Approval Rate: 47%
Reviews 0
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Feb 03 2010I have a friend who's calls drop on me over half the times I talk to him and he uses T-Mobile. Could be the phone, but I'm feeling good about the two here...
by kid_icarus
Wed Feb 03 2010I had T-mobile for a long time and never had any major issues. Once in a while coverage was bad but for the most part was very decent. When I was in Europe I had to abandon my other carrier and buy a prepaid T-mobile phone just to get coverage. The prices are a little high and some of the charges are strange, but you get good quality service.
by letilya
Mon Dec 28 2009T-Mobile is not the best phone service. When I called to get three black berry pearl the representatives told me that they will give me a total of $300.00 rebate but after about two months only two rebate came back. I called in to ask about it and they told me that I have to have another adds on inorder to get my rebate back. I dont get it how come the other two phones have no problem with the rebate but the last blackberry pearl have to have a problem like this. I asked to talk the the manager and they allow me to talk to the supervisor. I talked to her and in the end I still did not get my rebate. Even though I have called two weeks before to check on the rebate and they told me that because the third line was new I have to wait for the rebate to process the other two was old lines so they will get the rebate first. But now I called back and they gave me some bull about I need some adds on inorder for the rebate to be process. T-Mobile is a lying company who steal and cheat money out... Read more
by bellrose2
Sat Dec 26 2009Do not use tmobile!!! It sucks!!! I got bad missed comunication with my hubbie , almost got divorce 3 times before because I didn't get his SMS& phone call so many times , make us fight. We didn't get mail in rebate, we should get 100 bucks from it, but they never send it!!!! Tmobile blackberry ringer broke n we still on insurance n still in warranty, they promise us sending new phone but they never did!!! We called 3 times n talk to them 1 hour each time we were on the phone with their representative!!! T mobile is a Big BULLSHIT!!!!!!
by amocksun
Sun Dec 13 2009This company has the worst customer service ever. I spent 10 hours on the phone and 4 in the store simply trying to get 2 phones connected. Every single thing each rep told me was different from what the previous one had said. Calling the customer service line, it is impossible to speak to someone who isn't in India, which would be fine if they could perform their jobs. Every single person I've spoken to who was obviously not a native English speaker has simply repeated my questions and my name over and over again, sometimes for 30 minutes, without ever making any progress in addressing the issue. You can't call a store and make changes over the phone, you have to go in. You also cannot send someone in your place. So T-Mobile basically assumes that you either 1.)are from India or 2.)have free time and transportation. If not, you're screwed. I pay $160 a month for service and I think that's enough to simply be able to call and make a change to my account. T-Mobile should be ashamed ... Read more
by kd5eet
Sat Oct 10 2009I had t-mobile for 8 years and loved it till the end! I only changed to get unlimited by Boost for $50. Basicly my advice is if you talk a lot, want voice and data, want to save lots of money and can deal with less service, get Boost, otherwise go with T-mobile. There price is a close second, and thier support is tops!
by craftymom3
Fri Aug 21 2009T-Mobile's new policy to charge customers $1.50 extra to send them a bill completely sucks! This will be effective in Sept. 2009, and there was no notice before the Aug. bill. It is one thing to offer a choice to voluntarily receive online billing statements, but it is quite another to make it MANDATORY and penalize by extra charges anyone who either can not or will not do this online and requires a paper bill. In these tough economic times not everyone can afford a computer and they should not be forced to buy one just to pay their bills! I am presently unemployed, and I see the internet as a luxury, NOT a necessity, and it will be among the first things to go when I have to start cutting expenses. I have been with this company nearly 6 years. I am paying enough for their services and products and should not have to pay them extra to send me a bill! I think this is a dangerous precedent, and if companies are allowed to start doing this, the people who will be most affec... Read more
by lady_8
Fri Aug 21 2009I have been with T-Mobile for a great many years. You can easily change your settings, and upgrade your phone either online or in person. I prefer to do most of my business either online or by calling into customer service. So far I have not had much success dealing with them person to person. But everywhere else they are stellar. They have great plans and services, they also have a loyalty plan which they don't advertise. But the savings are above and beyond their usual low prices. All in all I love this service, and I have been with most cell phone companies.
