Approval Rate: 65%
Reviews 0
by cablejockey
Thu Jul 22 2010Its usually entertaining as long as you dont beleive its real.....
by twansalem
Wed Aug 26 2009I'm not a big fan of reality shows in general, but the original Survivor kept my attention. It was completely different from most things on broadcast TV at the time, and it was entertaining. But subsequent seasons weren't enough to keep me watching. And I also blame the reality TV takeover on Survivor. Before Survivor, reality shows were confined to a few cable channels, and now it seems like they are everywhere. Whatever happened to the sitcom? UPDATE: Enough already. Survivor has run it's course, yet they keep making new seasons. I still stand by my original statement that the first season was entertaining, but it's time to end. Even worse, Survivor airs on Thursdays, which is NBA on TNT night as far as I'm concerned, but last year Mrs. Twan's coworkers did a Survivor pool where they all picked a contestant, meaning that she usually wanted to watch Survivor when I wanted to watch basketball.
by hnereality
Wed Jul 22 2009Best season ever. However I would be considered biased because our company was responsible for getting Coach Benjamin Wade on the show. Who absolutely stole the show BTW.
by kuiana
Mon Jul 14 2008last 2 seasons were good...thats when i started watching
by jennifer
Fri Jun 20 2008Never really watched it but I want to.
by myspace_47799913
Sun Jun 01 2008I've never really gotten into this show.
by robin391
Sat May 31 2008It sucks now
by whatupman
Tue May 27 2008survivor is Awsome! Best show on TV! Watch IT!
by trebon1038
Tue Apr 22 2008One of the originals. When a season is good, it is really good, but the lame ones are horrible so I rated it down the middle
by genghisthehun
Mon Apr 21 2008How come they can't live in a lagoon filled with Great White Sharks? Now THAT would be entertainment.
by fb666467494
Sat Apr 19 2008this is still on??
by fb2538209
Sat Apr 19 2008Love love love!
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Feb 20 2008There's not a shred of reality to be found in the entire exercise. People are selected based on their fitting into a predetermined audience segment and dropped into a totally fabricated situation for the purpose of watching them do things that they would never do in the real world, all the while, a television crew with lights and a director are standing inches away coaching there every move and utterance. What I’d love to see is a reality show about the making of a reality show.
by fb522813662
Sat Oct 27 2007I don't let my son watch...too much nudity and skimpy clothing...but I watch and worry about the state of humanity.
by ungodlyugly
Fri Jun 30 2006I'd like to get my hands around the neck of whatever network joker gave the final go-ahead for this (crap) to go on the air...
by mattshizzle
Sun May 21 2006Yuck! I hate reality shows and this is probably the worst one!
by frogger20190
Thu Apr 20 2006The dumbing down of America continues....
by neo17_2005
Thu Feb 09 2006I think Survivor needs to be taken off the air for good. This is what makes major broadscasting TV not worth watching and unfair for quality programs to stay in the air. Some sickos might of watched this show to get ridiculously high ratings. End the Survivor series now.
by grvideos
Sat Oct 15 2005too much is too much. Not as good as the Amazing race
by gentle_jude
Sat Apr 23 2005The whole survivor series would have to be one of the most immoral entertainment out there. Although it isn't violent or really raunchy, it is the mean spirit, every man for himself presence of that show. There is such a worldly feeling to that show. The thing that I hate most about the show is the fact that teams go against each other emotionally and fight with each other. There is constant back stabbing, factions and there is such a mean spirit during competition. They discourage and tear other teams down to the ground. They hold to the saying 'hate your enemies' (the opposite to the Bible.) The stunts are a bit risky and in one of the series, a guy got his hand burnt. What is really evil about this show is the fact that the producers encourage the participants to fight amongst each other. So fighting and people manipulating each other and gossiping, back stabbing is meant to be entertainment! The host is unsympathetic eg in one series, they were eating insects. Although o... Read more
by nhhcguy1977
Thu Mar 31 2005This show sucks and so do the ignorant people who watch. Reality my a$$1
by maomania
Sat Feb 26 2005I am a huge Survivor fan. The first season was a pretty good season. They all did not know what to expect and it is different than any of the other seasons. Most people did not believe that alliances actually exist in this game. And they were all just shocked when they found out there were alliances. This show had some of the most interesting characters on the show like Hatch, Sue and Colleen (even Rudy). It was not as dirty as some of the other seasons. But I bought it on DVD and I love the special features.
by apkat170
Sat Jul 17 2004The original Survivor was some of the most compelling and insightful television I've ever seen. I haven't gone on to follow the later editions, but I was riveted that first summer. It truly taught a lot about human nature in difficult social settings.
