Suze Orman
Approval Rate: 61%
Reviews 0
by kalaj7fe
Tue May 26 2009Suze gives out some good advise, but some bad. She does lie about a few things, like how much it costs for someone to have their Will done by a lawyer. She said it costs roughly $2 grand, whereas I know this is false, because I work at a lawyer's office. One thing that does bother me while watching is her EYES and SMILE when she says "Show me the money" every blinking time. They get all big and bug eyed! LOL
by truth5000
Sun May 10 2009Having watch Ms Orman on TV and caught 30 minutes of her live, I can only say this woman is a fraud of the worst kind. She must have been related to somebody. Nonsensical suggestions, third grade undestanding of financial topics. Totally a media marketing created talking (but empty) head.
by clearkeep
Tue Feb 24 2009Orman is a sellout. I saw her a year or so ago on commercials hawking the largest American-made SUVs. So in addition to her self-righteous drivel, she's a hypocrite.
by ryzy75
Sat Feb 14 2009Take her the air. Idon't agree with her financial advises. On Anderson 360, she made a horrable suggestion about student loans and attending colleges. She seems to be a nice lady, but she needs to get off the air.
by sue155d0
Mon Jan 12 2009I cannot stand to watch Suze at all. She is very annoying and belittles the people that call in for help. She beats them into the ground. She will call someone a liar again and again. I do not understand why she is so popular. Someone please get her off the air. Get Carmen!!! She knows what she is talking about and kindly helps her callers.
by johnmb88
Sat Jan 03 2009Suze claims to be an acclaimed expert but ignores basic financial principles. She tells people that they should get rid of a HELOC at 6% using money that is earning an annualized 12% in the market?? She ignores the time value of money often and compares prices across 30 years of time as if a dollar today has anything to do with a dollar 30 years ago. She is fueling financial ignorance--"debt=bad, savings=good"--come on, everyone needs to know that there is more to it. If the "experts" are screaming these mindless platitudes then how is the everyday citizen expected to effectively manage their resources.
by joeagresti
Mon Sep 29 2008Suze Orman dosent invest in the stock market. She invests in municipal bonds. She made her money in real estate when it was easy to do so. Now all of a sudden because she has a big mouth she can give out financial advice? What are her credentials? CFA? CPA? i dont think so. You listen to her because she is rich, but the reality is she got lucky. She dosent know anything about investments. She says if you invested your money 10 years ago you wouldnt have made anything. This is the largest crock of shit being spread around on TV by people who know absolutley nothing. You can invest in stocks that pay dividends. For all you simple minded people that means you get money every 3 months for owning the stock. The price of GE may not have changed in 10 years, but if u owned 1 share 10 years ago it would have paid you 40 bucks, and you have the share at 25 bucks alone. Meanwhile you could have reinvested those dividends and had maybe 3 or more shares of GE. The market is the only place that can... Read more
by allnamestaken
Tue Sep 23 2008she has a nearly perpetual sneer and at least on Oprah just so happens to pick to advise folks who are ignorant about basic finances. she simplifies some basic concepts and for that i believe her talent has value. It is however as inflated as the stock and housing markets themselves have each been in the last 10 years. Moreover, it is only because she mixes good advice that she is also dangerous. If you haven't been following her advice, if you have made mistakes you and only you are too blame. Why does she only advise the ignorant? because that is where she made her mistakes early on in her life so she ass-umes that is the only cause of financial hardship. She also leaves out that the cash economy of the past was not good enough which is why fannymae and fredymac were get more americans into homes! The GI bill also boosted up the american middle class. Inheritance is a factor in many folks who are in good shape NOT just frugality which many of us in trouble hav... Read more
by chalky
Tue Jul 08 2008Suze, can I afford it? She's pretty cool actually.
by 93century
Mon Feb 18 2008I seen her name under the Yahoo Answers mouse, but i did not know who she was until i saw Oprah.
by sistersuccess
Sat Dec 29 2007Suze is very wise. She does talk about debt in a good way and debt in a bad way. She has said before debt brings your credit score up, but its the point that you get the debt then you pay the debt. If you are not in debt then why are you listing to Suze unless you want to invest. She is right an IRA is a sure thing verses money market and stocks. Allot of financial adversers hater her because that is what she talks about. Don't listen to other financial advisors rate her. They are right on one thing though. If you are well off and make over 150 grand a year, her program is not for you. To think about it, financial advisors are for those that make enough money. Think about it.
by awesomedude
Thu Oct 04 2007She can get pretty knowledgeable in finance topics she's ok for me
by gregh1973
Wed May 30 2007This lady does not practice what she preaches and does not know what she is talking about. Just because she is a good public speaker does not mean she has a brain. I am a former financial advisor (retired at 47) and never gave any of the advice that she does. There is no such thing as "quality advice" that fits everyone, since everyone has a different situation. And believe it or not, there is such a thing as "good debt" when you are making money and it is the debt that is tax deductable. I think Suze only thinks about Suze and she is getting rich with her limited knowledge making everyone think she is a genius, merely because she is an eloquent speaker. For those of you that love her.....well....I think I will refer you to P.T. Barnham!
