Ted Kennedy
Sen. Edward Moore Kennedy, the youngest Kennedy brother who was left to head the family's political dynasty ...
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 8
by dontwantto
Sat Jan 23 2010Wow! Uncle Teddy we really need you. We'll try to carry on without you. RIP
by genghisthehun
Tue Dec 22 2009I don't know if the country can ever recover from the damage done by this "effective" senator.
by castlebee
Fri Aug 28 2009He championed the civil rights movement, spoke his mind, and showed up for work. Excellent – I can seriously respect that. However, what I find a bit difficult to forget (yet admit it is not my place to forgive) is that he also… 1.…was caught red-handed cheating in college and expelled (yet allowed to return and finish later). Yes, we all do dumb things in our youth - but at this age I feel he was exhibiting a definite lack of character and spine on an adult level. 2.…joined the service during the Korean War and made sure daddy used his influence to land him a cush assignment in Paris. Then again, I’m sure the wine list was better there. 3.…was a habitual drunk driver – proven on many occasions most famously when he… 4.…drove his car off a bridge leaving the scene and his passenger for dead – and failed to report the accident for over 8 hours. Hey, a guy needs time to sober up and plan his strategy. Anyone lacking his particular and very unique combination of fortune and fam... Read more
by guy_dc1b
Fri Aug 28 2009Teddy was smart calculating politician. Obama and his band of incompetents could have used him on the UHC stump. He would have never ever tried to tear off such a huge chunk of health care "reform” at once. The irony is he probably would have died sooner had he been forced to take the government option he supported.
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Aug 27 2009I never did like the guy. Still, he was iconic in a way and fun to crack on as a political whipping boy, and from all I've heard he actually worked hard, a rarity for politicians outside of campaigning anymore.
by callitdownthel_ine75
Thu Aug 27 2009I share the same sentiments as most of my RIA brethren here on this review: I was (and I am) not a fan of the senior senator from Massachusetts. But I am not also going to deny the fact that he was one of the most effective legislators in our nation's history. Ted Kennedy was a liberal stalwart, and never made any bones about who he was and where he stood on any issue. Known for his ability at getting key legislation passed, one of Kennedy's trademarks was his ability to reach out to the other side of the aisle to reach compromises with even those who were often ideologically opposed to him. Usually accomplished as an orator, Kennedy would always be remembered for his speeches, from his firebrand rhetoric (when facing down a Presidential nominee like Judge Robert Bork) to his touching eulogy of his fallen brother, Robert. For all his mistakes and failures as a person (and they were numerous), he was nevertheless a lion in the United States Senate- and perhaps the most effective legis... Read more
by irishgit
Wed Aug 26 2009I was never a huge fan, although I didn't bear him the emnity that others did, and I have no doubt will be displayed in other reviews. Ted Kennedy always struck me as a fatally flawed man, destined to be compared unfavorably to his murdered brothers, and struggling with demons of his own, and of his own creation. For all that, he was an effective Senator for most of his 47 years in office, and was one of the most consummate deal makers in Washington, showing considerable ability to find allies on both sides of the aisle. His legislative record is, whatever one may think of his politics, impressive, and he could never be accused of being a lazy or absentee legislator. I certainly can't say I'll miss him much, but there is no denying that an icon has passed.
by zuchinibut
Wed Aug 26 2009Ted Kennedy was an American icon. While much of the credit for this status can be attributed to his family, specifically his assassinated brothers, Kennedy still held himself up as a respected Senator. Although he was ridiculed by many throughout his career for the tragedy at Chappaquiddick and his apparent alcoholism, he continued to serve his constituents and prolong the Kennedy family's influence on American politics. His tenure in Washington was impressive, but its about time for a new face to represent Massachusetts.