
Approval Rate: 39%

39%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Mon Dec 12 2011

    I've had great experiences with Sprint, for the most part, over the past ~7 years we've been with them. They aren't perfect (is any other carrier?), but I feel that they're the best deal going, treat their customers well, and offer great service for the money. * We have great coverage here (in the mountains of Colorado), I've used AT&T and T-Mobile and they both drop calls on several places in my commute. * Phone selection is top notch (we've had several Sprint Android phones, they are competitive with any other Android/Droid on the market) * Customer service has been helpful each time I've called, escalated quickly, and not made me repeat irritating steps (had this with AT&T quite a bit) * Billing is great, they've responded well to several issues/concerns and adjustments for employer discounts and such. They've always been very reasonable, in my opinion. * Unlimited data and 3G is very fast in our area (still spotty 4G in Colorado Springs, but their 3G was WAY faster... Read more

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    Thu Nov 10 2011

    I have a Sprint phone that gives me voice and 3G wireless internet that I use at home because there are no other options. I live out in the country and can't even get DSL. i chose Sprint because there is a tower 2 miles form my house that offers 3G high speed internet. I have the unlimited plan that costs me $110 a month. Everything was fine until a month ago, the towers in my area went down. I have called customer service tech support a dozen times. Average times of calls are from 30-45 minutes, which most of that is on hold while they are trying to figure out what to do. One rep says I will get a credit of $50 which never happened. Another rep says $15 until the problem is fixed and then they have to evaluate whagt I should get reimbursed. It is always a different story every time I call. The only thing in common is that none of them know when it will be fixed. There is no estimated time of repair. One supervisor said that Michigan is having the worst Sprint tower problems s... Read more

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    Tue Oct 25 2011

    I've had Sprint since May 7, 2010. Bought a phone and signed a new contract. Paid 199$ before rebate for the phone. I have the Nextel Blackberry 8350i. I went last week to cancel my service and buy out the contract because Sprint's contracts are pro-rated, go down by 10$ a month after the 1st five months, to a 50$ minimum for the last 5 months of your term. So I figured it up 70$ to buy out and cancel. Easy right? Not a big deal, be worth the 70$ to get rid of this garbage service. Save money in the long-run. Rather pay 70$ now vs. 90$ a month for 7 more months. So I call in to cancel. They say "That will be a 160$ early termination fee". Really? I asked how that was with only 7 more months remaining in the term of my contract (had the paper right in front of me). The guy on the phone said "Well it appears that back in May of this year, you added a discount through Time Warner Cable, 25% off your bill. You accepted an email for it, it automatically renewed your contract for 2 years". A... Read more

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    Mon Sep 12 2011

    The worst company ever.Had them for seven years when my contract was over ,i switch to Boost mobile,got billed for early termination fee ... will never go back

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    Fri Aug 19 2011

    If you are looking to change/start service with a different carrier, STAY AWAY FROM SPRINT. In a word, they are HORRIBLE. I am a four (4) year customer of mobile broadband service. In that four years Sprint has be substandard -really pathetic - on every single issue. Here is a short summary. I contracted for mobile broadband on a 2 year agreement. At the end of the 2 years my equipment stopped working. I took the card to my local Sprint office - who informed me that they could not repair it, they had no replacement for it - and, if I wanted to continue my service, I would have to buy a new card. I did so. Fast-forward 1 1/2 years - I receive a billing statement in the mail with an amount 4 times my normal bill. I call Sprint customer service - and am informed that my unlimited plan had been changed to a capped usage plan - without signature or agreement - when I bought the new equipment. The rep told me he would remove the charges and this would never happen again. 2 months... Read more

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    Tue May 31 2011

    Well, it worked for Pheidippides. Once.

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    Tue May 31 2011

    I was being overcharged every month, sometimes for over $100. dollars which they said was for internet use I have never used my phone for the internet and I could not get internet service even if I tried. I got tired of arguing with them and went to walmart which has pay by the month service which includes all fees for one price No more overcharges ,I cant be any happier!!

