TD Jakes
Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 0
by answerthis
Tue Jan 04 2011I own in a house large enough to rent rooms to Christians Bible students who attend a nearby Christian college. Last night I watched this Jakes guy being interviewed by another Mega-church Pastor, Brian Houston from a church in Austrialia called HillSong. Apparently they both have Churches with over 30 thousand members. Jakes has surpassed them all because he has produced Christian movies and Albums. He lives in a Mansion and has all the trappings of the rich and famous but get this--- he said he wished that people would just let him be a regular guy. He said he did not want people robbing him of being an ordinary human being by trying to make him more than a regular guy. He got really worked up about it and kept repeating how he is a regular guy with a great teaching gift but he really stressed that he does not want to have to live up to other people's expectation as some kind of god. He appealed to Christians to let him be a regular guy!! My response to this started a raucous in ou... Read more
by aposor
Sun Mar 14 2010It is amazing all the jealousy here if God wants him to drive a Rolls Royce at your expense what's it to you?
by oct_06
Fri Jan 09 2009I do not have a problem with TD Jakes being blessed by the LORD! My problem which disturbs my soul is that he has slowly been led away from GOD's will. I spend much of my time reading, meditating, and doing GOD's word and because of this my spirit let's me know when something is not right. I have tried to read some of his new books and noticed that he rarely mentions the LORD or the WORD in contrast to his older books in which he always referenced from the Bible. The LORD will bless his people but if they are led astray, he would also allow them to fall. My spirit has become so disturb with Church's releasing movies. In the bible it states that you cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other. It seems as if TD Jakes is trying to serve the world. It also says to not to conform to this world. Making movies and doing things that are not of GOD, is living for the world.
by loveschatter
Thu Jan 01 2009Love Pastor T.D Jakes. Have listend to his teaching for quite a few years now. We usually always feel Blessed by his sermons and feel he is annointed/Holy Spirit filled. Got to love a pastor that "preaches The Word as it is, tells it as it is". God bless. :-)
by bishopdh
Wed Dec 31 2008He used to preach the gospel, but once he commingled psychology with the scriptures, it was all downhill from there. Now, Jakes rarely preaches the word (if at all), frequently engages in manpleasing (e.g., from watering down doctrine to wearing an earring at his daughter's wedding), and has abandoned the apostolic doctrine he once preached. Jakes is to be avoided at all costs.
by west2nd
Fri Aug 08 2008The wheels have fallen off the cart for ole TDJ. May have been ok at one time, but the money, fame and ego corrupted him many years ago. Too bad. i remember when he used to really teach the bible truth. Not the minstrel "show" he does now.
by holyl8t
Fri Jul 18 2008Well what can we say....? Not a thing. God hired him? Who are we to judge another man's servant? Fine clothes, mansion and cars? is written that we not respect "he that cometh in with fine apparel (seating him at the front) and he which dresses humbly in the back"...doesn't say we should take off our fine apparel and hand it to the person next to us who is dressed poorly. If we are led of the spirit we do. If they ask for our coat, give em your coat also...but we are not told we should feel guilty for God showering us with abundance of blessings so long as we remember them that have not. Lazarus was rich..Jesus never frowned on Lazarus lifestyle, but shared in the joy of his good. Joseph became KING, and had poor brothers whom he helped by employing them in the palace and sending "portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared". Riches has it's place. When you see a rich preacher calculate how much each soul he has been leading toward glory is worth, then considerate is t... Read more
by bilessed
Sun Jun 22 2008To all you hypocrites, generation of vipers, destroyers, etc... Repent and turn from your wicked ways. Why are you all hating on this man? Stop being so jealous. HE IS A MAN OF GOD, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!
by agabus
Fri Feb 01 2008Oh, how I wish christians would stop following charismatic, soul stealing, screaming orators and start following the still small voice!
by ritahall888
Sun Oct 21 2007FALSE TEACHER.
