Stephen Nichols (Stefan, General Hospital)
Approval Rate: 90%
Reviews 0
by whitewiccan
Sun Jun 24 2007I've watched Gh for 38 years. Never has there been an actor like Stephan or a character like Stefan. He was, is, and always will be my favorite.
by sarahgal
Mon Oct 23 2006Great actor - too bad GH wasn't smart enough to keep him. The way they treated him, and others, is disgusting. Glad Days has him now - looks like he's making a difference in their ratings, while GH continues to stay very low.
by celticgwen
Thu Jan 13 2005Very talented actor - greatly miss his pressence on GH
by studentami
Thu Oct 28 2004Amazing actor who took a role and made it his own. Too bad the bozo writers wrecked him last time around.
by darknessreigns
Mon Sep 06 2004What GH did to this man (twice) was an utter travesty. To treat such a fine actor as he, with such contempt and lack of professionalism. It was like someone behind the scenes was carrying out some personal vedetta against him. Mr Nichols is very talented man who brings a certain something to each of his roles. Any soap would be lucky to have him. GH was foolish enough to drive him away...twice!!!
by soapsu
Wed Aug 04 2004I adore SN. He is a first class actor and I miss him on GH.
by dawn4bama
Tue Aug 03 2004I sorely miss Mr. Nichols. I've always liked him and I wish Days of Our Lives would bring him back!
by phrenicgh
Sun Aug 01 2004Stephen Nichols was my favorite GH actor until he left. I am still sad! The only thing that lessens the loss is Ted King!
by tbird13
Fri Jun 11 2004I thought he was a better Patch but Stefan was pretty good,too!! I loved Stephen Nichols in everything I've seen him in.
by juseli
Sun May 23 2004Absolutely brilliant. The best actor in daytime. Now if only he would return to DAYS.
by aich96a7
Thu May 13 2004Awesome. Had a bad run, last go round though, which I blame more on terrible writing. SN gave it his all.
by jakecc1a
Sun May 09 2004Maudlin, overly dramatic, schmaltzy actor. Should stick with the daytime genre where his gifts will be appreciated.
by markit
Tue Apr 27 2004Wildly overrated ACTOR with a huge ego. Considers himself a master thespian, but proved to be a joke in the end.
by bippie
Fri Feb 27 2004The best ever!!
by prometheus1816
Thu Feb 19 2004It's so sad that General Hostpital has chosen to go the route it has in letting talented performers go. Stephen Nichols added a touch of class and dignity to this show with even the few weeks he was back in 2003. To have let him be written out in such a cavallier fashion and not to have seen the deeper potential for his character is not just a sin, but a travesty. We need more actors such as Stephen on Daytime TV. He was charismatic, seductive, handsome and an enigma all rolled into one. He is certainly missed.
by kolby1973
Thu Jan 15 2004Another actor that is talked about way too often. Just like Robin Skye, he will probably never go further than soap operas. Overall his acting is pretty bad.
by gingerginsing
Thu Jan 15 2004When are you going to come back to General Hospital or at least make a guest apperance? You are very talented and very missed.
by nicholsnfranci_s
Sun Dec 28 2003Absolutely the best actor on daytime! He is very missed.
by snsgirl
Sun Dec 14 2003Stephen Nichols is the best I've ever seen on Daytime ! Not only is he a very talented actor but he's just as hot as other much less talented actors on Daytime . He's the whole package !
by koknutchick
Tue Dec 02 2003I have never seen an actor who can command your attention the way that this man does. You are unable to take your eyes off him. That is what makes an actor a STAR !!
by crazybex
Mon Dec 01 2003I love Stephen. I think he's a great actor.
by silvermoon
Sun Nov 30 2003Stephen Nichols is the best actor I have ever seen on screen or stage. I would watch him anywhere, any time, any stage, any channel, any screen. He can play ANY emotion, and do it convincingly, while stealing your heart away. Most importantly, he cares about doing the best job he possibly can. He should teach acting or be the standard by which other actors model their own work.
by krystal164
Sat Nov 29 2003Stephen Nichols is an actor of rare talent. I expect to see him win the oscar one day.
by trainer
Sat Nov 15 2003This man is incredible. ABC and GH treated the best like dirt in order to PROP UP a has been Luke and boring newcomers. He deserved better, so did we. Stefan was a great character and should have been explored in depth. He should be brought back and ABC should go to this actor on bended kneww and no more lies. This actor is needed.
by joyce_palfreyman
Wed Oct 29 2003Just registering is a challenge! It limits the voting and commments to most computer savy! Not necessarily the most knowledgeable views of the performers.
