Star Trek: The Next Generation

Approval Rate: 79%

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    Tue Sep 13 2011

    Definitely not the most horrible show on tv during it's run but i really didn't see what the big deal was. The first season was just a lot of rip off plots from the original Trek, except for Q he developed into a great character until Voyager got their hands on him. Then there was the second season with Diana Muldaur replacing Gates Mc-hotpants as the doctor, my god and I thought I hated Wil Wheatons character. Dr. Pulaski had Wesley beat six ways to Sunday for the most annoying creation for start trek. Well then there's Janeway but that's a whole different rant. I agree with one of the other reviewers that the show started going down hill with the 90210 crap of who's dating whom, and of course Worf trying to be a daddy my least favorite Trek hook since giving Data a cat. All in all it wasn't horrible TV and at times was even pretty good sci fi. But it wasn't the end all be all of Trek-ness. Unfortunately the TNG cast went on to ruin the Star Trek movie franchise without a doubt, yes ... Read more

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    Wed Aug 10 2011

    The early seasons were kind of cheesy, but as the series progressed into the 90's things got a lot better. The episode "The Inner Light" is what got me into Star Trek. There is a reason why it is the highest rated TNG episode and won a 1993 Hugo Award. "Cause and Effect" was also another great episode, a distant 2nd.

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    Consistently well-written and provactive, though they sometimes got caught up in the stupid, tired "who's sleeping with who" formula--including with Data the Android, for crying out loud! Might have been a tad too sophisticated for some of the original ST audience who were used to Kirk and Spock kicking (or getting some) alien ass and at least one red-shirted security guard getting blown away each episode...

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    Wed Sep 02 2009

    Some people may hate me for this but I did not like this show. The people in it continuously whined. If they did it every once in a while, it wouldn't have been bad but they did it over and over again. On one episode Worf and a woman were beamed to a planet. They started getting into a shoot out. I thought that this was going to be an awesome episode but I was wrong. The woman got killed and when Worf was beamed back aboard the Enterprise, they started whining. My brother and my best friend disliked this show also. Another thing that I disliked about this show was that the women were called Sir instead of Maam. I wasn't a big Star Trek fan but after watching a bunch of the Next Generation episodes, I started appreciating the original Star Trek a lot more. The original Star Trek rocked. The Next Generation did not. I give this show a 1 star rating.

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    Sat Oct 18 2008

    Was this not a 90´s show?  I always thought it was, but I loved it nonetheless...  Love that Patrick Stewart

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    Well done overall. Kind of hinges on whether you like Patrick Stewart as the Captain. The rest of the cast was pretty good too. Too many weird looking obviously human under the makeup critters for me .

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    Resitance is Futile

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    Sun Mar 30 2008

    The Best Sci-Fi series of all time. I am buying all seasons on DVD. A lot of the episodes were forgettable, but many were awesome, but overall the most memorable Star Trek TV series.

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    Sun Dec 02 2007

    Fantastic !!

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    Sun Aug 12 2007

    This was one of the few shows the me, my mom, and my sister actually sat down and watched together and enjoyed it.

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    Sun Aug 12 2007

    Easily one of the best Star Trek shows. Why is it so low on the list?

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    Sun Aug 12 2007

    As a Star Wars geek I'm supposed to trash this one, but I gotta say that it is responsible for one of my all time favorite characters, Q. A Q episode is always a treat.

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    Thu May 24 2007

    The Best of the of 5 TV series about Star Trek.

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    Fri Apr 06 2007

    Intelligent show.

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    Tue Sep 19 2006

    It was hard to decide on a rating for this one. I'm not exactly a Trekkie. My family used to watch this show religiously, and could never figure out why. It bored me for the most part. I guess the acting was okay, and some of the episodes had a cool plot, but I couldn't get into it. 2 and a half stars overall

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    Sat Jun 03 2006

    Very intelligent show--maybe TOO intelligent for the average Joe Sixpack viewer, who prefers their Tee-Vee trashy and simple...

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    Sat Oct 15 2005

    Star trek the worst generation!

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    Fri Sep 09 2005

    Great Sci-Fi show.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    there were boring episodes but there were really good episodes

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    Wed Jun 22 2005

    Much more intelligent than the original.

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    Thu Jun 16 2005

    i never was a big fan of the original star trek but i loved next had some of the greatest characters. worf was the best. i thought he cool. he had klingon pride and honor and yet some of the characteristics of being raised by human parents would come through and make him so lovable and made him standout compared to the other klingon characters. data was more human than some humans.this show showed a world full of diversity and showed that it is possible to accept differences in others

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    Sun Feb 27 2005

    One of the best shows of the 80's early 90's. I loved that show. Nobody thought that bringing Star Trek back was a good idea, but they worked it out. The show started kinda slow (cheap effect, lame stories) but picked up during the third and fourth season. Patrick Steward and Brent Spiner are outshining the rest of the team, but everyone was doing their part. This show was a huge part of my teenagerhood and I love thinking back.

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    The question of TNG vs. TOS is a question of character-driven stories vs. plot-driven stories. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but in this case, both worked.

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    Quite possibly the only show worse than mamas family. Sci-fi sucks.

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    Sun Oct 24 2004

    can not get enough

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    Sat Jul 17 2004

    Original series in 70's a 5.

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    Tue Jun 22 2004

    Great show. I grew up watching this, still hear the theme song in my head on the rare day that i am upbeat. For a TV show, it had great acting and solid story telling. i get a kick out of watching the dvd's and remembering how awesome i thought the effects were back then and realizing that they weren't as great i thought they were, but oh well. too many anomolies disrupt ship, people, polar bears, etc plots, made you wonder how anyone ever got anywhere alive in that universe. i really enjoyed the last episode of the series, one of the few great sci-fi moments of TV.

