feel sorry for you TO. In 10 yrs, you'll be a 'has been', and no one will care about you anymore, except of course YOU. You've got more money than 99% of any other American, so enjoy it while you can you arrogant, cocky, worthless piece of sh#!
by jayhawk55
Sat Nov 05 2005T.O is a dumb, thug loser
by genesiscv
Sat Nov 05 2005He is absolute garbage. He has diarrhea of the mouth.
by eddiedeaux
Sat Nov 05 2005I'm a happy Eagles Fan, and T/O needs to Go. As happy as I was to see him adorn the the Eagles jersey I will be much more pleased to see him with Andy Reids boot in his posterier... The Eagles Should band any future player from wearing the 81 combination as it would serve as a reminder of this idiot .
by big_k634
Wed Nov 02 2005T.O. is the greatest reciever in the league (well, maybe Harrison) and the most exciting (C. Johnson is a knock-off). He is the only reason I still watch the NFL, NCAA is superior, except in player personality, which T.O. has plenty of. He can do what he likes, I love the man (read it again). Write me back if you have problems with what I say. [email protected], bitches.
by master_i
Thu Oct 27 2005yeah <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><<><><><>><><><><<><><><><><<>
by to_lover
Wed Oct 19 2005T.O. is the hottest player in the game. He also is awesome on the field he knows how to get the job done. Stop hating... Hey T.O. If ya reading this I'm comming to philly...ahhha
by owens954
Tue Sep 27 2005Terrell Owens rocks and if u got anything to say bout that u gonna take it up wit me!!!!!!!!!
by themadmanfromh_ell
Fri Aug 19 2005Terrell Owens is the best wide reciver in the world!!!1 He is not a jerk!!
by iknowstuff
Thu Aug 18 2005T.O.s' antics are so lame and stupid. i cant believe eagles fans , such as me ae watcing this dumbas* play for PHILLY, the city of brothery love and he sure aint givin us fans love. My advice: this is RANDY MOSS' time so go back to ur mom!
by quickdraw
Sun Aug 14 2005T O has a contract... 7 years and 49 million dollars...that HE signed just last year...shut up and play football
by thesikk1
Sat Aug 13 2005T.O. is the best receiver in the league and he should definitely get his money cuz hes amazing. Theres no discussion on that cuz the eagles will never make it to the super bowl w/o him. He is easily one of the best athletes in the world. Y'all are jus haters cuz he wants more paper which he deserves if baseball players are makin lik 15 mil a year. He should be the highest paid receiver in the league.
by jeeprdr91
Thu Aug 11 2005Terrel Owens is a whiny baby!!! I watched him on the half time show whining that he'll only get 6 million per year. Cry me a freakin river, I hope Andy Reid tells him to take a flying leap. Philly has a lot of love for the eagles and TO is not just disrespecting his team, he's disrespecting Philly fans as well. I hope they have a bonfire of his merchandise before each game, that would send a message to TO. He's not wanted in this town anymore!!!! GO HOME!!!
by magellan
Wed Aug 10 2005** Yet another update ** TO is a punk. ** I forgot I had written the earlier comment. Well I'm an Eagles fan, I appreciate how talented TO is, but the comment below about putting the erk in jerk still holds true. You just don't disrespect Donovan McNabb in the media (It wasn't me who got tired) like he did. Between the hold out and throwing his teammate under the bus TO will lose Philly's love (and that of his teammates) in a hearbeat, if it's not gone already. ** Terrel Owens puts the erk in Jerk. He doesn't speak wih anyone in the 49ers organization except for Bill Walsh. He singlehandedly got Mariucci fired, and is responsible for the laughable coaching downgrade. His display on Sunday of screaming at and making threatening gestures at his own team's offensive coordinator was not at all surprising. I'm glad I'm not a niners fan - I don't think I could root for this man in good conscience - he embodies everthing that sucks about pro sports - million dollar body and a ten ... Read more
by schkischki
Fri Jul 29 2005TO is the most overpaid overhyped athlete in the NFL. He doesn't have sh*t on Randy Moss. Not even in the same league. Comparing TO to Randy is like comparing Kobe to MJ.