by racster
Thu Aug 13 2009T-Mobile may not have full bars in all the places, but what good is it to have full bars if your not talking to family and friends? I have read the reviews for Verizon and ATT and the employees who try to defend thier companies are super angry and call everyone stupid. I rather not have full bars than spend my time talking to these people who have no respect for thier customers. People report spending several hours talking to thier customer service reps of Verizon and ATT whith thier problems not solved. I do recognize that some customers are not very nice at times, but have you ever thought that these customers were not properly told of all the promises that were made to them. I have T-MOBILE and they take the time to explain everything to you. They also listen to you. That is why they are able to solve problems within 10 min.' s or so instead of spending several hours on the phone. Maybe it is the training that T-MOBILE provides that makes the difference. Maybe you should ask why th... Read more
by skytrina
Tue Jul 21 2009I just switched to Tmobile from sprint. I purchased my phone from a 3rd party authorized seller and my experience so far has be great. I bought the Samsung Behold in espresso and I love it! Its amazing and so easy to use, I love the touch screen. I have 600 my faves w/unlimited data plan and the insurance for the phone causing my bill to be cheaper then what it was with sprint where i only had 900 min and unlimited text ,no data plan. My phone reception is great and I live in an apt. I am looking forward to my experiences with tmobile. Even at&t was higher if I would have went with them for all that I wanted. I checked into verizon as well and it was more expensive then at&t. I did my research on all of the current cellular providers and Tmobile was my best choice for what I wanted and the price I could afford. That and I ended up with the phone of my dreams. All in all and excellent experience. Thank you TMOBILE.
by nksocca96
Wed Jul 01 2009i think that sidekick department of tmobile should make a sidekick flip if they find this i should be the first one to get my name Naini Keita i live NY
by kjsean
Sun Jun 21 2009T-Mobile has bad call quality. It is more focused on Europe, so it doesn't have strong signals around the US. Verizon or AT&T is a much better choice, and the price difference is insignificant.
by nycsymbol
by jacqueline_madrigal
Fri Jun 12 2009T-Mobile offers competitively priced plans and better than its competitors. Their signal is almost always good and I seldom get drop calls or bad quality receptions. I like T-Mobile's myFaves feature where it gives you unlimited calling minutes to any five numbers on any network, even landlines. That means you don't consume your minutes whenever you call those 5 number. Their customer service is fantastic. Someone will always pick up your call and get through to a representative without waiting for ages compared to other networks. I only wish they offer more selection of phones but that's just a bonus, whats important is I get good service from them.
by anihc2009
Tue Jun 09 2009T-mobile is beyond terrible. The reception is the worst and the only thing they know how to say is "sorry". I tried calling 911 and it said "FAILED". Imagine yourselft in a life or death situation and you call 911 and the call can't get through and off course since it doesn't go through you don't even have proof of the attempt. I hate them.
by bsphillips
Thu Jun 04 2009I liked T mobile but in my apt and when we go to the country we get zero reception which sucks. We had to switch companies for that reason but customer service was great!! We had our service for a little over a week. In the contract it says you have 14 days from the date of activation to cancel without any penalty. That is what we ended up doing and they were very helpful. They didn't give us any flack for cancelling they just asked why and asked if there was anything that they could do. When we said no they continued with the cancellation. We received a FULL refund for our phones and the first months service that we paid for. We had zero activation fee and zero deposit so that wasn't as issue. Everyone else I know who has T mobile says nothing but good things about them. I just wish they had better coverage. If they did we would still be using them. I reccomend T mobile especially since they do offer the 2 week period to cancel with no penalties. It is worth a shot.
by jaghorse
Fri May 29 2009Be afraid, be very afraid. I signed up for this service in July, 2008. It appeared to work alright w/ some outages until January, 2009 when it was down for minutes, hours, days. When the problem occurs it requires you to reset your router each and every time. It was so bad I had to set up a surge protector under my desk, so I could simply use my foot to turn the router on and off, on and off, on and off…. When I called to complain, t-mobile told me they were not aware of this problem, well to be frank they are liars. There are postings all over the place, including their own forum on how unreliable this service really is. They sent me a new router, knowing full well this wouldn’t solve the problem - the problem was I believed them. Why wouldn’t I, I had VOIP for years from other providers with no real problems. Well - same problems. You are on the phone and all of sudden the person on the other end cannot hear you - reset the router. You call them back or they call you and it drops ag... Read more
by googoodan
Sun May 17 2009T-Mobile is simply the best cell phone service in the United States. I've used three other nation wide carriers and non of them can come close. You only get billed for what you use. Your bill is what it is supposed to be for. Best of all, you actually get what you agree to. Some of those other services like to use the old bait and switch trick. That will not happen with t-mobile. I can't believe the other reviews I've seen on here. I can only guess another carrier is posting bad reviews. I have a family plan + unlimited messaging (images, media, text, voice etc), all the standard nights and weekends stuff and 700 anytime minutes for under $80 a month. Nobody can come close to beating that.
