Strom Thurmond

Approval Rate: 31%

31%Approval ratio

Reviews 43

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    Wed Jun 29 2011

    I can't think of anyone who exemplifies the Southern Conservative better than Strom. This hick ran for President in 1948 on the Democratic "Ah Hate N******!" ticket when he was governor in South Carolina, the hick state whose only bright idea was to secede from the Union (why Lincoln wanted 'em back in is still a mystery). He was then elected to the Senate for about 100 years by the same inbreds who elected him governor, despite the fact the only thing he could do well was read from the phone book. His stand on Civil Rights remained the same (Ah hate N******!) throughout his life, as did his economic policies (Ah hate N******!), his stand on international affairs (Ah hate N******!) and his personal value system (Ah hate N******!). Of course, being the hypocritical southern hick that he was, it came out after he croaked that he had raped his family's black 16 year old maid way back when Andrew Jackson was president or something, and had fathered a black child whom he sent to the back of... Read more

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    Wed Jun 29 2011

    he is the reason why the south votes republican (the party that had no governor in the south for the best part of 100 years).. his dixiecrat campaign in 1948 caused deep division within the democratic party which they never recovered from. he isolated the southern factions of the party from the north which the republicans took advantage of with the so called 'southern strategy'.. not going to critisize him too much because i believe he did have the south's best interest at heart.., but his betrayal of the democrats is unforgivable. 3/5

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    Wed Jun 29 2011

    Hung around forever, until someone finally managed to recite the correct verse from the Book of the Dead and he clambered back into his sarcophagus. He may be dead, but the old coot is probably still on the ballot in some South Carolina counties.

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    Fucking crazy racist guy, who fathered his first legitimate child when he was 69. Dirty old man.

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    Wed Mar 15 2006

    June 2003 was a high point in American history: Sir Lynch-a-Lot finally got his one way ticket to Hell and the USSC ruled that states could no longer throw people in jail for their choice of sexual positions.

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    Tue Jan 03 2006

    I'm not so sure that he's really dead, this ghoul might be walking around with a hockey mask- or perhaps the Eastern religions are correct- he's just reborn as a new scumbag upon death. Possibly the all-time vilest guy in 20th century American politics. Before he was this insane, sinister, hypocritical incarnation of evil, my best guess is that he was Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Confederate general who was one of the originators of The KKK.

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    Sun Jul 31 2005

    Dig him up and hang him!

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    Sat Jul 23 2005

    Poster child for term-limits. . .I give Strom credit- he didn't care how embarrassing he was, he didn't leave.

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    Fri Jul 22 2005

    Here is piece of history for better or for worse, whether you like him or not. Incredibly he made the transition from the old politics to the new politics and held his seat.

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    There was a story going around that when Sonny Bono got elected to the House of Representatives, he was flattered at first when Strom Thurmond called him Sonny. But then he learned that Strom Thurmond called EVERYONE Sonny. (hyuk yuk yuk)

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    Thu Jan 27 2005

    Kind of an ass.

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    Thu Jan 27 2005

    I am so pleased to see that there are some people who are willing to forgive Robert Byrd's Klan activities because he did it like 100 years ago. In order to avoid the label of hypocrite, the only conclusion that one can reach is that these same people are also willing to forgive Strom Thurmond for his stand on segregation, and for two very good reasons. First, Thurmond was a segregationist and never went as far as Byrd and joined the Ku Klux Klan. Therefore a lesser sin is easier to forgive. Second, in case it has been forgotten, at the time during which Thurmond was a segregationist, he was also a Democrat, and we all know that Democrats can't possibly hold any racist views. It's so heartwarming to see people coming together in the spirit of forgiveness, isn't it?

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    Wed Jan 26 2005

    A racist, marble-mouthed Southern mummy. An embarassment and a disgrace that we can still produce politicians of this ilk. It did come as a surprise that he had died; somebody must have run out of tanna leaves.

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    Mon Nov 22 2004

    see you in hell strom

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    Sun Oct 17 2004

    I hope that dirtbag is burning with the devil. Anyone who rapes someone and then disowns the child is a pathedic a-hole!!!