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    Sun Apr 18 2004

    STAR TREK: The Next Generation is the best STAR TREK series. Good acting, good scenery and reasonable (but hardly superb) special effects are all reasons to watch it. It's only flaw is that it ran a couple of years too long. The earlier episodes had more flair than the newer ones. However, it stemmed the inevitable decline of Star Trek brought about by DEEP SPACE NINE and VOYAGER.

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    Sat Jan 17 2004

    Best star trek I ever watched was star trek: TNG

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    Fri Nov 21 2003

    I didn't like Star Trek: The Next Generation when I first saw the program. The special effects looked weak even for the later 1980's (I suppose for budget reasons), there were just too many characters, and I first thought the show felt like a futuristic soap opera (eg Deep Space Nine). Nevertheless, I grew to love it, and TNG remains the best of the Star Trek series. Eventually, as the show became more popular, the special effects got more elaborate (again I suppose with better financing), though I speculate that the occasional holideck episode was inserted for budgetary considerations. Generally, the casting and plots were excellent and imaginative. For instance the producers scored a real coup getting Patrick Stewart to play Capt. Jean-Luc Picard (though no Frenchman would ever be entrusted with this responsibility ~snickers~), and Brent Spiner proved to be the most versatile cast member as the inspired android Lt. Cmdr. Data. The series was progressive placing female actors in... Read more

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    Fri Oct 17 2003

    Why isn't this first??? Picard and co are my favorite! Superb acting, great story lines! It didn't get as much credit because it's sci-fi.

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    Fri Oct 17 2003

    Boy did this show get boring in a hurry. I'm amazed that this Star Trek incarnation was able to spin off so many other boring shows. I generally liked this show but it was too much of a soap opera most of the time. Certain times it was very well written, but over time those episodes were the exception and not the rule. One of the most irritating things about this show (and the other ST shows it spawned) was the incessant reliance on "subspace this and subspace that" that they used to explain ANY scientific concept that made no sense anyway. Poor science for a sci-fi show; maybe they should have gotten some help from Arthur C. Clarke or Issac Asimov when it comes to grasping realistic sci-fi concepts. Well, that's a bit nitpicky I suppose. The bottom line is that ST:TNG is worth watching but be prepared to sit though a lot of soap opera stuff and plots that tend to drag out. The acting was consistently above agerage for a tv show, by the way.

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    Sat Oct 11 2003

    No offence to all of you crazy people who love Star Trek but I think it is one of the worst things to ever hit the television screen. I feel very sorry for the people who enjoy it.

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    Thu Oct 02 2003

    Nothing in comparison to the original. Die, Picard, die.

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    Fri Aug 15 2003

    N.Gen gets a 3 by default.I love the original so I won,t give a 1 to a spinoff. Therank of Kirk and Picard is the same but look at their age diff. Picard was a goof up if it took him this long to make it. Also Kirk would not have allowed a snot nosed kid on the bridge every week,what was up with tittywoman running around ? Warf ,Tasha and No.1 who should have been cast as the Capt. almost made this show watchable.

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    Tue Aug 05 2003

    I watched this show every night at 9:00 when they played it on FOX. I absolutely adore it.

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    Wed Jul 23 2003

    Don't even try to compare this poor series to the original.

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    Sun Jul 13 2003

    When this show hit the screen, I really did not like it very much and baulked at my old star trek being tampered with. However, once I gave it a chance, I really started to like it. However, it never did make it to what I would call, a favorite of the sci-fi genre.

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    Sat Mar 01 2003

    It follows in the tradition oF Star Trek. They are all fantastic.

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    Thu Jan 30 2003

    I've seen a lot of spin off shows really take a tailspin, crash and burn, but this show lasted longer than the original?!? I would've never thought it would. I was actually surprised by the skillful writing and how well the cast worked with this show. It was not a bad show and probably one of the most successful spin offs of all time.

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    Thu Jan 09 2003

    Most of the time this was an excellent, well thought out program. Some of the episodes trudged familiar territory, but I always got the feeling the actors were enjoying what they were doing, and they always did a good job of acting. TNG showed more imagination than most of the other shows on at the time.

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    Wed Nov 27 2002

    Star Trek TNG is the best series of ST by far, while I do have my problems with it like my favorite person on the show "Dr. Crusher" is over looked.... alot but hey I can live....

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    Sat Oct 26 2002

    Excellent Sci-Fi show, and true to Gene Roddenberry's original dream. Great characters, interesting plots and very true to the formula. Best Star Trek Ever!!

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    Tue Oct 01 2002

    1st season was iffy. But after that, lived up to it's predacessors. Shame the shows to follow it never did.

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    Sun Jul 28 2002

    this show is horrible, irritating and stupid

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    Wed Jan 30 2002

    The original Star Trek was good, amazing for its time, but Star Trek Next Generation was much, much better. Jean-Luc Picard was a great captain, with a super crew -- my personal favourites were Worf, Dr. Crusher, and Data. I'd be more optimistic if I thought the future might be like this!

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    Sat Nov 24 2001

    This was the best Star Trek series ever; much more so than the totally silly original. TNG was intelligent, well written, and well acted. Picard is a much better captain than Kirk. Also loved Data and Beverly Crusher. Weaker but still watchable characters: Riker and Deanna Troi (What the heck was she doing on the bridge anyway?); most superfluos and annoying character: Wesley Crusher

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    Sat Aug 04 2001

    Great story lines! One of the greatest sci-fi shows every!