Start drinking again (hair of the dog)
Approval Rate: 53%
Reviews 41
by sunkissedaddic_t
Fri Aug 14 2009It works pretty well, but you can't go to work after drinking again.... So it's not always useful.
by mike_d2236
Mon Dec 22 2008a temperary fix but u are just delaying the inevitable
by ninaa357
Mon Oct 13 2008haha thats funny
by angel_behaving_badly
Mon Oct 06 2008it works i jus can't seem to stomach it LOL
by james430
Fri Aug 08 2008Pretty good most of the time
by datz_chinkzz_2_uu_babii_boo
Sun Aug 03 2008i dont get hangovers:] a great trait i get from my mother!
by paladin_shin56
Sun Jul 20 2008Yes, please.
by blinker_fluid
Sun Jul 13 2008haha ive done that plenty of times. It works so i do it when i can.
by jayson627
Sat Jul 05 2008makes day after even worse
by keep_holding_on
Tue Jun 17 2008but fun but def wont help duh
by liz7b74b
Wed Jun 11 2008I've never had a hangover so I don't know if it works or not
by myspace_383048825
Mon Jun 02 2008dont drink
by myspace_192861896
Thu May 29 2008i do not advocate this
by canadasucks
Sun Apr 13 2008I've seen this twice and I've never done it, but my first thought is that this particular person needs more advice or help that I can provide.
by myspace_39168334
Tue Apr 08 2008never actually heard of it
by irishgit
Tue Apr 08 2008Sure, it works, but do it often enough and you're well on your way to being a maintenance drunk.Next thing you know you're in meetings holding hands and learning the Serenity Prayer.
by fb529241454
Mon Apr 07 2008tried it just a few time.. it works...
by myspace_23864410
Mon Apr 07 2008I wouldn't know. Never had a real hangover.
by trebon1038
Thu Mar 27 2008I don't get hangovers like in the younger days but do overindulge every now and then. They next day I like my poor man bloody mary (what they call it in TN0. In OK we just called it what it beer. A beer with tomato juice in it.
by twansalem
Thu Mar 27 2008I don't think this one is a very good idea. For one thing, I don't even want to look at a beer after I have a bad hangover, much less start drinking one.
by sperryc
Thu Mar 27 2008this really is a surefire cure, but I'm still hesitant to go that route. It just seems wrong.
by drkseph
Tue Jan 15 2008Hangovers are caused by the chemicals that are broken down from alcohol in your liver, as well as dehydration since alcohol is a diuretic. Drinking more beer will only prolong the hangover.
by xagent
Mon Nov 19 2007It helps if your still a little drunk already.
by genghisthehun
Mon Nov 19 2007This is not listed but it works. I know. I have been around a while. Pour a beer into a glass and add tomato juice to the beer. Down the old hatch! You feel much better. Another one is to open a can of beer, put it in the 'frige before you go on your binge. Next morning down the old gullet! Give them a try. It sounds bad, but it really isn't, and it works!
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Nov 19 2007I saw my resident drunk walking down the hallway at 0900 on a Sunday in my barracks one time. Seeing a beer in his hand, I asked if he was drinking already. He answered, "No Corporal, I'm still drinking." I asked when he started. He answered, "Friday." Since he never caused trouble I could only reply with, "Well then, I admire your stamina."
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Nov 19 2007A young FranksWildYears may have ascribed to this method, but nowadays the best solution is stayng in bed and hiding under the covers.
by georges11
Thu Oct 25 2007Only if your alcohol use is heavy and you are hallucinating. Otherwise this could make you feel ooogy.
by uncnc08
Fri Oct 19 2007I could never do this,just thinkabout drinking the next morning would be it for me. But I have had people tell me it works.
by townshend
Sat Sep 02 2006it works a treat
by kingguiness
Wed May 03 2006Difficult but if you eat something at the same time it's helpful. Just drinking again could be dangerous.
by biryan
Mon Jan 16 2006Works for me if done right, a mickey of frozen vodka, a liter of lukewarm water, and a cheap cigar, your ready for work now.
by odbtx2ea
Fri Nov 25 2005This is pretty hardcore, as the last thing you want to see when you're hungover is another drink, but, by God, it works. I see this as the thinking-man's remedy, or is it the drinking-man's themedy? Let me finish off this beer and I'll let you know. The tricky part of this plan is that must us eventually have to regain sobriety at some point, so "hair of the dog" is putting off the inevitable. However, if done properly, tapering off ever so slowly, you can minimize the damage. Difficult to do properly.
by djahuti
Fri Nov 25 2005It works,but you're flirtin with disaster!
by planetarygear
Wed Nov 23 2005I never could do this *if* I was hungover... Whenever I get rip roarin' sh%tfaced ( which is rare ), I will usually go a month or two without even thinking about drinking.
by texasyankee
Fri Jul 29 20051 beer can take the edge off of the hangover, but not recommended only because when you're dehydrated, the last thing you need is one more thing that will dehydrate you even more!
by randyman
Wed Mar 23 2005This always worked for me.
by skizero
Tue Mar 15 2005if you can get it down i recommend. a few years ago i was in Atlantic city caught in a booze and drug induced haze. the morning we left i woke up incredibly hungover. well, my pals didnt have any aspirin so i started in on the Michelob we were bringing. had about 3 of them by 7:30 AM and then a couple of stolen Zoloft pills. worked like a charm
by castlebee
Tue Sep 14 2004Nothing says alkie like a few beers in the morning.
by swangmaster8
Wed Jun 30 2004If you don;t stop drinkin then you will never have a hang over.
by minkey
Sat May 15 2004If you think you'll be able to stay up and drink all day, this will be fine and you'll feel better. But once you stop you're a gonner.
by magellan
Sat May 15 2004There's no question this works - the problem is you get caught in a cycle. Unless you are in a position to spend the rest of your life drunk, eventually you have to pay the piper and face the hangover.