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    Sat Aug 28 2004

    Dead. The world is better off that way.

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    Sun Jun 20 2004

    racist piece of slime

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    Tue Jun 15 2004

    Molest your maid lately? Well, I guess you can't do it when you're DEAD!

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    Fri Jan 30 2004

    Racist, and a hypocrite. Gave both parties a bad name (he started as a Democrat).

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    Thu Jan 29 2004

    like him or hate him, he ran for president when bill clinton was two years old, and left the senate after clinton's presidency ended.

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    Fri Dec 26 2003

    Former Senator Strom Thurmond's career really represents the link between the Old South and the New South. In many ways Thurmond lived a paradoxical life. On one side, he ran a racially charged campaign for President in 1948 under the Dixiecrat ticket which split from the Democrats because of President Truman's stance on civil rights, which were monumental for the times (desegregation of the armed forces, federal anti-lynching laws). His campaign was by and large a regional one that was designed to bring national Democrats back in line. The liberal wing, as exemplied by such people as Eleanor Roosevelt and Hubert Humphrey, a young candidate for Senate from Minnesota, was becoming a strong force in the party and this wasn't sitting well with conservative Southern and Western Democrats. Thurmond wanted to make the most of this split by throwing the election into the House, where he could really put pressure on Truman to reform. It didn't turn out that way because he was able to win witho... Read more

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    Mon Dec 22 2003

    A dreadful, ancient fossil who should have retired decades ago instead of taking up useless space like he had since 1956. Another hypocrite of the GOP stripe in that he panders to the ignorant, moronic, good ol' boy, woman-hating, Klan-wannabe constituency, yet apparently fathered at least one child out of wedlock with an African-American woman. Apparently he enjoys it both ways: stroking redneck cracker yokels while getting some o' that fine jungle tail!!! Ah wish ah was in Dixie, sho' enough!!! But seriously, folks, if you've ever been to South Carolina and seen what a depressing and depressed, primitive and backward place it is, you'd wouldn't cast votes of confidence in the leadership of the Palmetto State's former senior Senator. SC has one of the worst educational systems in the country, an alarming degree of poverty and a disconcertingly high crime rate, a very slack business environment and a pervading antipathy toward workers' rights and wellbeing, a high degree of domest... Read more

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    Thu Aug 14 2003

    Only in the USA. How could you be proud to be an American, when guys like this are able to be in positions of power.

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    Thu Aug 14 2003

    He is probably the main reason why South Carolina has been having problems moving forward with the rest of the states. And this doesn't even begin to say anything about his racism. He should not be in government. Very scary.

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    Wed Jul 30 2003

    Ha ha! He died! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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    Tue Jul 29 2003

    Here is an actual quote from this idiotic pinhead: “I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the army to force the southern people to break down segregation and admit the black race into our theaters and swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.” Real role model, huh?

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    Mon Jul 28 2003

    I'm glad he's dead. He won't be missed.

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    Tue Apr 01 2003

    I know his past is shaky, but how can you not like a 100 year old man.

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    Wed Feb 19 2003

    racist bastard

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    Sun Feb 02 2003

    FASCIST CURMUDGEON - can we stuff him yet and dress him up as a lawn jockey so birds and the elements can exact poetic justice once and for all?

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    Thu Dec 19 2002

    Strom Thurmond is one of the most bigoted politicians of the 20th century. There really is no issue of states' rights anymore. The guy is a freakin' nut. As has been mentioned, this nut job is older than dirt. He hasn't obviously had coherent thought ever since he maybe ran as a segragationist in the 1948 presidential election. Now Lott's views are coming to light after saying that the country would've been better off in the area of race relations if this now senile wack job got into office. It thoroughly angers me. I thought that racist would've died so long ago. It especially disgusts me that he still has influence when his views were the norm in about 1830!

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    Sat Dec 14 2002

    Strom was the ultimate political opportunist. He was for state's rights when he needed that to be electd. Later he voted for the King holiday. he didn't "grow" he shifted, many times to stay in Washington. Meanwhile, South Carolina stays 50th opn all lists.

