Tailgating during hazardous weather conditions

Approval Rate: 25%

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Reviews 24

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    Thu Sep 15 2011

    Dumb & annoying. If they can't pass, slow down & let em' STEAM.

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    Thu Sep 15 2011

    Or as it's referred to in Winnipeg in January: "Normal traffic flow."

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    Fri Mar 11 2011

    tailgating in any weather is stupid. you have no idea what lies up ahead and doing this could get you hurt and those in front of you hurt and by tailgating someone will not get you there any sooner especially if you're dead.

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    Mon May 31 2010

    I live in a cold weather state and there are times that the roadway hasn't been plowed or salted during a storm. The best you may have is the set of tire ruts that you have to follow and moving to another lane may cause you to spinout or get stuck. Generally it's the dufus in their new 4wd that will fly up and sit on your bumper. Occasionally they'll go around you and sometimes you get to see them sitting in a ditch farther up the road. What many of them don't realize, until it's too late, that while you have better traction to get started in a 4WD you don't necessarily have better control or braking in icy conditions.

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    Fri Nov 06 2009

    tailgating is always bad no matter what the weather

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    Sat Mar 14 2009

    If someone tailgates you in the LEFT lane then move the fuck over. The left lane is the passing lane, if someone is tailgating you, that means that person is trying to pass you. I've learn to appreciate this while living in California driving between San Jose and L.A. I admit that I USED TO slam on the brakes, but now I simply move over and let that person pass and then get back to where I was. I normally drive faster than most people and if I see someone quickly coming up on me I move over even before the person gets near me. If you feel unsafe driving in bad weather conditions then you shouldn't be driving in bad weather conditions!

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    Sat Dec 20 2008

    How about people that tailgate during regular weather?  Happens ALL THE TIME!!   Im already driving fast.....slow your roll!!!

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    Thu Nov 20 2008

    Very few Americans know - let alone respect - the rules of the road.If I'm doing 5-over in the passing lane and you want to pass, signal me from a safe distance and I'll move over as soon as there's enough space between the slower cars for me to get into.But, if you tailgate me, I'll slow down and let you fume.On my bike, I maintain 5-over even in a thunderstorm, but that doesn't stop some idiots from driving up on my tail. At that time - and only at times like that - I wish I was a trooper so I could pull the jerk over and yank his drivers license on the spot. Unfortunately, I see cops tailgating even more often than civilians, so it doesn't look like this problem is likely to be solved in the immediate future.BACK OFF AND LEARN TO DRIVE!

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    Wed Nov 19 2008

    Did you ever ask why people tailgate when it's well known to be stupid and dangerous? Maybe it's people like this... <<< when someone's riding my bumper, I like to slow down to 10, even 20 mph below the speed limit. Works best on single-lane roads. >>>When I lived in Texas, (30+ years ago) it was common courtesy on rural roads to pull over on the shoulder and let faster traffic pass. Or maybe it's because US drivers have the worst lane discipline in the civilized world outside China and India. How many of you people ranting about tailgaters hog the fast/passing lane so that others can't pass? or worse, drive side by side? If you really want to change this tailgating behavior, change yours. Or you can continue preaching to the choir.

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    I give a firm tap on the brakes when I'm getting tailgated in dry weather. More times than not, the person behind me gets the hint and backs off.

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    Tue Mar 20 2007

    Tailgating period.!!  The standard is on car length for every 10mph!  That's so that you can stop if you have to without hitting the car in front of you!  This isn't NASCAR for Pete's Sake!

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    tailgating any time.

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    Sun Dec 17 2006

    Some people seem to forget that the car in front of them can only go as fast as the car that's in front of them . . . and when the weather sucks, it's just not going to go any faster. Ever want to rant or report these guys? Now you can, apparently: there's a website where you can report bad drivers and what they do ( . . . just don't get overzealous scrambling to find something to write their license plate number on while you're on the road, or you might just find YOURSELF on there!). It's still better to call the police in severe cases, but if you wanna rant: http://www.platewire.com/

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Stupid and dangerous, with no justification that shows the perpatrator to be mentally bereft. But I have a little trick I that do: Instead of tapping the brake, I'll drop my car down a gear, and if I have enough room, I'll give the accelerator a quick punch and send a rooster-tail of rain/sleet/or snow on the tools windshield...they usually back off then.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Oddly, tailgating is one specific moving violation I rarely, if ever, see enforced by law. I don't quite get this, for in my eyes it's just as serious as speeding or any other illegal driving activity - and all the more so during hazardous conditions. Reckless driving is reckless driving, period!

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    Sun Jan 01 2006

    Yeah, its rain. Back off!

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    Sun Jan 01 2006

    Butt-sniffing (as me and numbah sometimes call it) is highly dangerous even in dry conditions. If the guy in front stops short, the guy in back piledrives him. Add in rain, and you can get a multi-car that much faster. Back off, give yourself space, and slow down. How hard is that?

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    Wed Nov 30 2005

    Tailgating in any weather is dangerous. Some of my relatives do this, and everytime they do, I anticipate the car in front of me slamming on the brakes. I mean, we all do it at some point, including me. However, there's a difference between following someone closely, and seeing what the car in front of you has up it's hindend.

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    Like when the weather is bad we are all going to speed up with you on my butt so we can ALL wreck our cars....right.

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    Sun Nov 28 2004

    (1= Worst driving habit) This is dangerous, and makes for a dramatic way to die. I've known a few victims.

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    Fri Nov 19 2004

    This infuriates me because not only are you putting yourself in danger, but others as well. Tailgaters need to understand that its better to get to your destination alive rather than dead or seriously injured.

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    Sun Nov 14 2004

    This usually starts a 20 car pileup.

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    Tue Sep 28 2004

    I am a fast driver, but I make it a point never to tailgate. Besides the fact that it's extraordinarily annoying, it is very dangerous, especially in heavy traffic where one might need to stop quickly. I don't know, I'd rather come out with my neck intact rather than tailgate, especially in rainy weather when the roads are slick.

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    Wed May 26 2004

    Tailgating, regardless of weather, has to be one of my biggest pet-peaves - right up there with loud people and telemarketers. It's probably not the best way to handle it, but when someone's riding my bumper, I like to slow down to 10, even 20 mph below the speed limit. Works best on single-lane roads.