South Carolina 2--Joe Wilson (R)
Approval Rate: 46%
Reviews 50
by jt_arnold
by ricka440
Sun Sep 13 20095 stars Truth to power! Too bad he apologized. The democrats never apologize for insulting our troops, the wise and unhappy citizens trying to remind the legislators who they work for, or the much maligned President Bush, who saw to it that we were kept safe from further attack following 9-11. President Obama is a liar and is was refreshing to hear this fact injected following in the midst of a stream of lies. Only the dopes who worship him are blind to this. Regards, Rick
by pramey
Sun Sep 13 2009The office of the president deserves respect whether or not the person believes in the same goals.
by biscuithead
Sat Sep 12 2009While I do believe he was standing up for what he was thinking, there was no reason whatsoever for him to burst out like that. Even though there was no clear reason for the burst out, at the same time, I can sort of see a little reason for it. Also, healthcare is obviously a big issue right now, so I understand the pressure he was under, and what he was trying to say. I just think that he had something on his mind about what Obama was saying, and I guess he just lost said that when he meant something else. Wilson is a rebublican and Obama is a Democrat, so there could be a few issues there, as well. joe-wilson-obama-healthcare-speech.html
by scotttd
Sat Sep 12 2009The GOP has been busting unions, putting Americans out of work, & promoting illegal immigration for years which is in large part is why health care is unaffordable. Any republican who would do something as foolish as to suggest Obama would give illegal immigrants healthcare, call him a liar, during teh state of the union, after all the the GOP have done to the American people & worker is an abvious liar, politician. That being said, let me make it clear both parties, all politicians have promoted illegal immigration & put US taxpayers out of work while promoting illegal immigration in exchange for campaign finance. To make it all worse, compound the problem, we as individuals unwittingly pay higher premiums which cover the cost of that campaign finance when our representatives are elected, hand over billions to contributors, & tax cuts we aborb. These tax cuts are in large part why the infrastructure is trillions in need of repair & the stimulus is being used to upgrade because our... Read more
by beachfreak101
Sat Sep 12 2009We have all seen that President Obama has spoke many un-truths. Most of the time he has nothing of substance to say, just that his change is good (WRONG!). He needs to be impeached by the people. His election was a fluke and a fraud. I believe Joe Wilson had just heard enough of the President's BS and had to shout out. The people are getting mad and it is his job to tell the administration so. I'd stand side by side with this patriot any day.
by dgbingham
Sat Sep 12 2009This demonstrates how uncivilized and stupid the US population has become. The man should be expelled from Congress period.
by puddingpie
Sat Sep 12 2009Of course, no two people (or parties) are going to agree on everything, but he did not deserve such disrespect. Mr Wilson mentioned the comment was spontaneous, but I don't believe him. No doubt, it was a pre-meditated move in his own political game - just watch where he goes from here (a bit like McCain's attention-grabbing, over-zealous prodding of Rice et al during the WTC inquiry). Finally we have a president who behaves in a level-headed, even-tempered, un-self serving, politically neutral manner, who is wanting to deal with the issues that affect the majority of the good people in this country. And let's not forget, he's left cleaning up the mess of the previous administration at the same time. Let's pray he succeeds in affecting positive change for the good people of America. He was voted by the American public and deserves respect and perhaps a little bit of faith, even from those who didn't vote him in. As President Obama said, it's time to stop the bickering and put bi... Read more
by rickytickytapp_y
Sat Sep 12 2009The man is standing up for what is right and not allowing himself to be walked all over. This man set an example that I hope is followed by many others...regardless of side. American government has become such a muted politically correct forum it is near-sickening. While we always get these celebrities speaking out and this mindless collectivism, (plenty of hate for this man right now online on social networking sites like digg/reddit) seldom is there any substance to their arguments. While I respect that Joe apologized for acting out of line in the particular forum, he has made it clear that he does not take BACK what he said. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. Wilson was not the first congressman to heckle a president...first to heckle Obama perhaps, but not the president. See W Bush getting booed by the entire democratic side of the room when he brought up privatizing Social Security. collectivism vs individuality
