Swine Flu
Approval Rate: 19%
Reviews 9
by ridgewalker
Fri Sep 25 2009Well, the move is going well. All that's left is this desk and chair, the computer and a box of Corn Flakes that Stark left for me when she exited with the six football players who did all the heavy lifting. They all went out together around 1 am. But, I'm sure they'll be back soon. Right? Well, while I'm waiting here, I've been watching clips from the U.N. Security Counsel and learned from Muammar al-Gaddafi that we no longer should be worrying about the Swine Flu. According to Gaddafi, during his 94 minute, 15 minute speech, we should be preparing for the next threat...the Fish Flu. He didn't offer any solutions to this new threat, but he did show up for his 94 minute, 15 minute speech wearing snorkling gear. He called for better labeling on fish flakes and warned children to stay at least 10 feet from the family aquarium. He also claimed that Jack Ruby was an Israeli and I quote, "When I wake up at 11 o'clock, I'm supposed to be daytime. 4 o'clock, I'm awake. Why? Think about i... Read more
by canadasucks
Wed Sep 23 2009Low rating because where you pick it up is irrelevant. And those on this website who pooh-pooh this as being overhyped simply are quite fortunate that this thing hasn't yet mutated into a stronger strain. Quick mutation of viruses are indeed causes for worry and news- if you don't know that than please at least keep quiet while those of us who care about science try to digest the information that the American media knows little about. When the flu season (last year) ended experts predict that H1N1 would surface again in New Zealand (which it did) and the subsequent spread to America would have different possible results. . .among them (1) it runs its course and we develop natural resistances to it or perhaps (2) it mutates slightly and becomes quite nasty. We've been, quite frankly, far too lucky with this thing thus far. . .but save your breath and opinions about how you're 'sick of the story' because the virus is one mutation away from being quite bored with you.
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Sep 23 2009I'm sure it’s no fun to pick it up while abroad or while a guy, but it is just another bug that will make you feel like crap and then your body will defeat it and then life will go on. Some of you will die, but in no significantly greater numbers than will die from any one of the other tens of thousands of hazards we encounter daily while we inhabit this veil of tears. Life goes on, sometimes it doesn't. Enjoy every sandwich.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Wed Sep 23 2009Worst diseases to pick up WHILE A BROAD? I guess Christophino's got a 50/ 50 shot at catching this.
by ceiliasky
Tue Sep 22 2009Oh swine flu, how my ears bleed every time i have to hear about you. I know Swine flu is a serious matter, and I know there are some deaths that have come of it, but i still think that people have gone a bit swine flu crazy. There is a very simple way to lower the spread of this "demon of a disease", are you read for this? Drum roll please! Wash your hand, cover your mouth, stay home if you're sick , and stay away from those who are sick. Oddly, that sounds familiar to how you would act with any flu. We can stop with the face mask and stocking up on emergency supplies ladies and gentleman, it's simple another strain flu. The flu comes around every year, some strains particularly harmful or harmless, yet we don't all go running for mask and hand sanitizer by the gallon. Honestly, for Florida being a big infection of this stuff, I don't know of anyone who has it. It is good to be cautious, no one wants a nasty flu, if you think you have swine flu go to a doctor and have it checked out.... Read more
by amileinmyshoes
Tue May 05 2009The hype and paranoia is ridiculous.
by magellan
Tue Apr 28 2009Sounds like if you catch it, you have a pretty good chance of kicking it. As of now, this is more of a macro economic headache in terms of lost tourism dollars for Mexico, and loss economic productivity for those infected.
by biscuithead
Tue Apr 28 2009Hmmmmmmmmm.......... Considering whats been happening recently.....
by automatt
Tue Apr 28 2009The idea of catching the flu, and -- after coughing, running a fever for a few days, and eating chicken soup -- instead of going back to work to a full inbox, you die, is appalling to me.