by lueyeeb8
Tue May 05 2009T-mobile has major issues with respect to coverage area, in particular in the Washington DC area. I used to car pool between Rockville MD and Alexandria VA, and I often experienced no signals or dropped calls while non-Tmobile users were able to make and receive calls. The same happens when I took public transporation (trains) in the DC metro area--when I received no bars indicating no signals, non-Tmobile users would continue talking on their cell phones. Most importantly, I work in a high rise office building in Alexandria, and there's simply NO radio coverage while I am at work (same experience for colleagues with Tmobile phones), other people with Verizon, AT&T, Sprint would just continue talking and talking. (I had to set up for calls to forward to my office phone when there is no signal--Call Forwarding on No Response to Paging feature, as known by the technies). You pay for what you get! Other companies may be a little more expensive, but you're more likely able to use the... Read more
by sphd623f
Fri Apr 17 2009WORSE THAN TERRIBLE! simply stay away from it. Never had such bad experience with the company, ranging from its customer service to local stores, all seem totally incompetent and deceptive. It's sad to see a company so ignorant about how badly things are handled. Wouldn't be surprised it would disappear from the scene in the next year or two. Another sad commentary of a mismanaged American company.
by rate2013
Sat Mar 21 2009Tmobile scam people. I know someone that has worked there and they said that they charge people more on there bills so they can get more money and the people dont even realize it. Ive been getting charged 444 dollars a month for myfaves service and 400 texts that shouldnt be that high at all. All the people i cal are in myfaves. THEn there phones suck. I had to send back diffrent phones. I also have family lines and to cancel it going to be 400 per line. SO im going to lokk for people that have diffrent problems and maybe thinking..... That maybe we can do something about let me know if any one has the same issues. Let me know [email protected]
by 44mr48
Tue Feb 24 2009This is by far the best service available.I havent had a problem getting service anywhere and the staff are very friendly and willing to help.
by charles_mallas
Mon Feb 16 2009T- Moblie is great. I love this cellphone company. I have got every problem slove. I love what they do. I got a perfect plan. I pay about 67.00 a mouth and that it. I pay for 300 mins and I pay for Unlimted massages. They shut down my phone when all my mins are up. I like that because I dont go over mins. I think it great. They dont force u to pay the bill on time. they give u a 45 day grace period to pay ur bill. That is so good. You need to be with them for year. I dont have to pay for the days I dont use it which is pretty good. this is so far the best company i have ever had.
by tmobilesucks
Thu Jan 22 2009Stay very far away from TMobile. They lie on contracts, are incompetent on setting up phone service, and string you along on trying to resolve problems. Signing up with them was among the worst decisions I've made in a while.
by cinciindi
Sat Jan 10 2009They suck and their customer service is lousy. I had to pay over 200$ in cancellation fees and to top it couldn't even use the phone for 3 days and this is the only phone I have. They scammed me by saying that they would waive the cancellation fee but finally I had to pay it plus some extra charges.....all for a phone that never worked. The replacement phone did not work either nor did the new SIM card and they still expected me to keep the phone and use it even if I couldn't make or receive calls...isn't that insane!! I would never ever recommend TMOBILE to anyone!!
by astromike
Wed Jan 07 2009I been with them since 2005 (switched over from Cingular), and have NEVER had any problems or issues. I have 1000 anytime mins, unlimited text, and mobile web and my bill is barely over 70.00. If I did have a question, weather at the T-Mobile store or contacting their customer service line, the customer service has always been top notch! Not sure what all the beef is about. I hear the most negative things about Sprint then any other in my city. The one thing I dont care for, and its not that big a deal, is they do not have a plan that starts your evening mins at 6pm or 7pm. Evening mins start at 9pm only. No options. Be nice if they changed that.
by karenprieto23
Mon Jan 05 2009Exceptionally Poor Customer Service. Exceptionally worst customer care service. Exceptionally unable to resolve any problems with their products. Exceptionally rude customer care service. Summary: I had a phone that I had purchased through T-mobile Motorola RIZR Z3 back in December 2007 and not even a couple months and the keys stopped working so I had to send it back to them to get it replaced. Sure they've replaced the phone with a REFURBISHED one that only lasted for about six months and the same problem with the phone only this time T-Mobile refuse to even investigate what the problem is and just said that they're unable to help me with this problem phone. I was passed around to at least 6 different people and ultimately didn't even come close to resolving the problem. I ended up closing my account since T-Mobile won't even offer to give me another phone to replace the defective REFURBISHED phone. Not only did they not replace the phone that I can no longer use but they are i... Read more
by taffy1400
Mon Jan 05 2009After 6 months with new phone the memory card failed. Store gave us incorrect information about warranty and 3 different customer service reps gave us 3 different answers. Will never buy from them again will tell everyone who will listen how unreliable they are.
