
Approval Rate: 42%

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    Sat Apr 04 2009

    Agree with irishgit, its all about context. There's a time and place for everything in this world. Some people are too uptight for their own good

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    Fri Dec 19 2008

    I can understand if you stub your toe or drop something that's fragile but please, using the f-word in every sentence doesn't make you cool; it makes you appear uneducated and immature.

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    Depends on where you are and who you are with.

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    Sat Jan 05 2008

    Swearing is not a bad habit at all, I was just discussing this with myself (i do that sometimes, maybe i need a shrink, but who cares) Swear words are just evolved forms of regular PC words that were created to show an enhanced level of emotion. Lets say you were going to say "I really messed up this time" except its in reference to you kicking a cop in the balls. Then you would probably say "I really f*cked up that time." Indicating that your in an enhanced state of anxiety. Thats basically all swearing is, just more colorful versions of regular verbs and adjectives. Hell I'm around swearing so much that sometimes I do it at innappropriate times without realizing it, which can be a problem at innapropriate times such as in school, in church or really bad, in court. I don't really care about swearing in front of children because they're going to learn it eventually and its their choice if they want to use it or not. (By the way I in no way condone the act of kicking a police officer ... Read more

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    Mon Jul 02 2007

    Not the worst thing you can do, unless the audience within earshot would be greatly offended (i.e., launching F-Bombs with a lot of children nearby, is the handiwork of an ignoramus)While I was in the Navy, on board all-male ships, in the pre-Tailhook, pre-PC era, the use of salty language was somewhat accepted and expected.  However, when I got onto shore duty later in my career, I started receiving complaints from civilians when I used an invective at an inappropriate time. I eventually realized I had to squelch that stuff.  Today, I just don't care to hear it anymore -- especially in movies.But I'll never forget the sailor who rattleed this gemstone off when he was told that the chief was holding up liberty, "F--K the F--king Mother F--ker! Sheeeeeyiiiiiiit!" I am amazed it has not yet made into bartlett's Familiar Quotations.

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    Mon Jul 02 2007

    random and ecxessive swearing, i can deal without. doesn't do anything but make you look immature and ignorant. however, in the right context, (as in a funny joke or a smashing of a finger), a swear word may add emphasis or humor for me. but after that, clean it up or shut your mouth. not everyone else cares to hear it.(and someone tell me if i'm doing this rating scale correctly... 5 = terrible habit?)

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    Tue Jun 05 2007

    It depends on the context. I'm not sure I understand the rating scale.

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    Tue Jun 05 2007

    When raising kids I think the use of swear words should be tightened as kids thrive on words that get adverse reactions from adults.But in general, I dont mind swearing, as long as you can work out what the person is saying between profanities, otherwise it defeats the purpose.

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    Not a bad habit if used when necessary, like when some asshole cuts you off in traffic. If used excessively then it sounds like that person has limited vocabulary.

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    Sun Mar 18 2007

    I dont think swearing is the best way you should express you opinion. When you swear it makes the people around you feel uncomfortable and it is also considered by many people a bad thing. I dont really think swearing is good.

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    Profanity can be licked as a personal bad habit. Just decide that you are not going to use those words and substitute proper English for them. Believe me, English has many words that are more effective than the big seven, to ape George Carlin.

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    Fri Feb 09 2007

    A real human, a full human can use the full range of human expression. I can speak and write like the highly trained communications professional I am paid to be, and I can cuss you out like a long-shoreman with a sore thumb and a fifth of Wild-Turkey under his belt. Bad habit? No, only if its the only way you can speak.

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    Thu Aug 03 2006

    Not a goddamn thing wrong with it.

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    Wed Aug 02 2006

    Over the years, swearing gave life to a whole new vocabulary. Certain things I'm still trying to understand. I have to say that it's pretty colorful, but if I'll give in into this temptation, I'll forget the regular English language.

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    Tue May 02 2006

    It's been 14 years since I've used any of what I call the "Dirty Dozen" (sorry, George Carlin, but there are more bad words than those seven!), and I feel really good about it. Personally, I just feel that there is no need for these words. After all, there are millions of G-rated words in the English language, plus the option to create your own. So, why limit yourself to using a hateful handful? True, I can understand if you suddenly hurt yourself or something bad happens, but dropping the worst-of-the-worst (the f-bomb) in every sentence just screams a lack of manners and a lack of pre-speech thinking. As I like to say, if I, a 21 year old male college student can go without cursing, then anyone else can abstain too! ^_^

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    I have to admit that I am guilty of this myself. I am pretty good around clients and somewhat good in public, but put me in a private conversation I am reaaaaaaaaaally bad! I guess the years of working in the horse industry have caught up with me!

