Approval Rate: 67%
Reviews 0
by magneticd
Fri Dec 10 2010Great premise... an atheist comes face to face with the horror that is Christianity, and even somehow gets bloody palms... even though she's a woman, and who cares about them in Christianity? Well, who cares about her character either? No one. Horrible acting throughout. I have more sympathy for a fish with a hook in its lip, because the fish has more emotion in its eyes. The film is only memorable in an 'avoid watching it again' kind of way. One thumb down. Way down. 'Poking Lucifer in the top of the head' down.
by gris2575
Sun Aug 30 2009Awesome movie. Its about this Atheist who is Forced to come to terms with Christian Mysticism. Arquette plays Frankie Paige, a hairdresser who experiences Stigmata. She starts randomly bleeding in her wrists and feet. She goes to Doctors who treat her, but Assume that she did it to her Self so they send her to a Shrink, but obviously, they are no Help. She starts having more Severe Episodes when the Vatican steps in and sends Father Andrew Kiernan to save the Day. The Catholic Church, involved in its own Conspiracy to suppress the Gospel of St. Thomas, have to find a Way to save Paige's life. The movie is not as Action packed as some as its main Focus is drama and Conspiracy, but the Story line is good and it Does make you think. Definitely Worth watching.
by pamela_murray
Sun May 24 2009I saw this a long time ago. Was a very interesting movie.
by musicalbuff
Wed May 20 2009Stigmata was always one of those movies that I loved and never got around to buy and was very happy, because Amazon was the place to get Stigmata a good price and very good condition. Thank you once again as always
by lawyeraau
Sun May 03 2009I saw this film years ago when it was first released and enjoyed it. I saw it again recently and enjoyed it even more the second time around. I had forgotten that the film was based upon the Gospel according to St. Thomas, a gospel that is not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church and is not included in the New Testament. The Gospel according to Thomas is not about the life of Jesus. Rather, it is about the things that Jesus said. There are one hundred and fourteen such sayings that have been translated. One of those sayings is at the heart of this film. "Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up a stone and you will find me." The film is about an investigative Jesuit priest, a young atheist who suffers from the stigmata, and a conspiracy within the Roman Catholic Church to suppress a certain gospel, as if fears its destruction should that gospel become public. The investigative priest, Father Andrew Kiernan, is played with appropriate gravity by Gabriel Byrne, a serious man... Read more
by tomeebf4
Sun Apr 26 2009there were no problems buying this movie. the seller was friendly, helpful, it came timely and shows perfectly.
by dharmawild
Sun Feb 01 2009I love this movie. It draws upon alot of gnostic texts, the dead sea scrolls and lost scriptures, I absolutely adore it! Its uplifting and beautiful, while, YES, it is hard to watch, violent and visceral, its also beautiful and intriguing. Personally, I just love this movie, alot. I think its often misunderstood, but its one of my favorites.
by ivanaacosta
Tue Jan 20 2009I am satisfied with my purchase and was pleased with the time i had received it. i will buy from this person again.
by trippytease
Sun Sep 28 2008I did like this one, believe it or not.
by melina_babe
Sat Sep 13 2008ew horror.
by amy958
Wed Jul 23 2008Freakin sweet!
by jennifer903
Wed Jul 23 2008Movies about the devil creep me out. But in a good way.
by kristyn718
Tue Jul 22 2008another one that's way to real to be good...
by monkey11611
Fri Jul 11 2008never watched
by desiderium_in_carmen
Sun Jun 08 2008Whatever happened to Mary?
by myspace_313791865
Sat Jun 07 2008haven't seen it yet
by matt_and_kayla
Wed Jun 04 2008I haven't see this one.
by myspace_365158273
Wed Jun 04 2008I love any movie that involves the supernatural!
by genghisthehun
Mon Apr 14 2008Religious esoterica. Is this supposed to be horror?
by primaxdonna
Sat Feb 10 2007really good. patricia arquette did a great job.
by skimmer
Thu Nov 02 2006Zackergrr, It was not offensive. I think it was very informative. You are probably one of those cry baby people who like to whinge about everything. The movie wasn't horror movie, and it wasn't meant to be. I'm sick of hearing people complain cuz it didn't scare them. IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO! Get with the programme people!
