Standing up to a bully...
Approval Rate: 32%
Reviews 14
by chalky
Wed Jul 29 2009If you can confront your own personal Billy Zabka, then I respect the hell out of you.
by xagent
Wed Apr 02 2008Can be but not always as difficult as it may seem.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sun Mar 30 2008I had a couple Marines try to kick my ass one time (one of many fights I had), but I was wearing steel toed boots, so you might say I came out of it okay.UPDATE: Maybe that event turned me into the bully crushing Jedi that I am today.
by trebon1038
Sun Mar 30 2008Not now as an adult but in grade school we had a bully and he scared the crap out of me!
by molfan
Sat Mar 29 2008I am not afraid to stand up to those who have bullied my kids.such as going to the school and making it clear I want something done. I have gone over heads of teachers who refuse to stop bullies and pissed them. I don't care. I have a son with a developemental disability and he got bullied all the way through school. it was hard for him to stand up since he is NOT a parent I would for sure stand up to school officials regarding one of my kids. as for myself I do some but it is harder. I do not mean fist fights or anything just to the nasties, who gossip about you try and ruin your reputation. that kind of bullying. I try and live my life and not let them one up me.i guess my one way of standing up is not letting them get their way by bullying our family, I am staying put and ignoring them.and not letting them win by running away.
by bulliedgirl
Wed Jan 10 2007There is this boy in volleyball who is always picking on me, yesterday,one of my friends asked me if that guy is good in volleyball.I said no he is very lousy, and my friend told the bully,i'm scared the bully will bully me even more now, what should i do?
by misspackrat4je_sus
Wed Jan 10 2007I can identify, as I used to be an easy target for bullies when I was in school.
by historyfan
Mon Dec 25 2006The one time I did stand up to a bully, I was reported to the Vice Principal for slapping her in the face with a small paperback book (she was picking on me). Fortunately, it wasn't a referral but he just wanted to have a small talk with me since he knew there were problems going on between the two of us. The teasing and ridicule got worse though. And I do not regret slapping her with the book, either. It was small; only about 6" and a quarter of an inch thick.
by kattwoman
Thu Sep 22 2005this is not a problem for me but i can see where the difficulty could lie. i have a bad temper that at times gets the better of me but its mellowed as i have got older and i get my feelings hurt more than i get mad now. bullies are usually all talk and expect you not to stand up for yourself thats why they get such a look of surprise on their face when they realized your not as big a pushover as they first thought
by classictvfan47
Tue Mar 29 2005As one of the protagonists at my school, I found myself in the sights of a bully from time to time. I find that they are simple to deal with, all it takes is morality and creativity, with some optimism thrown in for good measure.
by gentle_jude
Tue Mar 29 2005It all depends on what type of personality you have. The more Choleric (stronger, leader) types of people won't have a problem with this issue. In fact, the bullies would be scared of them! But for a shy person who is unsure of themselves and their own physical strength, this can be a terrifying experience. The reason why a shy person would find this a lot harder is because they are unsure of their ability to fight back because they have an inner belief that they aren't very strong. They fear that they may end up dead or seriously injured. But a stronger personality, they tend to be surer of themselves and have a natural confidence about themselves and the problem isn't as big to them. In school, I used to be very shy and timid so this was a major fear for me, but funny enough, I was never actually bullied (luckily God protected me and I was big for my age.) But as I got older and grounded myself on the Rock (Jesus) and began to know who I was in Christ, my overall confidence h... Read more
by enkidu
Wed Mar 23 2005Pretty easy to me now, as a battle-scarred middle-aged guy. But I remember times in grade school when this was a pretty big deal
by donovan
Fri Oct 29 2004This can be and is difficult for many young people who are terrorized by bullies in school. Bullies are cowards that tend to run in packs and when you corner them they cower in fear. Only when a bully knows a child is fearful of them, then, is the hunt on to destroy them emotionally if not otherwise. Parents talk to your children about this issue, it is very serious and does have a huge emotional impact on your child.
by vudija
Sun Sep 26 2004I have so many great stories on this issue. To put it bluntly; I've NEVER had a problem confronting those that torment me; but, then again, most people won't mess with me in the first place (I'm just too lovable)