by questioneveryt_hing
Sun Sep 16 2007Like a three-ringed circus. He wasn't always like this. Why did you change TJ? I used to love to listen to you before the whole TBN monster got ahold of you.
by committed
Mon Jul 23 2007Wonderful teacher. (John 1) Helpful, spirit filled, not just a talker, an actual doer of the word.
by doulos
Wed Jul 11 2007T.D. Jakes is a Modalist who denies the orthodox teaching of the Trinity. The fact that so many people in the church world think this guy is the African American version of Joel Osteen (or the next best thing to sliced bread) is just a manifestation of the last says wherein there will be an apostasy and people will turn away from the truth unto fables; accumlating teachers unto themselves who will tell them what they want to hear. It's sad, but Scripture must be fulfilled. I hope more people would wake up from their stupor and realize that truth matters.
by sundayschoolte_acher
Sun Jun 17 2007The best orator in the Christian church today. Sorry for the misery guts who are jealous of his money. Maybe they should read the command not to covet. All Christian ministers are highly accountable to the Almighty for what they say and do. Bishop Jakes is a great encourager and goodness knows people need to be encouraged but he also preaches holiness and obedience. Only dead fish follow the tide. Use the ears to you have been given and listen to the preacher before forming your opinions.
by savedbygrace7
Wed Jun 13 2007The church as a whole is in need of cleansing & revival.... Christ is soon to come.
by jonroll
Sat Jun 02 2007Been there,....definitely anointed. More of a preacher then a teacher. Pep rally type ministering. Need more Word to stand on. Disagree with some things I hear, but that is ok and fine. Mix T.D.'s motivational preaching and Andrew Wommack's truthful teaching together and you got a powerful breakfast! I like this man of God and the power which he walks in!
by damien
Sat May 12 2007I like TD :)
by bytheblood
Sun Apr 22 2007He denies the trinity. He is a false teacher who has a lot of people fooled. He has actually been called the next Billy Graham. I disagree!!!!!!!!!
by piperjay
Sun Apr 08 2007Weird. Everytime I catch him on TV he's preaching using pregnancy, giving birth, breasts, etc. as metaphors. What really had me creeped out is when he said God's word is his (God's) semen!
by lisadh
Thu Apr 05 2007loved his book woman thou art loosed. really helped me alot to get over past abuse .
by alanlovesdevon
Sat Mar 24 2007Too much prosperity message - too many bad movies.
by tempshepard
Wed Mar 14 2007Praise the Lord,I do not wish to speak ill will of td jakes but to speak truth. God has used some of his books to help me in my life and i praise God for that. But God also has takin me deeper in the spirit has given me wisdom about all the false tv evangelists and preachers. He explained to me that although he uses them to reach our brothers and sisters in christ that satan is is using them as well. see satan has stradagies that he uses on all of us even preachers and evangelists! Alot of them are falling for his trap. If you notice he and others no longer live like regular people but like celebrities. They may have been more of the spirit when they began but now satan and his demonic spirits have been influencing them more. you can see in in his life style or their life styles. remember the scripture that says it is harder for a rich man to enter into heaven? The reason why it is so hard for them to get into heaven is they have become demonically influenced and infested. their life i... Read more
by floorlady41
Wed Mar 07 2007He is a false teacher. He denies the trinity.
by passtheloot
Wed Mar 07 2007Here is the overall picture. TD Jakes is making money off the faithful, and proud of it. He lives in luxury (luxury vehicles and has a luxury home, click here to read more about it). How can a minister live like that, when we have brothers/sisters in the Lord dying from starvation and malnutrition? Maybe he doesn't know about them? He makes it perfectly clear he knows about them. He describes them on pg. 15 in fact. Then how can he, or any Christian minister, live in extreme luxury while we know of brothers/sisters striving just to SURVIVE?
by manofgod0504
Sun Mar 04 2007Thank God for the Man of God, T.D. Jakes.
