Super Bowl XXX (1996, Dallas 27, Pittsburgh 17)

Approval Rate: 63%

63%Approval ratio

Reviews 14

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    Wed Aug 13 2008


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    Sat Sep 15 2007

    I have always said Niel o donnell took Jerry Jones' check.

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    Sat Sep 15 2007

    there's any doubt in anyone's mind that o donnell threw that game? all one has to do is look at the tape. i can't accuse the cowboys of being in on it, and i suspect it had more to do with o donnell's mob / gambling connections that gave him safe haven in new york until he could quietly slink out of the league.

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    Fri Dec 22 2006

    i am an avid steelers fan and the only thing i wanna know is how much did barry switzer pay odonnell for that completion. pittsburgh clearly dominated the cowboys and the cowboys are not deserving of that super bowl win.

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    Mon May 29 2006

    I'm not afraid to say that this one HAD to have been fixed .You only need to look to Neil O'Donnell's performance for proof , specifically , his two interceptions thrown to Larry Brown ; the exact same play , to the same area on the right side of the line, both times they're right to Brown , and the nearest Steeler receiver is 5-10 yards away .The nay-sayers always say , that O'Donnell couldn't handle the pressure of the game , that he choked .Not when it happens the same way , twice.

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    Wed Feb 08 2006

    After 3 straight stinkers, this game had some drama. But Steelers QB Neil O'Donnell kept thinking that Larry Brown was on his team. O'Donnell threw 3 picks that day, even though he has one of the lowest INT % of all time.

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    Wed Feb 01 2006

    I never get involved in chat room discussions, but I was just watching the replay of Super Bowl XXX on ESPN and there is no question Neil O'Donnel threw the game. After the first interception the commentators said someone must have blown a route. They cut to O'Donnel and Bill talking on the sideline right afterwards and O'Donnel says: "It (the pass) just got away from me." OK, maybe, but the second interception right before the Steelers were ready to put points on the board, with no one near the pass, same play, and to the same DB. Everyone on that Steelers team should get a SuperBowl ring, and I hope O'Donnel is shunned by the Hall of Fame.

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    I will go to my grave saying that game was fixed. First of all, if you want to fix a football game all you really have to do is pay off the starting QB and the kicker, because they have the most direct influence over the result. Second, O' Donnell is to this day the NFL's all-time leader in LOWEST interception percentage. The one thing in his career he was KNOWN for was not throwing picks. And third, very shortly afterwards O' Donnell signed a ludicrously huge contract for that time with the Jets, based in New Jersey, home of a certain group of people whose name rhymes with "slob". Why would ANY team sign the guy who literally threw away a title for the kind of dough the Jets did, hmmm? What I'm still trying to figure out is if Larry Brown was in on it too and why fix that particular Super Bowl? But to me there's just no question about if it was.

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    Sat Sep 17 2005

    Neil o'Donnell is a f***ing peice of garbage that sold the steelers out for money and that will never be forgotten. You can't take that ring away, and that's what it's all about. Money goes. You can go to the bank and borrow money, but you can't go to the bank and borrow a Super Bowl ring. That ring is like a crown and, not to boast, we're gonna get it.(Joe Greene) that quote should be posted everywhere for every player to see as a reminder that there is no better feeling than knowing you gave your best out on the gridiron and that you walked away a champion. the feeling you get from victory is only comparable to the first time you hold your first child in your arms. If you give your best you will never walk away a loser.

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    Fri Sep 09 2005

    Good game. Nothing great, but not a blow out. Neil O'Donnell will forever be remembered by Cowboys Fans as the REAL MVP of the game.

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    Wed Sep 24 2003

    I am a huge Cowboy fan, but even I must thank Neil O'Donnel. Talk about right place, right time-that is how you can sum up Larry Brown's MVP performance.

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    Wed Nov 27 2002

    I can't believe a team full of thugs like the Cowboys beat a classy team like the Stealers

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    Tue Nov 19 2002

    Too bad most of the Cowboys hocked this Superbowl ring to buy drugs.

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    Thu Oct 24 2002

    Wonderful game, wonderful result. Even Bill Cowher's trick, junk plays couldn't overcome the mighty Cowboys, and with this ring the Cowboys now had ONE FOR THE THUMB. heh heh