South Korea Reviews | RateItAll

South Korea

Country in East Asia Website

Approval Rate: 59%

59%Approval ratio

Reviews 7

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    Mon Apr 06 2009

    Three stars if you're a soft tourist who wants your ass kissed. Four stars if you really want to tough it out in a place that's challenging. Korea can't compare to the historical value of China - and yes, Koreans are not en masse friendly to foreigners. . .but if you make half an effort to learn some of the language you will have a great time in Korea. But Korea won't make it easy for you. . . Great food, easy public transportation (great trains and solid bus systems connect the cities), and if you're lucky enough to have a friend in the military or the embassy there's always the Army base in Seoul if you need a steak. I'm quite disappointed in a few of the reviews here. Koreans are lifelong and loyal friends once you make the effort. Superficially, they can hold naive opinions but all cultures do that in one form or another.

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    Mon Apr 06 2009

    I've never been, but have worked with and associated numerous emigre South Koreans, and had one in the house as an exchange student several years back. With one exception, they have seemed a pretty fine people. They are hard-headed, stubborn, clannish, strong minded folk with a penchant for enjoying life. P.J. O'Rourke described them as the Irish of Asia. Maybe that's my attraction.

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    Mon Apr 28 2003

    ive never been there but in my school there is about 50% koreans 20% chinese and koreans cant speak english (they move to canada, WHY?) i think canada just passed a law that says you cant speak foreign languages in the schools anymore cuz teachers are telling them not to. but they used to speak gibberish to each other all day and ITS SO ANNOYING. they wont be friends with ANYONE that isn't korean - including the chinese - and they walk around with COREA (yes they spell it that way) shirts stamps whatever. they are so ungrateful, why would you move to a country just to tell everyone yours is better??? HUNDYAI SUCKS !!!!! and the storeowners will give you discounts and sold out items if your korean.

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    Mon Apr 28 2003


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    Thu Apr 03 2003

    Hey amazingmole, an appropiate name since it is amazing that you even come up for air with your back a$$ ideas. South Korea lives on the brink of invasion and/or nuclear attack every day and yet they still have a stong democracy. Maybe amazing should move to North Korea and join his communist pals. Better get a big mac before you leave you may not eat for a while.

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    Sun Mar 23 2003

    Just another poor country that forgot that we saved thier country from the Northern Communists. Over half of them hate us still today, let them fall into North Korea's hands.

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    Sat Feb 01 2003

    I understand why South Korea is angry with the United States. The accidental death of two teenage girls, Winter Olympics, etc. But they forgot about the Korean War. IF these ingrates hate us, I think we should let them deal with the Evil dictator alone. Why should we risk American lives for a country that despise us?