by godblesstdjake_s
Mon Feb 19 2007The world is sooooooooo predictable. I've been listening to TD Jakes since I was 14 and now I am 26 years old. When a man of God is bless we want to throw rocks at him but when a man of the world gets bless we praise him. TD Jakes be bless and keep doing what you doing brother.
by scripscan
Sun Feb 18 2007Word of faith preacher. Need I say more? He like the rest of his group, pander to our carnal natures.
by jcsaves
Sat Feb 10 2007Man of Mammon
by exchhc
Fri Feb 09 2007prodige of earl paulk
by em102103
Tue Feb 06 2007From “Jakes, who drives a Mercedes, has moved with his wife and their five children to a luxurious seven-bedroom home with swimming pool in the White Rock Lake area of Dallas. “Flanked by a row of elegant cedars and surrounded by a tall iron gate, the $2.6 million pink brick house with fluted cream columns and a four-car garage is imposing even in this affluent neighborhood. Next door is the former mansion of oil tycoon H.L. Hunt, once known as the richest man in the world. The Hunt house has been undergoing repairs, and its lawn has withered to beige. These days it almost pales in comparison with its neighbor”. The Dallas Observer magazine reports: “His conferences draw tens of thousands. His television show, broadcast on both the Trinity Broadcasting Network and Black Entertainment Television, reaches hundreds of thousands. He has spawned his own industry, T.D. Jakes Ministries, ... the income from which allowed him to spend nearly $1 million last year on a r... Read more
by bewarefalsepro_phets
Sun Jan 28 2007TD Jakes struts across the pulpit with the confidence of a peacock, and his suits are almost just as visual. Unfortunately, he is a word of faith preacher who have made a killing selling his books and dvds and cds. I wonder why it seems that word of faith ministers seem to avoid Acts 20:33 when Paul said that he has not coveted any man's silver, or gold, or apparel...even went on to say that he labored with his hands and in doing so ministered unto his and his travel companion's necessities. Seems like people like TD Jakes do nothing BUT covet people's money today. Filthy rich pastors are not one bit like apostle paul, or any of the apostles. Beware this false prophet.
by jiggy30
Sat Jan 20 2007When I was new in the Lord, TD moved me because all I wanted to hear about was how to love the Lord. But as I have grown, I have clearly moved away from his prosperity message. I'm not saying that he does no good. I am saying that if you don't understand, you will listen to those that sound good. But he is a human being and I don't expect him to be perfect. I am a man, I need a physical mentor, not a human Lord.
by shamila
Thu Jan 11 2007man of God
by godlybrotha
Tue Jan 09 2007I once thought that this man was an amazing preacher. But that was before my eyes were opened and I learned that people who peddle the gospel are not to be revered. Jokes has gotten significantly wealthy from peddling the gospel. I remember when he used to wear untailored, bad-fitting suits when he preached years ago. Well, after marketing several books, sermons on CD and no doubt receiving exorbitant speaking fees, and more than likely, hefty percentages of his church's tithes and offerings, you'll see him wearing the most meticulously tailored suits, and living in multi-million dollar mansions. Admittedly, his oratorical skills are surpassed by very few, and he truly has a flair for the dramatic while he preaches. But he's still a prosperity pimp who preaches a different gospel.
by trevinops
Wed Dec 13 2006One of my favorite preachers to watch and listen to thru the week.
by cloudten
Sat Oct 21 2006He's a good person and preaches the Word of God.
by antonbarone
Sat Sep 23 2006T.D. (Truth Destroyer) Jakes.
by wyldhype
Wed Sep 20 2006Do you people like any preacher? Here's another question, how many of you are letting the Holy Spirit guide you? Are you following His promptings? Let God be the judge. If what others say about these preachers is true, then the body of Christ is in trouble, because many many Christians attend these preachers churches. Are you telling me God's spirit is not in any of them? Again, the devil is a liar.
