Approval Rate: 60%
Reviews 0
by friendlyadvice
Fri Mar 26 2010I'm rating the Tazorac 0.1% cream. So far, it is the only product that has helped my acne. I have been through two treatments of accutane and countless other prescription drugs trying to clear my acne. Finally, something seems to be working. I'm only in the 5th week of using the cream but I have seen unprecedented results. I recently started applying the cream to my back and chest and within the first week they started clearing up. It seems too good to be true right now. We'll see if the acne keeps subsiding as the treatment continues. So far, so good.
by alves1
Thu Feb 04 2010this is the best acne treatment i have tried. I have been on retin a highest percentage and then tazorac cream .1% which didn't do much, then .05 of the tazorac gel and still broke out in whiteheads, and now I am on the gel .1% and it's the best. The key to minimizing irritation is to DEFINITELY us a moisturizer before and wait 30-60 min then apply taz. if you don't your face will be very red and peeling. I like to use Cetaphil lotion before taz and in the morning use Cerave lotion which is almost like a gel and doesn't make me look greasy like Cetaphil. I have really oily skin and taz def helps slow down the oil. I do peel in the morning but the cerave takes care of that. If you are using the gel I def recommend a moisturizer but if you are oily and using the cream version moisturizer is not needed because it already has mineral oil in it, unless your REALLY sensitive.
by lovemakeup
Mon Jan 05 2009OK so i am in my 11th week of tazorac...i must say that after alot of breaking out, and dry skin, the bumps under my skin (which was the whole reason i started using taz in the first place) have definetly smoothed out...not completely but there has been a tremendous improvement. nothing else has ever worked like this for me and i am VERY happy with the results. i must admit, up to the second month of using the product, i felt like giving up...each time i put it on my skin i asked myself whyy am i using this it isnt even working!! but i am SO glad i stuck with it and i want to encourage anyone else who is thinking of giving up mid-way into it not too...just be patient...and make sure u dont use too much because that makes everything worse!! just a small amount and use alot of lotion..i use cetaphil. thank you Tazorac you have saved my skin!!!
by shelleyj
Mon Dec 29 2008I am in my 8th week of using Tazorac Gel 1%. The dry/flaky skin is terrible! It is the most depressing thing in the morning when I wake up... the pillow is covered in what looks like tons of dandruff and even after I wash/moisterize my face before work, I have to spend like 40 minutes in the mirror plucking flakes off with tweezers. BUT MY ACNE HAS GONE AWAY!! I am prone to getting those terrible under-the-skin cysts that take weeks to heal, particularly on the chin and around the mouth, in addition to the normal array of gross black and whiteheads. However, after 8 weeks of using Taz once daily (at night before bed) my skin has never looked clearer. I'm going to stick with the regiman to see if the terrible flaking eventually subsides. I plan to consult my dermatologist about the possiblity of switching to .5% because maybe that wont cause flaking as much. Overall, though, I am glad I began using Tazorac. Flaking is better that acne!!!
by mandy3510
Fri May 30 2008I've had acne since I as 10. I am now 32 years old and I finally decided to see a dermatologist. (I went when I was 10 and used Retin A for a few years which made my face peel all the time). Eventually I stopped going to the dermatologist and started trying OTC treatments. All of which failed. ProActiv worked the best but still left me with bad breakouts.The Dr told me that I have adult acne and recommended I try Tazorac with Minocyclin to lessen the initial break out period. I was worried b/c everyone was saying that their faces were peeling and red. I went through that with Retin-A when I was younger and wasn't looking forward to it. I decided to give Tazorac a shot anyway. I would like to note that I have very oily skin. I use those oil blotting sheets on a daily basis. I also tend to get those zits that swell up under the skin for a few days (about the size of a nickel) and then display a nice ugly, pussed filled white head for everyone to gauk at. They seem to take weeks to go aw... Read more
by saddye47
Tue Jan 15 2008At first, like the first two weeks, the acne prone areas on your face will cause more breakouts. It's like everything comes out. So be prepared for major breakouts and major dry skin the first two weeks and stay away from oily foods and non-oil free/greasy moisturizers. After two weeks your skin starts clearing up BIG time. THe scars from the previous break outs take longer to go away but eventually they do go away. Don't use any other acne product with this cream though - I just use a simple face wash and 100% pure EMu oil (its the only thing that doesnt cause me to break out and makes the dry skin/peeling go away. Just drink LOTS of water to keep up the clear skin. I think its worth it.
by powerofparadig_ms
Tue Apr 17 2007First I used the 0.5% cream then the 1.0%. I wanted something to treat acne and anti-aging. I wasn't too impressed with this cream. It was too heavy on my skin and didn't help the acne at all. I don't know about the gel though. Typically gels are lighter and less moisturizing than creams.