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    Thu Feb 24 2011

    My sympathy goes out to those of you who have dealt with sprint for so long. I am fortunate to realize this as an unsuccessful business relationship within the 30 day trial period. I am still fighting to get the account canceled. It's like trying to get rid of AOL. This company has demonstrated extremely poor customer service, but the problem is generally not in their tone of voice or pre-printed scripts. The problem lies in their inability to follow through. They seem to say anything on the phone to keep people happy but there is no follow up. After 2 hours of arguments, call transfers, and demands, the account remains open. This is after telephone verification of closure with at least 3 different employees. At least difficult or rude companies are semi-truthful. I just can't do business with a company that is willing to be so dishonest in a last ditch effort to save face.

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    Wed Feb 09 2011

    Had our Sprint cell plan for over four years. Had numerous problems over the years, but I was so busy, I didn't have the time to change. The final straw was a billing of $100.00 over for calls we know we didn't make. They basically say "prove it". How do you do that? I told the representative that I thought it was very short-sighted of them to lose a very loyal customer for $100.00. I never got a response. Bad customer service all around, and I'm really not one to complain.

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    Wed Feb 09 2011

    I regret myself being in Sprint. I have been customer of it for 4 years. I went for another 2 year contract but they are changing the rate after 3 months. I talk to the customer service about this issue but say something that I did not know before. Different person say different. They donot know how to deal with customer. It is kind of cheating !!! I could get better phone on that price. Sprint does not have good coverage also. I hate hate ............hate sprint. Donot be any more customer with it

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    Wed Feb 02 2011

    P.S.S my bill is only 169.99 now and i love it!

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    Tue Feb 01 2011

    I took sprint USB modem connection . The connection is so horrible will not get good network any place you travel. The customer service is so rude and they do not even bother about customer request. After multiple attempts I finally decided to disconnect the service and pay the early termination fees and get another vendor . I paid the full payment and asked to disconnect the service on Oct 2010 . As per my discussion with customer support they asked to pay early termination fee 200 and I agree to pay as I was so pissed off with the service. When I saw next month bill I was Surprise to see the bill $261 . When I called they said you have to pay this bill FULL amount otherwise we will send report to credit bureau. In 15 days they send the report to collection agent and forced to pay that amount. As I have no choice I have to pay the FULL amount without any option. This is real story for SPRINT..... NEVER TRUST SPRINT..... HORRIBLE SERVICE..............

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    Mon Jan 24 2011

    I paid to get out of my contract. This is my second try with Sprint. They promised they put up more towers and less calls would be dropped in the big city where the phone was used. Every day was technical obstacle with them and the design of the LG phone was horrible for using it. If I had to pay to get out of my contract, that should say something. They talk of 4G, they are more like twice removed.

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    Thu Jan 20 2011

    I've read a few of the reviews and they all seem to have a bit of truth to how sprint conducts themselves when dealing with customers. I signed up with sprint last November 2010 and every month there seems to be some type of problem, either with my bill or the services they promised to include in my plan. I read a similar post of someone stating the Sprint does not include picture/video messaging in their all messaging plan and this is 100% ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! I'm yelling this because I seen someone disagreeing with this statement. What they forget to tell you is they you will be charged for data, at ridiculous prices because you have to connect to their data network to receive the pictures/videos. I had to call and fight with them about getting this free in which time they told me I need a data plan to receive those types of attachment because they are SMS (Used by email) and not MMS (used by cell phones). I was then giving MMS so I could send pictures etc over the phone and not... Read more