by christianchld
Tue Aug 01 2006TD Jakes is inspiring. I think Jakes is a good preacher. Again, I do agree with propserity teaching, but Jakes preaches on other things in his messages. There are those who'd say he is in cahoots with Dollar, Meyer, Copeland, Osteen and all the others, but these preachers are changing lives. They are blessings in the lives of many. To call someone false is judgement and God is the only one who can judge. Yes, we as Christians are supposed to use discernment, but if the spirit moves in the church, then I believe that God's presence is on that man or woman of God. Why would the spirit move in a church that had a false prophet? And, what all of you are doing in your negative commentary is confirming what Jesus wrote about those who are persecuted for his sake.
by sweetdee06
Sat Jul 15 2006"Bishop" Jakes is just another example of a person who got rich off of the gospel. I remember watching a DVD of him preaching WAY before he started wearing those uncanny suits that he wears. His suits back then hardly fit him right, and were undoubtedly bought off the rack. But now, he struts across the pulpit like pimp daddy. I know that many people don't have a problem with the fact that he peddles the gospel and has gotten extremely wealthy from it. But try to jibe all that with Jesus' admonition to the disciples that as they were freely given to, they should FREELY give."Buy my book Woman, Thou Art Loosed, and don't forget to go see it at your local theater!" For we are not as the MANY which corrupt(gk. kapeleuo, to act as a peddler, to exchange for profit)the word of God:but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we(as servants of)in Christ
by airbrushartist
Tue Jul 04 2006It is important for spiritual fathers to be there so a spiritual son or daughter can learn and get correction.These are Your Words Nowfaith,I have a question for You? Why not get Your correction from the Holy Scripture,Through Study and Prayer and Time in Devotions with your Heavenly Father allowing the Holy spirit to lead you? Thats better than any Earthly Man or Woman could Do! That way you Know its the Truth!And It won't Cost you a Love Offering To Them and Their over indulgent Lives!
by nowfaith86
Sat Jul 01 2006This is to AirbrushArtist. Thank the Lord that God is your spiritual Father. But before you say anything else about having a physical spitiual father, why dont you try doing a little biblical research. Timothy was Paul's spiritual son. A spiritual father is a mentor in your life who guides you and raises you in the Spirit. T.D. Jakes has raised and guided Paula White, Dion Sanders, etc. It is important for spiritual fathers to be there so a spiritual son or daughter can learn and get correction. If you think that just because God is your Heavenly Father you dont need any physical spiritual father then you are missing one of the greatest keys to the Kingdom that you could ever have. When you submit to a spiritual authority, you line up with God's word, and are able to move into places of God that your spiritual father has been. As well as learning and being guided by them. They also just like a real physical father they have the right to correct you to make you better equipped... Read more
by godschild900
Thu Jun 29 2006Bishop T.D. Jakes is such a blessing to me. You can tell that Bishop Jakes has been through it all. You can also see the knowledge that God has inputted into this man. His lifestyle and accomplishments are encouragement for me, and his teachings are earth shaking, and really inspire me to go for all that God has for me. God Bless Bishop Jakes for all he HAS done, and WILL do.
by vdizzle
Fri Jun 09 2006I read an interesting book about Jakes from a Sociologist, Dr. Shayne Lee, at Tulane University. It's called T.D. Jakes: America's New Preacher and in the later chapters Dr. Lee really nails him for the fake he is. Why don't he just call himself T.D. Fakes.
by clcrow
Mon Apr 24 2006Awesome man of God!
by 40carats
Sun Apr 02 2006TD is one of the worst. Appealing to emotions, lust, greed, he promises things that God does not promise. I would suggest to anyone who listens to TD to listen to or read 3 sermons by John MacArthur. The difference should immediately become apparent.
by lorie_white
Thu Mar 30 2006he the man of god. godblessyou
by darrengjohnson
Thu Mar 16 2006T D Jakes is great because his real desire is not to get you into a bunch of speculation, but to minister and build up people in their faith in Jesus. All of the talk about modalism this or that, I never hear him speak about modalism. I know theologically he is not perfect, but his message of deliverance through Jesus is solid and I do believe that he does speak propherically to the body of Christ.