Spider-Man 3
Approval Rate: 79%
Reviews 19
by tusharmji
Thu Jun 16 2011as the spider-man 3 is a animated movie....it cant do that much of profit as other do ...in simple words i taught it as a movie of kids
by mohamedkhamis
Thu Jun 16 2011I liked Spider-man 3! I find it better than the second. The representation of black Spider-Man is fine, and the presence of Venom is pretty faithful to the series and also very well staged. The special effects are flawless and having seen the movies, we can say that I took quite a show! With proper installation should be able to find his feelings at home. In short it is a good film in its genre, better than the Fantastic 4 or Transformers.
by hello4377
Mon Mar 29 2010I loved this one a whole lot much more than the first 2 because: more action ''romance'' and i forgot what else. just wish there werent that much villans.
by sk4u2009
Thu Oct 29 2009I am kind of spiderman'ed out lol...... first one was good, second was ok, I think they need to quit with this one.
by index6a9
Thu Aug 13 2009This is last part of series. Total action,stunts by Peter Parkar. An alien symbiote crashes to Earth and bonds with Peter, influencing his behavior for the worse. When the symbiote is abandoned, it finds refuge in Eddie Brock, a rival photographer, causing Peter to face his greatest challenge. This movie is all about love,friendship. Must watch this final sequence.
by falcnuts
Fri Jul 31 2009Actually most audiances would prefer a Spiderman that doesn't do bizarre, ridiculous dance scenes with the haircut of a 14 year old non-anal virgin.
by suzza_nuzza
Thu Jul 30 2009People only hated this movie because Spiderman was a righteous and forgiving person. Most audiences would rather see Spiderman go around killing hookers and raping old men. But instead he did the right thing and I loved it.
by cesily_kay
Tue Jul 29 2008i LOVE me some spiderman, but this movie was not the best...
by louiethe20th
Mon Jan 21 2008Fair just fair, I liked the other 2 offerings much more.
by zooyork232
Fri Jan 18 2008it was alright......
by xagent
Fri Jan 18 2008Between the death of Venom, the change of heart by Sandman, and Emo Parker I was a little let down by it. I wasn't that big a fan of the other movies, I'd give them about a 4, and this one didn't help.
by donovan
Wed Jan 09 2008A good movie I thought with great special effects. Some of the acting was poor but I still enjoyed the film.
by daibar
Mon Jun 25 2007Terribly mediocre movie. There are several good actions scenes, and the graphics are relatively amazing, but this is not enough to make up for a movie that dragged along. There are several plot holes and cheesiness extreme. Too many plots are tackled together and tacked on, resulting in a mess that will leave both old fans and new fans alike indifferent and wanting more from the movie. Casting is still a mess. Topher Grace as Venom makes Venom weasly as opposed to the powerful intimidating black hulk Venom should be. Sandman was the best man cast, but his acting lacks any emotion or believability, a fault shared by nearly all the cast. Unless you're a fan of action movies and graphics on the big screen, it'd be better to wait until the DVD comes out.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Thu Jun 21 2007Wow, Thilver Thurfers! Does my yawn reveal my lack of fear?
by sfalconer
Thu Jun 21 2007Some thing had to give I guess and it was the script for Spider Man 3. At the end of Spidey 3 I thought for sure we were going to see the Hob Goblin in the next movie. Alas no we get Harry on a knock off of the Silver Surfers board loaded with gadgets. Then Peter Parker turns John Travolta on us and starts dancing in the middle of every thing, nuff said. Excellsior my as&!
by daedalus
Mon May 07 2007This series is tired. Sequels, after the first and sometimes including the first, usually do not live up to the standard of the original movie, let alone the hype surrounding it, and this was no exception. I expect the next Pirates of the blah, blah, blah will be more of the same as well. Save the $9 and buy a good six pack and watch All in the Family reruns.
by pixarfan2007
Mon May 07 2007a 3.5. What a let-down. The action in this film was pretty good, but the movie was mediocre compared to the first two.
by triped
Mon May 07 2007Better than #2 I would say, but yes, good thing they knew what a third movie was for..to end a trilogy off. Not sure about the next 3 in the making, if the stars are going to return (funny if they didn't since this is a huge money maker for them), but would not be surprised if they were replaced with some better actors (go wild casting directors!). The story of Spiderman 3 was relatively-put together well, and themed properly. Along with Power & Responsibility is the Absolutes of Vengeance and Corruption of Identity. Without these messages the storyline would have been flatter than the coke the kid in front of me was shaking in the theatre. Overall, it was an action-packed relief that some of the tried and stretched characters, issues, were put to rest...for now..
by kamylienne
Sat May 05 2007Wasn't as solid as the first nor second ones, but not bad, either. ***Spoiler Warning*** SYNOPSIS: Peter's life is on an up-swing: everyone loves Spiderman, he's thinking about marrying Mary Jane, he's doing well in school. But, MJ's not doing too well in the career field, and the police drop some heavy news on Peter: the guy who killed his uncle is on the loose. Consumed with a need for vengence, and with the aid of some sentient alien goo* that gets on his suit, Peter turns into something altogether different both in real life and in his alter ego. PROS & CONS: CG was still pretty good, though since they're using much more of it there are a few spots where it looks a little less smooth. There's a lot going on with three active antagonists to deal with (well, "four", if you count Peter's own angsty self), so they didn't really have time to focus on anything. The character relationships between Peter, MJ & Harry used to be a little more realistic (well, as realistic as y... Read more