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    Fri Jan 07 2011

    OMG, Have been with them for over ten years and decided to add husband to family plan with daughter in law. Long story short, took over 8 hours to get phone that worked properly and compensated us 20.00 for the aggravation and time. UH thanks but no thanks. Husband finally walked out with older model phone for same price. Then we were told there would be no activation as we are premier account. Guess what-oh yes, we were lied to. Took me 30 minutes on phone to have activation fee removed. Checked bill and instead of 36.00 was only credited 25.00. Another phone call and 15 minutes more was finally credited back the entire activation. I AM DONE!!! For so many years, I was really hopeful that sprint would come back and really be competitive with att and verizon. Well, that is not going to happen. Their customer service reps are rude and could totally care less about the customer. The reps in the stores are full of a bunch of liars. They may have a little bit better plans but... Read more

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    Mon Jan 03 2011

    I have been a cell client of sprints for 8 years, and we just upgraded our mobile plan. I compared all costs from the old plan to the new plan and was very specific regarding what was included and what was not. In the old plan we have a simple insurance policy for phone replacement. Well we went forward and of course their is no plan insurance anymore, it is by phone, which not only did they neglect to state in the comparison, we missed our window to have insurance. With the cost of phones these days not having insurance on them is just another pain. All I can say is dont trust the sprint sales guys, I have upgraded twice and in both cases there we got charge about 30% more than we where quoted, last time I was able to negotiate it out, but this time, I spent 3 hours on the phone to be told it was your mistake and you should have known better. Any company that does not listen to their clients has lost its way, now compensating them is another story, but I basically said I will m... Read more

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    Fri Nov 26 2010

    My theory is Sprint is outsourcing prison facilities to do their customer service. This is purely based on the sociolinguistic aspect of the customer service employee. So if you happen to call, and you want the best service, I would ask for the warden directly

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    Wed Nov 17 2010

    I was a Sprint Customer for many years and suddenly at my new home I was unable to get service. I tried their Airrave device which didn't work at all and was told all along there would be no early termination fee. Well guess what a $147 bill arrived today!!! And of course there were no notes in the file. Be careful if you choose Sprint, they will just tell you what you want to hear! Even if you can't get their horrible service at your house you can't cancel!

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    Mon Nov 15 2010

    Don't get Sprint. It's the inbred cousin of the cell phone companies. They charge extra for picture messaging (even though the contract I was with said I had unlimited messaging) It drops calls where you are the most, and gets full service on top of 1 hill in Massachusetts in the middle of a highway. I drove right next to a cell phone tower and had 2 bars, and I was roaming inside a sprint store. So from my experience Sprint is an inbred relative who will persuade you to stand in the middle of a highway just to to see you get hit by a car and it gets to laugh for a few seconds, and when you go to his house hes all of a sudden deaf.

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    Thu Nov 04 2010

    Sprint service stinks do not enter into contract you will be sorry service is equal to Cricket as far as dropped calls.

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    Thu Nov 04 2010

    No my issue was not resolved. The last agent I spoke to did talk me out of terminating my account with sprint, and set up an appointment to take my Blackberry to a nearby Sprint store for possible repair. I do appreciate her effort, but the issue was not resolved and has been ongoing for a week. I did go to the Sprint store and gave them the print out of the scheduled appointment for 5:30pm. I left work early to go, and once I got there I was told it's not an appointment and that I'd have to sign in at the counter and wait my turn. Well I signed in and waited for over an hour. Unfortunately I had to leave shortly after to pick my child up for soccer practice. I believe as a whole the customer service I've received over the phone and in the store, was horrible. I have been hung up on, placed on hold for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, told to delete files, that did not need to be deleted, and just lost a lot of time and the issue still has not been resolved. I have a Blackberry Curve, that ... Read more