by belize1262
Sat Sep 12 2009I think it was disgusting this has never happened at a presidential address. Just imagine if the democrats had done this when George Bush was lying to the American people that Sudam had weapons of mass destruction, in which his actions has caused many American lives and is costing us billions each day. That money could have been used for adequate health care for all our citizens. This man should be ousted, he should be made to make a formal apology in the house and it should be televised. I think allot of the actions of the right is not just disagreement on the issues, but is an undercurrent of racism. We need to give the president of the United States some respect even though some on the right want to lynch him. Even though George Bush was our worst president in modern times, the democrats still respected him when he gave speeches and didn't heckle him. This man is a disgrace to our government. He doesn't deserve to have his seat in congress and I hope they do make him stand up in the... Read more
by kersey
Sat Sep 12 2009Joe Wilson is a disgrace to his office. What is wrong with the Republican Party? This country was and is built on healthy debate and defended by the blood of our American military heroes. In front of the entire planet, a single, overly confrontational, ELECTED Republican official – not only attempted to “one up” the leader of the Free World, but also showed a world audience how dysfunctional, ridiculous and self-serving our politicians have become. Last night’s speech was not the time or place for such an insane display and a total lack of better judgment. His immediate departure from the chamber, followed by his poor attempt at an apology proves that. He is an embarrassment to our country.
by vodka2love
Sat Sep 12 2009This guy, Joe Wilson is an utter imbecile. If you disagree and have the facts to substantiate your claim to an absolute rightfulness, then you speak up in a civilized manner, not in the foolish outburst of something like: "You Lie!" This only characterizes the man as an impatient, ill-mannered and plain obnoxious with some clearly underlying issues. In politics as we see nowadays, its not only black and white, and as far as I see it, this man represents the people of the state of South Carolina who voted this moron into the office. This man has effectively finished his career in disgrace while trying to embarrass the President. And it has nothing to do with either Democrats or Republicans alike.
by fitman
Sat Sep 12 2009This - apparently well planned - excercise in hypocrisy was obviously meant to energize the winger troops, get the previously anonymous shouter some desperately needed attention, and perhaps motivate some Obamaphobes to donate to Joe's campaign. UPDATE: Unfortunately, such ridiculous posturing obscures the real reasons we should be extremely wary of Democrats (or Republicans) bearing "gifts". UPDATE: Who lied? UPDATE: People who live in glass houses...
by budbj27b
Sat Sep 12 2009The Honorable Mr Wilson is a patriot
by numbah16tdhaha
Sat Sep 12 2009He's got about as much tact as my right testicle (he's the rude one of the two), but hey, he was accurate. Obama has been sugar coating turds and selling us brownies. Maybe his comment was totally out of place and all that, but so have alot of the droppings from the mouth of politicians. This is nothing new.
by txsearcher01
Sat Sep 12 2009He should have been sent to his time out chair.
by jessica_benton
Sat Sep 12 2009The lack of respect on Joe Wilson's part is obvious. When the republicans were in charge you never saw democrats disrespect him in this way. It is at the fault of the republicans that our country is crashing the way it is. I feel Obama has made good change and I support him completely. Besides, during 08 I lost a large percentage of my 401K. And for the last 2 quarters alone I have gained 20% each quarter. I say change is GOOD!
by frozenclover
Sat Sep 12 2009Finally someone has the courage to stand up and call a spade a spade. Obama is a liar and always has been. Rep. Wilson spoke the truth. Obama wants to create a nation where an outburst like that would result in jail or worse. Let's not allow him to get his way. Let's all stand up for the truth like Rep. Wilson did and not back down and allow Barak Hussein Obama to spit in the faces of our forefathers who created a free nation.
by alchemywoman
Sat Sep 12 2009While I agree that politics is politics, and boorish behavior can be found on both sides, I have yet to find a record of any place or time where President Obama himself has behaved in such a rude manner toward anyone, even during his campaigns when he could so easily have stooped to that level several times over. Whether his opinions are right or wrong, or he made a mistake, surely our President deserves the same level of respect and forgiveness he so consistently bestows upon others?
