Spock - Zachary Quinto

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    Tue May 26 2009

    Quinto did a good job as Spock. At times, I felt he might have been parroting Nimoy a bit too much, but I thought he captured the essence of the character pretty well. And every time I started to think he was too wimpy for the role, his character would get pissed and thrash someone.

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    Tue May 26 2009

    Zachary Quinto impressed me as Spock in the latest Star Trek film, perhaps mainly because I had low expectations for his acting talent. I've seen a few episodes of Heroes and he always struck me as a rather one-dimensional evil character in the role of Silar. As Spock, Quinto conveyed the restraint of an emotional Vulcan/Human in an impressively nuanced way (nuanced is of course a relative term here. It's a summer blockbuster, after all :P). I imagine he benefited greatly from having the mannerisms of Nimoy to study, but I have to give credit where credit is due.