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    Fri Oct 29 2010

    The ugly: Sprint's website is an epic failure! Don't sign up for ebills, you'll never be able to get them. After spending hours trying to get any pages to load and to download pdf's of my bills, I went to the "report site problems" ( a blog -- not a real report section) only to find that the site is "under maintenance"! Why can't they have messages indicating such before you spend hours trying to extract usage and bills? Whatever they are paying their webmasters... it's too much! Then when I called and got through their horrible phone tree, they wanted to charge me $10 to send the bills to me. Unbelievable! I balked and they waived the fee. If the phone has problems, their usual service approach is to zap it and start over. If you have phone troubles, you might want to try to resolve them on your own. I had a problem with gps-driven apps force closing. Their solution was to wipe the whole phone. After some prelim research on my own, I talked the service guy into an interm... Read more

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    Wed Oct 27 2010

    I have been with Sprint since 2002 after my brief, and horrible to say the least, run with Verizon. I will admit that Sprint has had some customer service shortcomings in the past, but since their new CEO, Dan Hesse, stepped in they have sure made massive improvements. I don't understand why there are so many reviews that poorly rate their customer service in recent years. They have been nothing but accomodating to me in my questions or concerns about certain charges on my bills (and there have only been 2 or 3 instances over the years where I have had questions). Each time there was a problem, Sprint's customer service rep credited back the charge and apologized for the inconvienence. The plan I orginally had with sprint, over 8 years ago, had not been offered forever and when Sprint upgraded their billing system, my plan was not quite being charged correctly (they fixed it both months there were issues) the second time I called in to let them know about some oddities in my bill, the ... Read more

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    Wed Oct 27 2010

    I was happy with Sprint until recently my bill was for twice the amount it was suppose to be for. I noticed that there was a $35 addition data usage charge. I called and questioned this. The customer service rep immediately told me that was a charge for using the internet. I informed the rep that I do not have internet usage in my plan and that I had not used the internet. He checked on this and came back to tell me someone had sent me a photo and provided that date. I did acknowledge that my a family member had sent me a photo as an attachment to a text message. When I talked to people about this their jaws just about hit the floor. I called back a few days later to discuss the outragous charge. The rep this time did not think the charge was because of the photo. The rep alleged that either I had used the internet (which i did not), let someone use my phone and they accessed the internet, or someone pick up my phone and used the internet with my knowledge. I confirmed that... Read more

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    Sun Oct 10 2010

    ZERO STARS!......sprint is great UNTIL you get your bill, realize how bad THEY have screwed it up and call customer service to try and get it fixed. I had a very LONG and in-depth conversation about how I was mistakenly charged for calls after 7pm (I pay for nights beginning at 7pm) and had an itemized list of dates, times, etc.....I explained my frustration and the sprint supervisor told me, "SPRINT DOES NOT NEED YOUR BUSINESS!" Couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was trying to fix a billing error, that was acknowledged as a billing error and WOW, really?!? I'm a very cool headed person, but when you tell me that when all that I am trying to do is get sprint's mistakes of $178 off of my bill...geesh...think they need to do some Undercover Boss action and clean house. It's a real shame when Target and Wal-Mart have better customer service in the phone carrier departments, than an actual cell phone company. Save yourself the headaches.

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    Wed Oct 06 2010

    I drop calls, every call at home! I called to get help and they tried. When they couldn't help me you would think that they would let me cancle my contract and the answer is not without a $200 fee. When did contracts become one sided? I pay every month on time and trust me if I didn't they would stop my service and charge me a $200 fee. So, why when I get no service at home and if I do i drop the call or cut out everyother word I can't cancle my service and chage them a $200 fee for bad service?

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    Thu Sep 16 2010

    0 stars I dont really understand how sprint intends to keep any customers. I had to block the internet from my phpne at the begining of my contract because a "third party" had hacked into my phonr and put charges onto my sprint bill and there was nothing they could do about it". Bull shit. I took my phone to get looked at because the buttons stoped working (sprint phones have about a 3 month life expectancy) and the next day I noticed that my sim card was missing amd all my pictires had been wiped out. I called the store am they said they had a pile of them but none of them were mine. They refuse to reimburse me anything for two yeras of lost photos . Im over this.

