Teenage pregnancy
Approval Rate: 48%
Reviews 17
by guy_dc1b
Sat Mar 08 2014For starters, we could cut back our co2 emissions.
by frankswildyear_s
Fri Mar 07 2014From what I've been reading, teens don't seem to have any problems getting pregnant.
by chalky
Mon Sep 09 2013I'll field that one to Mike Holly's infamous college list.
by irishdreamer06_16
Tue Jan 31 2012Unfortunately shows like Teen Mom just glamorize teen pregnancy and it's disgusting. They have no idea what it's like to be a Teen Mom. I have seen some of my best friends struggle after being teenage parents. I say let them spend a week with a single teenage Mom and see just how glamorous the REAL world is.
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Jan 31 2012Bring back those belts from the middle ages that prevent the proper access? UPDATE: You know, there is one little point I'd like to make. People talk about this like its all a problem with the girls, but think about what we tell guys about sex for a second... does anyone think I might have stumbled on to a contributing factor here? It falls to the men out there to quit supporting this gotta get it mentality where we lie, fight with each other, and do all other kinds of unbelievable shit over a shot at the cookie. Be men, you pricks...
by abichara
Fri May 28 2010You could be responsible and use protection if you decide to have sex. Or you could do like Bristol Palin and charge $30,000 per appearance so you could discuss the importance of abstinence. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/05/27/investopedia44353 .DTL But not all of us can leverage out our parents celebrity to get lucrative speaking gigs.
by jester002
Wed May 26 2010Education is one thing, but not likely to work in the long-term. Just like teenage runaways, you think these kids have a great life at home?
by djahuti
Mon May 24 2010This will always happen to some degree,but it could be significantly reduced by some good,honest, fact filled sex education and making sure birth control is available for those who don't abstain.This would also reduce the spread of STDs and AIDS among youth.It's a lot less expensive to distribute condoms or have a "free" clinic than to pay to support all those unwed teens & their kids.
by ayn9b559
Sun May 23 2010Give them education and condoms. I managed to make it all through highschool without getting knocked up, if I could do it so can everybody else. It's not like condoms are hard to come by.
by ilikepie
Mon May 05 2008I think teenagers have all the sexual know-how they need, they just refuse to take it into account when making irresponsible decisions. If they were not provided with the financial means with which to have children, then they will think twice.
by kamylienne
Sun May 04 2008Well, a proper sex education might help a bit, but it won't stop all occurances. Maybe the real "problem" are people's negative attitudes towards young women who do get pregnant. Maybe if there weren't such a stigma on it, things wouldn't be so bad.
by uncnc08
Sun May 04 2008I think we need more sex education in the school system,and more places for a girl to turn if in fact she gets pregnant.she needs to know about all the options she has in a supportive atmosphere.
by canadasucks
Sun May 04 2008The primary or secondary answer to all problems is (drum roll) education. Education regarding physiology, sexuality, or the ramifications and impact of an uplanned pregnancy should be the first step or at lest one of the first steps. . .a serious hurdle considering our social discomfort of the sexual development of young women. . .
by mariusqeldroma
Sat Apr 19 2008I don't know about those belts, numbah, they may work, but a little more balanced education without the belt might work better and be less painful. :)
by cyclee
Sat Apr 19 2008Let me suggest the solution "Abortion".
by xagent
Sat Apr 19 2008How about a little more education and actually talking to them before they get in over their heads.
by lmorovan
Sat Apr 19 2008Teenage pregnancy is more than just a mishap of hormones out of control. It is a matter in most cases of child molestation and the culprits are usually kept hidden and protected. Government should get their nose out of what is not its business and get it into finding and punishing these potential future criminals, and make them pay.