Stubbed Toe

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    Fri May 21 2010

    Every damn time, but then, I have a potty mouth. However, according to science, swearing does increase pain tolerance. In a study done by Richard Stephens, 64 undergrads stuck their hands in ice cold water while saying a swear word of their choosing. Then they stuck their hands in ice water while saying a normal word. Turns out the participants lasted longer when they were allowed to swear. Interestingly, the women lasted the longest when they swore. No one yet knows why this is. But for those three people left on earth who don't swear; next time you stub your toe feel free to let the profanity spew forth! aring_increases_pain_tolerance.php

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    Fri May 21 2010

    Absolutely! Watching my father stub a toe, taught me to respect certain words before I knew their meanings.

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    Fri May 21 2010

    I defy the most puritan of people to keep the expetives to "Oww" when you hit the leg of the bed in the middle of night, getting up to go to the toilet.

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    Fri Oct 16 2009

    I've done it more than once, and the fierce profanity that comes out of my mouth at that moment in time is almost instinctive. If my late grandmother were still around, she wouldn't be able to find a bar of soap big enough to rinse my mouth out with.

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    Thu Oct 15 2009

    I think this one warrants more of an "arrgh" than the use of a profanity unless of course you're so used to swearing that it becomes replaced naturally with a "curse" word. Personally I stick with the "arrgh!" on the few occasions I've stubbed my toe.

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    Thu Oct 08 2009

    I always yell out a big 'fuck' when I stub my toe. I seem to do it all too frequently.

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    Fri Feb 06 2009

    I think this is the natural reaction to a stubbed toe. Even a person who prides themselves on a clean mouth is likely to yell out something close to the limit of what their personal morals will allow.

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    Thu Jan 08 2009

    Especially if it's the little one. I was listening to David Stein on the way home from work last night, and as he put it any time your little toe gets into a battle with the corner of the wall the corner of the wall wins. If you can bang your toe and not spew forth a curse word, you have far more control than I do.

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    Wed Jan 07 2009

    It's almost impossible not to swear or at least scream something unintelligible when you stub your toe. Unexpected pain almost always causes some sort of vocal reaction before you have time to think about it.

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    Mon Jan 08 2007

    I've dropped the F bomb over this...

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    Mon Jan 08 2007

    ANYONE who can refrain from swearing after stubbing a toe should be canonized.

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    Wed Dec 29 2004

    Stubbing a toe or hurting myself in other ways would probably bring on some cuss words. it seems to be a quick reaction from me. Not a good thing of course, does not help to ease the pain but i still would let a few curse words fly when injured.

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    Wed Dec 29 2004

    It's absolute given that you must use profanity when you stub your toe, especially the little one. The pain causes your whole body to convulse when you are rolling around on the floor and therefore profanity is always necessary.

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    Mon Sep 27 2004

    One incident (this will be R-rated at best) about 6 years ago, I was sitting in my recliner, my wife needed to vacuum, so I got up (barefoot), grabbed the back of the recliner (don't try this at home) and lifted and pulled the recliner to my right. Not quite high enough. The profanity dance that I did that night, to the shrieking laughter of my wife, who was immensely sympathetic but uncontrollably amused, left me absolutely speechless other than the blue streak. I iced it, I took Advli, I pounded the floor, I even tried more profanity, nothing helped. To this day, I still look twice before I sneak up on that recliner.

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    Sun Sep 26 2004

    Hurting yourself, is really the only real reason I could see for cursing. I'd be using profanity too if I stubbed my toe.

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    Sun Aug 01 2004

    I curse alot when I stub my toe, it hurts and it's painful.

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    Wed Apr 14 2004

    Might elicit a curse from me, but at least the pain is over with quickly.

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    Wed Apr 14 2004

    This probably draws a damn if I am in a good mood, and an F-Bomb if it's been a bad day.

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    Mon Feb 09 2004

    Whenever you stub your toe swearing comes out automaticly (few exceptions). There has been countless occasions when I've stubbed my toe (I admit it I'm a klutz) and have sworn, in front of my parents and everything.

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    Fri Dec 05 2003

    Stubbing one's toe hurts like heck. I think profanity automatically comes out, except in CTVFan's case.

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    Fri Nov 07 2003

    Even though I don't cuss everytime I do this, I have cried a heck of alot....groan...

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    Thu Nov 06 2003

    I've done this a good number of times. It would piss me off because it's always after I wake up. If ClassicTVFan ever stubs his toe on the edge of a mirror (like I have) and gets a rather large gash on his toe then he'd might understand why a person would swear. But he's like Ned Flanders, he could lose a thumb in a metal shear and just say, Gee Gosh Golly Darn while blood pours out the open wound.

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    Fri Oct 17 2003

    Don't you people think before you react? Come on, I've NEVER cussed after stubbing a toe (even the little ones!) Some of my best created words and phrases have come out of personal injury. :)

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    Wed Oct 15 2003

    No question about it. I've stubbed my toe a good many times, and some nasty words have came out of my mouth because of it.

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    Sat Oct 11 2003

    Yep! I knew this was gonna be #1 before I even looked. And what's almost as bad is that second or so of waiting right after you stub it, just before the real pain hits.

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    Fri Oct 10 2003

    Oh yeah, I swear everytime this happens.

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    Fri Oct 10 2003

    I stubbed my toe last night--it's all bruised right now, and it hurts. Really bad. Someone asked why I was limping at work, and I told them that I stubbed my toe and it hurts like a b!@#$. I don't think there's any other way to describe how much it hurts.