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    Thu Sep 16 2010

    THE WORST EVER!!! Stay away from Sprint!! The customers service is horrible!!! They just want to get as much money as they can from you!! The phones are terrible!!! I had two phones, and the last was HTC, both are broke after several months! and just never worked properly!! I tried to return or exchange my stupid HTC phone but they just didn't exchange it! They just kept me for about 2 hours in the store, pretending that they are trying to figure out what the problem was and them told me that there was no problems with the phone. Ridiculous!!!!!!! I canceled my contract. I HATE SPRINT!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT GET SPRINT!!!!!!!

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    Tue Sep 14 2010

    SPRINT IS HORRIBLE!!!! I canceled my service after being a Sprint customer for 5 years. I was no longer in a contract and cancelled my service in August 2010. . .they did not disconnect my service until the end of September 2010 however charged me anyway for service I did not use. SO if you have Sprint service make sure you call them two months before you want to disconnect. They want to get that last $60 out of you....I swear Tiger Woods should be the spokesman for Sprint because they are slimy and nasty~Sprint is comparable to a dirty hotel towel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Sun Sep 05 2010

    I got sprint when in was in college back in 2007 in Indiana. The service worked great out there and I loved the phone. Everything was awesome until I got my orders from the military to move it California. Phone companies are supposed to allow people in the military to break their contract without a fee if they get stationed somewhere your phone does not get service. When I first moved out here and saw how spotty my reception was I called customer service to try and break the contract. They said I was in their "blue zone" with that address and therefore had good coverage and couldn't break the service ...even though my phone dropped the call 8 (YES 8) times with customer service. SO I dealt with the really spot service on base for several months. Then my phone broke and for some reason they charged me $100 for a new one even though I had EPP (Oh and tried to tell me I had to re-sign a new 2 year contract). Over Christmas I was house sitting for a friend (I lived on base at this ... Read more

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    Sat Sep 04 2010

    We were looking for a new mobile company that can be better than our old mobile provider. We went to Westfield Mall Culver City, and one of the Sprint rep (Joshua O.) convinced us to shift to their company with the promise that he would take care of the part that we would pay the other mobile company for discontinuing our contract with them. He doesn't want us to contact the other mobile company ourselves, he told us that it would only worsen the situation, and he would just pay for the disconnection fees. He also said that he would pay for the connection fees of our phones. He said that they have the best customer service compare to other sprint outlets. We were so convinced that we changed our provider to Sprint as soon as possible. But, when we received our bill from the previous mobile company, charging us $400+ because of the disconnection and breaking our contract, we immediately talked to him at the mall and he said, "you knew about it, right?", meaning he's not responsible... Read more

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    Mon Aug 30 2010

    First off, Id like to establish the fact that I have been a sprint costumer since 2005. Ive also loved my sprint service as well as my phones over the years...but this last incident has given me cause to jump ship. I just upgraded my phone and plan at the end of last year.,I have a blackberry curve and i am a sprint 'premier' customer. So why should I have to pay a $100 dollar deductible for a replacement phone when my original failed from regular use? I did my research and discovered that many blackberry users suffer from phone malfunction do to humidity. I had my phone in my pocket for a few hours in a humid environment and the trackball and hard keys all malfunction. Instead of sprint just issuing me a new phone and refurbishing the broken one I have to come out of my pocket for the sake of a poorly tested and obviously flawed blackberry. Like I established earlier I have never had an issue like this with my older phones and my previous years experiences with repairs has never cost... Read more

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    Sat Aug 28 2010

    Worst decision I have ever made, they waited till I had been with them 60days before totally screwing me at every opportunity. Wish there was some way I could end my contract, I almost payed out the 250$ contract termination fee just to never have to give them money again. In hind site I should have when they first starting screwing me around. In the long run I would have save money by now in hidden fees, them changing my plan without telling me and other charges that my wife and I have come to call Sprint "screw you" fees that just seem to appear on every bill. Forget about ever talking to anyone articulate or who can communicate anything to you from their customer service department. It would be more clear if they put a barking dog at the other end of the phone. If you do not have Sprint as a career go anywhere else or don't sign a contract. If you are as unfortunate as myself, then you have pity and I hope your contract is up sooner than mine.