by docsamh
Sat Sep 12 2009Thank you Joe Wilson! Obama is a liar! If we don't stop this out of control Democratic Party, Socialism will be the result! Pelosi is an idiot. The "HealthCare Reform Bill", in it's current state, will have us all supporting people who are not even U.S. citizens that have never paid a nickel in taxes or social security. And they've (Congress) even exempted themselves from having to use this system they're trying to shove down the American peoples' throats! Impeach the whole lot of them and send them to Mexico.
by paul_macaluso
Sat Sep 12 2009The sign of the times is in how only one representative shows himself accountable, to stand up against a tyrant. Liberals hate it when challenged, even though they are mentally challenged. The new racist leader has shown nothing but dis stain for America like any liberal who espouses the same views. This is why Democrats vehemently support him: they both hate America and what it stands for. Go Joe! Liberals will never have the guts to do what you did, as democrats are nothing but dependents, and are clueless when it comes to defending principles.
by ambiente
Sat Sep 12 2009Typical modern Republican. No ideas just anger and rudeness. We have real work to do. We've all helped cause this mess with healthcare and the economy. Who has ideas to fix it? The Republicans take no responsibility for helping cause this and they have no ideas on how to fix it other than just let the market fix it. It's like when they told us everything was great in Iraq and that people who didn't think so were not real Americans. We kept pushing and discovered that the war was not going well and there was a better way. Good thing we didn't listen to the do nothing party.
by milret1951
Fri Sep 11 2009This wasn't even a "State of the Union" address as required by the US Constitution. It was solely by request from Pres. Obama. Hey, if you request to come speak at my house and you start repeating a laundry list of lies, I too will call you a liar. All the times Pres. Bush got heckled by dozens of Dems, there was never an outcry for appologies. And, there weren't any appologies either. And, Dems continuously sponsored members from various extreme organizations to come in and heckle Pres. Bush. Never any appologies nor any reprimands on Dems who were responsible for that. Again, the same old DOUBLE STANDARD...Dems are without SIN! Hooray for Wilson!
by av8er348
Fri Sep 11 2009Joe said what I was shouting at the TV at the same time, "YOU LIE". God bless Joe
by phidelt540
Fri Sep 11 2009About time the truth was told in congress, rather than just thinking something. Tell the truth, you bunch of hypocrites!
by dgordon
Fri Sep 11 2009Joe is the Man! Government is not able to run any business, and the attempt to take-over healthcare should certainly get a rise out of anyone with an ounce of passion....
by intelligentfan
Fri Sep 11 2009Wilson should be censured for his inappropriate behavior. I find it hard to believe that the state of South Carolina cannot do better than send this right-wing nut job to represent them!
by termlimits
Fri Sep 11 2009Joe Wilson simply stated an opinion. Albeit the truth, that shouldn't matter. We should be able to disagree with our politicians without them whining about it and creating a distraction from the real issues.
by yescop
Fri Sep 11 2009So the Main Stream Media and the Liberals in Hollywood and Democrats, like Harry Reid call Bush a Liar, and we just have to suck it up. They scream Freedom of Speech!!! But poor Wilson calls Oshama a Liar and the World comes to an End....Hahahahahahah!!
by thejoker
Fri Sep 11 2009Congressman Wilson only did to Prez Obama what the democRats did repeatedly to Prez Bush during his presidency. I can't count the numbers of times I heard democRats booing President Bush. Bravo to Congressman Wilson! And anything that a Republican does to give that nit wit Nasty Pelosi heartburn is only a good thing!
