Star Wars the Clone Wars Republic Heroes
Approval Rate: 60%
Reviews 6
by jjeffrey8933
Sun Oct 18 2009I just bought this game on impulse rather than waiting to see reviews because I recently bought and enjoyed another game set in the Star War universe, The Force Unleashed. The characters are simply too small on the PSP for the sort of fine control the game seems to require. SW:TFU had its control and camera issues but they were not nearly as bad as in this "game". I've bought some stinkers in the past and I'm sure I will again, but I'll wait a long time before I buy a product based on impulse without seeking reviews as you should. Because I've paid for it already, I'll suffer through some hours more to be completely certain just how bad this game is then I'll try to trade it for something decent and playable.
by mrmister5238
Thu Oct 15 2009I am generally excited when a game related to Star Wars because they generally do not make too many sci-fantasy games like this anymore. The market is flooded with Shooters I played the Wii version of this game. This game had a GREAT idea... but missed the mark by a mile. For one, the controls are slightly jerky, and often times confusing. As a Jedi, you will find yourself squinting your eyes at what youre trying to look at. Another common thing is jumping off the stage. More Often than not, they give you a hint to where to go, but you cannot really see where youre going, or what your supposed to do. Sometimes what youre supposed to do is clear as day, but the camera angle is so bad, youll find yourself jumping off a cliff. Death, in this game, is more or less a temporary annoyance since you constantly will jump off a cliff, then be revived. Being a storm trooper is slightly fun, but it is more (or less) a kiddie version of Gears of War. Conclusion This game is obvious... Read more
by chenderson
Wed Oct 14 2009Fun game. Kind of reminded me of old Super Star Wars games on the SNES. If you like the cartoon, you will like the game. It's like playing in the show. I actually really liked the camera angles, it gave a different perspective.
by joankclifton
Sun Oct 11 2009Star Wars the Clone Wars Republic Heroes is a fun game, but there are downsides. The great thing I liked was the story line, it's smooth and you play different characters in each chapter. There are three main settings, eight Jedi, and the Clones. You play as whatever the Wii had originally decided, meaning that if the chapter is directed towards the Clones' viewpoint, you play as the clone. It's a two player game with drop in and out features. I'd recommend this game for older kids or teens. It's simple enough for ten year olds, but not complex enough for seventeen year olds. The game play is fun, there are multiple combos you can achieve when fighting. Also, after you finish a particle section/ chapter of the game you can go back and play as any Jedi or Clone you've previously unlocked. The problem with this game is the camera angle. As mentioned before, the graphics are the same as in the movie and T.V show, however you don't have any camera angles. It felt a lot like the... Read more
by bosmanad
Fri Oct 09 2009Picked this game up on a whim without reading reviews. I'm a 26 year old who doesn't play video games that often. Republic Heroes on Wii has mediocre graphics at best. Contrary to all of the packaging and advertisement, this games camera angle is very hi so you can't see anything of detail. It basically consists of running through an environment slashing or shooting at enemies who are very easy to kill, even on hard. There is limited free movement, so you are pretty much at the mercy of where the game wants you to go. You jump where it tells you to jump, etc. The graphics also do not translate very well for depth perception, so it's often difficult to know which angle to jump or run at resulting in your character dying. This makes no difference, however, as you re appear at the nearest checkpoint. I do not recommend this game to anyone.
by ll4451
Tue Oct 06 2009This game has to be one of the best star wars games for the wii ever created. Not only can you be a Jedi and beat up guys with a lightsaber, but you can also become a clone trooper and shoot bad guys with your blaster. This new dimension in star wars gaming really really gives it an edge over other star wars games. Pros of being a Jedi -it really uses the wii motion controls making you feel like you really are anikin or obi-wan -you can tour around the Jedi temple and take part in various training exercises -you are very powerfull, some enemies you can defeat with one upper cut stroke of your lightsaber Cons of being a Jedi -Your arms really start to get sore after a while so you can really only play this game an hour a time Pros of being a clone -It is very much like other shooting games except you can play in third person or first person -It is fun shooting droids on the wii for the first time Cons of being a clone -It does... Read more