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    Tue Aug 24 2010

    Sprint will intentionally ruin your life & then laugh at you.

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    Wed Aug 18 2010

    I am a new Sprint customer. I switched from T-Mobile (which I loved!). I did this simply because T-Mobile can't seem to keep up with technology when it comes to new cell phones. I bought the HTC Evo before the Iphone 4 came out. Previously, I had Iphones unlocked to use with T-Mobile. Thankfully with antenna issues...I did not get one (though still a great phone...AT&T is the worst). Sprint offers $69 unlimited (more a less). Not a bad deal. I don't go over at all but after taxes and hidden charges, my bill consistently is over $100. Keep in mind, I have not gone over mins at all. $10 Premium data (for 4G coverage that I cannot get in my area) $5 Surcharge which they cannot explain $5 For minute limitation (essentially if they can't auto-draft your payment...you have to pay this) That takes us up to $89 per month. Add another $20 for taxes including state AND city tax?!? Total: $109 per month. This is NOT unlimited minutes...just cell to cell plus awesome 4G that I cannot use. N... Read more

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    Fri Jul 30 2010

    Worst customer service experience of my life!! I can't think of another time when I've ever written a review but I'm so furious that I felt I needed to make others aware of my poor service. I had a brief stint with Sprint (less than 30 days) just before the iPhone 4 was released. According to their policy, any phone can be returned for a FULL refund within 30 days. Corporate is stating that their records indicate that I returned AFTER 30 days, which is completely false (but who saves receipts?). They want me to drive to the Sprint store to rectify THEIR error or else they're sending me to collections for $180! No if ands or buts. By the way, my credit card statement with the purchase and refund date is not sufficient. I spoke with 2 supervisors!! I've made several attempts to contact the the store via telephone but I get caught in an endless loop of "we're sorry our agents are busy helping customers in the store...". It seems I have no other option other than to drive to the store (... Read more

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    Fri Jul 30 2010

    To whom it may concern: I have been a sprint customer for about 6 years, and I absolutely cannot wait to terminate the relationship. I will spare you as many of the details as possible. Suffice it to say, over the years the service has been low average at best, and very disjointed. Each time a simple situation would arise, (activating a new phone, purchasing an upgraded phone, swapping out a phone, getting a return envelope), it required hours and hours of dealing with Sprint employees, many of which are unfriendly and inefficient. There is no synergy between departments and I never felt any true concern from any rep or supervisor or tech that I have dealt with. I actually get a little sick to my stomach when I know I have to call and deal with Sprint for any reason, I push it off until the last possible moment because it is always so unpleasant; you have to be ugly in order to get the help you deserve. Here are some of the issues we have dealt with over the duration: ● Sprint send... Read more

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    Tue Jul 27 2010

    Sprint is the worse! I have been with Sprint for a long time and the past year has been the worse yet. I have the all data plan but the internet is unreliable. The sprint navigation is a joke. Never has signal. I have been to the sprint store, over the phone and I can never get a straight answer for a fix. Every time I call sprint with the same issue, I get a different story for solutions. I have been lied to so many times, I think they say whatever just to get u off the phone. I do not recommend sprint at all. Not sure that I will wait for contract to be over I rather pay to get out than keep dealing with a bunch liars!!!

