Talking during a movie
Approval Rate: 26%
Reviews 50
by littledragon
Tue Sep 07 2010If some inconsiderate fool is rudely talking at the movies and starts choking on the oversized and overpriced hotdog he or she bought, I am going to develop sudden memory loss in regards on how to administer the Heimlich maneuver.
by djangoha
Thu Mar 04 2010Talking during a movie (in a public theater) is inexcusably rude. But it’s not a matter of being black or white, elderly or teenaged. Talking during a movie is a cultural thing for Americans. I've experienced it all across the country. I think the issue is that most Americans just don’t care about being polite toward other people in public. I think they think it's one of their unalienable rights. Regardless of race or age, most Americans seem to think it’s their right to act however they please, no matter how anybody else feels about it. And they can’t tolerate even the tiniest bit of criticism about their rudeness. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
by nickthequick
Mon Dec 21 2009The occasional quick remark or question is inevitable, but don't try to have a conversation while I'm in "film critic" mode or I'll give you two thumbs down and "das boot".
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Dec 21 2009There are very few examples of cases where vigalante mob violence is justified, but this would be one of them. Typically there are about a hundred people in the movie theatre who understand that the point of getting out of the house and spending 90 minutes in the theatre is to enjoy art or entertainment. They are willing to pay a premium over renting a DVD or watching it on broadcast TV. On any given evening though there are one or two people who don't understand that dynamic and that what they are doing is an unwelcome intrusion on the enjoyment of others. If they are not smart enough to understand the glares and 'shushes' of the pther patrons, then being beaten and left behind the theatre is entirely warranted.
by ridgewalker
Mon Dec 21 2009Yeh, I didn't pay to listen to someone telling the person next to them that they just got a Tweet from Bob lettin' everybody know that cottage cheese won't last long on the counter next to the fridge. When I was back in '05 or '04, I always went into the theater packing a squirt gun or a pea shooter. Now I don't mess around. My two main M.O.'s were quite full Pepsi bottles and Mentos. If someone in front of me couldn't take a verbal hint, I tried dropping a few Mentos into the Pepsi, sealing it tight and tossing it in their direction, or just putting it on the floor and letting it roll down hill. That didn't work, because there's no time to screw the cap back on once the Pepsi and Mentos make contact. Too messy. So, I have a new weapon of choice. It clears a 10-foot circle around me and sends a clear message to everyone else. I give notice with a tape recording of Ahnold saying, "Be quiet if you want to live." Easy to make and reliable...
by thepeople
Sun May 03 2009All of you think it is rude, but I hate to say it, but you're wrong. It can't be rude if it is the new way of doing things. The workers there won't stop it and you know how they act when you complain about it. I hate it too. I wanted to see a movie tonight, but did not go and will never go again. I saved my money, got more homework done and most importantly, did not give my money to theatre employees who hate me and want me to be miserable. I hope one of them gets fired due to lack of business on this Sat eve. I want to enjoy movies again. And the only way to do that is to save up for a big screen tv where I can play DVDs on them. I predict that in a few years, many theatres will be out of business due to talking. Most of us want it quiet to hear the movie. The only way we can get that is by staying home. I feel great right now because I did not go. I know that if I went, I would feel horible.
by historyfan
Fri Dec 19 2008Anyone who talks during a movie needs a lesson in etiquette.
by krazedkat
Tue Dec 16 2008Its FINE as long as its QUIET! :D...
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Mon Dec 15 2008Shhhhh! I'm trying to watch a movie.
by hellokitty09
Sat May 10 2008Must resist urge to kick chair. Update: I agree with Git. They should be shot for opening their big traps.
by irishgit
Tue Apr 22 2008I'm not a big supporter of capital punishment, but I'd make an exception for these inconsiderate butt-heads.
by loerke
Sun Jan 06 2008Or during any presentation in which an audience member should respect others' wishes to give their attention: this can be a lecture or just a DVD being viewed by friends at home. It's incredibly annoying, but I do also think it's compulsive behavior, meaning that it is truly a "bad habit" in the way that other nuisances in this list are. It's inevitably an assertion of power: my opinion is more important than whatever everyone else in the room is watching ... I have unfortunately been guilty of this a few times, and I would venture to guess that some other RIAers are, too, since we are always giving our opinions.
by fitman
Sun Jan 06 2008Usually I can't stand it when some jerks run their mouths at movies or concerts or plays, but one time in a 42nd Street theatre I was very entertained by the audience for Night of the Living Dead (the original b+w version that I'd already seen about 50 times and virtually knew by heart) screaming in terror and shouting advice to the beleaguered protagonists.BTW, I think television is the cause of rudeness at live shows. People seem to have gotten so used to babbling in their own homes they forget there's a live performer on stage.
by garo409f
Sun Jan 06 2008Completly irritating, thats why I dont go to the theater.