by seantheone
Fri Dec 19 2008T-Mobile is definitely not something to throw a party about. I have had problems getting signal when I was in California in many places and even on my living room couch where AT&T; got good reception. There customer service was great but the coverage wasn't very satisfying. Also, their cellular internet connection is slow (due to the aging GPRS/EDGE technology). They did not have 3G yet at the time I left them. I transferred my T-Mobile number to AT&T; and have been happy with AT&T; since.
by orangecharlie
Tue Dec 16 2008Horrible service. Calls constantly dropped. Particularly dreadful customer service.
by superglue
Tue Dec 16 2008Six years of trouble free prepaid service. Minutes never expire after you become a GOLD member....and add minimum of $10 to account yearly.
by nujurzychick
Fri Nov 21 2008I've been with T-Mobile since 2003. i ordered a phone October 8th and was told i would receive it by the 16th. i call a couple days after to see where my phone was. i get told that i will receive it by the 24th. then they tell me i will not receive until December. i haven't had a problem with them in years but now all of a sudden they want to f!ck with me. it's the principle not even about the phone. you tell me one thing then you mean another. i HATE people and companies like this. tell me the truth don't f!ck with my head. ....T-Mobile can kiss my @ss -Jersey
by kiki1283
Wed Nov 19 2008I had been happy with them. Had a basic phone and a cheap plan, but all of a sudden it has jumped to $252 and $300 two months in a row. I have sent 3 emails to customer service with no response. Sure, I used the minutes and it probably happens with every provider, but I am definitely looking for a new service! Ridiculous!
by awesomeduddett_e
Tue Nov 11 2008I only have one reception bar at home. I didn't mind it as much, since, I spent most of my day in another county -- where I do have signal -- and commuting. I was also able to sustain conversations with one bar reception. Nonetheless, lately these calls have been dropping constantly -- in an hour conversation, I probably get dc 2-3 times. I call to see what's up, and I am told that my house address is between two towers, that they cannot guarantee service "behind walls" -- only outside calls. I tell the rep if it is possible to waive the cancellation fee of $200 dollars, since, I barely have signal at home, and truthfully, if anything happened and I needed service, I couldn't count on them. She said that although she'd hate for anything happening to me, my terms and conditions say that they do not guarantee 100% service, hence, cannot waive my fee.Heads up: I got a $400 dollar bill, because I thought that text messaging was included in my "fave 5" -- and it isn't. They said that was UN... Read more
by peterpatter
Tue Nov 11 2008I started to use t-mobile in July 2007 because of hotspot at home. I live in a highrise and cell service, no matter the provider is poor. Hotspot at home promised using a VOIP ( voice over the internet protocol) to provide service where poor service had been the norm. First it works: one needs a wireless router and a UMA phone. Initally t-mobile provided only a basic Nokia quad band or Samsung triband phone. They promised more advanced phones in the future. I chose the Nokia 6086 which has had connectivity problems with the wireless router since I bought it. Recently t-mobile has admitted there is a problem which neither they nor Nokia have been able to resolve. While I have found the agents to always be polite and courteous and totally useless. They admit there is a problem but will not switch out the phone for one that does not have this problem; furthermore, they have promised 3G and windows mobile 6 UMA phones, first in the 3rd quarter of this year, then in the 4th quarter of this ... Read more
by 06chue
Tue Nov 04 2008If I could give it half a star I would. I have never had a problem with T-Mobile in the 4+ years I have been with them. But I now realize that is because I have never had a problem with my phones and never had to call customer service. I called for the first time today, and was on the receiving end of THREE very rude conversations. One rude customer service rep I can brush off, but this was THREE IN A ROW. One insulted my intelligence and tried to deflect my complaint by having an argument over what I meant when I said "couple of months" which she insisted meant two months. "A couple" is ambiguous. Do not give try to convince me of its exact meaning. I was tempted to pull out my dictionary and education the woman. So please, if you never expect anything bad to happen to your phone or have a T-Mobile billing error, please, by all means go sign up with T-mobile. For the rest of the sane world, get another service provider. I plan on switching as soon as my contract is u... Read more
by lynxsquadron45
by dubs4life
Sun Sep 21 2008I've had every company that exist's besides Helio and Alltel, and T-mobile is by far the best. Cool phones, awesome plans, great customer service, awesome signal! TMO 4 LIFE!