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    Mon Jul 26 2010

    If you are looking for cell phone service, I would suggest you keep looking. This company, despite the friendly marketing, is not on the up-and-up. When they billed me by mail, the bill would come late, or not at all, and a late charge would be added to the next bill. Thinking that paying on their site would help, I went there and found that that site page was down. If you call, it's a recorded message, and very difficult to ask questions about the bill. My bill was, many times, double what was advertised. I finally went to a store where I waited for twenty minutes for someone to assist me. Finally I got an itemized bill. THEY CHARGE YOU EVERY TIME YOU TOUCH THE PHONE. These additional charges were jacking up the bill double or triple (I am not even a big phone user.) If you pay on time, you give up the right to challenge any charge. If you wait until you can get to a store to get an itemized bill, you will be charged a late fee. I am happily going back to T-Mobile.

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    Thu Jul 15 2010

    Sprint is the worst carrier i have ever had. The customer service is horrible. I have been on the phone for them for about an hour and all they have done is transferred me to different departments. I had a question about getting an early upgrade . I called customer service and they transferred me to the upgrade department, got to the upgrade department then they transferred me to the customer service department when i just got off the phone with customer service!!. I had the everything data 1500 plan for 129.99 and i have 3 lines. They charge me 19.99 per line and 2 lines arent even in use!!. I got tired of sprint and decided to switch to verizon and get the droid x. So far i love verizon's service. The customer service representatives help me with everything and they are nice. If you are thinking about switching to sprint DO NOT SWITCH TO SPRINT. HORRIBLE CELL PHONE SERVICE I HAVE EVER HAD.

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    Sat Jul 10 2010

    Sprint has been such a disappointment. Customer Service is very unprofessional especially from the Stores. When I first got this service my name was mis-spelled, never corrected even after I asked them to correct it. The employees at the stores are very unprofessional and lie about the service they took off your bill to help lower your balance. You still get billed for services that are supposed to be removed. Recently, I paid my bill before the due date. I received a text my service will be disconnected. I contacted customer service and the Rep tells me my payment will not received until 7 days. That is very untrue! It does not take 7 days to mail out a letter or bill to LA.. As soon as I get settled into my new job. There is no way I keeping Sprint!

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    Tue Jul 06 2010

    I want to say that the people I spoke with /t/ 4:30 PM on 07/06/10 were the rudest people that I have ever spoken to. I had explained that I was in a financial hardship and that I get my pay check on 07/08/10 and was going to pay the June bill. I understand that the payment is late, and I apologize for the delay, it has been a hard month financially. The agent did not have a willingness to help at all, and the supervisor laughed at me and insulted my intelligence. She showed no empathy and absolutely no courtesy. I work in customer service and there are certain ways to treat people. When someone advises of a hardship you look into solutions. I ended up making a partial payment until I get my check on an emergency credit card. I had to ask for a solution. Not once did she try to offer one. At the end of the call she refused to give me her full name or any identifying information. Her first name is Lorraine. when you run a company, you depend on new business and growth to keep it go... Read more

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    Fri Jul 02 2010

    Me and wife and mother in law we have sprint since last 4 years(family plan)... i updated my Phone to HTC Touch pro thinking that it would be a better phone but... No... they started charging me on Data while i did not use a single bite... i called 3 times to sprint customer care and found out that HTC system update GPS and some other processes refreshes automatically and look for new updates, thats why i m being charged for that thing... i asked them i dont wana get any data from sprint is there any way to stop... they said ok we going to stop. but next bill came same again... i called again and spend about 1 hour with them holding and finally its ended in big argument with them. i managed my HTC to stop going on internet automatically. then sprint started charging me really high prices on text and "unknown calls" so the bill amount was the same as before " they would find another way to rip you off... dont worry". Now i waiting for my contract to go up... one phone's contract went up... Read more

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    Fri Jul 02 2010

    Horrible company.. Fought with people on the phone and in store so much for the 2 years I've been a customer. They charged me data usage for months without me or my family knowing and back-dated our service charges for only 2-3 months. (wonder how much they stole?) Been through 4 LG Rumor phones. Would never upgrade me even if I asked them if I could pay the upgrade price because I hate that phone so much. Bad reception. Bad everything. Watched the manager scam 2 people with a touch screen phone the other day while in the store. They came in as I was waiting for my phone to be "repaired" yet again.. The manager told the 2 people who came in at different times that they both had "corrosion on their battery" which was their problem? How the hell does that make their touch screen phone stop working? Oh, and of course, this fix wasn't under their insurance plan so they were screwed out of the 300 bucks they spent on the phone. Watched the poor bastards become as furious as I have been with... Read more

