Teresa Heinz Kerry

Approval Rate: 57%

57%Approval ratio

Reviews 14

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    Tue Oct 21 2008

    What a babe!

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    Sun May 11 2008

    Their competitors from the oligarchy - old New England patricians pretending to be Texas good old boys - did a much better job of conning the gullible than the Kerrys did.

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    Sat May 10 2008

    Anyone born in Mozambique can't be that bad!The Wendy's story was the best in the campaign, I think.  Her husband's phoney baloney populist campaign had Teresa to to a Wendy's for a photo op.  She saw chili on the menu and demanded to know what it was.  Some little employee had to explain to her that it was a meat based dish consumed all over America.Fabulous.

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    Sat Oct 23 2004

    I don't particularly care for her, but I don't get as worked up about her as some people apparently do. However, she does not belong on this list. She is not a politician, and if Kerry is elected she is unlikely to have any influence on his administration.

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    Fri Oct 22 2004

    Pretentious, spoiled, clueless and hypocritical. If you went all gooey over her warm fuzzy speech the other night you might be surprised to know that it was not all that long ago that this bag couldn't spew enough nasty remarks about the Democratic party she now so lovingly embraces. She also hated the Kennedys with a purple passion. Well, hmmm, I guess she got over that - for now anyway. Personally, I found her remarks about women's opinions and ideas being taken seriously one day - implying that they currently are not - to be both insulting and downright naive. Where the devil has SHE been for the last 35 years! This woman is a totally out of touch with reality rich-bitch ass. Her shove it comment may be the most intelligent public comment she's made to date...even more so if she'd been looking in a mirror when she uttered it. UPDATE: I see she is busily at work trying to one up herself on stupid remarks, Laura Bush has never had a REAL job. This must come as a surprise to many educa... Read more

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    Fri Oct 22 2004

    UPDATE: It matters because the First Lady has many diplomatic and representative duties to perform representing many groups, while her husband is the most powerful man in the world. It's scary to think of the influence the Tides Foundation (plug that into a search engine!) would have with her in the East Wing of the White House. Her subsequent gaffes, during the campaign, were embarrassing enough, and she's certainly been muffled by the campaign staff. Imagine when she's emboldened by the election of her husband! She'll really let her hair down then. We'll all be globalists, or we're all certainly idiots. When axl speaks logically, you'd better listen! ORIGINAL POST (7/27/04). . .and if you don't think she's polarizing, you can SHOVE IT!

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    Thu Aug 05 2004

    I cant stand her. She is a spoiled little witch that if she didnt have all of her families money nobody would give a damn what her or her dumbass husband have to say!!

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    Thu Aug 05 2004

    She went into a Wendy's, looked at the menus (with pictures) and still didn't know what anything was. So out of touch it isn't (and yet is) funny.

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    Mon Aug 02 2004

    I think she forgot to take her medication when she got up in the morning. She did say un-american. Does she have a memory loss conditon she's not sharing? I think maybe she is just plain crazy!

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    Polarizing? She's downright dangerous. In the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million dollars to the Tides Foundation. The Tides Foundation supports numerous antiwar groups including Ramsay Clark's International Action Center, (Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein) as well as the Justice Fund, (a joint venture with billionaire hate monger George Soros) which seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from known terrorist states. Tides Foundation also supports the Council for American-Muslim Relations whose leaders have ties with Hamas as well as the National Lawyers Guild. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping Shiek Rahman, the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, communicate with terror cells in Egypt. These are just a few of the groups supported by the Tides Foundation which has been supported by Mrs Kerry. Aiding and supporting our enemies is not good for the country regardless of your political views. ... Read more

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    Tue Jul 27 2004

    You guys realize she was a Republican until last year, right? It's kind of hard to be polarizing when you clearly are not politically extremist either way. Just because she's wacky and speaks a bunch of different languages, doesn't mean she's polarizing. As far as the Shove It comment, I thought it was pretty funny. The same folks who are blasting her for it are the same ones who defended our Vice President when he told a Senator to f*** himself. Lame partisan B.S. if you ask me.

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    Tue Jul 27 2004

    What a great tool for Kerry to use to reach out to the poor.One of the richest people in the country.Oh!That would make Kerry rich too!

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    Tue Jul 27 2004

    A hypocrite. She told a reporter to shove it. The reporter was simply asking what she meant when she said un-American. She said to stop putting words into her mouth. She DID say it, you could clearly hear it in the video. Rude. UPDATE- Magellan makes a good point with Cheney's f*ck you comment, however, the sisuation is different. Cheney admitted saying it. Heinz Kerry to this day is swearing that she didn't say un-American when she did. She is a rude, in-your-face liar and she loves it.

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    Tue Jul 27 2004

    it is refreshing for someone in the public spotlight to express how they really feel.