by newlewedjv
Thu Oct 23 2003He is a brilliant actor and I hope that GH will find a way to return Stefan Cassadine to the screens. He will be sorely missed.
by brette96
Thu Oct 23 2003I have watched soap operas all my life and rarely have I seen an actor who can bring a complex character alive like Stephen Nichols did with Stefan. Whether Stefan was being good or bad, I always believed in the character.
by dawnmarieb
Tue Oct 21 2003A master performer of his craft. Extremely underrated. I hope to see some great things from him soon.
by lolocola
Sat Oct 18 2003His talent and charisma are unbeatable. He is truly in a class by himself. I hope he acts forever, because I'll never get tired of watching him.
by vickip
Wed Oct 15 2003It is sad to see Stephen Nichols and the character of Stefan leave GH. Stephen can play good or evil, be unpredictable, and he's very sexy doing it. His character had more depth and room for growth than most others. I love Stephen Nichols, and wherever he goes I'll be watching. Too bad GH, it's your loss!!!
by shirleyb084
Wed Oct 15 2003Stephen Nichols is one of the most talented actors in the business. He always gives 110% in all of his performances. His marvelous talent is really what attracts me to him, and it doesn't hurt that he one of the sexiest, most handsome actors on daytime. Shirley
by trish_mckelvey
Wed Oct 15 2003He is the most marvelous actor I have ever seen on a soap opera...General Hospital is crazy to let this actor go! I have seen him on stage in LA twice and he was unbelievable! I love him.
by queenliser
Wed Oct 15 2003Stephen Nichols is an amazing actor. His protrayal of Stefan Cassadine on GH has kept me glued to the set, even when the writing has been less than stellar. He is one truly gifted actor.
by cassadine5
Tue Oct 14 2003Stephen Nichols is the consummate actor. He gives his all to every performance, whether it's a starring role or a minor role. The dedication that he has for his craft is what makes him shine in every role. He displays the utmost respect for all aspects of his craft. Respect for the writers, respect for the actors, respect for the crew, and most importantly, respect for the viewing audience. I have been fortunate to see Mr. Nichols on stage in the play, The Dead Boy; it was a privilege to have seen him in that play. I hope that I will have the opportunity of seeing him grace the stage many times more. Thank you Stephen.
by snicholsfan
Wed Oct 08 2003Hands down, best actor around!
by jacey2b9
Wed Oct 08 2003Stephen Nichols makes television worth watching!
by tcman537
Wed Oct 08 2003I have watched Stephen since he was Patch on Days. I love you, Stephen. You are the best and such a hottie.
by carrot
Wed Oct 08 2003Always and forever my favorite daytime actor. A master at his craft, his performances leave one in total awe! :-)
by pmg755
Wed Oct 08 2003Stephen is the best! He can convey any emotion through a look, body language or tone of voice. It's a shame GH doeasn't recognize that and use him more.
by tinabo_bina
Sat Sep 27 2003Stephen is Awsome! I just love his work I give him an A+
by teecee45
Fri Sep 26 2003Stefan Cassadine slowly stole my heart thanks to the artistic spell cast by Stephen Nichols.
by vix43c23
Fri Sep 19 2003Steven Nichols is the best actor in daytime, and GH is volumes better with him! He can use his eyes (or eye) in ways I've never seen from other actors. I absolutely love him!
by janet_keen
Tue Sep 16 2003As far as I am concerned Stephen is one of the greatest actors on TV. I think GH has not used him to his full capacity but I hope they will give him a stronger story line.
by treads
Tue Sep 02 2003Stephan Nichols is the most interesting character on GH today. His portrayal of this Cassadine is just amazing. Very talented and definitely has an onscreen presence no matter who is in the scene with him. Think he's just fabulous!
by cstock
Tue Sep 02 2003Stephen Nichols is the best Actor that I've ever seen. Not only on Daytime, but nightime, and on stage. Why the Daytime shows are simply using him to prop up a silly kid story I don't know? I only watch A show to see him, and when he leaves GH I will be gone. I only hope that some writer will give him a story that is worth his skill.
by pat109
Thu Aug 14 2003Absolutely a 5-Star Actor!!
by sntgwk
Thu Aug 14 2003You can hand this actor any role and he can take it and make it his own - his acting and comedic abilities are unlimited -
by eltonbob
Thu Aug 14 2003Mr.Nichols shines their stuff on GH to such brilliance that sometimes it hurts your eyes. They should use him more and give him good stories.
by spygirl
Thu Aug 07 2003Subtle to the point of barely there acting.
by maggiegh
Thu Jul 31 2003SN represents the past of daytime