by borntorun
Sat Apr 07 2007Tazorac gave me my life back. I've been using it for a little over a year now, and I'm a completely different person. It's amazing that your entire personality can change just by clearing your acne. The gel may take a little while, but stick with it- it's worth the wait.
by sports2012
Mon Jan 22 2007iv been using this gel for almost 2 months now, and if anything my acne seems to have gotten worse. My face iches like crazy, and is red all the time now. i was better off before i used it...
by luv2run
Sun Oct 29 2006I have used Tazorac for 10 weeks now for cystic acne. I used Retin A and Azelex in the past. The peeling with Retin A was horribe and the Azelex just seemed to become less effective over a period of time after it had worked well. Believe me, in the beginning I stuggled with flakey skin and redness and dreaded seeing people. After about 8 weeks I finally saw results better than anything I have ever tried. The Tazorac not only cleared up the acne but also made the rest of my skin look healthier. I will never go off the Tazorac! Give it time before you make the decision to stop using it, it works!
by oblivionlost
Sun Oct 01 2006It works really well for my oily skin. I tried this stuff in place of retinA, in conjunction with doxycycline. The retinA would make my skin even more oily. The 0.05% gel didn't cause any peeling or irritation at all. After 3 months on 0.05%, I've had very minimal breakouts, and the old acne scars are slowly disappearing. Just switched to 0.1% gel, so far with only minor irritation. Bottom line is that you have to try this medication for yourself and see. It works very well if your skin can tolerate it.
by tassimau
Wed Sep 13 2006I started using this stuff for mild acne, but my face looked like crap even when i didn't have that many pimples. I believe there is a right and a wrong way to use this stuff. I will tell you the right way cuz I have used everything and this stuff works. I just started using the .1% creme about 3 weeks ago and my face is starting to look great. Here is my routine. I take a shower in the morning but only rinse my face with water. Then I take an antibiotic (i use Bactrim DS), a mulitvitamin, and echinacea. At around 8 pm I put on a thin layer of tazorac and leave it on for about an hour or 2 because the stuff will dry your face out if you leave it on too long. Then I take another shower at night and only rinse with water. The reason I rinse with only water is because Glyc and salicylic acid dry my face out too much. Your skin is going to get dry and tight for the next hour or 2 but once your skin starts producing oil youll be fine. This has worked for me. My skin has retaine... Read more
by bassface
Sun Aug 06 2006ive been on this stuff for almost a year now and it kina seems to be losing it's power. I use it every night with doxycycline and while may face isn't terrible it is defenenelty worse then i would expect it to be from this much medication usage
by lilly30
Wed May 24 2006I have been on this for a week and a half. I hate it so far cause it has made my skin very very dry but worst my skin is 10 times worse then it was when I started this medicine. I know it says that it can make it worse before it gets better but this is awful. Im going to stick it out for a week or two more but if it continues to get worse I dont think I would recomend this medicine. Ive used every acne medicine too. Even accutane which worked much better then this did so far. Hopefully in a few weeks Ill see good results.
by ping_pong
Sat Oct 02 2004Tazorac is a really really strong medication... I had viral warts on my forehead, went to go see a dermo and he prescribed me with this. I used it for only 1 month and my warts were gone. But I still had acne, so i kept on using it and my face slowly cleared away. The best thing to do is not to use any other acne products. To keep from your face burning/peeling, wash your face with Cetaphil soap and then gentle cleansing softener... Let your face build up natural oil (1-2 hours), then apply Tazorac (done at nite time). during the day, after washing your face, apply Tazorac when possible, then use the Cetaphil moisterizer.
by caligirlegirl
Mon Jun 28 2004Tazorac didn't help me at all. I usually break out on my cheeks and by the corners of my mouth, and after about a week, my face was SOOO dry and peeling that it literally hurt me to talk. The peeling and redness didn't go away until about 2 weeks after I stopped using it. I would never even think about using this again. My friend even warned me about it because it happened to her, but I didn't listen! Beware users!
by plaidpaisley
Thu Jun 03 2004I started using this product at night along with Duac in the morning and I have had great success. I have used every product out there and most recently I was using Differin, which seemed to stop working after about 2 years. The first week using Tazorac is awful, but it really does get better!!! I used moisturizer before I put on the medicine and that seemed to help A LOT. I use Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizer. The improvement was slow, but it has been a month and my skin looks amazing!
by cooldudegk
Thu Apr 29 2004I have been using this treatment with Benzaclin for about 3 weeks now. While I am not seeing huge results it seems to be clearing up my face slowly.
by sdreamz
Thu Apr 22 2004This product worked really well in place of retin-A. Because there isn't as much peeling. It quickly clears up your skin.