by robknowsitall
Wed Apr 04 2007Suze Orman really knows what she is talking about, obviously you guys dont.I love her. Shut your mouths unless you have something intelligent to say.Thank you.Oh yeah, and she is hot. :)
by rynover
Tue Mar 13 2007Suze sucks ... she gives blanket advice to the genral public that is not suitable, it may be suitable for a specific situation, but her advice is not to be taken literally by the public. It should be used as a starting point for talks with your financial advisor. SLED (1) - Earn your own damn money, don't try to cherry pick off your future ex-husbands' hard work!
by cjfu52e1
Sat Feb 24 2007Speaking as a 15 year financial planner. The one problem I have with Suze is that her advice is always the tip of the iceberg. More specifically she offers "absolute" advice that could be correct in certain circumstances, but is usually the first thought I would start with when getting to the real answer. Unfortunatly, we Americans are so lacking in basic financial knowledge that any advice seems to be prophetic. I can assure you, it is not.
by rp1230
Tue Jan 30 2007She may give some descent, common sense, advice BUT....every time I see her I just want to hold her head underwater to shut her up. Watching and listening to her her is like having to watch Celine Dion, another over-animated anorexic shrieker, rake her fingernails over a chalk board. 'Makes my skin crawl. Gimme Louis Ruckeyser (RIP) any time.
by michaelw123
Sun Dec 31 2006Love Suze. I do not always agree with every single word she says. However, I have learned a lot and will continue to watch her show. Me and my boyfriend both love Suze Orman.
by marlane
Sat Jul 01 2006Heard she used to be Waaay in debt herself and, looking at her uber-fashionista appearance, I'd say she spends more than she saves herself.
by bighops2000
by ih8rateitall
Fri Mar 24 2006I can point out obvious money tips too. For example, if you save money, you can buy things later. Now where's my million dollars!?
by scottnatl
Wed Sep 28 2005Good advice, boring speaker.
by sportsguy24
Sat Aug 20 2005Suze just tells people what they want to hear. BUT I'd do her for sure though. Suze is not that bad looking. She is way overrated.
by parcivaled
Fri Jul 22 2005Can't stand this woman. She gives the same advice over and over again to idiots who all seem to have the same 4 or 5 problems. And she's way too hyper for someone who's head all these 4 or 5 problems at least a hundred times before. And what's with how she dresses? My God. How many financial professionals go around doing their jobs in black leather pant suits with knee-high high-heel boots? She looks ridiculous.
by sledda47
Mon Jun 20 2005One of the smartest women on TV. We need more on TV like her. And remember ladies, If your husband wants to leave you, don't sign the papers until after 10 years. You would be eligable for part of his SS. Read her book!
by several_licks
Tue Apr 12 2005I hate her face and I can't stand seeing her face on my screen. Now I'm a open minded guy and have no problem with feminism, but I hate her ugly face. FACE!
by zamboni777
Tue Mar 29 2005She's wasting a lot of valuable electrons. Get her off my TV!
by dahakay
Fri Feb 18 2005Great advice and very understandable she puts all the financial jargon in easy to understand terms....although she can be a little annoying at times.....ALL in ALL, she's GREAT!Ï
by skysoldier
Tue Feb 15 2005She needs to dress more age appropriate.
by jcorncb1
Sat Feb 05 2005Annoying or not, she is a godsend to those who need good, basic financial advice. If you're a financial whiz, okay, maybe she is a bit redundant...but hey, the number of people in serious debt prove that not everyone knows what tye're doing when it comes to money - and PLENTY need help!
by craven_moorehead
Thu Dec 02 2004How many ways can I say annoying? Between her hair and her goofy facial expressions, I can even hear what she has to say. Try a wig...
by ripvanwrinkele_d
Thu Nov 25 2004Dont't know who she star.
by moonpie
Tue Oct 19 2004Someone needs to tie her hands behind her back.
by the_drizzle
Sat Jul 31 2004She definitely knows what she is talking about and certainly gives out good advice to those with financial problems. However, her advice becomes very redundant as she anwsers questions with pretty much the same advice as the last callers.
by jakeev
Wed Jul 21 2004You know everybody has money problems one way or another and there is not a person I have listened to or read of that makes more sense to me than Suze Orman. The only real thing I don't like about her show is sometimes she drags on in her a commentary a bit much and you can lose focus. But she she genuinely knows her stuff and I believe, cares about what she is advising. She could probably teach other financial advisors out there how to really get it done.