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Sun Jul 11 2004It is one of my favorite shows.
by classictvfan47
Fri Jun 25 2004Could a show be more mean-spirited and mindless, so devoid of role models, so lacking in inspiration and entertainment value? The show that seemed to bring about the unbearable stream of completely-useless reality programming, Survivor is one of the worst shows of all-time in my book. First off, the premise of the show is disturbing. Instead of coming together with teamwork and promoting the endless benefits of cooperation and peace, the show encourages its contestants to be ruthless, selfish, and bloodthirsty. Profanity and nudity run rampant as people try to kick each other off of this island of stupidity.
by albundy
Wed Sep 24 2003Honestly, this crap sucks! Does anyone truly believe that it's not planned from day-one??!! For gosh sake, they choose a group of carefully-picked, diverse people, create situations where they can get half-naked (ratings, remember?), then eliminate the less interesting members of the group. PLEASE!!!! Put a group of people somewhere, with NO supervision, and NO escape route, and let them fend for themselves for a while. Then i might consider them to be true survivors. Otherwise, spare me the B.S.
by aimi2717
Sun May 25 2003I'm not a big fan of Jenna but I'm kind of sick when ppl keep on saying that she's this and that.I think she deserve to win it as he got 6-1 vote.I'm sure there's something good about her that make ppl vote for her.Big majority.Everytime I read articles,they said bad things about her.From my opinion,we should see the good side of her.Maybe the editing makes her look really bad.We don't know her well.So don't judge somoeone if you don't know that person well.What I mean here is we need to see the whole situation.We can't just say things without thinking it properly.
by crazyblue
Wed Sep 04 2002This is my favorite TV Show and the only one that I can never miss an episode of!
by the_blue_dinos_aur
Wed Aug 07 2002The first time it was on, it was good, but now, its so repetetive and one of the most boring reality's.
by twinmom26
Thu Jun 13 2002I LOVE addict but I have to agree about the "evil ones" being left every time.....i love gina, paschal and kathy from this last Survivor.. would like to pop rob and sean and v and neleh in the
by snoopy
Tue Apr 02 2002I can't stand the whole Survivor series. It's so fake and all that backstabbing and stuff just is not fun to watch.
by medjfe5f
Sun Feb 17 2002Why give stupid situations to people who can not think for themselves. It takes alot more than games and money to show any kind of moral growth in the human element. If all we can do is cut throat one another for a penny or two, we deserve what ever we now and in the future. Lets get back to friends and family.
by folrocks1
Sat Feb 09 2002I think that it is the best Survivor out of the 3 of them! I like this one more than the others!
by sunnyboy
Sat Dec 08 2001Interesting idea, but turn out to be back-stabbing, constant bickering show. I stopped watching Survivor after the first show ended.
by cooltmd
Sat Oct 13 2001The Fist One Was The Bomb The Second One Awful And The Third Getting A Little Better Than The Second
by andrew_gilmore
Mon Sep 24 2001Survivor is sooooo stupid!!
by ashleys
Fri Jul 27 2001Something addictive must wave through the air when this show comes on. I don't know why I like it, but I watched every episode of Survivor II.
by olsaintnic
Tue Jun 26 2001crap, crap, crap, and more crap. They're responsible for real live soap opeara drama crap. Even though it's's still staged , I mean it's all planed out the way they suttlely arrange the outcome. It's a shame that people like to watch other wannabee on tv.
by g30ffg
Sun May 06 2001I absolutely loved Survivor! The contestants were very interesting and I had to watch every minute of it! The second "Survivor" is just like the first, which would be good, but now it's unoriginal.
by callmetootie
Thu Apr 05 2001I hate this show, it was a bad idea, so annoying and stupid. The characters are so stupid and unbelivable. Give me the gun, I don't want to see this anymore!
by zinnia_dom
Thu Apr 05 2001We've had 'Survivor' (or Expedition Robinson as we call it) for about three years now. Frankly I do not see the interesting thing about a bunch of money crazed people trying to 'survive' on a 'desert' iland. I mean come on! They have doctors, helicopters, crew members, boats etc standing by in case a accident should occur. How hard is it to stay alive then?
by franklindroose_velt
Sat Feb 17 2001I wouldn't be paid a million dollars to watch this show, much less to do what these idiots did. A gay man won the contest (so I heard) how ironic.
by dalaifan
Mon Jan 29 2001It sucked! Tv is worse for it!
by brenda1
Wed Jan 24 2001try out this site:
by spazape
Mon Jan 22 2001HELP!!This show is its on again..KILL me please
by cortney
Sun Jan 21 2001I never missed an episode of survivor. I think that it was great.
by boofenton
Mon Jan 15 2001Just hated to see Rich win.