by violet85255
Sat Oct 18 2003My dermatoligist recommended this product in place of micro retin A. I had a better response with Avage (the cream form of tazorac) because it was less harsh. My face does peel but it's simply a matter of using it every three days rather than every day. My skin has a rosy glow and it looks vibrant and healthy. I have tried everything from accutane on and I really like this product. Do not take accutane. It causes permanent hair loss. Trust me on this, and do the research if you decide to try it.
by badcandy
Tue Aug 26 2003This product can be very disappointing at first. The first week is very difficult and you may instantly want to stop using it. There is ALOT of peeling. My skin is already dry so the peeling was pretty bad. To help this I exfoliated my skin frequently with a scrub type product. You can mix sugar and olive oil to make a gentle scrub that will moisturize. I dont believe that the olive oil made my skin breakout, but everyone is different. If you continue to use the product the redness and peeling is drastically reduces and your skin will start to look and feel better. Be patient!
by treec0af
Wed Aug 06 2003i've been on Tazorac for 3 weeks now.. The first week it seemed as if it was working immediately, but now - i'm breaking out more than ever. I'm hoping this is just a phase and when I go to my next appointment with my dermatologist, that most of the acne will be gone.. sigh - please oh god will it ever end..
by kmack49c
Thu Jul 24 2003Because this drug can cause peeling, my doc recommended wearing it for 1-2 hours before bed, and then rinsing it off. This worked well. When I tried wearing it overnight, I peeled too much. My skin cleared up after a few months, and then my doc prescribed me Retin-A, which is weaker, but the acne is coming back now. I am going back on the tazorac, because it worked.
by jj332d3f
Sat Jul 12 2003Tazorotene worked pretty well for me. My dermatologist told me to put Benza-Clin on, and then put the Tazorotene on over the Benza-Clin. It's been working pretty well, but it dries out your skin and makes you peel. Just make sure to not stay out in the sun too much...That may help prevent your skin from peeling. Good luck!
by bellaladie
Tue Jul 08 2003Have been on Tazorac for 2 1/2 months.. my skin is not crystal clear but feels alot smoother (no little bumps around nose).. the peeling stopped so makeup is going on more smoothly, for all those who could not wait it out.... wish doctor gave me gel form because the mineral-oil based creme feels disgusting on my already oily face...
by craigj
Tue Jun 24 2003Tazorac did not work for me at all. The first four weeks were a constant battle with EXCESSIVELY dry skin, which is unusual for someone with naturally oily skin. It also made my face turn red, as if I had a very bad sunburn. All of this would have been tolerable if it had cleared up my acne, but it did not. If anything, it made it worse (even beyond the weeks of the so-called "initial breakout period"). After I stopped, my acne was worse than ever. This may work for some people, but it certainly did not for me. I have heard people have had better results with Retin-A Micro among the topical retinoids.
by teenageecstasy
Mon Mar 24 2003This has to be the WORST product I have ever used. After only two days of noticing it my skin is oozing, and it skins horribly. My face is literally PEELING OFF! Worst of all, I use foundation to cover up my acne and now that is totally impossible!! STAY AWAY FROM THIS PRODUCT!!!!!
by linea_mitchell
Sat Jan 18 2003I have used almost every type of acne treatment in the last 10 years, from Azalex to Accutane and everything in between. I did notice a difference when I used Tazorac my skin improved, but it was so painful for me that every morning, when I would wash my face, there would be dead skin all ofer the wash rag [millions of pieces]. I now use it once a week in adittion to Azalex.
by clyde205
Sat Jan 04 2003I started using tazorac about 6 months ago and it worked great up until last month. I seem to be breaking out bad, im wondering should i use any soaps to help or just stick it out. If you recommend any soaps leave me a message please.
by frangela9
Tue Sep 03 2002You have to get through the breakout stage. But it drys up pimples F-A-S-T!! And helps get rid of scars too, which is very important. My doc. combined this with BenzaClin, which kills the bacteria that Tazorac pulls out. This shortens the breakout period. Good luck!
by khakiqueen
Mon Jul 01 2002If this refers to Tazorac, yes, this cleared up my face. Just don't combine this with other products, as it is very harsh. Did not do much for the back acne.
by erin3587
Thu Jan 24 2002This really didn't do anything but dry my skin out. It didn't clear up my acne, and since I usually use make up to cover my redness, it made even make up impossible since I was peeling so much. I would have been better off without it
by aurielle
Tue Apr 24 2001This treatment is the only thing that has worked for me so far. Of course, it's not for everyone because it causes severe dry skin at first and itching throughout the treatment, but it is totally clearing up my blemishes!