by edt4226d
Fri Sep 11 2009FoxNews (I'm trying to keep a straight face as I type the word "News" alongside "Fox") is already preparing a spot for him as a regular "talking head" (how about just "head"?) alongside Karl Rove, token Juan Williams, and that buck-toothed gal (her name rhymes with "Spam") with the incendiary wingnut website. Maybe they'll add Joe the Plumber to the panel just to keep it "real"; wouldn't want it to get too "intellectual". In time, he'll have a show of his own, just like Huckabee. And...while I'm aware of the constant whining of neo-con wingnuts that the "race card" gets played in any criticism about them and their execrable tactics...does anyone really believe that this hack Wilson would have acted in so uncivil and boorish a manner if Obama had been white?
by osagepony
Fri Sep 11 2009Joe is a shitty average white man from klan land. He will be loved by the biggots and ultra right uptight as the bit parter who threw his shoes at the Pres...dif' being this bozo is on "our" side...the Iraqi shoe tosser got out of the brig today, hailed as a hero...the "you lie" hurler has his foot in his mouth, shoe on...Joe will be phased out from the groups "snickering support" as a cracker too strange to hang with or be seen around.
by gris2575
Fri Sep 11 2009Not sure how to Rate this. I missed Obama's speech so I didn't hear it when Wilson called Obama a Liar on the floor. Nevertheless, when I heard about it, I admit to Laughing out loud. I think more politicians should call each names in Session. It would make the Whole mess infinitely more Entertaining.
by lena7358
Fri Sep 11 2009From a fundraising perspective...well-played, sir. Rather profitable 2-word outburst, I suspect.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Fri Sep 11 2009Made a rude remark that'll probably be largely forgotten in 6 months. A hero for those poor forgotten, oppressed, middle America types who have, you know, been getting fucked over for such a long, long, long time.
by callitdownthel_ine75
Fri Sep 11 2009For the record, though I totally disagree with what President Obama has to say on the health care issue (and most everything else), I personally do think that Joe Wilson was disrespectful and out of line for shouting "You lie!" to him during his live address to Congress. Free speech or not, it was simply inappropriate at that moment, and he could have been far more tactful in showing his disagreement with the President than what he showed last night. With that being said, he is not the first person of any political persuasion to accost a President on any level (or to be boorish in behavior). A fairly recent example was when then-recently elected Senator from Virginia, Jim Webb, had what amounted to a verbal confrontation with then-President George W. Bush about his son (and then admitting he wanted to slug him). And how about the shoe-throwing Iraqi journalist with the bad aim towards Bush? Wilson's actions were clearly not smart, but like Wiseguy and a few reviewers have said on thi... Read more
by wiseguy
Fri Sep 11 2009Joe just called a spade a spade. I wish it would happen more often. The look on Pelosi's face was priceless. Update: Bush got heckled giving his State of the Unions. I’m sure most of you remember Harry Reid calling Bush a loser in front of school kids, now that was a great forum. DC is full of liars and thefts who don’t give a flying shit about you and me, so excuse me if I don't give a fuck about them. No new low was reached, far from it in fact.
by beres6b4
Fri Sep 11 2009Not surprised seeing as how SC still flies the confederate flag over their state capital building. What I hate about racists is that they never stand up for their beliefs. If you hate the man cause he's black, say so and stop hiding behind a bunch of BS rhetoric.
by evergrowing
Fri Sep 11 2009Libs/democrats sure felt free to boo Bush in the past. He shouldn't apologize for expressing what so many Americans truly believe!
