Support Free Trade and capitalism
Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 17
by abichara
Sun Oct 26 2008Capitalism is one of the cornerstones of our society, there's no denying that, and while it does produce some inefficiencies at times, it is definitely better than other means of production. Many economic failures occur not because of the free market per se, but rather failings in government policies or regulatory frameworks that fail to account for changes in the market or individual behavior. As for free trade, under certain circumstances, depending on individual sectors, I could support this, but some industries do need to be protected. It's more of a "time and place" type of argument. Sometimes you need protectionism to foster growth or rehabilitation of individual domestic industries while at other times, due to favorable price conditions for instance, free trade can be very beneficial. The real concern I have is not with free trade, but rather with our countries shift away from manufacturing and exports towards a more service based economy fueled by spending on imports and... Read more
by fb61200893
Sat Nov 10 2007Oh God.
by irishgit
Wed Jul 04 2007There are a lot of unpatriotic capitalists and free traders around.
by genghisthehun
Mon Mar 13 2006Free trade is killing America. Factor price equalization is destroying us. That means that the productivity dollar can go anywhere in the world to be put to use. The CEO's state something like the following. Are we paying textile workers $8.00 per hour in South Carolina? Relax we can pay $0.80 per hour in China and it only costs us $2.00 per hour to ship the goods back to South Carolina. We can make $5.20 per hour! Think of the bonuses and dividends we can pay! National interest? Well forget about that. We are an International company! America can go screw itself! That South Carolinan who lost his job can retrain himself to earn the minimum wage! That's good enough for a working man! We must wake up and slap a tariff on these transactions to raise the price back up to $8.00 per hour. Then it doesn't pay to go to China. Yeah, I know. Your tee-shirts might go from 3 for $8.00 to 3 for $12.00. So what! Our country is made stronger!
by chrisjackson
Mon Mar 13 2006America needs the tariff. With so many companies going over sees or out of business, in favor of cheap labor in a foreign country. To hell with free trade. Our ports are for sale, our big business is over sees exploiting chinese workers, I preffer exploiting the american worker. America needs her borders back. American products are not competive in america, what a shame. Start reading labels.
by canadasucks
Thu Feb 09 2006I suppose a few people link these but I don't think so. . .far too many things fall under 'free trade' to get a free pass from me. . .and capitalism needs democracy to keep it in check as much as democracy needs capitalism to help it thrive. . .the statement is phrased as an absolute condition and needs modification.
by daedalus
Thu Feb 09 2006Prohibitive import tariffs and a general protectionist policy (the polar opposite of free trade) would be more patriotic as it supports American products and businesses.
by johnspina
Thu Feb 09 2006Ihave not yet met a person who at least did not respect capitalism to be a patriot.To be anticapitalist is to me,ipso facto,to be at least a little antiAmerican.
by decalod85
Mon Jan 23 2006The goals of multinational corporations are not the goals of the American people. They do not care about us, except as consumers (or, if you are rich, as shareholders).
by mikeholly93
Tue Nov 22 2005Not me. Capitalism is evil.
by randyman
Sat Jun 18 2005I don't think this necessarily makes you patriotic, but it's part of what makes this country work.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Wed Feb 16 2005Supporting free trade doesn't make you patriotic, neither does being a capitalist. Lots of capitalists are unpatriotic.
by skizero
Thu Jan 27 2005Yeah almighty dollar. the only thing more important than Jesus in America
by mrpolitical
Thu Sep 02 2004Such as with most forms of commerce, free trade and capitalism do have down sides. But thier benefits are excellent. They provide a way for an ordinary American to become an extraordinary one.
by bibliophile
Thu Sep 02 2004Support free trade, but use restraint and ethical judgement. Don't support free trade if it means exporting jobs and production to countries that have no labor or environmental laws and protections. We should never be willing to do in other's backyards what we will not or cannot legally do in our own.
by onehungrymonst_er
Wed Sep 01 2004Free trade and capitalism barely even existed when the U.S. was formed.
by personwithcomm_ent
Thu Jul 08 2004While capitalism by itself isn't bad, the capitalism we have bred in America has been taken a little too far. Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, did not define it in the way it exists in America; devoid of morals. Free trade has hurt our economy in that it takes jobs from Americans and puts it into slave labor. In order for capitalism to exist without spiralling out of control, it needs to be checked by socialism.