by sweetgirl2008
Thu Sep 18 2008Okay people let me just get this straight. I hear rants and raves and all I can seem to think is that maybe, just maybe there is a little bit of a victim mentality going on here. I see so many complaints that are actually not tmobile's fault at all. Okay, there is a 14 day grace period if you decide you don't like the coverage, phone etc. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. Also, some of these complaints are your own faults. Do you not understand that even if you "accidentally" make a call to canada you still made the friggin call! YOU MADE IT YOU DIALED IT YOU DID IT ON YOUR PHONE. Get it? When you wreck a car you dont mean to do it but you still have to pay to get the car fixed right??? RIGHT! Ps. If your bill goes up from 100 to 500 dollars you might want to take a look more specifically at your charges because we wouldnt try to "sneak one over on you" YOU DID SOMETHING TO INCUR CHARGES!!!
by jovina23
Wed Sep 17 2008T-mobile really is a disappointment, I never get a good signal, never good customer service, I receive my messages very late, sometimes 1 month late. I just really hate itcause when I first got it Tmobile itself cancelled my account without noticee cause they've given my phone number account to another person. anyways just simple sucks bad
by valteacb
Thu Sep 04 2008Sure, Tmobile sucks. I've had others, but where there are so few providers who have the monopoly on services people need, they're all going to suck.
by klynne7c
Mon Aug 25 2008I'm from MN and I've had T-Mobile for six years. I used to have Verizon and it was horrible. My bills would always have crap on them that I didn't use and they would have all these hidden charges. T-Mobile is the best mobile provider out there. Great coverage, AWESOME customer service, very reasonable rates....PERFECT! I agree with ya MisterWayne....T-MOBILE FOR LIFE!
by halcyonstorm
Sun Aug 03 2008I have been a T-Mobile customer for about a year now (after switching from my previous provider whom I was with for over 8 years). I have found that in my particular area, I have much better coverage than with my previous provider. Their customer service has always been impeccable if I ever did have an issue. They were friendly, prompt and made sure that my problem was resolved, although I will admit that the number of problems I have actually had since switching to T-Mobile have been minimal. Before I switched, I shopped online for the phone and the plan that I wanted, then stopped into the local office to set up my service. The website advertised a cheaper price on the phone I was purchasing than the local office did, but they honored the web price and made sure that everything was in order before I walked out the door. On one occasion, I had problems with my phone and I called customer service. The woman I spoke to was very polite, tried everything she could and then admitt... Read more
by vanoinkie
Fri Jul 25 2008Always had great service and good reception with my cell. I find that Nokia phones have less reception and dropped call problems. Customer reps was always helpful in person and over the phone. I have been with them for over 7 years and will continue to stay with T-mobile.
by misterwayne
Sun Jul 13 2008T Mobile is rock solid. Good plans, great signal, the best customer service out there... No doubt.. Never ever will I leave them... They treat you right, been with them for a good 5 years.. People on here are ridiculous... You always here them complaining because they didn't get there way. T-mobile is a business, which has policies therefore they follow them.. I don't understand sometimes, some customers just suck. I've worked at a call center before and had customers always calling in complaining, trying to bend the rules and policies and if we don't do that for them they bitch, and start write stupid, negative reviews. Just think about it, your only hearing the customer's side of the story... which is always gonna be the victim side of the story. All I'm saying is research, talk to friends and family, and get the whole picture before jumping in conclusions... T-MOBILE FOR LIFE!!!
by joe345431
Wed Jun 18 2008Horrible service. I gave up on T-mobile after two years of poor service and constantly dropped calls. Save your money and a lot of aggravation. I switched to Verizon and am sooo much happier with the level of coverage and no more dropped calls. My girlfriend still has T-mobile and if she's driving, her connection drops constantly. The choice is yours. T-mobile is cheaper than Verizon for a reason. I always look for a bargain, but T-mobile is not worth the money you save.
by mywayorhighway
Thu Jan 17 2008I've had t-mobile for years. I've never had a problem go unsolved. I have no complaints. The only reviews you ever see are negative ones, so I am leaving a positive one. :) I would never leave t-mobile. I've had Verizon and Cingular and they were horrible. I recommend T-Mobile to anyone and everyone!!!
by xagent
Thu Jan 17 2008Its an okay service but they have some issues.