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Sep 13 2007Its a path to getting roughed up.
by ma_duron
Sun Aug 19 2007Legislators should find a way to bring the matter of the entitlements of moviegoers up into the Bill of Rights. Don't find that talking among patrons happens much with established couples so, from observation, the protagonists of the chatterbox phenomenon most often seem to be excitable males who, not quite being done in making some sort of a favorable impression on their hot new dates (or on their good buddy's own, hotter, date three seats away), find that the lights are coming down and that the feature is about to begin; so, for them, the unfinished 'witty comment' or the 'name-dropping experience' that will make that impression upon their intended target, cannot remain unsaid. Nature at work, perhaps - not that it makes it any less objectionable. Those who spoil the experience during the movie probably suffer from low self-esteem (On the other hand, the worthwhile movie experience of late being not what it used to be, perhaps it's just as well that a distraction is provided other th... Read more
by silverfox
Wed Aug 08 2007Herein are the proposed new rules for theater-goers, and our heartfelt thanks to SilverFox, who suggested them. First, everyone who enters the theater will be frisked and their cell phone will be confiscated. Whether they get it back at the end of the movie will be determined by a majority vote of those who sat within earshot of them. So unless they have a cheap piece of crap for a phone and don't care if they get it back, they better (to quote b-rulesbelow) shut the f**k up. Second, anyone who talks during the main feature (very subdued conversation during the previews is allowed) will be immediately taken to the nearest vet to have Fido's operation duplicated. You know, Fido, the incessant barker who had its vocal cords cut. The movie will halt temporarily so that the talker can fully appreciate the loud chorus of boos and profanities directed at them as they are removed, Hannibal Lecter-style, strapped to a dolly with a mask similar to Hannibal's, except there's no opening over th... Read more
by xagent
Tue Aug 07 2007If you can limit it to the person to your left and or right I don't see a problem. But if your that guy all the way in the back that can he heard from the front row. Then we have a problem.
by valpal72
Wed Aug 01 2007I think it is is very rude to have a conversation during a movie and even worse when you kick the back of the seat of the person in front of you. Also, cell phones should be shut off! However, if you have to talk to someone real quick it is okay. If a person loves to chat and get loud in a theater than they should consider viewing 'Rocky horror picture show' a hundred times... Or please sit in the very back of the theater so we don't have to hear you. Possibly theaters should consider having a sound proof area for those that love to make noises. I guess that is why I stay home to watch my rented movies. :0)
by ooctan
Tue Jul 03 2007People get killed over this. You finally find a good seat, only to find out about the added distraction. Movie houses should have a nursery room for all the talkers.
by twitchin_monkey
Mon Jul 02 2007this makes me fightin' mad...
by molfan
Mon Jul 02 2007When I have spent our hard earned money to treat ourselves to a movie. I do not appreciate being stuck near some gabby person. One of the worst examples i can think of was when we went to see Forrest Gump and this man was obviously out on a date with this lady and tried to show off by explaining the whole movie to her.I was annoyed by him and felt sorry for her. One thing I find especially annoying is when parents bring small children or infants to a movie.I am referring to movies that are not meant for these we get to hear their infant crying {i do not blame the baby for this}or a whiny bored child who wants to leave.I remember one time years ago we were watching Jaws in the theater. there were probably about 300 people in the theater and someones baby started crying after waiting a few minutes and having it obvious the parent was not going to leave someone yelled take the baby out followed by applause by the audience. unless someone whispers breifly they can leave their conve... Read more
by chicagoman
Wed Mar 21 2007Just throw Ice at those people
by ilikepie
Sat Mar 17 2007This is very annoying. If you've ever seen 'Scary Movie', then you'll know how I would like to react...
by sfalconer
Fri Mar 16 2007This is bad enough but talking during a movie after your cell phone rang is even worse.
by adc103051
Thu Aug 03 2006I especially hate it when I'm trying to post a rating.
by djahuti
Tue May 02 2006If done loudly in a theater,definately.
by trebon1038
Thu Apr 27 2006It is disruptive to those around you. Now I will talk during the previews. I have a friend who goes nuts when people talk during a movie. I mean she will hear people aisles away from us and go tell them to be quiet. Im only effected if you are right around me.
by b_rules
Sun Oct 02 2005I went to see "Serenity" this afternoon. The person behind me giggled and talked all the way through the previews. Before the main feature there was a generic presentation on screen asking people to turn their cell phones off, throw their trash away, and finally, that "Silence is Golden". I turned to them and said with the best of intentions, "Look, they are talking to you". The person I addressed asked their friend if I had just asked them to be quiet, following with the statement "I have to talk during movies", and proceeded to talk through the opening of the film. I turned to them and used a phrase that I first uttered in a theater when I saw "Godfather III". It does contain one profane word but has been quite effective when used. When I was younger I went to the theater two or three times a week. If someone started talking, everyone around them would turn and shush them. Now if you ask someone to "Please shut up" you are the bad guy. I now go to movies once or twice a year. I r... Read more
by planetarygear
Thu Jun 30 2005Horrible rotten habit! In fact, it's a good argument to allow movie goers to carry handguns into the theatre. That oughta shut em' up!
by mr_evangel
Thu Jun 30 2005yeah , this is stupid. I have been yelled and by someone for talking during the previws what the heck!! ( People take a chill pill) The movie has not started yet!