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    Sun Dec 08 2002

    Interesting political and historical footnote.

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    Wed Feb 20 2002

    This bozo is living proof that IQ points go down once you get on the other side of the Mason-Dixon line. Why else would they return him to office so many times?

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    Thu Jan 24 2002

    This old kook should have been part of history before I left grade school! I’m sorry, but there comes a time when people need to realize they just aren’t as sharp as they once were. One of my grandmothers lived to be 102 years of age, was still in her right mind until she died but certainly should not or could not have been doing a job like this. That and the fact that we are talking major old-time bigot here should be enough to convince SOMEBODY that age limits can be a good thing.

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    Thu Dec 13 2001

    Man, I'm glad I don't live in South Carolina because there's no way I'd want this ancient old fart representing me! He's older than dirt and should've gone home 30 years ago! Hello! Would someone just get him out of there. Congress is keeping him around to decorate the chambers as Most Distinguished Fossile. I'm not sure, but I think ol' Strom was at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

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    Tue Nov 20 2001

    A mixed bag: Good: -No longer racist. -Opposed federally raising drinking age. -Actually stands for something(states rights), unlike his neighbor Jesse Helms who's just in congress to inflame people. Bad: -Used to be racist. -Shouldn't be in the senate at this age. -Despite no.2 above, he was incredibly tough on liquor while gov. of SC. Ugly: -Involved in the attempted deportation of John Lennon. nuff said.

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    Mon Sep 10 2001

    Not that I really care, but his first wife was 44 years younger than him. That shows how crazy he is. And considering that he's been senator of South Carolina for about a hundred years by now, why are they STILL not getting rid of him. He always was a mad Republican, and now he's just plain mad. He should do what the other loony jerk CONservative Jesse HELLms did and retire. He belongs not in a Whitehouse or a House of the Senate, but in a nuthouse. If he has a five year plan, it must be "don't die".

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    Mon Jun 18 2001

    WOW! thats all there is to say for a politican who can stay in it for that long!

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    Wed Jun 13 2001

    Too bad there isn't a lower rating for an admitted racist. This clown was a former Southern Democrat-turned-Dixiecrat-turned-Republican in 1954 because he couldn't stomach the radical notion of allowing black people to be treated as--gasp!---human beings. States' rights? Come on, people! That's nothing more than a misnomer for allowing oneself to express bigoted sentiments without feeling guilty, under the guise of free speech and protecting oneself from that bug-a-boo, the federal government. Jesse Helms is a moderate compared with this yokel. This exalted South Carolinian was born December 5, 1902 in hardscrabble South Carolina backwoods country. (Edgecombe County, for all you Strominator buffs.) I thought you had to be dead to have a stamp---or, in S.T.'s case, a lake---named after you. How the good Palmetto State people could keep electing this buffoon to represent them and all that he exemplifies mystifies me. I suppose when the Strominator passes on to that great ol' Winn-Dixie i... Read more

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    Wed May 16 2001

    Let's not forget Thurmond ran for president in 1948 on an unabashed policy of racism. Forget the states' rights BS -- the racists have been using that smokescreen since the days of slavery. He is an un-American dirtbag, plain and simple.

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    Fri Mar 09 2001

    Racist, facist.

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    Thu Jan 25 2001

    My least favorite Republican this side of John McCain and Trent Lott. While it's funny that a man who ran for President against Truman in 1948 continues to play a role in public life after Clinton, Thurmond is terribly inarticulate, has a shifty past when it comes to civil rights (a shame since the vast majority of Repubs are quite different from the stereotype), and has spent most of his career focused on constituent relations, wishing people happy birthday at taxpayer expense and other such nonsense. Worst of all, he is certain to die in the next six years, guaranteeing that the Repubs will lose control of Senate (since S.C. has a Dem governor). Granted, the S.C. appointee will have to be a more conservative Democrat than Ted Kennedy and his ilk, it's still a disaster for Repubs to be relying on Thurmond's health like this.