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    Obviuosly I will NOT do this in front of patients or in as they say,polite company.But when I get angry,I can do this.It is not a very good thing to do,but most of us are guilty of it from time to time.

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    Sat Jan 21 2006

    It's a bad habit if you overuse the words. But who had the authority in the first place to say "hey Tom...the word f--- sounds bad. Let's make it a "dirty word." Who's to say what words are swearing and what words aren't? I don't do it in front of my kids, but I get my share in. Hmmm. I say we make the word "flair" a dirty word.

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    Wed Jan 04 2006

    I can't help my f-ing dirty mouth, sometimes i say the f word infront of her and she says nothing about it, if i f-ing say the f word in school, im f-ing busted, can someone help me?

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    Mon Dec 26 2005

    i cuss all the time it is hard to cuss more then me and i dont think i even said a sentance without cussing in it unless u count this one.

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    Wed Aug 24 2005

    I actually have respect for someone who can come up with creative multi-word swears on the fly in the moment (not just stringing together the usuals, gotta get funky with it). If you use them as adjectives or verbs all the time, then I can't help but think you are kind of a dim bulb, or worse. So, yep if it's a habit, it's a bad one.

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    Thu Jun 30 2005

    yeah, I hate it when I cuss. I don't do it often. But man!! my job just brings it out of me. It's all about control. Control your temper and your mouth because you can. and it's a cop out to say you can't. Cussing shows your ignoance!

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    Thu Jun 30 2005

    I swear sooooooooo much its not even funny!! sometimes when people make me mad on the rate-it-all i always have to stop myself from swearing.

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    Thu Jun 30 2005

    I don't think people swear enough.

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    Thu Jun 30 2005

    Nothing wrong with a well placed 'fricative' every now and again.

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    Wed Jun 22 2005

    I hate this habit. I overcame this one against great resistance...basicly. I work on cars for a living and am surrounded by this activity. I endulged in it when I smashed my finger or had any number of problems with a car. Well, please try to watch your language. When you swear, you look as if you have no class. Also, quitting swearing is a good mental excercise in that it make you aware of what you're saying and makes you choose your words more carefully.

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    Mon Jun 13 2005

    i swearing every once in awhile or so but i dont say f*** because it sounds like your imature.

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    Sat Jun 11 2005

    Depends on the context. I'm guilty of swearing, as are most people. But it can become vulgar and offensive, it also gives the impression of a limited vocabulary.

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    Tue May 17 2005

    guilty as charged. im not as bad as some and i dont swear in front of everyone. i seem to watch what i say more now then i used to. it just sounds bad when used all the time

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    Sun Mar 20 2005

    Swearing is an artform, and I admire anyone who can practice it with aplomb and due diligence. Anyone can let fly with a stream of bluster and face-reddening filth, but to be able to come up with applicable and inventive invective that can both shock and surmise a given situation.....well, that's just borderline genius. Swearing is nature's way of saying back up and pack up.

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    Sun Mar 20 2005

    A hell or damn every now and then even I do. But when every other word is f--k I think that shows someones immaturity and lack of intellect.

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    Sat Feb 05 2005

    Until my beloved New York Knicks start winning these damn ballgames, maybe I'll stop swearing. ... Swearing is a habit that I can't contain. Oh well, that's New York life.

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    Sun Jan 30 2005

    I think everyone does so on occasion; especially if the occasion warrants it (i.e: car door slammed on your hand). However, when people go out of their way just to uselessly insert an expletive it usually is a good indicator of that person's intelligence- or lack thereof, rather.

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    Mon Jan 17 2005

    I must admit I do this way too often. The last 3 years in a row it's been my goal to stop...hasn't happened yet...any suggestions would be nice.

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    Sat Jan 15 2005

    I must admit, I do it often. But it's really not that bad. I don't see the harm in that, except if a child happens to hear what I said.

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    Tue Aug 31 2004

    I don't appease anyone's right or choice to swear, but please do take into consideration that when you do it consistently it looks and sounds quite bad and sometimes it can mar peoples judgement of you. Someone once told me that someone who swears consistently has a limited vocabulary, that was enough to make me stop.