by wid71649
Sun May 22 2005This is a major pet peeve of mine. I already commented on this subject elsewhere so I won't go into all the rules again. Next time someone does this I'm going to make sure I sit behind them and kick their seat non-stop. When they turn around to complain I'll say, Annoying isn't it??? Now you know how the rest of us feel about your big yapping trap.
by kattwoman
Tue May 17 2005this is rude and inconsiderate of others watching the movie. i have a sister-in-law that had a habit of asking a million and one questions from the start of the movie to the end.she didnt mean to be rude but it was irritating on occasion
by emj5687
Sat May 14 2005this is pretty annoying, for me the msot annoying is cell phones because they only warn you to turn them off (or at least on silent) 100 times...and wow McGowen i've been reading your posts that call various black people racists and yet you make comments like that. can't say i'm too shocked tho.
by bisonman
Wed May 11 2005I have been so infuriated by people doing this that I started my own site in protest. Check out and let me know what you think!
by traderboy
Sun Mar 20 2005There are variants in this category; the whisperer, who at least tries to tone down his voice, but can still be heard within a four-person radius; the yakker, who doesn't care who's forced to listen as they consult whoever they're connected to about every piddling detail of their piddling day; and, my FAVORITE (please note the sarcasm), the spoiler, who's already seen the movie and is sitting within earshot of me and right before the suspenseful climax, blurts out aaww, this is where she pushes him over the cliff, this is great!. Movie talkers are only one of many reasons I've abandoned theaters in favor of DVD rentals (last time I was in was STAR TREK VI: THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY).
by randyman
Sun Mar 20 2005There was a couple sitting in front of my wife and I who were talking throughout the whole movie (can't remember which movie)and I never said a word to them. Then I made a very quiet comment to my wife, about the movie and they both turned around and shushed me, and gave me dirty looks, they were actually angry at me. I'm not even going to repeat what I said.
by enkidu
Sun Mar 20 2005These are the people who ought to be forced to answer the dentist's annoying questions while having a jackhammer inside their mouth.
by singsplatsing
Thu Feb 24 2005People who do this (and people who let their cellphones go off, and people who bring their toddlers/babies in who start crying) should be smacked in the head. And I will. Or I will at least call you a dips**t.
by conus4cf
Sat Feb 05 2005I paid my $8.75 to watch the film, not to hear the audience lolly-gagging. What I hate is when the guy next to me says, Did you see that? I answer, No bucko! I paid my $8.75 to come to the theatre and stare at the friggin' ceiling up there!
by aboutagirl
Sat Jan 15 2005God, I hate people who do this! I just want to throw my popcorn to them, and tell them to shut up! Seriously, if people want to talk, leave the theater. Don't make it a pain for everybody else.
by caliswimguy
Thu Jan 06 2005God I hate this, this is right along the lines of bringing a baby into the theater, talking on a cell phone, or putting their legs on the back of anothers chair, man I hate obnoxious people.
by scarletfeather
Sat Jan 01 2005This is very low on the social acceptability scale. Cell phones going off during a movie are annoying,too. But McGowan, I don't think I'd want to get on your bad side. For some reason I envision you as a Travis Bickle clone.
by jirai1d4
Fri Dec 31 2004Ok in small amounts and quietly, but some people have no consideration for others. I would tell those people to shut the hell up, but that would make a hypocrit. Oh well, I guess there's always the parking lot.
by mcgowan
Fri Dec 31 2004I'm not afraid to say it - it's MOSTLY a black thang .mexicans ,puerto ricans ,and other latinos are guilty of it as well, but blacks take the trophy for this civilization-destroying behavior .Go to any inner city theatre(If you have the guts ,White liberals),or any black movie with a mostly black audience , and there it will be , in all of it's LOUD ,uncivilized ,obnoxious , gross ,ugly ,tacky glory .Yelling , either at the screen ,or , others ,next to them ,or , across the theatre .And try to tell them to stop it , and see what happens to you . Even Bill Maher , lefty comedian ,and someone I hate with a passion ,was victim to this , years ago ;he told a story , where he yelled at couple of them to shut it ,and they did ,BUT , after the movie , got jumped by three or four of them .Great for society , isn't it?
by helmut
Tue Dec 07 2004I went to see StarWars Episode 1 when I was like 14 and at the end, when Qui Gon has just been killed and Obi Wan is hanging from that nob thing, this redneck in front of me says loudly to his wife. I know what he's fixin' ta do. He's gon thank that light saber into his hand. He's gon thankit into his hand!
by badunsgirl
Tue Dec 07 2004I don't really find this annoying.
by middlefinger
Sat Dec 04 2004A terrible, terrible habit. I think people who talk during movies (including the ones who answer their cell phones) should be taken out back and shot in the whites of their eyes.
by harold_insane
Tue Sep 21 2004Sometimes I wish I brought duct tape to the theatre so when someone behind you starts blabbering, I can put it to good use.
by bird808
Thu Sep 02 2004Very annoying especially when you go to the cinema as I paid my money to watch a film not to hear the sound of some audience members voice. Whats so important that can't be said before or after the movie?