
Approval Rate: 61%

61%Approval ratio

Reviews 14

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    Thu Feb 02 2006

    Too high on those earning less than one hundred thousand annually. Too low on those making more. Too complicated to calculate. We need to pass the "fair tax" bill pending now in Congress. Say goodbye to tax returns.

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    Wed Sep 14 2005

    An enormous issue. Probably the most significant facing America. What I believe most people don't recognize with taxes is the bigger picture. It's not just about how much money comes out of our pockets (which is REAL important). It's about what type of a country/society to we want to be. I've was very struck a couple of weeks ago at the outcry of the public and the poor souls outside the New Orleans Convention Center. Everybody was standing around waiting for the government to deliver these people from their problems. They (the stranded New Orleanians) expected it and complained of not feeling like part of America until the troops arrived. Hey, Americans are supposed to help themselves. We're not Socialists. Charity comes from private individuals and entities. The athletes, celebrities, church groups, philanthropists and everyday good samaritans have delivered help far more quickly and efficiently to many of the areas harmed by Katrina than did the government agencies. The... Read more

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    Mon Sep 05 2005

    This is an issue that directly affects ALL Americans, not just a few thousand here and there. Without the money that I earned from the labor I did, I have to eat crap from McDonalds and slowly kill myself while the government spends its blood money on a highway outside Wal-Mart.

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    Thu May 05 2005

    We need a flat tax that individuals and all corprate enties pay. Throw out all the tax laws with all its loop holes and make it simple.

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    Thu May 05 2005

    Yep very important. America needs huge tax increases and more taxes on the rich to provide them with free healthcare and renewable energy sources.

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    For me the issue of taxation is important - levying taxes in an equitable fashion and spending tax dollars wisely, not just cutting taxes.... Let's not lose sight of the big picture: Taxation in itself is not a fundamental evil... In fact, some would say that paying taxes is patriotic . Your taxes pay the police force, the national guard, paid for the national freeways, the national park system, pay for the schools for your children, etc. etc. etc. It is important that the taxes be levied fairly, but reduction, reduction, reduction is not the panacea here.

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    Fri Mar 11 2005

    Cutting taxes has a double pronged effect: 1) Spurs the economy, by giving people back the money that they earned, which they will put into the economy. 2) It takes away money from the federal government. Now if we could only get them to spend within a budget, like everyone else has to.

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    Thu Mar 03 2005

    Taxes are way to high for single people. We should stop giving money to other countries and we need to get rid of the EIC (earned income credit).

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    Taxes are always an important issue, but right now I think they are at the right level. What concerns me more is how the government spends that money once it has it.

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    Thu Nov 18 2004

    There is a 50/50 chance that during Bush's 2nd term, the US Tax Code will be reviewed and fundamentally changed. It screams to be done but never has there been (nor is it likely to present itself again, in any of our lifetimes) a circumstance as exists today, for major, fundamental tax code reform. You got your Congressional Representative's and Senator's e-mail address handy? Think about it. Whoever is associated with it is committing political suicide (actually, it would be more accurately metaphored as hari-kari) but the billions in savings, every year, would change the fundamentals of our tax collection like nothing has before. It will make the Reagan Tax Revolution look like a purchase requisition for a new pencil sharpener.

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    Tue Jul 20 2004

    There is no issue here.If Kerry is elected you will immediately see your taxes skyrocket!He has already said he would raise them.If, God willing, Bush gets another 4 you will continue to see more money every payday as well as at the end of the year.

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    Mon May 31 2004

    We're inhumanly overtaxed.

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    Wed Mar 10 2004

    TOO HIGH!!!

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    Fri Feb 20 2004

    This is more of a local issue that voters should decide. In Massachusetts, with Kerry and Kennedy as Senators, the taxes here are just unbelievable. We are also known as Taxachusetts. I beleive in some taxes, to help pay for the community and evereything, but it can go too far. Taxes can actually hurt a state's economy. Many Mass. residents drive to the malls in New Hampshire- no taxes! The only drawback is tax must still be paid on big items such as cars, etc. When it comes down to it, liberal's high taxes are too much, Libertarians no taxes is just crazy. Elevated taxes are just right.