by chuckm4689
Fri Sep 11 2009I don't understand the problem. Obama has been lying eversince he started on the campaign trail. He said he did not know the Gov of Illinois and pictures have proved he is a liar. He will not provide a birth certificate because then everyone will know he is a liar. He said he would not go after our guns, he has several of his cabinet proposing all kinds of laws to take them away... He keeps saying the health plan will not cover illegals but he will not say where in the plan it says that. Omama is a liar of the worst type. He told the country this is the greatest country in the world now help me change it. Well he sure is. At the rate he is going the country will be BANKRUPT by the end of his term and then his muslem pals can just walk in and take over. He wants to close gitmo, but he can't find anyone that will take the prisoners. What does that tell you... With all the tea parties all over the country and the protests of the American public why can't those idiots in DC un... Read more
by pbeaird
Fri Sep 11 2009Joe Wilson was giving voice to the suppressed American sense of life, which is eloquent outcry against the imposition of economic dictatorship. The Tea Party colonists were not being polite when they dumped the King George's tea into Boston Harbor. When Obomba has already dictated salaries and bonuses to financiers, bankers and auto makers, one dioesn't need details about the Socialized Medicine Bill. But, notice that Joe spoke out in the name of a moral principle, truth. By the way, he was correct. To say you don't intend to give free medical care to illegal immigrants and then refuse to implement any plan for detecting who is and who is not a citizen, proclaiming a desired effect while refusing the means necessary to achieve it, is hypocrisy and deserves to be told, "You lie!" Good man, Joe. I only wish more in Congress had your courage.
by bartleby
Fri Sep 11 2009Shame on Wilson and the Republicans who have continually lowered the bar on reasonable discourse. The disingenuous outcry voiced by those bussed in for town-hall meetings by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies (who have the most to lose) has threatened to turn a discussion over what is best for the American People into an argument. Wilson's outburst was just the illogical result. If he didn't have the maturity or impulse control to keep a civil tongue in his head, then Joe Wilson is unfit for office. Similarly, if he really "believed" that the President was lying -- when the facts indicate otherwise -- then he is a fool and still is unfit for public office. He (and those like him) don't deserve the trust of the American people.
by genghisthehun
Fri Sep 11 2009Bush won 60% of the vote in this district in 2004. Wilson won a special election in 2001 to fill a vacancy and has easily won since. He was born in 1947 and is Presbyterian.
by nightworker
Fri Sep 11 2009He was only telling the truth. Barack Hussein Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Its the same old double standard - democrats: politicians, hollyweird types, financial moguls (read:"Soros") can smear, demean and just plain lie about republicans and they get a free pass. Let a republican call out a lying dem and he gets crucified. Besides, calling a politician a liar? Outrageous! We all know that politician's NEVER lie!
by ron65263
Fri Sep 11 2009As a conservative in Missouri, I don't see the big deal. There has been name calling through the years from both sides. Maybe Joe was a little stressed at the moment. Osama Bama is a liar, he's just a puppet of Nazi Pelosi. We need more like Joe representing us. Has Osama Bama even shown his birth certificate?
by chalky
Thu Sep 10 2009Wilson said 'you lie' to Obama because Wilson just couldn't believe it when Obama told him earlier in the night that Mark Sanford wouldn't be taking Wilson on his next international vacation.
by victor83
Thu Sep 10 2009Bravo for Joe Wilson. He told the truth. Obama lied. Obama owes an apology to the nation.
by abichara
Thu Sep 10 2009What's the big deal with all the controversy over Wilson's "you lie" comment aimed Obama during his speech last night? On Sunday nights, C-SPAN runs the British Parliament's "Question Time". I'm personally fascinated by their system of government. The British PM is subjected on a weekly basis to questions by every member of Parliament, regardless of party. He fields all takers, and is even heckled by the opposition over answers they don't agree with. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. People have a right in Western government's to voice their concerns. Wilson disagreed with Obama publicly and Pelosi and the rest of the choir get all upset about it. What, people are no longer allowed to voice their opposition to the President? I'd love to see how some of our politicians would respond to free-wheeling weekly question and answer sessions. Given Pelosi's indignant response to Wilson's comment, I'd guess not too well! Some of these people need to get over themselves... Read more
by irishgit
Thu Sep 10 2009So all this fuss is because Wilson yells "You Lie" at Obama? This doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Coming from Canada, with the parliamentary tradition where members yell abuse at each other every day, this is pretty small beer. Granted that "lie" would call for apology, whereas "ignorant cocksucker" would not. And you folks south of 49 think politics is dull up here....
by canadasucks
Thu Sep 10 2009Rednecks can't help their genetic predisposition to yell at those with both higher education and different views. The poor lad couldn't help himself. Mercy!