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    Hi,Let me take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Kenneth Page and I am the admin of http://www.online-bg.net/ , nice to meet you.I just visited http://www.rateitall.com/ and I found it very compatible with my current ongoing projects.I have a selection of quality websites that I can offer you a link exchange with. I have number of ways to help your website get better search results.I hope my E-mail is in your interest and I will be glad to send you more details about my offer as I am sure our collaboration will gain positive results.Kenneth Page,http://www.online-bg.net

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    Fri Jun 25 2010

    Have you ever went through an over limit balance??? I did. Besides being a good customer and paying my bills on time, SPRINT suspended my calls, not just that, all my calls were redirected to customer service. Even tough my billing cycle was 3 weeks from now, they did all this selfish mambo jumbo to force me to pay. I am not going to make this review longer than already is. SPRINT I hate your "service" and I hate you UGLY CELLPHONES. I am a real customer (915)440-1511 and I am switching asap to a new company. I am thinking to get the new iPHONE 4.

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    Mon Jun 21 2010

    I have been with so many different carriers. I switched to Sprint to get a new Blackberry for free during a sale last summer. I can honestly say I have not been happier. I have the unlimited plan with Blackberry access and the insurance for the phone. My bill is consistent month to month. When I go into the Sprint Store everyone is more than helpful. The first week I had my BB there was a problem with the charging contact in the phone. We spent about 30 minutes finding a charger that would work and the sale's associate was so gracious about it. She even offered to replace the phone for free. I declined as I hadn't backed up my contacts yet and didn't want to spend the time to transfer them over. Thanks, Sprint. Haven't been happier.

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    Sat Jun 19 2010

    If there was an option of giving Sprint negative stars, I would. I have never encountered such a sleazy, non-helpful, rip-off of a company. I originally signed up for Sprint service in April - despite the fact that I had heard such negative reviews. The only reason - because the person I talk to the most has Sprint, so I figured I could sign up for the minimum minutes plan. Mistake #1. Trust Sprint. I signed up for the minimum plan. My bill - between activation fee and other bogus charges - it went up to $200. Keep in mind - NO CARRIER should charge you for an activation fee when you are signing up for a 2 year plan. Mistake #2. The phone that I got (Samsung Reclaim - the one that is Eco friendly) - started turning off on its own. I checked all the settings - it had nothing to do with that. I went in to the store to complain about it. They ended up telling me that the phone has a lot of problems - so they offered me another one! (ok - why would you not tell me that from the beginnin... Read more

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    Mon Jun 07 2010

    I think the service is great because i get bars everywhere and the unlimited plan is the best plan to get because of how much you get out of it. i also think that whenever i had my verizon plan switched to Sprint i could get the number put onto my sprint phone

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    Thu Jun 03 2010

    I have been a loyal customer of sprint wireless for many years and feel like I have wasted days, possibly weeks of my life dealing with their sad customer service department. Sprint will find any way to try and screw you almost monthly. When you've found you've been screwed, you will call customer service and you will have to fight with them for quite some time. You had better prepare yourself for this call. If you have a friend who is an ultimate fighter train with him. Another important tool to have when dealing with customer service is a mutable head set. Mutable, because you may need to push that button while you are screaming everything you actually want to say to that ever so polite customer service agent. Go out immediately and purchase this head set because without one your ear's may grow callous or start to blister. If you want to avoid all this pain and suffering just STAY AWAY FROM SPRINT!! If you are all ready a sprint customer, I'm so sorry. Make sure you watch y... Read more