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    Sun Aug 22 2004


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    Fri Aug 06 2004

    What the ____ is all this about ____ing swearing? I spent four ____ing years in the ____ing Marines and its practically its own ____ing language to us.

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    Fri Aug 06 2004

    1) Swear words often denote useless anger. Those who use angry words need some maturity, or at least shouldn't be rude enough to subject others to their trifling anger. 2) The meaning of many swear words is usually stuff I do not want to be forced to think about. It is completely rude for someone to make us think about feces, urine, penises, copulation, incest and so on when we do not want to think about such topics. 3) Use of swearing usually denotes inexpressiveness, not expressiveness. Sadly, the world seems to be going down the road of becoming less and less literate...

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    Fri Aug 06 2004

    Every modern movie seems to be ruined, in my opinion, by an unnecessary word or words.Two of my favorites are a good example.Rain Man and Saving Private Ryan.Also let me add that cussing does not help you get your point across to me anymore and it sure does not make you tough or cool.

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    Thu May 06 2004

    Only those with a limited vocabulary would resort to such behaviour. But hey, it sure lets you blow off some steam, doesn't it? )$#*//@#@@??//&&!%+ I feel so much better now.

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    Sat May 01 2004

    Swearing is another of the worst bad habits. So bad! It is so hard to stop. But really, swearing is just trashy. It doesn't make you sound smart, and it doesn't make you look good either.

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    Thu Jan 29 2004

    Some of my favorite expressions contain conventional swear words... but that doesn't mean I would say them to my mother. Timing is key.

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    Fri Dec 05 2003

    Even though I do not think swearing is necessarily a good habit, and we should always try to avoid it around children, it will always be a part of every language on the planet. It also serves a purpose when someone needs a good bawling out ! It seems quite effective in that department, otherwise I try to stay away from it.

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    Mon Dec 01 2003

    Language is a magnificent instrument for expression, and we have inherited some of the finest and sharpest edges for that instrument in those little, forceful, expulsive single-syllable words from Anglo-Saxon. I love them. Use them sparingly, like a sharp spice, and use them well, and you can slice up anything you want.

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    Mon Sep 22 2003

    It's still just hard for me to believe that simple sounds enunciated by a mouth can be morally wrong in themselves. But then others argue that it's not the word, but the meaning or feeling behind them that's wrong. Well then does that mean if I say it without meaning anything by it that it's perfectly fine? Obviously swearing is completely offensive and unappropriate for many occasions, but so is spitting, burping, and even talking aloud for that matter. It's just a really complex subject I guess.

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    Sun Sep 07 2003

    I swear a lot sometimes when I'm angry or if I want to give something emphasis. Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with swearing as long as we know when not to do it (in front of teachers, authorities, etc.) But swearing at home or in our own free time shouldn't be frowned upon or interfered with because it looks like some people want to make everything taboo and wage a war on personal freedom or something. Besides, people should be allowed to communicate by whatever means necessary. There is no one to establish the good or bad of words like "f**k" or "shit". But as soon as one group of person consider something "bad", the rest of the world follows suit and soon, it becomes inappropriate or taboo to use a certain word. So in my book, there is no such thing as swearing. The word "f**k" is only considered 'bad' because it is programmed into people's head that it should be deemed so. The only time it's not all right to cuss is when your words are meant to insult someon... Read more

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    Wed Sep 03 2003

    I don't curse, and I plan not to. But I do have a problem with this. I mean what is wrong with a word. I could just as easily say s**t as I could house, and no one would care. ClassicTVFan47 is a weirdo, how could you only like shows and movies with no profanity? Get out a live a little! Even though you don't say it, doesn't mean you can't hear it.

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    Mon Sep 01 2003

    I have to admit that i am guilty of swearing on occassion. I do not like it when every other word out of someones mouth is a curse word. especially when every sentence has "MF" in it. or when it is like that in movies. I also will admit that swearing can become a bad habit. I guess i am somewhere in the middle. I do not wag my finger at every curse word i hear, but i cringe when it is a large part of someone's vocabulary.

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    Sat Aug 30 2003

    I love swearing but don't get me wrong...I don't walk around public swearing at people (unless they hassle me or there is some annoying asshole driving too slowly on the road) but I think I cn be very controlled when I want to be. It's just like tboneya says....swear words do help when you stub your toe or break a limb.....makes you feel better.