by jeremy00081
Thu Sep 14 2006Pretty interesting, but not very. A couple good scenes and then a lot of boredom.
by zackergrr
Tue Dec 13 2005This movie was gory and offensive to religion. I have no idea how it got to be in the top 20, but it sure doesn't deserve it.
by lindamichelle
Fri Nov 18 2005Love Patrcia Arquette she makes this movie sooo great!!!
by foamjack
Wed Aug 04 2004You're kidding right
by dirty_harry
Wed Jun 30 2004Easily one of the worse horror movies around.
by jamie_mcbain
Sat Jun 19 2004It's an ok film. seen better and scarier films.
by badunsgirl
Mon Apr 05 2004This movie scared the crap out of me I couldn't sleep for days!!
by gummocatkilla
Sat May 24 2003This was NOT a horror movie. I got so bored I couldn't finish watching it. Blah.
by dkirk78
Wed May 21 2003Not a top 20 horror film.
by norman_bates
by potch1214
Thu Apr 18 2002Decent movie, but surely not a "horror" film. This is more a religious movie than anything. I didn't find it scary, but it was entertaining and well acted. The story is intelligent, but then again, I thought that "Dogma" was as well.
by miami_boy
Wed Jul 11 2001Great soundtrack!
by mr_pink
Wed Apr 25 2001a pathetic attempt to exploit religion and make a movie.poo.
by johnvb
Fri Feb 09 2001What a great movie! Such a brilliant and compelling plot.
by thorne
Sun Dec 31 2000You people are so thirsty for a good horror film you seem to settle for cheap hour and a half long X-File knock off garbage. I saw this film the night it was realesed with high hopes of a great Exorcist like film. I wanted to be jolted I wanted to be frightened and I wanted the film to give me something to think about. Instead I got another high budget attempt at money making. This film is prpackaged cotton candy crap! I think my I.Q. dropped 10 points just from witnessing such an attrocity. I was ashamed. I am all for religion in cinema. I myself am not a religious man at all even though I was raised in a christian house hold. I can see how some people got a message from Stigmata and I can see how it opens some peoples eyes to a "new world" but those people must realize this new world they are seeing is based in a lame fictitious horror movie world that is based in no solid evidence and is made to make the schmuks who believe the tabloids paranoid. Sad stuff,man...
by daron30
Mon Nov 27 2000This was hella' good. Well put together. I didn't know much about the subject, then I wanted to know more after I saw the movie.
by d_dogg
Mon Nov 27 2000The movie was awesome. It was very original and very scary because it was about religion and that provokes a lot of fear in everyone. Good acting as well.
by yassig
Fri Nov 24 2000I saw this movie with a friend of mine and we both loved it. It was kinda scary, but I really loved the actor that played the priest. He is worth seeing.
by tasteecakes
Fri Nov 24 2000Stigmata helped me realize that churches are all the same. God is always with us, just as long as we keep him with us.
by poly7462
Fri Nov 24 2000This was a very, very good movie because it was informative. The sparks between the priest and the Stigmata girl were gross, what was he thinking? I felt bad for the girl because she started to flip out in public and people thought she wanted to kill herself! The ending was good too, but I didn't understand what happened to her until I watched it a second time!
by willl067
Wed Nov 15 2000They should not have made this movie. It stinks. Religious movies don't work.
by jon1f6d3
Tue Nov 14 2000This movie sucks. The only thing that scared me were the doves. I didn't like it. It was messing with my religion.
by crashdca
Mon Nov 13 2000The plot twist and graphics were awesome. The way they made it was true to the church. The wounds she received and the graphic blood/horror were awesome. The way they left the end open was perfect. Now we can have a Stigmata 2.
by runta3ef
Mon Nov 13 2000The plot twists and turns to keep your attention. All of the graphics were very fiting and realistic. The movie itself was frighteningly real. The end left you feeling like, "damn, that could really happen."
by motata
Mon Nov 13 2000The cast was the bomb! I thought it was cool and would watch it again. I would love to play the movie and watch it again. I will play it again and again.